By anhel26

571 48 4

Tati is all grown up and her own woman. Tabloids refer to her as the ice princess because they think she is c... More

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28 2 0
By anhel26

Dimitri sat in the medical examiner's office listening intently to what the forensic anthropologist had to say. " I had to soak them in water and peroxide in order to clean them. I separated them and observed each bone as there was nothing left for me to study in regards to the flesh. As you can see victim A who I assume was Dante, was stabbed on his spinal cord, this action might have been the first in order to render him incapacitated. As you can see the herniated disk was broken which might have caused numbness then eventually paralysis."

" Could you please tell me in lay man's terms what a herniated disc is? I don't understand this medical terms."

" Discs often act as shock absorbers for the spinal cord. Without them the bones can rubbed against each other causing an immense amount of pain. The effect on this damage alone could only have caused paralysis but he could have lived. The cut in his throat severed the carotid artery which led to instant death which is basically what the coroner determined earlier. His death was done in rage. He was stabbed severally breaking most of his ribs in the process."

" Why wasn't all this in the initial report? So much was missed," Dimitri pointed out already dreading how he was going to pass the message to Tati. Though she had showed him that she was strong, this was going to destroy her in one way or another.

" I think the initial report focused on Cyril because he was the son of an ambassador. Plus the case was being rushed so that someone would be convicted, unfortunately the conviction never took place and some of these things never came to light.

" It's just sad that this young man's autopsy wasn't considered as much. He might have come from the poor side of the tracks, but he deserved justice too."

" Victim number two was a different case, he began as they moved towards the other table of bones. After a thorough analysis of his bones, I conclude that he was stabbed while sitting. He was however strangled first because his hyoid bone was fractured. The stabbing came afterwards.

His stab wounds were in a downward pattern on his bones. A clear indication that he was seated and the stabbing was done out of rage. The only thing I can point out is that both this victims might have known who there attacker was because they were very close to them. This was a two man job. From the report given by the Corona they died at the same time. But their death was very painful.

" Anything else you found maybe in their finger nails? He asked curiously.

"There was a degraded sample in victim two's stab wounds. I have send it for analysis. Will get back to you as soon as possible. I don't know about how you got this into your lap, but you ought to be careful. This case had so much publicity to it. Someone tried so much to hide what happened to this two. It definitely goes without saying that however was involved was a pro.

" We pulled the car from the impound lot and it didn't have anything usable. No DNA no prints, it was wiped clean even from the victims prints which could have been in the vehicle since it belonged to them. However, when something comes up, you will be the first to know.

" Keep me posted. I will be sending someone to keep an eye on you. No need denying because as you said this case received so much publicity. I can't risk having you killed before we find out what is really going on. Remember all this should be very private and all communications shouldn't leave a digital print. I will be sending my hacker later on in the day to wipe everything clean. We don't want anyone following us around and destroying this case before we even begin."

Dimitri shook hands with the forensic anthropologist before he left using the back door as he had come in. He was worried about how he was going to start the conversation with Tati. He knew that it was going to be a very long painful conversation. He pulled out his phone and gave her details of there meeting later that day. He checked his watch and realised he was late for a meeting with some new investors. Normally he would have given one of his men the assignment to meet with the anthropologist for the details but for some reason unbeknownst to him, he wanted to do everything by himself. In some sough of way, he wanted to please Tati and he didn't know why.

Tati sat in her office looking through her email when she came across a conspicuous envelope addressed to her. She shook it for a while before deciding to open it. In it were pictures that scared her to death. They were pictures of her everywhere. She found a note inside that read:

I have my eyes everywhere. I see you even when you don't want to be seen. You will be mine soon and the whole world will know who I am. You and I were meant to be.

Tati was slowly beginning to realise she had a stalker. This was her third unknown letter but the only one that had pictures of her. She hadn't told anyone but she was quickly losing it with the letters that kept coming. She quickly returned the photos into the envelop and put it it in her purse. She sent her family members a group message to convene a meeting immediately. She was tired of the cat and mouse games already.

She was just standing up to get her coffee when she heard her secretary shout to someone not to get into her office. She loudly groaned when the door flew open and in walked in Bonifazio.

" What are you doing here? She asked with an attitude.

" I came to see you. You aren't picking my calls and I demand to talk to you this very minute," he shouted sitting.

" Wow, you got some dumb guts Bonifazio. You and I aren't an item remember. You walked out on me. Put it out there that I was an abusive girlfriend. Now play tell me Mr what specifically do you want from me.

" I said those things about you but if you had picked your calls, you would have known that I was trying to apologize to you. Couples fight all the time, but they forgive each other and move on.

" Couples? We aren't a couple you narsassitic son of a bitch. You and I are done. It's been months since you publicised to the whole country that I was abusive, mental and even my sexuality was to be questioned. As long as I know, you and I are dead to each other.

" I will not... Bonifazio began before Sacha walked into her office with a bouquet of flowers.

" Hey babe, am sorry am late. Are you ready to go? He asked ignoring the fact that Bonifazio was there glaring at him.

Tati who had been confused at first decided to play along when Sacha hugged her and whispered it was ok.

" Ohh, you are going to pay for making me wait you know," she replied playing along. But even as Sacha hugged her, he noticed how she was trembling.

" Hey, you can't just walk in here and hug my girlfriend like that. We are in the middle of a conversation here and it will do you good to wait until we are done. Now leave," Bonifazio demanded standing up. He didn't like the fact that Tati wasn't willing to take him back and yet she was lovey dovey with someone else already. As far as he was concerned she was his and he would make sure of that.

" Look man, am sorry but this is my girlfriend. You already left her by announcing it publicly. So as far as am concerned she is no one's girlfriend. Get your damn ass out of her office before I call the police for trespassing.

If someone could see smoke, then they could probably see it leaving Bonifazio's ears because he was fuming in anger. " Mark my words Tati, it's not over between us. I had you ones and I will have you again. You and I were meant to be. You can't hold my lapse of judgement over my head for the rest of our lives. Remember, you and I were meant to be. And I will get anyone out of my way just to be with you," he said the last statement looking at Sacha who just smiled sheepishly.

As soon as he walked out Tati quickly ran and closed her door. Still shaking she sat on the only couch in her office.

" For the first time I am scared of what will happen," she said breathing fast.

Sacha quickly placed the bouquet on her table and rushed to her side. He knelt In front of her and pulled her into a hug. " It's going to be fine, he will be dealt with. You will see," he whispered holding tightly onto her.

" Thank you, thank you so much. I wasn't aware we were supposed to meet though," she said after they separated.

" I wasn't aware too. But, I received a call from my videographer and he needs us to go see him. Something about the practice shoot and what not."

" Ohh, I thought we have up to a month to plan all this," she said.

" Well, sometimes things move faster than anticipated but if you want till end month, then I can make everyone wait.

" You can't do that, everyone is waiting on you to make the final decision. I think I have heard enough of this day. We can go now. I will just have to release my secretary and lock up before we leave. Can you wait till am done?.

" Off course, it's the least I can do after I ambushed you. Take all your time.

Ones Tati walked out, Sacha stood up and started admiring the wedding decoration samples that hang on the wall. He looked at the wedding album and decided to check it out. When he went to pick it up, he noticed that her handbag which had toppled over when Bonifazio bang her table had something's knocked out. He saw the note peeking from the envelope and found his curiosity get the better of him.

He picked it up and read it without thinking. He was highly concentrated he didn't hear Tati walk back. " Has anyone ever told you that snooping is bad," he heard her say.

He was startled making him feel guilty. " I am so sorry, it was peeking out of the envelope and I got curious. I am really sorry." When Tati didn't say anything he became uncomfortable. " I think I will excuse myself and come back later."

" No it's ok, am just going through so much right now. How do you deal with it. I know we both have different kinds of  fans but your fan base is huge. How do you deal with overzealous fans. I think that is from a fan. It gives me an unsettling feeling that they have been following me around which scares the bejesus out of me. And to add to my problems, Bonifazio is here claiming how he wants us to get back like we were just separated."

" I have heard a diabolical experience with an overzealous fan. I had just met my then girlfriend Modena, we had been seeing each other for almost three months. I started getting threatening letters, photos that had her head removed, sometimes her limbs had been cut. She and I just decided to ignore it at first. The more were seen together the more they flooded my emails. I didn't even know how they got my information.

Next thing I knew, Modena and I come home from a trip. We are drank as skanks so we didn't check anything just entered the house. In the middle of the living room stood a lady naked. Before I could comprehend what was going on. She says," welcome home honey.'

" In her right hand was a knife and in her left a small handgun. She points the gun at Modena and shoots. I stood there shocked at first. My instincts were to run to Modena's side but she had the gun pointed at me too. Luckily my bodyguards heard the shot and ran to the house. The disarmed her and quickly called the police. She died on her way to the hospital. Luckily, Modena didn't sustain any life threatening injuries.

However, after the incident, her family told me in not so many words that I couldn't see there daughter anymore. I loved her so much, but even I knew I couldn't forgive myself after the incident. Nowadays I check and countercheck everything that comes to my mail. If I get an overzealous fan I hire a private Investigator so that it doesn't escalate."

" That's no way to live. We are all entitled to a certain way of life. I can't imagine that someone takes that away because maybe they are sick or just sociopaths."

" Believe me I understand a thing or two about stalkers. My advice to you is to tell someone about it and find out who as soon as possible. Some of these people create a fantasy in there heads believing that maybe you are in a relationship with them. I want you to be very careful. Your life and the lives of those around you might depend on it."

" I don't think I will manage to come with you to see your videographer. Is it ok if I rescheduled for tomorrow so that I can rush home and see my family? I think this matters precedes all."

" My videographer is anal about certain matters. But am sure he can make an exception. I will handle him. You handle this. After all there can't be a video without you."

"Thanks Sacha, for everything. Thank you again for giving me this chance and for coming in when you did. I don't think I could have handled Boni by myself."

" I think he is unhinged. I want you to promise me that you will be careful. Watch out for the stalker and for Bonifazio. He will come back you know."

" I do, and I will be waiting for him, she replied keeping away items as she prepared to close up.

"Just be careful, " he said before pulling her into a tight hug. They then walked out together after she locked all her office doors. She walked to the garage with Sacha chatting animatedly. No one noticed the guy in the hoodie who stood few meters away fuming in anger at there closeness. He rubbed his face furiously. How dare she find someone else who wasn't him. She needed to be punished for being a slut for that stupid Sacha.

" Hey honey, come see who finally remembered we exist," Hugo shouted as he opened the door for Tati. She smiled lovingly at him before he pulled her into a tight hug.

"Hey baby, he said still holding onto her."

" Hey daddy," I missed you," she said letting him go.

" Then you should have picked up the phone and called me," he chastised playfully.

" I know. But I also know that I was coming over. I love you daddy," she said out of nowhere.

" I love you too baby," he said searching her eyes. He could see that she was tired. He wanted to ask her if she was ok when Alexey shouted from the living room.

" Hey, why are you hoarding my princess. Let her come say hallo to her favourite dad."

Hugo groaned and rolled his eyes making Tati laugh in the process. " I know you rolled your eyes at me. One of these fine days am going to pluck them out.

" She is coming, needed to give a favourite favourite daddy a hug first," Hugo answered back.

They immediately started bickering which made her ignore them even as she walked to the living room. All her uncles were already seated. Her brother Danila was watching the twins as they built Legos.

" Hey baby, you look so tired. What's going on," Alexey asked ever one not to remain silent.

" We will talk after dinner. Mum will kill me if I start now. You know how she gets when we get into serious discussions before dinner."

" Ok then, I will let it go. Say hi to your uncles and find your mother and aunts in the kitchen," he said giving up. He didn't want to push but he knew something was terribly wrong.

Thirty minutes later and dinner was done. Everyone walked to the table that had been set by the men. It was traditional that the men set the table when the women cooked and vice versa.

Annie sat next to the children slapping on a container of ice cream. " Honey, don't you think you need to eat first? Isidro asked.

" No, am fine, besides I just ate while we were cooking. I like the ice cream better because that is what am craving.

" With pickles? He asked concerned.

" What bean wants, he gets. Now leave me alone and enjoy your food.

Isidro just shook his head and went back to eating his food. Annie was three months pregnant and seemed to be getting tasty each time. She was particularly mad at him for getting her pregnant again after less that nine months after they had their second child. But he liked that his family was growing. She didn't mind either just wanted space in between.

" Princess, you need to stop playing around with your food and eat something," Alexey said drawing attention to Tati who sighed and just nodded half heartedly.

" Ok, I think I will break the rules today. What's going on with my baby? Dee asked moving from her chair to stand besides her. The moment she stood next to her, Tati hugged her and wouldn't stop crying. The table went silent and Amy took the children to the playroom. Danila didn't want to go at first because he was close to his sister and never wanted to see her cry. But Amy urged him to go and that they would know what was going on soon.

" There, there sweetheart. Let it all out," Dee soothed her.

After a while, Tati started talking and she wouldn't stop. For the first time she told them about Bonifazio. She didn't regret the looks that everyone had on the table and promises that they would break his legs. After she started talking she couldn't stop and went to get the letters she had been getting.

" How long have you been getting this? Uncle Milo asked as he went through the cut outs.

" Maybe a month ago. At first I thought it was just some fan and I didn't pay attention to it. I used to get a letter a day, then suddenly they became two letters a week then every day of the week. It was just letters. Today however, they sent me a letter and photos of me almost everywhere even entering my apartment building. And also Bonifazio came to the office demanding I talk to him and we get back together."

" I am going to break his legs," uncle Chase said. " Who is with me? He asked and all the males in the dining lifted there hands.

" No need for violence," Dee chastised. " That man will never come close to you. You are all going to make sure of that without breaking anyone's legs. But you can convince him beyond reasonable doubt that he might lose his legs if he doesn't leave my baby alone."

Everyone nodded in agreement. " Now back to the stalker. What can we do? She asked Milo who was good with security.

" I will be taking the papers to check if there are any prints which I highly doubt there will be. Then I am going to have to ask Dave and Chase to check the cameras near all the buildings that the photos were taken. A digital footprint is what we will be looking for. Am hoping in a little while we will find whoever is behind this stupidity."

" Thanx everyone for coming to help. I am sorry I didn't tell anyone what happened between me and Bonifazio. I guess I thought that if I ignored it, eventually everything would go away. I was wrong."

" It's okay honey, we all agreed to give you space because we knew you would come to us when you were ready. You are now," Dee whispered.

" Thanks mom,I love you"

" I love you a million," she said back.

" You don't have to be afraid of anything. We will get them and we will get them good. No one hurts my baby," Melissa who had been silent the whole night spoke getting everyone's attention. They each nodded and went back to dinner. The children's food was taken to them in the playroom and they moved on to other matters.

Even as everyone went back to dinner discussing plans animatedly, Scott's mind was somewhere else. He had become very protective of the children in this family that had welcomed him. He was going to make Bonifazio bleed and beg. He already had the best location in mind. Where nobody would hear the little wimp cry for his daddy.

Hello my loves, sorry for the delay. Experiencing writers block. It's been a Long time but I hope you are all fine. This chapter has many characters from talented disability. So don't get confused.
I hope you enjoy this chapter. Poor Bonifazio, what will Scott do to you?

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