Early New ways

By BarnshrimpOwO

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This is a story on how Zim and Dib work it out. Its start at the end of the school year (highschool) they are... More

Early New ways (1)
Early New ways (2)
Early New ways (4)
Early New ways (5)
Early New ways (6)
Early New ways (7)
Early New ways (8)
Early New ways (9)
Early New ways (10)
On Hold.

Early New ways (3)

547 4 2
By BarnshrimpOwO

Dib was laying in bed, reading a ghost book when a big booming sound came from outside. His lamp flickered for a moment as struggling to try in power.
"Oh wow, that one shook the house." Dib said before shrugging a continue to read. He had left the window unlocked and just a bit opened for some stupid reason. Has if he thought Zim would ever think about coming over, especially in a storm like this one.
Dib yawned and was about to turn his light when he heard click clacking from outside.
"Huh?" Dib said.
Loud thunder came in again and that's when his window was thrown up quickly then back down again from a specific alien Dib thought would never have came.
Zim had steam raising from him and didn't have his disguise on. Huffing and puffing while shaking.
"Zim? What are yo-" Dib stoped talking when Zim sharply turned his head to look at Dib. His hot pink eyes unblinking looking at Dib. He started to walk forward his spider leg thingys going back into his pack.
Dib tried to back up a bit and sat up more properly not sure what Zim has come here for or what he might to.
Zim by then was standing over Dib and before Dib could do anything Zim collapsed/ flopped on Dib shaking so much due to fear. Zim was hugging Dib tightly, Dib had no idea what to do at first before hugging Zim back and patting his back every now and then.
"Its alright Zim, I'm here. No need to be afraid." Dib said.
He felt Zim stiffen has though he was about to yell he wasn't afraid of nothing but then stopped himself and just relaxed more in Dibs embrace.
"When your ready to talk or whatever just say so." Dib said softly trying to stiffen a yawn away as he spoke.
Zim seemed to notice it though, one of his spider legs extracted from his pack and turned his lamp off.
"Lay. Lay us down." Zim said shakingly.
Dib didn't say nothing as he layed his back down on the bed. Zim still hugging his chest. Dib did finally slow and turn so Zim could be touching the bed on his side. Zim still held on to Dib tightly so Dib did the only thing he could do best. He hugged him back and rested his head on Zims.
Dib was slowly starting to nod of to sleep, he knew he would sleep only for a few hours until walking up in the middle of the night so he tried to stay away just incase Zim did finally speak to him.
"Dib-beast, I'm fine. Go to sleep" Zim said rather slowly has if he was sleepy as well.
"Do you want me to let go of you now?" Dib asked slightly moving his arms. Zim held Dib tighter.
"No! N-no... Zim doesn't want to be let go just yet." Zim said.
He had stop shaking feeling safer in Dibs grasp for some reason.
"Alright Zim. If you say so, we can talk in the morning." Dib said before growing silent due to falling asleep.
Zim for some reason snuggle closer to Dib and sighed.
"What's wrong with Zim? Why is he... comfortable around this human..." Zim asked himself quietly.
Zim closed his eyes and soon fell asleep too.

Dib was struggling to read a book in the dark.
Of course it would be hard to read, sun not even up yet. Dib thought. But he wasn't not just struggling to read but to keep still to not disturb Zim who still clung to him, which surprised Dib a lot.
Dib was only awake so early because he has trouble sleeping like a normal person, Dib still had no idea why, but always keeped it a secret except from Gaz.One of Zims antennas twitched which brought Dib back from his mind. He smiled and lifted his free hand to touch hit, but then hesitated.
If I touched his antenna he might wake up and then kill more for doing so. Dib thought.
He slowly laid his hand back down.
"Good choice Dib, human." Zim mumbled. Dib jumped from inside his skin.
"Yo-Your awake!" Dib said embarrassed that he got caught.
"I've been awake for a while now, your movement of trying to read that paper thing even though your eyes dont do well in the dark awoken me." Zim said, his eyes were still closed as if he would like to go back to sleep for a bit.
Dib make a clicking sound with his mouth.
"Ah, sorry. I was trying to sneaky about that, and not disturb you." Dib said guilty. Dib then look up to see out the window it was still raining but the thunder had subsided for now.
"What are you doing being awake so early anyway human-Dib?" Zim asked.
"Dont humans usually sleep till the sun comes up? Though it looked like it wont." Zim said with a low hiss and pushing away from Dib finally.
Dib sat up stretching his arms.
"Well yeah, but I have problems sleeping." Dib replied.
"Like how?" Zim asked curiously. Dib looked at Zim for a moment and shrugged.
"I dont really know to be completely honest. But I think I may have Insomnia or something. Just something that makes me not able to sleep for long. That's another reason to my list why I stopped trying to capture you Zim." Dib said with a slight forced smile.
Zim only starred at Dib slowly squinting his eyes. He then reached his claw like hand up to touch Dibs face.
Dib didn't flinch or try and move away, Zim then place what seemed like would be a thumb and its pad part on Dibs face and started to slowly rub under his eyes.
"Is this why your skin looks so dark under your eyes?" Zim asked.
Dib nodded when Zim finally pulled his hand back to himself.
"Correct, there called eye bags for your information." Dib said rubbing were Zim touched.
Zim seemed fascinated for about a minute before silence happend.
They were both silently sitting on the bed awkwardly until Dib got up and was walking towards the door.
"I-Ima go make me something. Do you want anything?" Dib asked the alien on his bed.
Zim shook his head.
"No. Your human food sicken Zim." He replied.
"Alright then be back soon then." Dib said then left closing his door but leaving it just a bit cracked open.
Zim looked down at his hand.
What's wrong with Zim? I just touched the Dibs face without realizing it. And he was fine with it! Zim thought angrily to himself.
Zim then heard a commotion from down stairs.
He turned to look at the door again wondering whether or not to go check it out. He then heard foot steps come up the stairs and towards the room.
Zim thought it would be Dib to enter but instead it was Dibs Sister.
"Gaz!" Zim said in his high pitched voice.

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