The Heirs

By shruthii

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"Do you have a death wish? You cannot seriously be thinking of going there? That place, those people... they... More



2.8K 129 91
By shruthii


Chapter 34 is here and it is dedicated to @angelindia :D



A salad is just not that great without a cucumber in it. It contains a good percentage of water to keep us hydrated. High in nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, and manganese which are known to lower blood pressure and regular consumption of cucumber is beneficial for people with hypertension.

To maximize the nutrient content, cucumbers should be eaten unpeeled as peeling them reduces the amount of fiber and minerals. The fiber in cucumber helps in digestion and prevents constipation.

Applying cucumber juice is great for the skin to make it soft and glowy. Besides this, they also strengthen the nails and prevent bad breath. People with kidney problems should not consume too much cucumber as it can increase the water content in their bodies.


"People mistakenly assume that their thinking is done by their head; it is actually done by the heart which first dictates the conclusion, then commands the head to provide the reasoning that will defend it."
Anthony de Mello




The first time he had seen her, she had been writing on the glass walls of the bakery. It wasn't just normal writing. It was calligraphy, a visual art, and everyone passing by would stop and stare at her working.

Though he was exceptionally smart as his teachers told him, it took him some time to figure out that she was writing the bakery's name on the glass.

She remained unaware of their gazes as she beautifully traced her white ink on the glass walls with her left hand. Stretching her hands, craning her neck, she continued writing 'Mamma's Bakery' in a distinctive, cursive way.

Standing on the other side of the glass wall, as he munched on the bread given to him by the pitiful bakery owner, he stared at her in amazement for he had never seen someone write so beautifully.

Their eyes met from the other side and her blue eyes warmed as she gave him a kind smile, before completing her work with the words, 'Made with love.'

When she was finished, there was a loud round of applause from her audience, and stunned, she turned to face them and smiled brightly, surprised by their gesture. Bowing her head, she packed up her stationery and then walked inside the bakery. The air from the cooler sent her blonde mane flying behind her, making her smile.

The bakery staff clapped and cheered at her, bringing a beautiful blush on her pale skin.

"That was beautiful Eleni. Lovely" the owner, a middle-aged man, said walking towards her.

"Thank you. I am glad you appreciate it" Eleni grinned.

"Your work of art increased the footfalls" the owner whispered, making her throw her head back and laugh.

"Happy to be of help, Alfred," she said kindly.

"Take a seat until I write your cheque," Alfred said pulling back a chair to a table that was a few feet away from where he was standing near the dustbin. "Here, our menu. Anything you want, it's on the house" the owner added before he walked into the counter.

She flipped open the menu and glanced at it but as if sensing his gaze on her, she raised her lashes to look at him. "Hello" she whispered sweetly and gave a friendly wave.

Unused to the kindness and not trusting it, he turned away to hide his face.

That's when she looked at him. Properly looked at his torn, shabby clothes and scruffy, worn-out shoes.

"Here you go" Alfred extended an envelope towards Eleni, who was still watching him with furrowed brows. Alfred followed her gaze and compressed his lips.

"You are still here?" Alfred snapped and jumping in panic, he turned to look at the big man frowning at him. "I asked you to leave right? Give an inch and they'll take a mile" Alfred muttered in anger and then holding him by his arm, he began dragging him towards the door.

The bread slipped from his shaky fingers and when he tried to reach for it on the floor, Alfred's grip on his arm tightened and he was harshly pulled back.

"Alfred! Wait! What are you doing?" Eleni frowned at the bakery owner.

"Hey, leave the kid alone!" an elderly lady shouted at the man.

"Don't worry. I know this kid. He is from the slums and he comes here for food every day. I will get rid of him" Alfred said as he opened the door.

"Stop!" Eleni shouted at the same time the other lady and her son threatened to call the police.

At the mention of the word police, he panicked, and freeing himself from Alfred's grip, he shoved open the door and ran like the hellhounds were behind him. He had been told by his parents that police were bad people and they would take him away and lock him up if they caught him.

He heard footsteps from behind him and that made him increase his speed. The soles of his shoes gave away at that moment and he stumbled before dropping to the ground, injuring his knees and elbows.

"Theos! Are you alright?" Eleni rushed towards him and then helped him sit on the ground. Crouching in front of him, she inspected his arm and knees and grimaced. Tears clouded his eyes from the pain and when she noticed it, she wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him close for a hug.

He fought her and slapped her hand away, which made her sigh.

"I am sorry you lost your food" Eleni began softly, blue eyes apologetic. He did not reply, instead stared at his shoes that no longer seemed useful.

He had said the same to his mother the last time but she refused to buy him a new one, saying she had to buy more sugar. There had been lots of sugar packets in his home, yet it did not seem to satisfy his parents for they wanted more, and sometimes, they even sent him to get one for them with a warning not to be found by the police.

"I am sorry about your shoes too" Eleni added and then continued, "Let me make it up to you. I can get you a new shoe and buy you something to eat."

The offer was tempting for a ten-year-old but he was still hesitant to trust her. "I promise I will not touch you. We will go anywhere you want. Okay?" she asked gently.

"You will not call the police?" he asked her doubtfully and she blinked, startled by his question.

For a few seconds, she just stared at him with worry, before clearing her throat. "Uh... no! I will not call the police" she breathed out. "I promise" she smiled and that reassured him.

"Okay," he said and then stood up and began dragging his feet.

"Why don't we get rid of that shoe first?" Eleni suggested and then kneeling before him, she undid the lace and removed his shoes.

"Shall we buy you a shoe first or shall we go for lunch?" she asked, after discarding his shoes onto the dustbin.

"Lunch. I am very hungry" he told her sincerely and once again, she stared at him.

"When did you last eat?" she questioned, worry evident in her voice.

"Lunch. Yesterday" he replied quietly and she paled.

Clearing her throat, she smiled at him before saying, "Of course, we will go to lunch first. Where do you want to go...? Oh! I forgot to ask you, what's your name?"

And he told her.



"Ash" the knock on the door brought him back to the present, away from his memories of meeting Eleni for the first time and shaking his head, he turned to look at the closed door, before permitting Skyla in.

He noticed that she was wearing her hair up in a tight bun and she did that only when she was about to fight and tear someone apart.

"He is still not here?" Ash demanded the moment she closed the door behind him.


Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass walls, that gave him a magnificent view of his estate, he asked, "Any idea why he wanted to meet me?"

"He wouldn't say" Skyla replied.

Bardo, the man, who had trained him how to cover his tracks, the man who had helped him and Lachlan while they were struggling had wanted to meet him today and Ash had no idea what would be so urgent that Bardo had to set a meeting today of all days when he knew how important this day was.

"Lachlan is here" Skyla added and Ash nodded vaguely because he still couldn't completely figure out why Bardo was here.

All these years, they had contacted discreetly, and never before had Bardo stepped into one of Ash's properties. It was always Ash who went to visit and not the other way around and this new change unsettled him.

"He too has no idea why Bardo has requested the meeting" Skyla muttered as she moved to stand beside him and stare at the view.

"You have any guesses?" Ash asked turning to face her.

She stared at him for a second or two, before answering with one word, "Cyane."

Smirking, Ash turned back to his view because he had suspected the same too. "The photos were leaked. Of course, he knows where she has been."

"He could have waited" Ash growled because if Bardo really wanted to discuss Cyane, then today was not a good day.

"Is everyone ready?" Ash then asked Skyla, changing the topic into what was important at the moment.

"Yes. One team is already around the palace, alert for any little news and changes" Skyla said and then shuffled in her feet before adding, "The reason I came here was to talk about Gideon and Minerva. She knows you are here and she wants to meet you."

"Or attack me" Ash chuckled carelessly.

"She has been pounding the door nonstop" Skyla added.

"I do not have time for her theatrics now" Ash growled again. "When the team is ready, take them with you."

"She wants to contact her father. I think we can allow that" Skyla proclaimed and Ash frowned at her. "It's all coming to an end Ash... why not show yourself now?"

"Because there are still two more days pending for my fourteen years to be completed" Ash gritted out, blue eyes turning dangerously dark. "The king fucked up my life for fourteen years and I had vowed to do the same. Not a day less."

"I understand your need for vengeance. I am here because of my vengeance too" Skyla began slowly. "We all are here because we want to help you take down the king. You have toyed with him for years Ash and you have won every single time. You know, you are going to win ultimately because the blow you are going to land him will be the one that's the most powerful. Then what are two more days? You can finish all this today. Nothing is going to happen in these two days."

"He could have finished me in one day too," Ash said coldly as he stared at his own reflection in the glass wall. Eyes a shade of glacier, and equally as cold as that, filled with hatred for King Stanislaus.

"I was a boy. A human, without my wolf. He could have killed me easily and no one would even have noticed it, but he did not do it, Skyla" Ash said through gritted teeth and then turned to look at her.

"To get me, that old bastard made an elaborate setup. Kidnapped forty boys. Tortured all of them, killed several. Gave them lifelong scars and nightmares. All he wanted was me. He could have kidnapped only me and done the same, but no... he had a very devious plan set up for me and wanted himself to be known as my savior" Ash grinned cruelly, before continuing, "I was the bait King Stanislaus wanted in his hook. He wanted me alive for some reason. He has planned all this, planned everything for that one job and that is what I want to know. Why?" Ash breathed out curtly. "Why me? Why sacrifice so many innocent lives just to punish me? It's only after I get the answer to that why will I reveal myself."

"He might not give you an answer, just to spite you" Skyla whispered softly.

"Oh! He will" Ash stated with a grin. "He will when I wring it out of him."

There was another knock on the door before Lachlan walked in. He gazed at them and raised his brows, "What's going on?"

"Skyla wants me to reveal myself to the king," Ash said calmly.

Lachlan scoffed and then shook his head, "That's not how it's going to happen" Lachlan told her and then looked at Ash, "Bardo will be here in five minutes."

"I will see you downstairs" Ash sighed.

"What's with all that commotion?" Lachlan asked, pointing a thumb over his shoulder. "You have already brought them here, now let them out!" he added referring to Gideon and Minerva.

"I told him the exact same thing" Skyla muttered heading towards the door.

"No" Ash snapped at them and Lachlan narrowed his eyes, while Skyla rolled her eyes heavenwards.

"Gideon did as you asked. He stayed away and Minerva asked Lysander to stay away. What's the problem?"

"I don't trust Lysander" Ash hissed. "I need them as collateral to make him stay away."

"There is no way he is going to stay silent when injustice is happening. He will interfere during the trial. That's the kind of person Lysander is" Skyla stated starkly, frowning at Ash.

"Do not forget that this trial is happening because of you" Lachlan growled, his grey eyes turning dark with every step he took towards Ash. "Had you not kidnapped Gideon in the first place, none of this would be happening. Kidnapping Gideon was never part of our plan."

"Plans change" Ash shrugged.

"Only after Cyane came into the picture" Lachlan reminded and Ash glared at him.

"Do not bring Cyane into this" Ash warned.

"I did not bring her into this. You did" Lachlan pointed out flatly. "To know more about her, you kidnapped Gideon."

"I did" Ash admitted, "But she wasn't the only reason. Gideon had a plan of his own for the king and I want—"

"You want to be the one who maims the king. I understand that bit" Lachlan conceded and Ash nodded.

"Once Gideon meets Lysander, it's all-out" Ash informed sharply and Lachlan compressed his lips because there was a truth to that.

"I think we can trust Lysander to keep quiet for two more days," Skyla said hesitantly, her eyes flickering from Ash to Lachlan, for some support.

Sighing, Lachlan agreed with her, "I think so too. If Minerva meets her father today, then obviously she is going to communicate with him. He will get to know and we can make him understand."

Ash flipped around to glower at him and never the one to back down, Lachlan repeated, "I trust Lysander to do the right thing."

"Just like Topsy could be trusted to do the right thing, I guess" Ash sneered and the very next second, Lachlan had him pressed against the glass wall, with a tight hold on his neck.

Shaking in fury, he bared his fangs at Ash, who just gave him a cold smirk in return.

"Lachlan" Skyla gasped, stunned by this unexpected turn of events. "Enough of this."

"Drag my wife into this and I will cut you into pieces. Friend or not" Lachlan warned.

"What the hell's going on here?" A familiar voice shouted near the doorway and all three heads turned to look at Bardo, who was openly frowning at them. "Let him go" Bardo snapped at Lachlan, who reluctantly loosened his hold on Ash's neck.

As Lachlan took a couple of steps back, Ash rubbed his neck with a smirk on his face.

"Now you know how it feels" Ash grinned and Lachlan glowered at him before glancing at Bardo, who took a furious stride towards Ash, pulled back his fist to throw a powerful punch on Ash's face.

"Bardo," Skyla said in an aghast tone, while Lachlan raised an amused brow.

Ash, whose face fell sideward from the impact of the punch, growled murderously and bared his fangs at Bardo. The growl shook the objects on the table lying in the room and everyone stiffened because they all knew that Ash's wolf was more powerful than their own.

No one, including Ash, knew about his ancestry but his wolf was the type that refused to bow. Powerful. Prideful and lethal.

There was an ominous silence in the room as they waited for him to calm down.

"You deserved it for lying about Cyane's whereabouts to Ricky" Bardo hissed pointing an accusing finger at Ash. "You deserve one more for kidnapping Gideon. I thought you were better than this."

When Ash continued growling, Bardo turned to face Skyla and Lachlan, "And you... both of you were his accomplice through this all. Only one phone call was required to inform me, but you didn't" he spat in distaste.

"What are you angry about? Kidnapping Gideon or Cyane?" Lachlan demanded cockily.

"Both" Bardo snapped and turned to face Ash again, "How could you kidnap Gideon?"

"I told you from the start that I would do anything to be the one who ends Stanislaus's pathetic life. I would cross any boundaries to achieve my goal and you accepted it. Why do you have a problem with it now? Is it because Gideon is associated with your best friend Lysander, who doesn't give two flying fucks about you?" Ash derided. "He hates you."

"And he has every right to" Bardo shouted. "I took from Lysander what he valued the most and he hates me for it. I deserve his hatred. I have accepted it and I have learned to live with my guilt but I do not want you living like that" Bardo said quietly and Ash looked away. "I could have easily forgiven you for kidnapping Gideon, considering it as your dumb move, but what you did with Cyane was wrong. Ricky is her grandfather and her family. You have no idea how much she means to her family. You know nothing."

"I know enough" Ash snarled. "I know why she has run away from the kingdom and if you think—"

"YOU KNOW NOTHING" Bardo yelled, losing his head as his voice turned animalistic, silencing every protest. "Cyane is no ordinary girl. She is a Lycoris Princess, who was meant to be their queen."

Skyla inhaled sharply while Lachlan and Acheron stared at Bardo with wide eyes.

At their stunned silence, Bardo continued, "The next in line after her grandmother, Queen Ianthe. Ricky helped her escape from the wedding and she was meant to go to his place and stay low for a while until all was settled at her home. Things happened and she ran away. We have been searching frantically for her ever since. Do you know why? Because her life is in danger."

Ash growled murderously and stepped closer to Bardo, "What do you mean her life is in danger?"

"Cyane's enemies are very different from yours. It's not just her life, the life of the people around her is also at risk."

"You are talking in riddles Bardo" Ash snapped.

"Werewolves aren't the only creatures living in this part of the island. There are other creatures that look like Lynx and they are after—"

Ash's phone pinged at that moment and he immediately pulled it out to stare at it with a frown.

"What is it?" Lachlan probed, stepping closer.

"We now have eyes on the venue" Ash smirked. "We will know where the rats will be hiding and you know, which rat I want to be cornered" he reminded Lachlan, who merely nodded and pulled out his own phone.

"What time is the trial?" Bardo demanded.

"Six o'clock" Skyla muttered abstractedly and Bardo frowned as an odd feeling crept over him. It reminded him of the last time something like this had happened.

"What now?" Ash demanded when he caught Bardo's gaze.

"The time. Was it announced by the palace officials?" he demanded and they all shook their head in reply.

"It came through other sources like everything from the King usually does" Skyla shrugged.

"Lisa, Cyane's aunt, was informed by 'sources' that her hearing will be held at eleven o'clock and if she failed to attend it, then she'll be charged. She made it on time to the courtroom, only to be informed by Stanislaus that the time was ten o'clock and she was late. He justified this by saying that she believed the sources and not the official palace announcement. This is how he plays" Bardo growled and Ash gritted his teeth. "If he tells you, it's six, then it's definitely not a six."

"He did the same thing during Saint's coronation" Ash muttered and Bardo nodded. "The trial will be conducted earlier than schedule."

"I will inform everyone. We need to get going immediately" Lachlan said looking at Ash, and then hurried out of the room with Skyla.

"Wait!" Bardo said before Ash could follow them. "Ricky has gone to Lycoris" he whispered and that halted Ash in his tracks. "After Lysander's visit, he found out you were keeping things from him. He called you to test you and you failed by lying about Cyane."

"That fucker Lysander again!" Ash hissed and Bardo scowled at him. "I had warned him to stay away from my business but he still did not listen."

"That's enough!" Bardo snapped. "Once the photos got leaked, we figured out why you lied. Ricky lost his trust in you, which is why, he has gone there, and now, the Lycorian's will come here."

"You think I am scared of them?" Ash asked curiously.

"I know you are not scared of them, but I also warn you not to underestimate them. The Lycorian's have earned their names and titles" Bardo warned and Ash sighed.

"I do not wish to waste time talking about them right now," Ash told him, visibly irritated after hearing about Lysander's role in everything.

"What you did with Cyane is not right and the Lycorian's aren't so forgiving."

"Maybe. But I feel no guilt whatsoever" Ash said quietly.

"Look, I get it why she is important to you but your decisions will have consequences. I do not want you to have any guilt later in your life because you still have a long way to go. This revenge has already ruined fourteen years of your life. You now have a future ahead of you and I do not wish to see it ruined. Let Gideon and Minerva go because you are not this person who kidnaps people or separates mates. You are not king Stanislaus" Bardo stepped closer to Ash and placed a firm hand on the latter's shoulders.

"This revenge is important to me and I will take it for all those innocent lives lost in Crescere prison because of that old bastard" Ash spelled out coldly. "I still remember their faces. I can still hear them screaming and I will not find any peace until it's over and done with."

"Then finish it today. You have a chance; end it during the trial. Don't drag it any further because you will only end up hurting yourself."

"If you are worried about Lysander, let me tell you that, you have every right to be. My only condition was that he stay the fuck out of my way. But by contacting Roderick, he did a huge mistake and he will pay for it!" Ash hissed.

"Roderick would have found out one way or the other" Bardo reasoned.

"But not this way. I could have explained but Lysander ruined that for me" Ash responded.

"You are not in the right frame of mind to talk about this" Bardo sighed. "It's better you go and vent your anger someplace where that kind of violence is much needed."

Just then they heard loud growls coming from downstairs.

"Come out you coward!" Minerva shouted from downstairs and gritting his teeth, Ash stepped out of the room. "Where are you hiding?"

Placing a hand on the railing, his eyes flickered downstairs where Minerva was randomly throwing threats at him. When their eyes met, he smirked and watched as startled, she just stared at him unflinchingly. Surprised to see him for the first time.

"Looking for me?" he taunted and her blue eyes hardened before turning a darker shade.

"You absolute... rat" she spluttered in fury and snarling, hurried towards the stairs. Wrapping an arm around her waist, Gideon pulled her back and hands and legs flying in the air, she fought him with everything in her, while hurling abuses at Ash that listed names of several animals.

"When this is all over, I will kill you. I will kill you, you snitch" she swore at him from downstairs, which made his men laugh.

"You do realize, you called him ten different names in a minute" Neil chuckled and Minerva scowled at him.

"She looks like her mother" Bardo whispered from beside him and Ash found his mentor watching Minerva with a tender smile.

Ash never understood why Bardo was so devoted to Lysander even though the latter hated him. It was for Bardo that Ash had refrained himself several times from attacking and killing Lysander's men.

"What you did to me, will happen to you too, you rotten..." Minerva paused, struggling to find a suitable word.

"Bastard" Viktor supplied helpfully.

She stopped struggling against Gideon's hold and shot a murderous glare at Viktor, who immediately stiffened under the ferocity of her gaze.

"I do not use that word" she fumed.

The one time she did call him that, she had promptly apologized to him and Ash remembered being stunned by that apology because all his life he had been called names. Some he deserved, some he didn't, but no one before or since Minerva had apologized for that.

The anger she exuded with just a glare, silenced everyone in the room, and beside him, Ash heard Bardo's sharp intake of breath after hearing her words. Ash spared him a glance and noticed how the older man had visibly paled beneath his bronzed skin.

"And you" Minerva frowned at Lachlan, who was typing something on his phone. When he sensed her attention, he looked up and raised an eyebrow. "Why the hell are you on his side? What do you stand to gain?"

"Money" Lachlan answered without hesitation. "You pay me more and then I'll kill him for you" he shrugged and Minerva shot him a look of pure loathing which made Ash smirk.

Regardless of what Lachlan said he had ethics and was very loyal, just like Skyla. Ash knew he could trust them both blindly.

"We can do this later. Right now, I suggest you go to go with your mate and rescue your in-laws" Ash advised calmly from upstairs and then nodded at his men, who began moving. "Also—" he paused and Minerva raised her lashes to glower at him, "—Let your father know that he fucked up and next, I will come for him!"

"You will do no such thing" Bardo frowned from beside him.

"Please do" Minerva countered with a wicked grin and Ash narrowed his eyes, "For I would love to see you being brought to your knees."

At her challenged, Ash smirked and flashing him one of her own, Minerva left the room. She was tiny and just out of her teens, but she had a spine made of solid steel which made him admire her, Ash accepted humbly.

If Lysander was planning on making her the queen, then Ash admitted grudgingly, that it was the right decision for the little girl never backed down!

"You said you would stay away from Lysander" Gideon reminded him, with a scowl.

"On the condition that he stay away from my business" Ash countered. "He didn't and now, I won't!"

"Go!" Bardo suggested Gideon before he could say something. "We can talk later."

Sparing him one angry glare, Gideon followed after his mate.

When they left, Ash pulled out his phone and glanced at his mobile. Smiling, he then pocketed it and looked up to see Bardo watching him with a frown.

"What?" Ash demanded. When Bardo shook his head in reply, Ash began descending down the stairs with a satisfied grin.

"Eleni wanted to adopt you" Bardo blurted out and Ash came to a halt midway as the smile evaporated from his face. "When social services failed to do the right thing for you, she decided to take matters into her own hands. She never believed that you and your parents moved out of the town. Instead, she began searching for you when you went missing. All her searches led to a dead end and she suspected someone was keeping you from her. She was on the quest of finding out but then, her family was attacked and she was killed."

There was no reply from Ash. Instead, he just kept staring ahead and with a sigh, Bardo moved to stand at the topmost stair.

"She wanted you to have a better life and the least you can do is respect her wishes and do the right thing for her daughter."

Without replying, Ash continued downstairs and Bardo watched him until he vanished from the view.

He then pulled out his phone and dialed Lysander's number that he had recently taken from Ricky. Bardo knew his friend hated him, but Lysander had to know that that Ash wasn't a bad guy. Bardo did not want a clash between them.

Ash might fail to be a bigger person here, but Lysander could and Bardo wanted to share everything with his friend. Everything that Ricky intentionally did not.

Ricky's sole concern was Cyane and everything he did, revolved around protecting her but there was no one to protect this boy, whose innocence was completely shredded by King Stanislaus.

"Hello?" Lysander said tersely from the other end and Bardo smiled, hearing his friend's voice.

"It's me" he began hesitantly and a murderous growl erupted from the other end. "No. Don't cut the call" he pleaded before Lysander could actually do it. "Your daughter is safe and they have left towards the kingdom. But that's not why I called you. I... I have to tell you something important before it's too late."

"You have two minutes," Lysander said curtly and gulping, Bardo began sharing and in the end, he felt like a weight had lifted off his shoulders.


With eyes like that of an eagle's she aimed at the target and breathed out when she let loose the arrow. It hit the target.

It always did.

The kids, who had been watching her practice with awe, clapped cheerfully but Ronnie felt no sense of satisfaction in hitting the target. She was restless. Had been restless since her call with Cyane's grandfather, Roderick.

A team had gone to bring him to the palace and he would be arriving here shortly. It should have relieved her but it didn't because Uncle Ricky always clashed with her aunt Ianthe. There would be a war of words and Ronnie wondered, how she could handle it wisely and cleverly without letting the situation get out of control.

Ari's father, her uncle Dion, always knew how to calm his sister down, who actually listened to him but Ronnie had no such advantage on her side. Her aunt didn't like her very much and Ronnie feared offending her aunt.

Gritting her teeth, she extended her hand and an assistant passed another arrow. Nocking it on the bow, she aimed it before letting it loose. One more hit and one more round of applause.

"My sister always practiced archery when something was bothering her," Ianthe said quietly from behind her and Ronnie looked up to see her aunt, high in the sky with her purple wings stretched beautifully behind her. "So did my mother. But I found about it only when I was an adult" Ianthe shrugged and that one sentence told everything to Ronnie.

Queen Varya had been in a comatose state for most of Ianthe's childhood after her battle with the witch, in support of the werewolves. Ianthe had always blamed the werewolves for her mother's condition and had loathed them, right until the moment, her daughter, Eleni had declared her intention to marry one.

To some extent, she disliked the werewolves even now and Ronnie feared her reaction if she found out Cyane was involved with one too. A bad one at that!

With a jerk of her head, Ronnie dismissed her assistants, who quietly guided the children away.

"Nothing's bothering me" Ronnie replied with a smile as her aunt came to stand beside her.

Many things were bothering her, like the fact that the office had received a mail and a letter from the King's office of the Aelius that mentioned in detail that Cyane was being held by a group of men against her will.

If Ronnie hadn't been aware of where Cyane was and with whom, she might have trusted that false letter sent by the King's office. Furious, she had immediately set it on fire.

But what she didn't understand was why did the King's office intentionally post such a misleading letter? Ronnie knew Cyane had a reason to hate the royal family of Aelius but did she in anger do something to offend them or were they planning to hurt her?

"Except for Cyane" Ronnie added sincerely.

At the mention of Cyane, her aunt's shoulders slumped and suddenly she looked older than her age.

Ronnie couldn't bear to see her aunt so defeated and hence added, "Uncle Ricky told me he wanted to discuss something about Cyane. I think he will have some good news."

"You think so?" Ianthe asked hopefully and Ronnie smiled. "We will get her home, Theía. I have given you my word and I intend to keep it."

Ianthe did not reply, instead, she stared sightlessly at the garden surrounding them.

"Was I too harsh on Cyane? Did I put too much pressure on her to become the queen?" Ianthe asked randomly and Ronnie stiffened, unsure what she should reply to such a question knowing that the answer she had would not be the one her aunt would prefer to hear. 

"Why didn't she tell me anything about Gian? If I had known, I would have canceled the wedding immediately. I would never allow my granddaughter to have a loveless marriage."

"Cyane did not have a friend Theia," Ronnie said quietly and Ianthe closed her eyes in pain. "She was alone, even when she was surrounded by us. I didn't see it before, but now I do."

"She liked training with the werewolves" Ianthe added abstractedly. "I knew she liked it but I still put a stop to it, fearing it would influence her decisions in the future when she became the—"

Ianthe paused and fixed, wide, alarmed eyes on Ronnie, who smiled kindly. "Queen. If Cyane wants the throne, I will give it up to her. It was always hers."

"Rhonwen" Ianthe began shakily and took a step forward but suddenly, the bell on the high tower was rung, signaling the arrival of their guest and Ronnie sighed.

"Uncle Ricky is here."

Setting her bow on the stone table, Ronnie flew to the open courtroom, with Ianthe closely following her. Relief assailed her when she found her uncle Dion talking to Roderick.

Plates of snacks and coffee were also set on the table for Roderick, who piously ignored all of it and drank large gulps of water directly from the glass bottle which made her aunt frown.

"Ron. So good to see you dear" Uncle Ricky stepped forward and hugged her, which she returned with a smile but as they parted, her forest-green eyes met his unflinchingly and he immediately lowered his lashes.

"Why did you ask to meet us here?" Ianthe demanded, stepping ahead and taking control like she had been used to doing all her life.

Roderick looked at Ronnie, who nodded for him to continue.

"I have found Cyane. She is in Aelius" Roderick began nervously and Ianthe inhaled sharply.

"Aelius? Why there? She knows you have left that kingdom. It's not safe" Ianthe said with a frown.

"Well, after she ran away from my place, she was found near the lake by a couple who is from the Aelius. She had been with them for a couple of months until she moved out again."

"A couple of months and they did not bother telling us?" Ianthe's voice rose an octave higher.

"Cyane asked them not to" Roderick whispered the last bit and Ronnie stiffened, while Ianthe paled and stumbled. In a flash, Roderick moved to hold her steady and helped her sit down onto the nearest chair while Ronnie poured a glass of warm water for her aunt.

"Drink it," she told the older woman, pushing the glass against her trembling lips.

"She was with them for a couple of months and then... Crown Prince Saint Winthrop, kidnapped her" Ricky said through gritted teeth and Ronnie narrowed her eyes as she finally got the reason, why the royal family had specifically sent her that letter.

"Prince?" Ianthe asked with a frown. "The new King?"

"Yes. As despicable as his father" Roderick spat. "A friend of hers helped her escape but he got trapped in return and the one who held him hostage was... Acheron."

"Acheron? But I thought he worked for you" Ianthe said in confusion and Roderick shook his head.

"I helped him once on the condition that he do something for me in return. We have a deal. He doesn't work for me" Roderick said carefully.

"Was this the same attack in which Ash was accused of attacking the Crown Prince?" Dion probed.

"Yes," Roderick confirmed. "I was only told half of the story but now I have the other half too."

"What do you mean?"

"I trusted a wrong person" Roderick hissed and three pairs of eyes watched him curiously. "I put my faith in Ash, thinking he would help me find Cyane but I was wrong. All this time, he kept her from me, from us."

"Make your point uncle and make it quick. Do I order Ari and other soldiers to attack Ash? Because they will do it now and get me his head" Ronnie hissed, green eyes bright as radium.

"You will not attack Ash and you will definitely not have his head cut," Roderick said quietly and Ronnie frowned.

"You tell me the boy has lied to you about Cyane's whereabouts and yet, you want us to do nothing?" Ianthe asked in an aghast tone.

"I am disappointed in that boy, true, but he is still my only chance in avenging the death of my daughter."

Ronnie noticed how Ianthe compressed her lips, refusing to argue because it was a very sensitive topic for the older man. For years, Roderick had wanted to avenge the death of his daughter and without doubt, he had planned something big with the help of his werewolf friends.

"The man who helped Cyane, his name is Lysander. You already knew that!" Roderick added looking at Ronnie who nodded, while Ianthe stared at her in surprise.

"Lysander Zeke? I had provided him asylum decades ago on Levi's insistence" Ianthe recalled her late husband.

"And he sheltered Cyane in his place to return the favor" Roderick completed.

"But why didn't he tell us Cyane was with him?" Ianthe questioned angrily.

"He didn't know who she was" Roderick replied. "Lysander is not the one at fault here. It's Ash" he stressed.

"But you don't want us to do anything to him?" Dion frowned.

Roderick was silent for a long time, before shaking his head, "Not yet" he amended.

"It doesn't matter anymore. Now that we know where Cyane is, let's go and get her home. Rhonwen, dear, please do the needful and get my granddaughter home" Ianthe cried looking at Ronnie, whose forest green eyes were affixed on Roderick.

Suspiciously narrowing her eyes, she stepped closer to stand directly in front of Roderick, "What are you hiding?"

"Do not get mad" Roderick warned Ianthe, who glowered at him in disbelief. Pursing his lips, Roderick pulled out his phone from his pocket and added, "Before I play this recording, I want you to remember that Cyane's father was a wolf. She might be a fairy, but she was born to parents who were mates."

"Why is that relevant now?" Ianthe demanded and Ronnie shifted in her feet. Roderick's grey eyes met hers and she nodded, letting him break the news to her aunt that Cyane had a mate, just like her mother.

"Just remember what I said before you lose your temper" Roderick begged and played the recording that sounded like a conversation within a group.

"That's Cyane" Ianthe stood up and snatched the phone from Roderick to stare at the blank screen. When she realized there was no video, she sighed defeatedly and handed the phone back.

"Listen" Roderick insisted and they did. Ronnie carefully watched him for his reaction and noticed that he was trying his best to suppress his fury when one voice, Ronnie suspected was of Xanthos, swore to do whatever it takes to keep Cyane by his side.

Ianthe looked up in shock after hearing the voice and frowned, "Who is this man?" she asked to no one in particular.

They continued listening right until one of the guys told Cyane that 'her mate' was the one who was going to jam the signals.

Roderick intentionally paused the recording and let it sink in for her aunt and uncle, who looked gobsmacked by the news.

"Mate?" Ianthe and Dion whispered in a shocked tone and looked at Roderick, who simply nodded.

"She has a mate" Ianthe repeated more to herself and Ronnie carefully watched every flicker of emotions in her aunt's face and hoped none of it was of anger.

Dion placed a reassuring hand on Ianthe's shoulders, who lowered her head and held it in her hands.

There was complete silence for a couple of minutes, with everyone watching Ianthe like she was a ticking bomb. When she raised her head, she looked at Roderick with a defeated expression. "You were right, she does have a mate," Ianthe said modestly and Roderick gave her a sad smile.

"I wasn't trying to hurt you or curse you" Roderick began nervously while Ianthe rubbed her temple, with her eyes closed. "I just wanted you to see that we should always leave the door open for other options. Cyane is not a normal kid, yes, but she has a right to make her choices."

"I understand" Ianthe replied feebly. "I have learned my lesson last time. So do not fear, I am not going to break down again" her aunt added numbly.

"Who is this guy... her mate?" Dion asked curiously.

Roderick looked at Ronnie, who shook her head. Now, was not the right time to tell her aunt that Xanthos was a homeless rogue. "I will tell you more about him later" Roderick replied, before clearing his throat and asking, "Shall I continue with the recording?"

"Please do" Ianthe permitted and Roderick clicked on the play button.

When the recording finally stopped, Ronnie too was shocked to hear Cyane swearing in their mother tongue to kill Saint Winthrop, Monarch of the Kingdom of Aelius.

Ianthe gasped and covered her mouth with trembling fingers while Dion was too stunned to speak.

"Get Cyane out of there, now!" Ianthe snapped when she had recovered from her shock. "Bring her home. That guy, her mate, is a bad influence on her" she hissed.

"I do agree with Aderfí" Dion mumbled, shaking his head in disapproval.

"You will do no such thing" Roderick growled looking at Ronnie, who compressed her lips. While she didn't know how much Xanthos had influenced Cyane, she did know that Cyane needed to be brought home before she could harm anyone in Aelius.

"You cannot talk to her like that" Ianthe bit out angrily, taking a threatening step forward. "Cyane needs to be brought home and you know it as well. I will not have her take some petty revenge on the king. It will create a war between two kingdoms."

"That particular king, ASSAULTED Cyane" Roderick roared, losing his head and as Ronnie gritted her teeth, her nostrils flared in anger. The royal guards flew in from all sides, fearing something was amiss but came to a halt after hearing Roderick's words.

"He struck her and had tried to sexually assault her" Roderick added and as Ianthe shook in fury, lightning bolts flashed over the dark clouds.

Everyone, including the royal guards, had all stiffened in anger after hearing Roderick's words. An attack on Cyane was not something anyone could take lightly.

"Cyane confessed everything to Yolanda, Lysander's wife. This is not some petty revenge. Saint Winthrop is a predator of the worst kind and Cyane wasn't his first and wouldn't be his last target" Roderick laid out curtly.

"If she wants to kill him, then she will kill him" Ronnie stated firmly because she understood why Cyane had to do this. When her aunt did not argue with her decision, Ronnie found out that Ianthe agreed with her as well.

"For touching a Lycorian, we should declare war," one of the guards said furiously and everyone nodded their head in agreement.

"There will be a war, if and only if, Cyane fails to go through with her plan" Ronnie decreed because this was Cyane's revenge more than hers.

"She will not fail," Ianthe said firmly.

"She will not" Roderick agreed. "Cyane will have her revenge."

"And so will you," Ianthe scoffed and looked at Roderick, "No one hates the royal family of Aelius, more than you. This is your revenge too."

"My children were unjustly murdered," Roderick said calmly, eerily. "I have lost hope with justice now. All I want is vengeance for their untimely death and I shall have it."

Ronnie understood why this was so important to Uncle Ricky and she felt a pang of sympathy for the older man but in his quest for revenge, Ronnie also felt that he had made several unwise decisions and one such included Acheron Zeke.

"Ari is in Aelius?" Ianthe asked her and Ronnie nodded. She then looked at Roderick before saying, "Tell Lysander to team up with Ari. Cyane's protection will be their priority."

"Once the task is complete. They'll bring her home" Ronnie directed and Roderick accepted with a grimace. With a jerk of her head, Ronnie signaled one of the guards to do the needful.

Excusing herself from her audience, she then went into her chambers.

Neither her aunt nor Uncle Ricky was aware of Cyane's plans to go into the Iron Fort and Ronnie considered that a good thing. Like Morsimus had advised her, Ronnie was choosing Cyane over Ianthe and was finally set on doing the right thing.

She wanted to talk to Cyane and convince her to change her mind. If she failed to do that, only then did she decide to talk with Cyane's grandparents. Bringing them early onto Cyane's plan would be a bad thing because they would cage her even more if they came to know of her real intentions for staying in Aelius.

In the silence of the room, she thought about Morsimus, and the very next moment she felt his presence, right in front of her.

"Is the right time finally here?" Ronnie demanded, looking at him. "Can we now bring her home?"

"If the time is right, then yes, you will get to bring her home. But if the time is not right, then even after bringing her home, you will be unable to keep her here" Morsimus replied gently and Ronnie furrowed her brows.

What was that supposed to mean?

"Why can't we make her stay? Is it because of her mate? That wolf?" Ronnie demanded.

"Ah! Yes, her mate" Morsimus sighed. "He is a man with great plans but all his plans revolve around her. A man, who is used to concealing his emotions even when he feels intensely for everyone around him."

"Judging by what I heard, I don't think he deserves Cyane" Ronnie murmured with a shrug.

"Her mate thinks the same too" Morsimus chuckled and staggered, Ronnie stared at the divine creature in front of her. "But even then, he will not give her up for anyone."

"Do they love each other?" Ronnie asked with genuine curiosity because if Cyane did love that man, then she could understand her to need to be with him, over her family.

"Only the party involved can give an answer to that question," Morsimus said kindly and huffing, Ronnie went to sit on her bed.

"Theía doesn't like him already" Ronnie stated quietly.

"But Ianthe doesn't get to decide who joins the family and who does not" Morsimus reminded and Ronnie smiled bitterly because it was true.

Ronnie need not worry if Xanthos deserved Cyane or not, because the ultimate test was taken by someone else entirely and if Xanthos failed in that test, he could never, ever, join the family, and eventually, Cyane's love for him would fade too.

Ronnie's father had failed the test, but even then, her rebellious mother had gone ahead and married him. Their short-lived marriage had ended with separation and eventual divorce, which had only brought pain and tears to all the parties involved. Her parents might have loved each other once, but it wasn't a lasting love like the one Theía had or what her uncle Dion has.

Cyane was a gentle soul and if her love was true, then Ronnie hoped Xanthos passed the test.

"At the moment, I don't think Cyane is concerned about all this. Instead, she might be busy planning a murder" Ronnie said grimly.

"While at the same time someone else is planning hers," Morsimus said and as Ronnie's head snapped up, she stared at the animal with wide, shocked green eyes.

He shifted in his foot, a troubled look in his dark brown eyes and Ronnie stood up to step closer to him. Once beside him, she gently brushed his long mane.

She didn't need to ask who was planning to kill Cyane because she knew it was those creatures again.

"I cannot let the Liberi hurt her again" Ronnie whispered quietly.

"Then you will not" Morsimus's voice faded away before he vanished from her view. Blinking, Ronnie compressed her lips and marched towards her balcony to stare at the garden below where she found Uncle Ricky deep in a conversation.

When his grey eyes met hers, he gave a hesitant smile before turning and walking in the opposite direction.


Everyone makes them but rarely do plans and fate go hand in hand.

Ronnie had an uncanny feeling that today some plans would go awry because of the Liberi's unexpected presence. Pulling out her phone from her dress pocket, she texted Ari and let him know that there was a chance Liberi would be in the vicinity.

She didn't know for sure if they would be around but very much hoped they would be because it would finally give her a chance to reveal to them that all this time, they had been targeting an innocent, while the one they really needed to look out for was, her.

There was a knock on her door and a moment later, her secretary stepped in to inform of Olympia's arrival. Ronnie smiled, pleased to hear the news because she knew the witch had that warm, gentle voice that would calm down Ianthe, who without a doubt would be frantically worrying about Cyane.


Masked in the skin of humble palace staff, Ari walked quietly within the halls of the palace, holding a tray that held the black cloak for his royal arsehole Saint Winthrop.

Ducking his head, he studiously avoided the gaze of other staff members, who thankfully didn't pay much attention to him either.

Just when he was about to knock on Saint's bedroom door, a whistle caught his attention and he turned to look at a middle-aged man, in the wheelchair at the end of the hallway, signaling him to come forward.

Ari stared at James Winthrop, Stanislaus's baby of shame. Crippled since birth and unable to shift into a wolf, James had been always hidden by Stanislaus who was ashamed of him.

Knowing that James saw him as the staff, Ari strode towards the man.

"Did you get Yolanda's number for me?" James asked in a whisper and Ari narrowed his eyes. Why did this man want Yolanda's number?

"Uh... no... your..." Ari hesitated unsure if James did hold any title.

"I told you it's urgent. I need to contact my sister" James pleaded and Ari wondered what did the man have to say to Yolanda, who was outcasted by her father.

"I will get it by today evening" Ari lied smoothly.

"We do not have that much time" James frowned. "The trial is going to start in an hour and I have to share something important with my sister before that."

"Once I get the number, I could forward whatever message you want to share with her" Ari began. James looked up at him with a frown and shook his head.

"No. What I have got to say with my sister is personal. Just... just get me her number" James decreed and then wheeled his chair to the opposite direction.

Nodding once, Ari turned towards Saint's bedroom but stopped when James called him by the staff's name. "Yes?" he demanded, looking at him over his shoulders.

"Take a picture of Saint and show it to me. I want to see him in his royal robes" James smiled and Ari raised his brows.

"Sure" he trailed off and then knocked at the door.

Standing in front of a floor-length mirror, Saint was smirking at his own reflection and Ari gritted his teeth. It took him considerable effort not to choke the pathetic animal to death for kidnapping and assaulting Cyane but Uncle Ricky was right, Cyane had to be the one to kill this mutt!

Ari was here just to make it easier for his niece.

"You are late" Saint growled when he saw him by the door.

"Many apologies, Sire. I got interrupted" Ari said closing the door shut and locking it.

"Quick, help me fix my cloak. Father needs me in the office in ten minutes" Saint snapped.

Placing the tray on the table, Ari picked up the cloak and spread it open. Standing directly behind Saint, he raised his hands to affix the cloak to his shirt but then dropping it, wrapped his arm around Saint's throat and electrocuted him.

Trembling with the jolt of the current, Saint dropped near Ari's feet with a loud thud.

"Amathés Mourntáris" Ari spat and raised his leg to kick an unconscious Saint in the balls but stopped when he remembered Uncle Ricky's instructions.

"You will die today. If Cyane doesn't do it, then I will" Ari swore looking down at Saint and then stared at his reflection in the mirror until his appearance changed to that of the unconscious swine.

Picking up his phone from the tray, he texted his men- CLOWN IS DOWN.

As he affixed the cloak onto his self, there were three knocks on the door followed by a pause and another two knocks. Knowing it was one of his men, Ari opened the door, and immediately three disguised dark wings warriors entered the room.

"Ah yes, he has creep written all over his face" Mathieu, one of the warriors muttered staring at Saint in disgust while Andreos crouched on the ground and clutching a corner of Saint's hair, yanked it to pull several strands and hand it over to Ari.

"You should have pulled harder. Made him half bald" Mathieu frowned at Andreos, who simply rolled his eyes.

Saint's phone pinged with a message and they unlocked it using Saint's limp thumb. Ari read the message that alerted him on the arrival of his bodyguards.

"You know where to take him." he nodded towards the unconscious Saint on the floor and immediately his men got into action.

Five minutes later, there was another knock on the door and Ari stiffened when he saw five stern, pale-skinned men in the doorway. Dressed in a black suit, the men stood expressionlessly, with their eyes hidden by large sunglasses.

"Are you ready, Sire?" one of them asked quietly and Ari found himself nodding. "Let's go then! Your father is waiting for us."

As he walked in between the men, who towered over him by a head, Ari furrowed his brows. Through the corner of his eyes, he saw the palace staff, who stopped whatever they were doing to stare at these men with curiosity.

Ari stopped midway the moment it struck him that they were wearing the sunglasses to hide their blood red eyes. These men were not werewolves.

Ronnie had sent a message earlier warning about their presence and right now, he found himself surrounded by the Liberi.

"Any problem?" one of them asked blandly.

"Nothing. Let's go" Ari grinned for it was their bad day. He had always wanted to maim these creatures for hurting Cyane and he was excited to be finally given a chance to do just that!


HEHE.... Yeah... Cyane thinks she is going to attack Saint, but it is in fact, one of her own. How do you think Ash is going to react to this new change? Plus the Liberi are in the venue. What do you think will happen?

Next update on 20th June 😊



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Stay safe Lovelies :-*

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