Uncommon Circumstances (Inter...

By NicoleMckoy

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Alyssa and Jake once dated when she was sixteen and he was twenty-one. She is now eighteen and he is twenty-t... More

Uncommon Circumstances (Interracial Young Adult Suspenseful Romance)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 6

8K 198 43
By NicoleMckoy

Copyright © 2012 Nicole Mckoy 

After Jake said what he had about Chad maybe having been the one to make the tape I had been wondering if Chad might have done it. I knew Chad well and I had been going out with him for over a year. Never had he ever done anything to hurt me. So why would he ever make the tape and release it. 

Chad and I were in my bedroom doing our homework. Yes we had homework today. It was rare but we had a paper to write for English. How ironic. 

“Chad can I ask you something?” I asked. 

“You know you can ask me anything baby,” Chad said. 

“Did you make that tape of us and release it for the school to see?” I asked. 

Chad shot up way too fast and looked at me with a serious face. “No! I’d never do something like that!” 

“Ok, ok calm down I was just asking.” 

“Why? What would make you think I would do that?” 

“I just talked to Jake and he said you might have done it because of some kind of bet you could have had. He said you probably didn’t want to hurt me but just ended up hurting me by mistake.” 

“So you’re listening to the crazy guy who threatened you and burnt up my car over me!”

“No Chad its just… If you did do it for some kind of bet you could tell me.” 

“I didn’t do it! I never would!” 

“Ok I believe you.” 

“You know what I think I’m going to go home.” 

Chad got up and began gathering his things. Was he really mad at me over a question?

“Chad you don’t have to go,” I said. 

“No I think I should because for the first time in over a year my girlfriend doesn’t trust me. Alyssa I’ve never done anything to ever make you doubt my honesty. So the fact that you’re taking some guy who’s hurt you in the past, word over mine makes me wonder about us.” 

“Chad I’m sorry I just had to ask.”

I got up and walked over to Chad and hugged him. I didn’t want this one thing to be something to make us fight. We never fought ever, so I didn’t want to start fighting now. 

“If I tell you I didn’t do something you should believe me Alyssa. We don’t lie to each other so why would I start lying to you now,” Chad said looking into my eyes. I knew he was being honest. I should have never let Jake make me doubt the one honest person in my life. Jake was so good at manipulating me in the past I needed to remember that for the present. 

“I’m sorry I trust you,” I said. 

I gave Chad a peck on the lips, which he turned into a long deep kiss. 

“Don’t doubt me baby. I love you and I’d never do anything to hurt you. I know what you’ve been through and I’d never want you to go back to the place you were in when I first met you,” Chad said. 

Chad and I both sat down on my bed. I hated ever thinking about the time in my life when I first met Chad. When I met Chad I was in such a bad space. I was heart broken and had given up on love. I had been through so much with Jake back then and I didn’t trust any guy. I had a huge wall up and Chad worked at breaking it down. Now I was happy and trusting again and with Jake being back I felt like that wall I once had up was going to begin to resurface. 

“Why did you take an interest in me?” I asked. 

“What do you mean?” Chad asked.

“I mean when we first got introduced and started getting to know each other why did you care about me. I was guarded and not all that talkative. Why did you even bother dealing with me when there were other girls who were easier to deal with?” 

“Because I liked you. I cared about you and you intrigued me to be honest. You were different you weren’t one of the cheerleaders and you were down to earth. You still are.” 

“If we never had of been paired together for that science project we wouldn’t be together you know.” 

“Maybe, maybe not. But I’m glad we were paired because like I always say you’re the best thing in my life.” 

“You’re the best thing in my life too.” 

I gave Chad another kiss and we got back to finishing our papers. Jake had assigned everyone to write a four-page paper on change. His topics in class always seemed to coincide with my real life situations. 

Once Chad and I finished our papers we just hung out and watched a movie. We were cuddled up in my bed together. I was resting my head on his chest and he was playing with my hair. I was enjoying our time together when my cell phone starting ringing. I reached over to get it and saw that it was a blocked number. I ignored the call and kept watching the movie. 

A few minutes later my doorbell started ringing off the hook. Chad got up to answer the door and just as he walked out of my bedroom my cell phone started ringing again. I saw that it was a blocked caller again so I ignored it. When I put my phone back down a rock hit my window. It scared me and I screamed, quickly jumping off my bed. 

Chad ran into my room to see if I was ok and I ran into his arms. “Are you ok? You were screaming like someone was killing you,” Chad teased. 

“Don’t joke about that I could have been dying,” I said playfully hitting his chest.

I pulled away from Chad and he handed me a package. “This was on your front porch,” Chad said. 

I took the package and set it on the floor near my bed. Chad had to get home so we said goodbye and I told him I’d see him the next day. He gave me a kiss before he left my room to go home. 

I laid back on my bed and finished watching the movie Chad and I had been watching. As I watched the movie I decided to open the package that arrived. It had my name on it so I knew it wasn’t for my parents and it was for me. 

I opened up the box and there was a tape inside. It had a note on it that said, “watch me”. I took the movie I had been watching out and put the tape I had just received in. I sat on my bed and then pressed play. 

“Dude you had an STD,” a boy said. 

“Yeah I had to go get it treated because if Alyssa found out she’d know I cheated on her. Man I love her and hooking up with-“ 

My phone began ringing again and this time I just answered it. “Who is this!” I shouted. 

“Just open the front door Alyssa,” Jake said. 

I hung up the phone and put the tape on pause. I went to answer the door and Jake was standing before me with a dozen roses. “Hello Lyssa,” Jake said. He handed me the flowers and just walked in my house. 

“Jake what are you doing here. I thought I made it clear I don’t want you around me,” I said. 

“Lyssa where are your manners. You’re suppose to threat a guest with respect didn’t your parents ever teach you that.”

“Didn’t your parents ever teach you to not come into someone’s house uninvited.” 

Jake ignored me and just went back to my room. Back when we had been dating he had been over to my house numerous times when my parents were out so he knew the place well.

I went into the kitchen to place the flowers Jake got me into some water. Once I was finished doing that and went back to my room Jake was siting on my bed. 

“Get up and get out. Jake how many times do I have to tell you to get lost,” I said. 

“Lyssa you know you love the attention you always have so stop pretending like me being here is a real bother to you. Our little game of cat and mouse is getting old lets get back together already,” Jake said.

“Its not a game Jake this is my life! That’s what you failed to realize in the past when you were playing games back then all by yourself!”

“I remember you liking my games back then.” 

“Don’t flatter yourself Jake I was young and naïve, so I was very impressionable. But I’m older now and wise to your games.” 

“Yeah, yeah Lyssa anyway lets go.” 

“I’m not going anywhere with you!” 

“Lyssa we’re going for a drive!” 


“Lyssa I don’t have all day so come on!” 

Jake walked past me and out of my room. I quickly closed and locked my bedroom door after he exited the room. Jake was stupid to think I’d go anywhere with him. I hadn’t forgotten our past. I might have been accepting him in my life for the time being because he was my teacher but that was it. I wouldn’t allow him to come ruin all the progress I had made. 

“Alyssa we aren’t playing this game today open this door and come on!” Jake shouted. 

“No! Get out of my house Jake!” 

“Alyssa I’m only going to ask you nicely one last time then things are going to get ugly!” 

“Get out Jake!” 

I quickly grabbed my cell phone and dialed 911. I should have never opened the door in the first place when Jake called. I was ending this now. 

“Hello what is your emergency?” the phone operator asked. 

“Yes hello my ex-“ 

Before I could finish my sentence Jake kicked down my door. I looked at him with fear in my eyes. He came walking right toward me. I tried to dodge him put he grabbed me and ripped my phone out of my hand throwing it to the ground.

He stepped on my phone and made sure it was broken then he threw me on my bed. I sat up but was quickly pushed back down and Jake got on top of me. He put a hand around my neck and began choking me. 

“You never listen! Alyssa I asked you nicely and that didn’t work so now you’ve made me become forceful! I don’t like having to be rough with you but you don’t seem to understand any other way!” 

Jake shouted in my face and squeezed at my neck harder. 

“I tell you I want you back, you say you have a boyfriend! I give you and the boyfriend countless warnings and you both ignore them! I tell you to break up with the boyfriend and you refuse to listen, you just have sex with him on my desk! Then after the whole school sees you two you still don’t dump him, you just accept your punishment and go on your marry way! I never wanted to have to do things like this; you could have just taken me back willingly! Alyssa why must you make life so difficult!” 

Jake loosened his grip and began moving his free hand up my thigh. “You gave him your virtue why! I loved you and you gave yourself to someone else! He doesn’t even love you! When you start college he will throw you away like you never existed! Why do you want someone like that!” 

Jake moved his hands up under my skirt. I knew I should have changed when I got home from school. Jake found my underwear and pulled them down. This couldn’t be happening again. The only different between this time and last time was I fought him off me and he didn’t end up raping me. This time I couldn’t half way breath and he had the upper hand. 

“Why couldn’t you just cooperate!” Jake shouted. 

He started to undo his pants and just as he was about to expose himself completely I heard Chad’s voice carry through the hallway as my front door slammed. 

“Baby I forgot my-“ 

Chad walked into my room and saw what was happening. He quickly ran to Jake and I and pushed Jake off me. Jake fell to the ground and Chad focused his attention on me. 

“Baby are you ok?” Chad asked. 

I had tears in my eyes and I was shaking my head no. Chad handed me his car keys. “Baby go to my car and lock yourself inside and call the police ok,” Chad said. 

I just sat there crying as Jake started to get up. 

“Alyssa go!” Chad shouted. 

I quickly got up and ran outside. I got to Chad’s car and did as he said. I was able to call 911 and get them to send someone out. I wanted to go back inside and make sure Chad was ok. I didn’t want him in there with Jake. 

I felt like I had been waiting for Chad and the cops for hours when the cops finally pulled up. When the cops ran into my house they were in there for a few minutes then called for some back up. I got out of Chad’s car and ran inside my house. 

I ran straight back to my room and when I got inside I saw my bedroom window was broken and Jake was nowhere in sight. 

“Chad!” I shouted. 

I didn’t see Chad at first I was looking all over my bedroom. I didn’t see Chad. I ran out of my room and back outside I still couldn’t find Chad. I ran back into my house one more time and found Chad in my kitchen getting ice. 

“Chad!” I exclaimed relieved. 

I ran up to Chad and he looked like he had been punched in the face. I saw a bruise forming and touched his face lightly. 

“Alyssa are you ok?” Chad asked. 

“I will be but I’m more worried about you. What happened?” I asked. 

Chad placed some ice to his cheek and pulled me into a hug. “Its nothing for you to worry about. Baby did he hurt you.” 

“He tried to but you got here in time so nothing happened.” 

“Are you sure? He didn’t…” 

“No Chad he didn’t rape me.” 

Chad hugged me tight and the cops came into the kitchen to question us. We told them everything I knew and that Chad knew about Jake.

All the cops were able to say was, “The suspect in question jumped out of the window and ran. We’re trying our best to catch and find him so please be calm.” 

How could Chad or I be calm? Jake had tired to rape me yet another time but failed. He had ruined Chad’s car and most likely was responsible for the sex tape of Chad and I getting out to the entire school. 

After the cops took down Chad and I’s information the cops left. Chad decided he was going to stay the night with me because he didn’t trust leaving me alone after what Jake had tried to do. 

Chad and I went into my room and sat on my bed. I was still shaken up about the whole afternoon. I just wanted to get my mind off things so I pressed play to the video on my television that I had been watching. I waited for the video to play but the screen was black. I got up to check and see if the tape had stopped or messed up but I found that no tape was even inside the tape machine. 

“Babe did you see a tape in here. I was watching a tape that came in that package for me,” I said. 

“Baby I was a little busy fighting your ex boyfriend who just tried to rape you. I didn’t have anytime to think about a tape playing on your television screen. 

I let it go because the afternoon had been too hectic already and I just needed to take a breath. But I couldn’t help but be curious as to what was on the tape. All I heard was a guy’s voice say he had gotten treated for an STD and didn’t want me to find out because he had cheated. I didn’t want to jump to conclusions about the tape but the fact that it was now missing had be wondering about what was about to be relieved before Jake came and interrupted things. 

***Thanks for reading make sure to comment and vote.****

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