Passion of a Cold Heart (Tsuk...

By Tesby1006

64.5K 2K 851

'Everyone has long since fallen asleep, but for some reason sleep continues to elude you. Thoughts of Kiyoko'... More

Ch.1 Meeting the team...
Ch. 2 Him....
Ch. 3 Teasing...
Ch. 4 Nosey Friends...
Ch. 5 Never Have I Ever...
Ch. 6 πŸ‹ Too Close... πŸ‹
Ch. 7 Sunlight Through The Window...
Ch. 8 Girl's Night...
Ch. 9 Secrets...
Ch. 10 Ulterior Motives...
Ch. 11 Jealous...
πŸ‹Ch. 12 Can't Resist...πŸ‹
πŸ‹Ch. 13 Early Riser... πŸ‹
Ch. 14 Claiming...
Ch. 15 Unwanted Attention...
πŸ‹Ch. 16 Reactionary Nature...πŸ‹
Ch. 17 Reflection...
Ch. 18 Insider Info...
Ch. 19 Movie Night....
Ch. 20 Morning Entertainment...
πŸ‹Ch. 21 Let's Play a Game...πŸ‹
Ch. 23 Operation...
Ch. 24 Tryouts...
Ch. 25 Strategies...
Ch. 26 Brotherly advice...
Ch. 27 Body study...
πŸ‹Ch. 28 Slippery when wet...πŸ‹
Ch. 29 Highs and Lows...
Ch. 30 Nagashima Spa-Land...
Ch. 31 Nabana no Sato...
πŸ‹Ch. 32 Impatient...πŸ‹
πŸ‹Ch. 33 Moments in time...πŸ‹
Ch. 34 Catalyst...
Ch. 35 Reality Check...
πŸ‹Ch. 36 The last time...πŸ‹
Ch. 37 Avoidance...
Ch. 38 Irony...
Ch. 39 Tipping point...
Ch. 40 Aftermath...
Ch. 41 Too little too late....
Ch. 42 Help me, please...
Ch. 43 IDFC...
Ch. 44 πŸ‹ Again...πŸ‹

Ch. 22 Distraction...

1.2K 43 2
By Tesby1006

A short while later, you awake still clutched tightly against Tsukki's body, his arm wrapped around your waist. Shockingly he still hasn't slipped from inside you. You attempt to shift groaning as you feel him tighten his hold on you.

"Kei.... Kei... I need to get up." You grab his arm giving it a shake in attempt to wake him. He makes a grumbling noise but remains unmoved.

'Is he seriously sleeping this heavily or is he just messing with me..'

"Keeeeeiii..." you reach behind you grabbing his side and shaking him a little harder this time. "Come on Kei wakey wakey... I need to pee and if you don't release me my next measure is to smack your ass like a volleyball..."

"Okay, alright, I'm awake," he groans. He nuzzles his face into you, biting into the crease of your neck and shoulder. "Now why am I awake, Pipsqueak? I was very comfortable you know."

You huff, "I was comfortable too until my bladder started screaming at me. As much as I was enjoying this nap, I really need to get up and go pee."

"Ooookay" he sighs out begrudgingly "Say no more. I suppose I should probably clean this up too anyway." He gestures to where you two are still connected. Unwrapping his arm from your waist he reaches between your bodies holding down the edges of the condom; pulling free from your warmth. You both groan at the sensation but you carefully sit up, getting your feet underneath you. The ache from being so thoroughly pleasured pulses from between your thighs. Unsteady legs manage to carry you to the rest room where you can finally relieve yourself.

On the couch, Tsukki lays there watching your retreating form. For a few moments he's lost in thought before attending to the condom. He makes his way over to the kitchen to throw the spent condom into the trash. He walks over to the table and grabs his underwear and shorts from where they fell from his legs while he was fucking you. He slips both his boxers and shorts back on. Once partially dressed he makes his way to your fridge, opening it to look for something to drink. He spies some bottles of water, pulling a couple from the shelf he twists one open downing it quickly; crushing the bottle in his hand as it empties.

As you walk back into the room you can't help but stare at his shirtless body as he downs the bottle. A small droplet leaks from the side of his mouth traveling down his throat. You can't help but lick your lips at the imagery.

'Would that I could be that droplet of water... just... damn...'

He glances over as he finishes, noticing you staring. He smirks "Enjoying the view there Pipsqueak?"

You break off your staring which only manages to make Tsukki chuckle. Honestly he can't help but stare at you either, the glow of your orgasms still present on your naked body.

You glance around looking for your clothing that Tsukki carelessly tossed from your body. Before you can manage to re-dress yourself, Tsukki steps up behind you wrapping his arms around you kissing against your neck. "Dammit, the things this body does to me, Shortstuff. You have no idea how tempting you are, do you?"

"Kei..." you moan out clenching your legs together as lust begins to over take you once again. The tenderness between your thighs reminds you of how many times you've come so far today. "Dammit..." You groan in frustration "I'm sorry Kei... but the pussy palace is closed for renovations."

Tsukki's hands slide up to squeeze your breasts. "Mmm but what about the titty committee. Are they currently in a meeting?"

"Mmm as enjoyable as this is, yes they are in a meeting... about how this will most definitely lead to us having sex again. So please defer to the first notice."

Tsukki chuckles but pulls back leaving one final kiss against your lips and smack to the ass that makes you yelp. "Fair enough. Though you should probably get dressed then because you are entirely too tempting naked like that."

He walks over grabbing the other water while you slip your clothes back on. He hands you the cold bottle which you accept, quickly twisting the top and drinking a few large gulps. You look around your kitchen and the now defiled dining room table, a small breathy laugh escaping your lips.

Tsukki glances at you in question, eyebrow raised.

A small snort of a laugh escapes you. "I just realized nobody can ever eat at that table again... or sit on that couch." Saying it out loud makes you laugh a little harder. "Kiyoko and Hitoka are coming to stay the night tonight too... Maybe I should put hazard tape up." You look at Tsukki eyes alight at your idea.

"What's it going to say? Beware multiple orgasms occurred here?" Tsukki laughs "Just clean everything up and it's all good. Weeeeelll until the next time I decide to fuck you on it. You do owe me a reward you know... for winning our game." He winks at you.

You choose to ignore that last comment and further address the other subject. "It's not all good... the minute someone eats at my table or sits on my couch they are going to know it's been defiled. I won't be able to hide it." You say dramatically.

"Ohhh Pipsqueak we really need to work on your poker face then. Otherwise you'll never be able to have anyone over. What are you gonna to do when I manage to fuck you on every surface of this place?" His words are like liquid seduction showering over you. How you can manage to feel aroused at all after being so thoroughly railed is beyond you.

"Everything about you should come with a warning label, Kei."

Tsukki shakes his head laughing. "Come on Shortstuff. I'll help you straighten up since I helped 'defile' this place."

His tone causes you throw a kitchen towel at his head. He catches it before it hits it's mark laughing. "Nice aim, but too slow Princess."

You stick your tongue out at Tsukki in response then go to answer your phone that started to ring.

Y/N: Hello?

Hitoka: Heeeey girl!

Y/N: Hey Hitoka. What's up?

Hitoka: Nothing much,
Kiyoko and me were just
wondering what time you
wanted us to...

As Hitoka is speaking Tsukki moves quickly behind you wrapping an arm around your waist and sweeping you off your feet. "You're such a brat... what did I say about sticking your tongue out at me?"

You squeal in surprise.

Hitoka: y/n? What on
earth was that?

Y/N: oh um weelll...

Before you can finish your statement Tsukki lands a decent smack on your ass cheek pulling a yelp from your lips.

"Dammit Kei! Who said you could smack my ass! I'm on the phone you know."

You can hear Hitoka bust out laughing on the other side of the line.

"Who said I needed permission to paddle your bratty ass Pipsqueak?" Tsukki lands another smack to your ass.

Y/N: Hitoka this is not
funny! Stop laughing!

Hitoka: I'm sorry y/n but
this is absolutely hilarious.

You manage to wiggle out of Tsukki's grasp dashing out of his reach. "You get to clean this mess since you caused it! Bossyshima!"

Tsukki goes to chase after you but you book it down the hall giggling, once you make it to your room you quickly close the door and lock it.

"Open the door Pipsqueak..." Tsukki sounds playfully menacing.

"I will not! I'm on the phone Mister Tsukishima. I'll come out when I've finished." You stick your tongue out at the closed door once again.

"You better not be sticking your tongue out at me again Princess..." Tsukki growls.

'How did he know??? Is he psychic???'

Hitoka is still giggling on the phone.

Y/N: *huff sorry about that

Hitoka: oh no, no need
for apologies. That was
hilarious. Can't wait to tell
Tadashi about this.

Y/N: You are so mean,
how dare you laugh at
my torment.

Hitoka: didn't sound too
tormenting to me? She teases

Y/N: okay fiiiinnne I'll
admit it. I love messing
with him. He's so easy to
get a rise out of. You giggle.

Hitoka: So what time you want
us to come over? Or should
We leave you and Tsukki
to yourselves.

Y/N: oh no you guys can
come over in about an hour.
He uhh... kinda

You rush through the last bit of your explanation but Hitoka heard you perfectly.

Hitoka: ooooo do tell... wait
no I take that back. I'll wait till
later, so you can share with
both me and Kiyoko.

Y/N: huff ooookay, you
totally twisted my arm.
I'll see you in an hour then?

Hitoka: yep, see you later.
Don't hurt yourself now, and
just text me if you need more...
you know... time. *wink wink

You roll your eyes.

Y/N: ha ha sooo funny. I
seriously can't cum anymore
than I already have today.
I'm hanging up now byyye

Hitoka: whaaaa...

You quickly hang up before she can question you any further.

Heading to your door you briefly listen to see if you can hear him on the other side of the door. Hearing silence you crack the door, peaking out, when you don't see him you open it wider. Big mistake.... Tsukki appears from the corner that had been outside your view. Scooping you up and wrapping your legs around his waist. Lips immediately pressed against yours. Your arms wrap around his neck you can't help but lean into his kiss. He walks with you to your bed, pinning you down.

Not wanting to lead him on into thinking you changed your mind. "Kei we can't, not today at least." Your voice comes out breathy.

"I know, and I won't try to persuade you. I just really wanted to kiss you again." You relax into his hold as he dips down kissing you slowly, soft licks and bites to your lips. He slides his tongue against yours, saliva swirling together. You suck his bottom lip into your mouth giving it a gentle bite drawing a groan from deep in his chest. "Woman, you are just cruel."

He places one final kiss before pulling back. He grabs your hand and tugs you to your feet.

"I'm cruel? How so? I would say I'm quite magnanimous. You wanted a kiss and I provided." You played innocent so well. You started walking towards the door to your room, heading to go clean up the mess before Kiyoko and Hitoka get there.

As you make it to the door Tsukki quickly lands one last smack to your behind. "Such a damn teasing brat." He mumbles under his breath.


In no time at all you've managed to get your place back in order with Tsukki's help. Glancing at the time Tsukki reluctantly decides he should probably get his stuff together to head back home.

"Hitoka and Kiyoko will be here soon anyway most likely. I told them to come by in an hour."

Tsukki makes his way around your place grabbing his things and tossing them in his bag. "Yeah, I have a paper I have to work on for my final class anyway."

As Tsukki packs up the last of his stuff he heads for the door to get his shoes on. Once his shoes are on he stands and tugs your body close to his. As he leans in to kiss you, your door bell rings. "ugh they have the worst timing." He groans out.

You let out a small laugh before pulling away to answer the door.

"Y/N!" Hitoka pops through the door throwing herself at you in a big hug.

"Hi Hitoka, Hi Kiyoko. I'm so glad you guys are here!" you give them both a big smile.

"Tsuuuukki, I see you're still here. Can't get enough of our Y/N here huh?" Hitoka teases Tsukki as she pulls back from your hug. Tsukki rolls his eyes leaning down to grab his bag as he heads for the door tugging you along with him outside.

"Yep and you interrupted..." Tsukki says as he closes the door on their surprised faces.

"KEI!" you yelp in surprise as he tugs you to him, kissing you. It's not rushed, but slow and thorough, leaving you panting.

"See you at school Pipsqueak." Tsukki says with a wink as he leaves.

*** Inside ***

"Can you see anything Kiyoko?" Hitoka asks quietly as she tries to peek out the window.

"No... Wait yes!... I can see... Ooooo He's kissing her." Kiyoko says in a whisper.

"What??? Let me see!" Hitoka squeezes in where Kiyoko is looking. "Ohh he is... and quite thoroughly. Damn Tsukki get it!" Hitoka whisper yells.

"Are you sure their not dating?" Kiyoko asks

"From the last I heard from Y/N it's just physical... I don't know though. Have you ever seen Tsukki act like this with any other girl... like ever? Cause I know I haven't" Hitoka states.

"No never... I wonder..." Kiyoko says.

"Right? Wonder indeed..." Hitoka muses as you open your door. You lean against the it with a hand clutching your shirt. You glance to the side seeing your two friends who were very obviously spying on you.

"That man should be illegal" you say smiling. Hitoka and Kiyoko looking at your smile, they both bust out laughing causing you to start laughing as well.

"Girl you're in trouble!" Hitoka says "You better spill the beans."

"Okay sure but first... Kiyoko..." Kiyoko looks at you with a surprised face. "How'd your date with Tanaka go?" you ask with a huge grin.

Kiyoko immediately blushes but smiles.

Hope you enjoy my fellow Tsukki simps!

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