
Par Adifosett

12.2K 517 179

Even though Maya and Trinity are identical sisters they're the complete opposite of each other. While Maya is... Plus

▪️Trinity Meets World
▪️Trinity Meets Girl
▪️Trinity Meets Homecoming
▪️ Trinity Meets Mother
▪️Trinity Meets Shawn Hunter

▪️ Trinity Meets Home for the Holiday

1.1K 50 7
Par Adifosett


Looking up from her batch of Christmas cookies, Trinity smiles at her boss. "Yes, Mr.Lane."

Mr.Lane rolls his eyes, hand running through his salt and pepper hair. "How many times do I have to tell you to call me Hugh?"

"Today," she pokes her chin, getting chocolate on it. "I think it's the fifth time."

Again his eyes roll. "Well, one day, I'll get you to call me by name."

"Did you need me for something? Did we run out of Brownies?"

"No, but I do need you to leave," he waves to the clock. "It's Christmas Eve, and you shouldn't be in here slaving over a hot stove."

"Let finish this batch of cookies, and then I'll leave," she promises.

"No," he pulls the dough away before she could reach it. "Get change and leave. I'll see you January 9th and no sooner."

"Fine, fine," she relents, taking off her apron. "I know when I'm not wanted."

He chuckles as she walks into the bathroom. Trinity takes a moment to clean her face, wipe off any dough, and grab her bag before walking to the storefront.

"Trinity, wait," Mr.Lane calls from behind the display rack. "You forgot your paycheck."

Trinity's brow raises at that. She gets her paycheck every two weeks, and since she got one last week, she wasn't due for another one until after the holiday. Hesitantly she walks over to the display and accepts the check. Her eyes widen when she saw that there's a significant increase in it. "Mr. Lane! This is too much."

He shakes his head before favoring her with a fond smile. "I disagree; I don't think it's enough. Merry Christmas, Trinity."

Smiling shyly at him, she tucks the check into her pocket. "Thank you, Hugh. Merry Christmas."

Walking out the door with a pep in her step, she wasn't surprised at the snow bunny blonde hair goddess waiting for her. "Thank you for waiting."

"Always," Violette grasps her hand as they make their way through the streets. "How was work?"

"Good," Trinity rests her head on her shoulder. "Amazing, actually. Have I told you thank you for encouraging me to take the job?"

"Always," she kisses her temple. "Excited for Christmas?"

"Hmm," she smiles. "I'm spending the morning with Mom and Maya and then Christmas dinner with you at Sofie's place."

"Me, Sofie, Dmitar, and our parents," she chuckles. "Do you mind if we stop by Demolition? I need to pick up Parsha's gift."

"Of course."

Trinity listens to her speak about her day as Violet steers them towards the direction of the famous teen store.

When they arrived, she wandered around the store as Violet collects her purchase. Suddenly her eyes land on the green and red plaid coat. Isn't that the coat Maya wants?

"I got the... Do you wanna get that?" Violet stops right behind her.

Trinity shrugs. "Yeah, I am. Why not? It's Christmas."


Christmas morning, Trinity hums to herself as she goes about creating the perfect Christmas breakfast, knowing that her Mom and Maya would be awake any minute now. She's been avoiding Maya and her posse since the art exhibit, but it doesn't matter today because they call a cease-fire on Christmas.

No arguing, no pettiness, just opening their present with their Mom. It was, after all, the one time a year she took of from work. Tomorrow Maya and her could get back to clawing at each other's throat.

Without looking, she pulls the plate of gingerbread cinnamon roll from her Mom's reach. "Ah! Trini!"

"Morning, Mom. If you wanna burn the top of your tongue, go ahead."

Relenting, Katy walks behind her daughter and wraps her arm around her shoulder. "Merry Christmas, Trini."

"Merry Christmas, Mom."

Her Mom kisses her cheeks before moving on to the kettle. "How do you feel about hot chocolate this morning?"

"Is there any other way to start Christmas?"

Together they work quietly to finish Christmas breakfast. By the time Maya woke up, the table was set, and they enjoyed a delicious breakfast with just the three of them before going to the couch to open presents.

"Can we make this quick I have to go to the Matthews?" Maya complains.

"Maya, you're going there for dinner. You can spend the morning with your sister and me," Katy chides softly.

Trinity frowns at the disappointment in her Mom's eyes. Maya never wants to go over to Sofie's for Christmas dinner but suddenly wants to go to the Matthews. If Maya didn't have a crush on Riley, Violet would eat her hat.

Too bad Riley is as straight as a rod, Trinity thought dryly before tossing Maya a nicely wrapped package. "Here. Don't say I never do anything for you."

Maya frowns before not so carefully ripping the wrappers off. Her eyes widen in surprise. "You got me the jacket!?"

Trinity shrugs. "I saw it when I went out and decided to buy it. No big deal."

"Thanks," Maya shrugs it on before looking up at Trinity, guilt written all over her face. "I-I-I didn't get you anything."

"I know. I didn't expect you to." After all, Maya has no money except for the allowance she gets from Katy, and she blows that in a day. She picks up a small bag and hands it to her Mom. "This is for you."

"And this is for you," Katy holds up a small box.

Switching the bag for the box, Trinity gently opens it to unfold a new apron with the words best daughter on it. "Aw, Mom, this is so cute. Thank you."

"Your welcome, sweetie," but Katy doesn't open her present yet; she hands Maya a box.

Maya opens it and smiles softly at the box of paints in it. "Thanks."

Trinity grins; their Mom might not be there every day, but she knew everything going on in their life. "Open my gift!"

"Okay, okay, okay," Katy chuckles before her eyes widen at the blue and white Kate Spade purse. "Trinity, this is too much."

"Mom, you deserve so much more; this is just a purse." It took her months to save up enough money for it, but it's been her Mom's dream to own a kate spade bag for years, and at 16, Trinity felt the need to help her achieve that dream.

"I love you, Trinity," Katy puts the bag down to hug her. Neither noticed the guilt and jealous spreading on Maya's face.


"It's time to open presents!" Jacqueline cheers, encouraging everyone to depart the dining room and into the beautifully decorated Christmas living room.

"Up Trini!" Sofie's youngest brother, Laurens, raises his hand for her to pick him up.

Getting up from the dining table, Trinity quickly lifts him up before following the rest of the crowd to the living room.

It was a delicious dinner and a great time spending time with her friends.

"Look, Sofi, your brothers like Trinity more than you," Dmitar teases his girlfriend.

Sofie shoves him away from her with a huff. "It's Christmas. The one day of the year, your not allowed to piss me off."

"I thought that was your birthday," he responds, ducking the next swing to kiss her on the cheeks.

"Dmitar's right about something. Children love you; you're going to be a great Mom," Violet's mom comments.

Cheeks redding, Trinity ducks her head before letting Laurens down to run to the pile of presents under the tree.

Trinity took a seat on the settee while Violet sits in front of her. She runs her hand through her girlfriend's hair as Sofie's Dad pasts out presents while Sekhmet prowls around the room (the children giving her all the attention she needs).

As always, she receives a bunch of new clothes that she doesn't bother denying-- it never works out anyway. And chuckles when her Mom is browbeaten into accepting a few clothes herself.

"Thanks for the cross body," she smiles at Sofie while Violet is distracted by Dmitar. "And the new baking set. I love it."

"You're welcome," Sofie smiles back before leaning closer to her and whispering, "I hid your gift to Violet in the crossbody. She's going to love it."

Trinity flushes her cheeks, going pink. "Thanks, Sofie."

5 minutes to 10:30, Trinity walks over to Violet, who's helping Sofie clear up the dishes in the sink, with her coat on. The parents were in the dining room playing a board game while the younger kids are in the living room with a Christmas movie, with Dmitar watching over them.

"So I'm gonna go home," she tells her. "Wanna come with me?"

Violet turns and raises an eyebrow at her. Trinity understood; she never left the Christmas party early; some years, she stays until New Year. "Um, Sure, let me just fini--"

"No need," Sofie pushes her. "Dmitar, come here and help me with the dishes!"

"Coming in!"

Violet looks between the two under blonde before relenting. "Alright, let me get my jacket."

"Mom, I'm going home!" Trinity yells into the dining room.

"Okay, Trini, be safe," her Mom yells back with a giggle. "I want a timestamp every five minutes, and don't worry about Sekhmet. I'll bring her home tomorrow."

Shaking her head, Trinity lets out her own giggle. It never fails. Every year the parents drink way too much, and all end up spending the night at the Rosenzweig.

Trinity didn't mind, though. It's rare to see her Mom let her hair down, and this allows her to safely give Violet her Christmas present without anyone walking in.

"Okay, I'm ready," Violet walks up to her.

With a wink from Sofie and a knowing look from Dmitar, Trinity took Violet's hand and almost drags her out of the building.

"Why'd we leave so early?" Violet asks as they entered the Harts' apartment.

Trinity shrugs, taking off her coat. "I just wanted to come home and cuddle with you."

"We could have cuddled on the couch," Violet replies. She shrugs off her coat before hanging it up. "What are you up to?"

"Nothing," wrapping her arm around Violet's shoulder, and brushes her lips against her. "You don't want to spend alone time with me."

"That's not it, and you know it," Violet smiles fondly at her, eyes soft. "You're in a good mood."

"Well, I got an amazing present from my beautiful girlfriend," she smiles down at the rose gold heart-shaped pendant. "I love it, and I want to give you your present."

"Okay, now I know your up to something," Violet holds up the gold bracelet that she received just a few hours ago. "You gave me my present. You've spent your whole savings on getting presents for everyone, and I don't want anything more."

Trinity sighs, it doesn't happen much, but Violet can be oblivious to what's going on. It's why she was the one that asked her out. "Can you just go to my room and wait for your present. I'll meet you there."

"... Alright."

While Violet went to her room, Trinity cheeks Maya's room to make sure that her sister was sleeping at the Matthews as expected. When she saw the empty bed, she grins to herself before going to the bathroom.

Opening her new crossbody, she takes out a blue floral lace teddy bodysuit. Some might say at 16, she's too young, but she'll be 17 in a few months, and she's known Violet since they were children. They've been dating for two years now, and she wouldn't want anybody else to be her first.

Taking off her clothes, she quickly changes into the teddy and reapplies her makeup.

Inhaling deeply, she leaves the bathroom and makes way for her room. Pushing the door open, she smiles at Violet reclining on her bed while browsing her phone.

Pushing the door open further, she asks, "Are you ready for your present?"

"Yeah, I--" Violet's mouth drops when she catches sight of Trinity. "Trini... what?... wow!"

"You like?"

"I love."

Padding across the floor with pink cheeks, she straddles Violet. "Hi."

"Hello," Violet's hand tracing the curve of her breast. "Is this my present?"

"What do you think? Whoo!"

Before she knew it, she was flipped over her over.

The fabric of Trinity's bodysuit bunches under Violet's palm as she slips closer, warm hands press firmly on her thighs as Trinity wets her lips.

Gripping Trinity's thighs, Violet lightly presses down until their mouth touches. The heart of Trinity's lips warms Violet as they share a hungry kiss. Trinity reaches out, gasping muscles beneath Violet's shoulder blades to tug Violet closer, and wraps her legs around Violet's waist.

"Are you sure, Trini? If we don't stop now their's no going back," Violet warns. "I don't care either way."

Trinity shakes her head. "I've wanted to do this for a long time. I want to get lost with you."

Trinity cradles Violet's hips, sliding her thump under Violet's dress slightly to caress her skin. Violet slides her hands further up Trinity's legs until her teddy is gathered around the curve where her thighs meet her waist.

"You know you can go farther? Right?" Trinity teases, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Whatever you wish," Violet whispers, bringing her head down, she plants a slew of kisses along Trinity's inner thigh.

As she pulls aside Trinity's underwear, Trinity grabs a fistful of her hair and cries out. "Ooh! ""

Violet feels Trinity's shoulder as Trinity arches her back against the bed. Her breath a little more than a rasp."


Violet kisses her one last time, then she brings her lips back up to hers. "Your beautiful."

They gaze deeply into each other eyes.

"I'm glad I got to share this with you," Trinity whispers.

"I love you," Violet tells her. "I know you know that, but I don't think you understand fully. Sometimes it's all-consuming. I want to destroy anybody that hurts you. I want to share all of myself with you. I truly love you with every inch of my being."

"Violet... I feel the same way. I love you."

Trinity tugs Violet closer and kisses her longingly. Her hand over the zipper of Violet's dress, clearly holding herself back. She finds her eyes, asking her for permission. When Violet nods, Trinity gives in and unzips the dress.

As Violet's dress hits the floor, she slips Trinity's teddy off over her head. For a moment, they stand and stare at each other's bodies. Meeting in the middle, they kiss hungrily. Violet lifts Trinity's body upholding her legs firm to her waist.

Trinity tugs her hair gently with her teeth. "I want you, Violet."

Violet moans and reaches down with one hand while the other twines with Trinity above her head.

What a wonderful way to spend Christmas.

A/N: I know it's been a while since I've updated this book, but I hope you guys enjoyed it. Just to make it clear, Trinity is currently 16, and so is Violet. I'm combining seasons one and two into one chapter and making that their junior year while season three will be senior year.

This does not mean I will be doing a lot of smut. I don't do smut well, and I don't think it needs to be in every story for the story to be good.



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