
By werewolfgirl35

22.8K 1.3K 51

Every young wolf is told of how amazing and special it is to find your mate. The other half of yourself, you... More

*1* birthday
*3* becoming alpha
*4*loosing everything
*5*friends for life
*6* pain
*7* forgiveness


852 61 3
By werewolfgirl35

Training cleared my mind and helped me focus. The events of the past few days kept replaying in my mind. We trained until lunch then I met with the fighters to talk about border patrol and protection against the attack that I was sure would be very soon.

I caught up on some alpha duties and was getting ready to join one of the teams to do patrol when my parents entered the territory. I waited for them in my office knowing that's the first place dad would go.

Just a few minutes later I heard the front door slam into the wall and moms heels clicking on the tile as my parents made their way to my office.

I met them at my door, " Lyda my god, I was so worried" mom embraced me in tight hug as dad took a seat in front of my desk.

"Freda let the girl breathe ." was his only comment.

As mom released me I took my seat behind the desk and looked directly in my dads eyes. "I assume you both know what is going on here." came my curt question. No use beating around the bush when I need answers quickly so I can assure my pack is protected.

"Why don't you tell us exactly what's happened." was dads reply.

"Who is Lassiter?" I asked instead.

"I honestly have no idea." dad replied but I saw mom flinch at the name.

"Mom how about you." she paled a little before regaining her composure standing tall resting a hand on dads shoulder. "How would I know that name."

"Your lying mom. I saw you flinch at the name. I am alpha now and I need to protect the pack but I can't do that if you are keeping information from me."

"Lyda Plyze! Do not speak to your mother that way. You may be alpha but you will respect her." dad was standing beside mom with an arm around her waist. I stood and started to walk around the desk when a picture of the Twins' mom flitted through my head. "Nicole we found her she's just an hour from our location." a tanned, dark headed man said as he helped the twins gather gear and get in a black escalade.

I gripped the edge of the desk and rubbed my temple. "Nicole" I whispered and mom gasped and slumped against dad. "Oh my god, it's true."

"Freda, sweetly what's wrong? What's true?" dad asked concerned.

"Jacques" was her only reply as she started shaking. "Are you sure?" dad asked and mom nodded yes.

"Who is Jacques." I asked.

Mom and dad exchanged looks and with her nod yes dad started," Not long after your mom and I met we heard about someone who was trying to gain enough power to take over all supernaturals. He was said to have taken some very powerful and important women in hopes of gaining their power. No one paid much attention to the rumors. Such power was unheard of and there was no way to steal the power anyway.

After we mated and I became alpha we started having trespassers in our territory. We added more patrols and taught anyone of age how to fight. About four months later we were attacked and your mom was in charge of the women fighters. She led them around the rogues to attack from the back. We killed every single one of them but in the mayhem your mom was taken." dad stopped and gave a reassuring squeeze to their clasped hands.

"How come I never heard about this before now." I questioned stunned. "And how does Lassiter and Jacques fit into it."

"I was hoping you would never have to learn about any of this sweety. I had hoped that with our escape and me killing Jacques that the past would stay in the past and you would be safe."

"Safe from who? Mom whats going on?" I anxiously asked.

"I got distracted during the battle and was shot with a dart that knocked me out. When I came to I was in a cell with several other women. The walls were lined with cells occupied with women and children." I instantly went to her and hugged her.

"Mom why didn't you ever talk about it." I asked

"Just let finish please." I nodded and she continued, "One by one the women
disappeared. When they got to our cell they pulled a young girl out and she never returned. The remaining woman with me was Nicole. Nicole Saints and she was a powerful witch from Canada. Her clan was the most powerful and on the eve of her wedding to Phillipe Triepe, heir to the second most powerful clan she was taken and locked away." tears were silently falling down her cheeks.

"We got to know each other during the weeks we were held captive. She told me of the arranged marriage to combine the clans to assure peace and to make sure both sides powers did not fall into the wrong hands. As soon as they met they knew they were soul mates. They spent every waking moment together until that fateful night.

Some members from the hatte coven did not agree with Phillipe marrying outside their coven so they killed him right before Nicole's eyes and handed her over to Jacques." I was stunned beyond belief. This was stuff you read about not real life. I didn't know what to think.

"What does Nicole look like?" I quietly asked.

"Blonde hair and blue eyes, why?" mom asked me.

"Does she have twin boys?" I slowly sank to the ground.

"I'm not ... I dont know we were both pregnant when we got captured. I guess she could have had twins."

"You were pregnant? With me?" I asked bewildered.

"Yes, I'm so sorry Lyda. I never thought his son would come looking for you." mom sobbed.

"You said you killed him. What happened?" I stood up and made my way to the couch along the wall and sat.

"Nicole and I made a plan, which ever one they came for next would distract them so the other could find a way to escape but when they came for Nicole I couldn't let them take her." mom shakily made her way next to me and I held her hands. "As the door opened to let them inside I slipped out unnoticed and found a knife on a table in the adjoining room. When the first human stepped through I slit his throat and he collapsed. The other one released Nicole enough that when I threw the knife into his chest she was able to jerk free and run to me.

We made it out the front door before anyone knew what happened. As we rounded the house Jacques was waiting for us. I instantly shifted and caught him off guard. He fell and I landed on his chest ripping out his throat." tears were freely falling now as dad tried comforting her.

Throughout moms story a calming feeling spread through my body and I felt the need to shift and run to the borders.

"After I shifted back Nicole and I hid the body and ran into the nearby woods. Once we were a fair distance away from the house we were held in I was able to mind link your dad, he came for us. Right before we were rescued Nicole placed her hands on my stomach and whispered some weird words. She told me it was a protection spell for me and my unborn child. Then your father arrived and I was brought to the pack house while she was being brought to the meeting place with her coven."

"Sweetie why didn't you ever tell me the last part. I never knew you killed him yourself." dad asked.

"I was ashamed that I let my wolf take control and kill someone." she broke down again.

"Alpha, trespassers are trying to enter the east border. They insist they need to speak to the alpha immediately." Link my third in command said as he poked his head in the room.

"Bring them here." I said.

I hugged my parents, "Mom, you didn't have to go through that alone you know. We could have talked about it and it wouldn't have eaten you up all these years."

"I know sweety, I just didn't want you to have to worry about any of this." mom half smiled and kissed my forehead. I started to go back around my desk to sit down when the most intoxicating smells hit me. I whipped my head around as Link came into the room with three people following him.

As soon as the visitors entered the smell intensified and as I saw the first person I was at the door and grabbing the other twos hands with tears in my eyes.

"I told you we would find you mon amor." (my love) that sexy voice I dreamed about for weeks spoke as he brushed the tears away.

"Hello, mon cherie."(my darling)Dash said as he raised my hand, kissed it as I felt a hotness spread within me.

"Mates!" was all I could get out before I blacked out.



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