Boys are Pups, Men are Wolves

By FlamingLeeAndre

976K 26.8K 1.9K

All her life, Helen Craft has always loved Dominic Woods. He was like the big brother she never had. But late... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 5

39.8K 1.1K 79
By FlamingLeeAndre

What was I even thinking? Of course he’s not my mate. The idiot was already flirting around with any female werewolf in sight.

I sighed as I walked with Sunshine onto the Hunting grounds. It was the evening and the sun was slowly setting. As soon as the sun disappears below the horizon, the Hunting will begin. When the time came for Sunshine and me to leave, Trey was immediately at my bedroom door, taking Willow away to who knows where. But it was obvious it was just going to be the two of them together.

Looks like she won’t be able to help distract Dominic after all.

“Dummy.” I said under my breath, but Sunshine heard me.

“Hey, he’s just doing his natural thing. Can you blame him?”

I gave her a flat stare. “You just said he was my mate.”

“So?” she said with raised eyebrow.

I was about to retort, but Karen suddenly came up to the two of us. My lips immediately sealed close and I smiled at Karen. “Hi Karen.”

“Hello.” She smiled back and then turned to Sunshine. “Sunshine. Long time no see.”

“Hey Karen.” Sunny grinned back. “You know what, there’s something I have to ask you.” And she took Karen by the shoulders and guided her away.

“Sunny!” I shouted in a warning tone, but she turned back to me and winked.

“Don’t worry honey Bunny!” she shouted back before the two of them went to a more private place to talk.

And I was left standing alone.

Immediately, I began to get nervous. I wasn’t as nervous at the moment because I was surrounded by the Crescent Moon Pack. The process was that all the packs will start at where they mainly camped and once the sun sets and moon appears, and then they’ll run in whichever direction their instincts tell them to go.

I know I was supposed to be on my own so I could go and hunt for my mate, but the thought suddenly had me fidgeting in place. After all, I wasn’t a very bold person, so I couldn’t go around, flirting with any guy who interested me. I was too shy for that.

But then…what am I supposed to do?

“What are you doing Bunny?” Dominic suddenly said and I turned around to see that he was standing very close to me, wearing a simple dark green t-shirt and black pants. Even though he was dressed casually, he still looked too handsome.

When my eyes laid on him, my heart immediately picked up its pace, but I forced it to calm down, like I always did. “Dummy.” I said in a normal tone. “I’m doing nothing, as you can see. I’m just waiting for the moon to come out.”

Dominic looked me up and down, his eyes slowly creeping. I resisted the urge to shiver and run away from his gaze. “What happened to the dresses?”

I looked down at myself. Sunshine had suggested this outfit for me to wear instead of the dresses. Since I wanted something not too fancy but also not too casual, and Willow suggested shorts, Sunshine went on ahead with the choices. In the end, I wore a silky, baggy shirt that revealed my shoulders and I tucked the bottom into some simple jean shorts.

“I decided not to ruin any nice dresses I had.” I shrugged and looked up at him.

And stopped breathing. He was smiling with gentle and tender lips, but his eyes told a different story. They were glowing and burning with something hot. At the moment, they were looking at my bare shoulders and sliding across the tops from one to the other.

I told myself to calm down. That I was just another girl who he was flirting with. Because after all, just a moment ago, he was staring down at other girls with the same smile and blazing eyes. This was no difference.

“You look beautiful.” He said.

No difference.

“Your pale shoulders look sexy in that shirt.” Dominic added and placed a hand on them and brushed it with his fingers.

No diff-

His hand rose and tangled with my hair. “But I think you should tie your hair up.”

No d-

“That way your neck will be visible…” Dominic leaned down and whispered “And perfect for nibbling.”

My hands moved on their own and I shoved Dominic away from me. I knew I was blushing. I could feel my neck and face on fire. He was smirking down at me as I stared up at him with wide, shocked eyes.

“Like a Bunny during the Hunt.” He continued, as if I hadn’t just rejected his touch. “Watch out for the big bad wolf, Bunny. Or else you’ll get eaten.”

And then he left, making me gulp and release a shaky breath. My body was on fire, but I still shivered from his words. What did they mean though? Was he supposed to be the big bad wolf? Or was he just telling me to watch myself during the hunt? And why the sudden change in mood?

Stupid Dominic!

I calmed myself down when Sunshine eventually came back. I asked her what she and Karen talked about, but she didn’t tell me. That was more than enough proof I needed that it was something about me. Did she try to get Karen into the plan as well?

As I was still pestering her to tell me, the sun finally set and the moon shined in the night sky. Which signaled the beginning of the hunt.

Some werewolves already transformed and ran into the forest, following their instincts. Others were still hanging around on the dorm grounds. I was frozen solid when I spotted Dominic coming up towards me.

“What are you doing?” Sunshine hissed in my head. “Get out there! My brother’s already coming!”

“I know!” I hissed back. But for some reason, I couldn’t move. It’s like my legs were suddenly scared of moving now. For encouragement, Sunshine shoved me and my legs immediately took me in the opposite direction of Dominic.

“Helen!” he shouted with something like irritation. I turned back to see Sunshine had stopped him in his track. He stared down at her before shooting his eyes back to me and I jumped from shock and turned back around before continuing to run.

When I thought I was a pretty good distance away, I sighed and leaned against a tree that was nearby. Why did I freeze when I saw Dominic? And why is he still so persistent and keeping me from participating in the Hunting?

Over the years, he’s never shown any sort of attraction towards me. And now all of a sudden, he wants me to stay single? The only reason I could think of was because he wanted me for himself. At the thought, I blushed, but immediately shook my head.

Couldn’t be. The biggest question would be: why now? He had plenty of times over the years to claim me as his mate. So why would he decide to do that now?

I looked around and saw a fallen tree and decided to go and sit down before sighing. I looked down at my clothes and wondered if Dominic felt any attraction at what I wore. Or maybe he was just flirting like usual.

I brought my knees up and hugged them close to my chest. Suddenly, I’m not in the mood for Hunting anymore. I was already in the forest, but hadn’t yet transformed into a wolf. Maybe I’ll just sit for a while before heading back to the dorm grounds.

As I was sitting and looking up at the stars, I heard some rustling and the faint sound of voices. The voices were getting louder and louder, along with the sound of breaths getting heavy and soon, they were panting. I thought maybe they were just running, but moaning and groaning came along, and I blushed.

There are times when the sexual attraction between two werewolves can be so strong that they’ll mate right away on the Hunting grounds. I guess this was one of those moments. I slipped off the trunk and decided maybe I should move away and give them privacy.

Soon, the voices went to screaming, making me blush even more. It sounded really intense and I groaned to myself. Horny dogs, just like what Willow said.

But the scream suddenly changed. It wasn’t a scream of anything like passion. And it was a man’s scream. Was the female somehow being the dominant power in the relationship? Usually it’s the male.

I stopped and didn’t know whether to go and check it out or leave. Because this really was something private and I shouldn’t barge in by making assumptions. But…what if the male is really hurt? What if something more was going on?

In the end, I dashed to where the couple was apparently having sex. Even if I was wrong and they were just doing something they were both participating in, then it’ll be fine. I’ll just excuse myself and they can continue. But if something bad really is going on…I’ll have to help somehow.

I knew I was nearing where they were because I could smell their scents. And the scent of blood. I quickened my speed and saw two figures, one on top of another. The one on top was a female. I could tell by her long hair.

Another scream, this time it was blood curling, sounded from the male that was below her and I ran to where they were.

“What’s going on?!” I shouted.

The female whipped her head towards me quickly before standing up. She was covered in blood, mostly her hands and face were dripping with it, and the blood belonged to the male werewolf below her. The female was looking at me with one large, disturbing blood-shot red eye. The other eye was covered by her crazy brown hair.

When she spotted me, she snatched up her clothes and ran away. I began to chase after her, but looked down at the male who was still groaning. I looked back at the woman and she was already far ahead, so I decided I’d rather try and save this guy’s life.

Luckily, I was training in the medical field, so I knew what to do during situations like this. It was mostly his neck that was bleeding. But it wasn’t simply bleeding. It seems the woman had completely torn up his neck, ripping it open. Luckily, his body was still attached to his head so he wouldn’t die too soon.

“Hey.” I breathed quickly. “Stay awake got it? Just because you’re a werewolf doesn’t mean you’re invincible. So stay conscious and keep looking at me.” I told him as I picked up any bits of his neck and tried to hold them together.

With our ability to quickly heal and regenerate cells, he should be able to attach his skin cells back together so that the outside will be healed. Internally, it would take longer to heal, but to have an outer wall of protection would make it recover faster.

But something crucially needed was blood. Blood is a life force that would help speed up the process. I’ve heard humans say only vampires can do that, but really, both vampires and werewolves use blood as a primary source of energy for the body. And others too.

The difference is that vampires like to take blood from humans, but werewolves mostly take from animals. Unfortunately, I couldn’t exactly go around and try to hunt for some live game at the moment.

So what I did was make my teeth grow sharper from my werewolf side and cut my own wrist. Blood poured out immediately and I held it over the guy’s mouth as it dripped down. He immediately gulped the blood and I clenched my teeth as I used my other hand to spread my wound wider, refusing to let it heal and stop the blood.

Unfortunately, the male below me was still very severely injured, and his eyes were drooping shut. “Sir, please stay awake!” I patted his cheek. But his eyes were still closing. “Sir! Please! Stay with me!”

His eyes shot open for a split second before he slowly looked at me. His eyes were unfocused and he was constantly blinking. My vision was starting to get blurry too. Probably because of all the blood I was losing. But my blood was enough for him. He needed special drugs to help speed up the process. But those were back in the dorm building. I didn’t want to carry him in case I would somehow hurt his neck even more.

The male’s eyes were beginning to roll to the back of his head once more and I desperately called out.

“Dominic!” I shouted into the night. “Dominic, please! Please help! Dominic!” I began to sob as I looked down at the male. He was dying. “Dominic!” I screamed and an echo sounded in the forest.

“Helen!” I heard Dominic’s voice and I sat up, looking around. He appeared from behind the trees and saw me. Immediately, he rushed over. “What happened?” Sunshine appeared from behind him a few seconds later.

“Help me pick him up! Please Dominic!” I shouted. “He’s lost too much blood! His neck can’t hold his head on much longer!”

Dominic roared into the night, using his alpha call. Any werewolf would recognize that he was an alpha by his voice and by the sounds of it, he was calling for help. And any werewolves who were around wouldn’t be able to refuse.

Quickly, men and women appeared and saw the scene. Dominic made orders for them to pick up the injured man and make sure to hold his head at a safe level so as to not detach it from his body since his neck was nearly shredded off. Then he told others to spread out and tell any werewolves around to immediately stop the Hunt. The Hunting grounds was no longer safe.

“Oh my gosh, Helen.” Sunshine said worriedly as she rushed over to me. I was covered in blood, but she didn’t hesitate to hold my soaked hands and pull me into a hug. “What happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Is that your blood?”

“I’m fine. I was just giving the guy some of my blood.” I urgently pushed Sunshine away from me. “I have to go and help, Sunny. Stay and listen to Dominic, okay?”

She nodded and I chased after the three people who had taken off with the injured werewolf towards the Crescent Moon dorm.

Luckily, we arrived there quickly and the head doctor the dorm was already mated, so Dr. Jordan was there and ready to treat. Since I was her assistant, I helped her through the process when she gave the male some drugs to help speed up the recovering.

By the looks of it, the guy wasn’t a part of the Crescent or Golden Moon Pack. I would’ve recognized his scent by now and I’ve never seen him before either. He must be a part of the guests’ packs. But who was that woman that ran off? She was the obvious attacker, but what was her purpose? Maybe the two were lovers and a fight broke out?

No. It was nothing like a simple lover’s spat. Besides…that woman wasn’t a werewolf.

When Dr. Jordan finished, the both of us left the patient to rest and hopefully recover quickly. She turned to me and asked me what had happened, but I could only tell her what I knew, which was very little. But of course, the main suspect everyone had to watch out for was the woman.

But the thing is she looked like any other woman. The scene was tainted with the overpowering smell of blood, so I wasn’t able to sniff her scent. All I knew was that she definitely wasn’t a werewolf. And she had brown hair. Lots of women had brown hair. There wasn’t a distinct feature on her that would make me recognize her in a crowd. And if she was smart, she would’ve cleaned up by now to look like any normal female.

The doctor told me to go and clean up since I was still splattered with blood, and I left to my dorm room. There weren’t that many people in the dorm at the moment since they were outside. Dominic had most likely informed the other alphas of what happened so that they could deal with the situation.

When I got to my room, I was contemplating whether to take a shower or a bath. In the end, I chose a bath. I needed something relaxing at the moment from all the chaos. At first, I was afraid the male would die, but luckily, Dr. Jordan was able to treat him well. When I have to treat a patient that is near death, I always get nervous that maybe I’ll do something wrong and they’ll end up dying because of me.

I need to get over that fear.

As I was sitting in my bathtub with my eyes closed, loud footsteps began to sound from outside my room. I was confused and sat up slightly to hear the dorm room bang open and then the footsteps came louder towards me.

I screamed when the bathroom door slammed open as well. But it was just Dominic.

I glared and threw a bar of soap at him. “Stupid!” I threw the shampoo bottle. “Dummy!” I splashed bubbly water. “You scared me!”

But Dominic was in a serious mood. He stomped over and I immediately panicked. Was he an idiot? I’m completely naked under the water! Besides, guys shouldn’t be barging into bathrooms when a girl’s cleaning herself. Even if they happen to be friends since childhood.

“What are you doing? Get out!” I shouted holding my hand in front of me. But of course, it was useless. He just came closer and took hold of my arm and flipped it over so that we both saw the scar that was still on my wrist.

Dominic growled lowly. “You haven’t healed yet.”

“Of course not. I haven’t drunk any blood.”

At that, he narrowed his eyes at me before bringing his wrist up to his lips. I saw him open his mouth and his teeth became sharper. He was going to cut his wrist and give me his blood. But I quickly grabbed his wrist before he could do so.

“What-Dom-No!” I stuttered. “I don’t want your blood!”

He growled again. “Just drink it, Helen.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “No.” And I looked away.

Dominic stared at me and saw that I was going to be stubborn. So he sighed and changed tactics. “Do you know how worried I was? Sunshine suddenly came up to me and blocked me off from getting to you, and then suddenly I hear you screaming.” I softened up a bit from his words. “I thought something horrible had happened to you, Helen.”

“Nothing happened.” I muttered.

“I know.” He forced me to look at him. “But just drink. Please.”

I gulped. “I-I can get blood from someone else. Like Sunshine.”

He looked into my eyes. “I want you to drink mine.”

Don’t misunderstand. We are not vampires. Vampires give off pleasure when they bite, and they sometimes even bite their lovers because of it. But werewolves simply drink blood to help them with their transformations and during times like this, recovery. And we’re not selfish about giving blood to others like vampires either. Especially if it’s between members of the same pack, or in this case, friends.

“Can we do it later?” I asked while sinking myself lower into the water. “I’m sort of taking a bath right now.”

Dominic rolled his eyes. “Oh, quit being a baby, Bunny. It’s not like I’ve never seen you naked before.”

I blushed. “That was a long time ago!”

He raised a cocky eyebrow. “Are you saying your body has actually changed over the years?”

“Of course it has!”

“I’m sure you’re still chubby in the usual places.”

“No I’m not!” I argued back.

“Yeah? Show me.”

I fell into his trap. I always do. I’ve always have whenever Dominic taunts me like he just did. So I stood up very abruptly, and Dominic’s eyes widened with shock when he saw my naked body dripping with water. But I stood up too quickly. My body was still weak from the loss of blood and my foot slipped at the bottom, causing me to fall towards Dominic.

He instinctively held out his hands and caught me as we both tumbled down with Dominic falling to the floor on his back. Luckily he wasn’t an old human man or else he definitely would’ve broken his back.

I immediately sat up and looked down at him with worry. “Oh my gosh, Dummy! Are you okay?!” He groaned and blinked open his eyes to look into mine. “I’m so sorry. My body’s making you wet too.”

He groaned louder again this time, making me worry even more. But then he suddenly clenched his hands at the back of my thighs and spread them further apart, lowering my core to touch him. And he was awfully…hot…and…hard…

“D-Dominic?” I stuttered, my cheeks quickly bursting into flames.

Dominic growled and it almost sounded like a purr. And I could feel the vibrations hit me everywhere, including where we were most intimately touching. I watched as his tongue flickered out and he licked his bottom lip.

“Make me wet, Helen.” He breathed in a low, throaty voice. He thrust his hips up slightly, making me throw my head back and gasp. “Until I’m dripping wet like you.”

A shiver ran up my spine and it was not because I was naked and there was cool air everywhere. It was all because of the male alpha below me, spreading my legs further apart and rolling his hips to rub against mine.

Slowly, one of his hands slipped up and over my bottom and squeezing lightly before it continued its trip up. With one slender finger, he followed the trail of my spine, but slowly, making more and more shivers and noises erupt from me.

Dominic chuckled lowly, and his voice sounded like a beast’s. And it probably was his beast, or more like his wolf, doing the actions.

My cheeks were flushed with pink and red, and my eyes couldn’t stop flickering down to his lips, even as my lower body was being distracted. “Dominic.” I whispered his name. Never in my head had I thought, what was going on? Why is Dominic behaving this way?

No. Never. Because soon after I had whispered his name, he moved in to completely and utterly dominate my mouth with his.

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