Miraculous Digi Adventure

Oleh ColePlumber

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Marinette's beginning as the guardian takes an unexpected twist after one of Hawkmoth's plans bares unexpecte... Lebih Banyak

Robostus Returns
Datamon Appears
Digital Partners
The Dark Digimon
Spider and Fox
Flower Girl
The Unrivaled Rivals
Girl's Night
Monkey Sea Monkey Sing
Reflekdoll House
Reflekdoll House Part 2
Act Like A Monster
The Black Ocean
All Aboard to the Digital World
All Aboard to The Digital World part 2
The Gift of a Friend

Soothe The Beast

250 6 1
Oleh ColePlumber

  "I'm a failure!" Adrien moaned lying face down on his couch daring the fluffy cushion to consume him. "I'm the worst partner ever, Ladybug is gonna replace me with Rena Rouge or Ryuko... or Chloé." Adrien sat up, terror his well modeled expression. "... No, even she wouldn't be that cruel."
  "I wouldn't count on it she made a pretty solid Chat Noir while you were perfumed." Plagg mused as he sat in a pot of fondue like a tiny hot tub.
  Adrien gave another groan and flopped back down on the couch.
  "What's got him so down?" Blackgatomon was snacking on some sardines as the other black cat floated over.
  "He's still mad about missing that Akuma the other day." Plagg snickered as he flitted through the air.
  "I missed the entire fight, she didn't even need me." The young hero slowly bonked his head into the cushions but gave up unsatisfied with the lack of pain.
  "Stop beating yourself up you still got a kiss on the cheek didn't you?" Plagg made some kissing noises as Adrien turned to leer at him.
  "Yeah out of pity cause I looked like a mess from sprinting across town to get there, that doesn't count." The model murmured.
  "There's no pleasing him is there?" Blackgatomon asked between bites.
  "Nah he's a spoiled rich boy he only knows one way." Plagg chuckled.
  "You guys both suck." Adrien tossed a cushion at the two cats but they nimbly avoided the half hearted throw.
  "Come on Adrien have some cheese and relax you'll make up for it soon enough." Plagg dangled some cheese near Adrien.
  "Yeah let's play some video games and relax." Blackgatomon struggled to handle a controller with his large paws.
  Adrien for his part was having none of it continuing to brood.
  "Maybe she'll replace me with Lady Dragon, she has like seven powers and a Miraculous and a Prodigious, whatever that is!" He stammered beginning to pace his room. "I don't even know! Nobody told me! I just ran in and suddenly there was a 50ft lion guy vaporizing Shanghai!"
  "Nice rhyme." Blackgatomon mewed.
  "You're just making it worse on yourself stop thinking so much on who Ladybug isn't gonna replace you with and just do better next time." The Kwami all but shouted. He did love his chosen like family but he also found him irritating like family.
  "Ugh you're right." Adrien sighed.
  "I usually am." Plagg snickered.
  "Somehow I doubt that." Blackgatomon grinned.
  "Nobody asked you digi freak!" Plagg snapped.
  "Cheese hound!"
  "Has been!"
  "Will you two stop arguing!" Adrien hollered as he gathered his things. "Blackgatomon could you dedigivolve please so we can go? We have to practice for Kitty Section." Adrien stated.
  "What's that?" Blackgatomon asked as the digivice beeped and suddenly thunderous cat paws were replaced by tiny puppy padders.
  "It's my friend's band, I play keyboard." Adrien explained as Plagg flew into his coat pocket.
  "That's nice but do I really have to go out in this form?" Salamon pouted.
"I can't very well walk around with a super hero's digimon." Adrien gave a smile as the puppy leapt into his arms.
   "Fine but if that house plant Lalamon makes fun of me again I'm gonna bite!" Salamon grumbled.
  "Huh? You know Marinette's digimon?" Adrien looked down quizzically.
  Salamon froze. "Uh that's uh." The digi pup's eyes spazzes around for an excuse. Plagg frantically waved a no go sign from the shirt.
  "Uh we uh met in the digital world yeah!" Salamon blurted quickly.
  "Oh yeah I guess that makes sense." Adrien smiled warmly.
   Salamon and Plagg silently thanked their chosen for being a blonde air head as they all headed out the door.
  "Just checking in how are things going internationally?" Marinette said with only a slight strain in her voice from keeping her phone pressed firmly between her head and shoulder as she carried boxes of costumes onto the Couffaine's house boat.
  "We had some problems at first in New York with Digimon messing with Uncanny's systems but we think we've patched the issue." Jess aka Eagle said boredly. Marinette could only guess what she was doing but she heard the squeak of fingers on guitar strings.
  "And Shanghai?" The guardian questioned her other compatriot.
  "We've been experiencing some odd seismic activity that I'm looking into." Fei said a little worriedly. "But so far the Digimon haven't caused many problems, of course it helps to have two of them on my side." The keeper of the Prodigious laughed.
  "Ah what you get two? No fair!" The Eagle squawked irritably.
  "Good karma coming my way I suppose." Ladydragon chuckled, the others could practically hear her smirk.
  "I wonder if the quakes are related to the vines here in Paris." Marinette grunted as she hefted the box the rest of the way across the gang plank.
  "Who knows, nothing like that here in New York... well except that weird noise that's been coming from Ellis Island." Eagle noted.
  "Weird noise?" Marinette questioned.
  "Yeah like clockwork every morning the sound of cathedral organ, the United Heroes have been at a loss to figure it out but it's not hurting anything so."
  A brief silence shrouded the call.
  "Whatever it is I'll keep you posted." Jess finally stated.
  "Same also tell sister Marinette I said hi!" Fei added as well.
  "I will, gotta go, thank you both." Marinette set down her crate of supplies and only fumbled for thirty seconds to keep her phone from falling into the river before catching and pocketing it. Baby steps Marinette told herself. She then promptly took one step and tripped into a pair of waiting arms.
  "I know I made a song so you'd fall for me." Luka gave a gentle smile as he caught the clumsy girl. "But you really take things too literally sometimes."
  Marinette felt her face go through the five stages of grief and then some before relaxing into a smile of bliss.
  "Thanks Luka." She answered with only a small squeak as he helped her back to an upright position.
   "Who were you talking to?" Luka asked gesturing to her phone.
  "Just some friends over seas, making sure they're ok with all the craziness going on." Marinette giggled.
   "That's very thoughtful of you Marinette. You're the nicest girl I've ever met, like a hymn given human form just to make people smile." Luka gave a light nod then took the costume box to Marinette's side and walked off to change.
  Marinette stared after him for a moment still trying to absorb that statement.
  "Marinette dear we try to keep that part of the deck dry so try not to drool too much." Anarka called from nearby.
  Marinette spazzed like she'd been electrocuted and rushed to grab her supplies and get them sorted.
  "If you don't marry that boy I might." Lalamon stated floating next to her.
  "Don't you start too! I have too many people messing with my relationships, I don't need Digimon to get involved." The heroine sighed.
  "How can I not comment on your relationships when you have so many? I'm starting to wonder if you don't have a harem." The Digimon hummed.
  "I have no idea what you're-
  Oooph!- talking about." Marinette felt the air squeezed out of her as Chloé latched onto her from behind.
  "I'll just leave you alone." Lalamon floated away.
  "This means nothing!" Marinette wanted to shake her fist at her digital partner but was too busy untangling her limbs from the heiress of Paris.
  "Hi Chloé how are you?" Marinette gave a struggled smile.
  "I'm fantastic of course, everything you asked has been arranged." The blonde smirked proudly.
  "Wait for real?" Marinette gawked.
  "Cat Pals or whatever they're called has the front of the Eiffel Tower booked as their performance location for the festival this weekend." Chloé showed off the paper work with as much pride as though it were the Declaration of Independence.
  "That's amazing Chloé."
  "And your end of the bargain?" Chloé narrowed her eyes.
  "The back deck of the ship has been cleared for you to tan and we have fresh Lemonade ready, Sabrina is already there with a giant fan... I didn't ask her to do that last part it's apparently her first instinct." Marinette said the last part with only slight annoyance.
  "I trained her well."
  "You're the devil."
  "Flattery will get you everywhere." Chloé gave a wink and walked off.
  Marinette sighed deeply and wondered if maybe she could escape to the digital world when this was all over, then another came to rest next to her leaning an arm on her shoulder.
  "One day you're gonna have to tell me how you tamed Chloé." Alya gave her own smirk, less smug but more warm and knowing.
  "Trade secret." The baker girl grinned.
  "You have no idea do you?"
  "Do I ever?"
  The girls laughed as above a limo pulled up and Adrien and Kagami joined the event.
  "Remind me again what occasion this group is playing for?" Kagami asked as they descended the stairs.
  "The city is throwing a sort of mini festival event this weekend to welcome the Digimon and try to boost morale and stave off Hawkmoth for a while. Music, games and tons of delicious food." Adrien summed up the festivities.
  "The food is the important part." Salamon gave a grin to Ryudamon as they plodded along next to their tamers.
   "You already ate enough cheese and tuna to knock out a fleet of cats how can you still be hungry?" Adrien held back a chortle.
  "A digimon's stomach is never full." Salamon answered.
  Adrien set up his keyboard with the other instruments and practice began, the band premiering a new song written just for the occasion.
   Marinette braced herself for the warmth that filled her at the scene. Adrien smiling brightly as Rose belted out another line. Luka, Ivan and Mylene playing their hearts out. Her gal pals enjoying drinks on the deck nearby as the sun shines high in the air. The Digimon ran around playing and dancing as the music resounded down the Seine. Marinette chanced a peak at the stage and locked eyes with Luka as he gave a smile the designer could only describe as beautiful.
  Life was peaceful.
  Life was suffering.
  Marinette felt her good mood sour a little too quickly. Like that meme of a dog sitting in a room on fire. This is fine. Why would anything be wrong. This is just how life is when you're a super hero. She might not be in the best mental state to go easy on a villain right now so let's hope the villain is Lila, or maybe Gabriel Agreste. She could blow off some steam on him all day long.
   Marinette and Adrien made themselves scarce as the other passengers of the boat headed below deck to hide.
   "Spots on!"
   "Claws out!"

   "Snoooooorrrreeee!!!" The ground shuddered slightly and dust fell from the Arc de Triomphe as the large Digimon that had been snoozing between its mighty arches since the portal opened weeks ago continued its seemingly eternal nap. Leathery black scales and deep muddy red wings gently undulated with the throws of deep snores. It's head capped by a silvery metal helm perfectly fitted to its draconic skull.
    This was Cyberdramon. The police and rescue services had tried to move the Digimon multiple times but it hadn't budged or woken up since its arrival in the human world unlike most Digimon who were out and about. So it slept with a gentle toothy grin on its lips as it dreamed. Unfortunately it was in for a rude awakening.
   Several blocks down Sunflomon ran along the street as up above Ladybug and chat Noir danced across the rooftops in pursuit of another akuma.
  "Dance and leap and pirouette! Frightengale will get you yet!" The akuma cackled cracking her whip at them.
  "I can't believe Gale of all people got akumatized again she's so nice and chipper." Chat flipped about dodging the magical weapon.
  "A Digimon got startled and blasted her stage, anyone would be angry after that." Ladybug sighed blocking another attack with the spin of her yo-yo, her lucky charm was in her off hand, a hair ribbon not unlike Marinette's own. She planned to use it to tie Frightengale's hands and hair tails together to bind her. If she could catch her.
  "Let's just end this quickly I'm in need of a cat nap." Blackgatomon threw another punch at the akuma but her devilish dance skills kept her out of the feline's range. "Stop dodging!"
  "Sunshine beam!" Sunflomon fired another ray of light trying to force the akuma into a position where the others could capture her but she dodged over instead in a gravity defying leap she landed atop the Arc De Triomphe cackling as she did.
   "You'll never stop my performance digi fools, Frightengale's the one who digi rules!"
  "Oh great now she's putting digi infront of everything." Ladybug cursed herself for not stopping this before it devolved this far.
  "Oh no!" Sunflomon exclaimed panic written across its face.
  "What is it Sunshine?" Blackgatomon followed the flower's look of fear and soon matched it. "Oh crap not him!"
  "What's up!?" Chat asked as he and Ladybug looked at the Digimon below Frightengale.
  The akuma too took note of the sleeping beast. "Hahaha! This beast will do! With its great power you'll be through!"
  "No dont!" Sunflomon yelped.
  "You don't know what you're doing!" The feline Digimon backed away.
  Frightengale cracked her whip down at cyberdramon the colossal creature growled angrily but didn't get up much to the akuma's annoyance. "Hey you lazy no good lizard, on your feet or I'll cook your gizzard!" Frightengale cracked her whip across the Digimon again harder.
  Pain shot through Cyberdramon's body and he rose quickly smashing into the top of the Arc. Now he was awake and very much not happy. The ultimate level Digimon scanned the area taking note of the heroes and Digimon present quickly noting each one that didn't have the capability to cause its awaken before its blank metal face looked up at Frightengale and her whip.
  "Up up up you desolate beast, time to earn yourself a feast!" Frightengale leapt up ready to continue the battle assuming the Digimon would follow. And it did. But not for the reason she thought. The ground cracking was the first warning. Ladybug and Chat Noir frozen in shock as the shadow rose over Frightengale blocking out the sun.
  "Wha?" She looked back at the colossal black shape that had in mere seconds gone from the street below to above her.
  "Cyber nail!"
   Cyberdramon spiked Frightengale like a volleyball straight into the pavement!
  "Gale!" Ladybug cried in stunned horror.
  "Me-ow for once it was a good thing someone was an akuma! A hit like that would have killed a normal person!" Chat stammered.
  "Cyberdramon is a ruthless destroyer he's only safe to be around when he's asleep." Sunflomon was shaking at the creature as it landed cracking the ground.
  "Ladybug the butterfly!" Chat called as the small bug fluttered out of the crater Frightengale had made.
  The hero of Paris dove in as quick as she could and snatched up the evil insect in her yo-yo. "Bye bye little butterfly." She smiled and threw her lucky charm into the air summoning the miraculous ladybugs to repair the damage.
  Cyberdramon growled at the swarms of bugs flying everywhere the flitting shapes annoyed him beyond reproach. How dare these beings interrupt his sleep! They would learn their lesson!
   Cyberdramon's roar shook all of Paris as Ladybug helped Gale to her feet healed by the ladybugs.
  "Run get to safety!" Ladybug called spinning her yo-yo into defensive mode.
  "What a magnificent beast!" Hawkmoth mused at the otherworldly rage bursting from the monster. "You will be a master piece with the power of my Akuma!" Another blackened butterfly appeared in the air flying toward the Digimon.
  Ladybug panicked and tried to sling the bug but Cyberdramon drunk on adrenaline and instinct spotted the akuma first.
  "Erase Claw!" The words of power echoed across the square as the dragon swiped its glowing claw. In a flash the Akuma turned to dust.
   Chat gulped back his lunch. Just watching that display was enough to leave him shaking. His left hand came to his right almost on instinct feeling the power of that attack. His attack. The power to destroy with just a touch.
  Ladybug also stepped back in horror. Flashes of a flooded Paris and a ghostly white cat swam in her mind. This was a nightmare she thought she would never see again.
   The digital partners twitched in place unable to move from the pure fear of what they'd seen. Though true they had heard the stories of cyberdramon's wrath they had never seen it before and with just two attacks it had left a big impression.
   Cyberdramon sized up his opponents or rather his targets. It's furious gaze landed on black, green, black and finally... it saw red.
  Pavement shattered as the beast launched forward like a razor bladed missile. Claws that turned all they touched to dust cut clean through the air on a direct trajectory with the hero of Paris.
   "Look out m'lady!" Chat tackled Ladybug aside as the street was vaporized. Cyberdramon's momentum carried it over till it hooked a claw into the roof of the next building and flipped down to lunge at it's next target!
  Blackgatomon dashed away as brick and mortar were blown apart by the dragon beast gnashing its jaws at the feline Digimon.
  "It's so fast!" Chat growled.
  "Sunflomon you know what to do!" Ladybug cried holding aloft her digivice.
  "You got it Ladybug!" Sunflomon and the digivice glowed in sync and power flowed into the champion.
"Sunflomon digivolve to!

"Let's see how you handle another ultimate!" Lillymon buzzed in at lightening pace slamming into Cyberdramon's gut pushing it back.
  Silver talons dug into the pavement and Cyberdramon snarled.
  Lillymon yelped as a claw wrapped around her leg and swung her like a rag doll!
Lillymon hit asphalt and bounced.
  "Cyber nail!"
  A harsh backhand sends Lillymon sailing. The flowery ultimate halts her flight with a burst from her wings.
  "He's treating her like a dirty rug." Blackgatomon snarled.
  "Then we'll treat him like a piñata!" Chat entered parkour mode zipping across the roof tops and leaping to bash his staff across the dragon's blank metal face.
  Cyberdramon growled slashing at the feline but with a loud zip sound as Ladybug's yo-yo lashed his arm.
  "Huh?" The dragon followed the line to see Ladybug braced on the edge of the building nearby barley holding the dragon's arm back.
  "Flower cannon!"
  The digi drake whipped back around as the green laser blast soared toward it and tried to swing its claw only to find it stuck firm! It went for the other claw but with a loud clang Chat's staff knocked into the free hand stalling it just enough for the blast to sneak through.
  The Digimon vanished in a cloud of smoke.
  "Did we get him?" Chat glanced for his staff.
  Lillymon kept her cannon level, she could feel something.
  "ROOOAAAAAARRRR!!!" With a bellow of outrage Cyberdramon emerged from the smoke unscathed.
  "Not even a scratch!" Lillymon opened fire with three more salvos.
  Cyberdramon gave a yank with his trapped arm. Ladybug shrieked as the ledge she'd used as a brace caved and she went flying over the Arc De Triomphe.
  "Ladybug!" Chat leapt up in an instant diving across the courtyard and snatching his staff as Cyberdramon swatted aside the blasts being fired at him.
  Chat drove his staff into the ground and pulled back with all his might then let all his weight go and catapulted himself after his lady.
  "I've got you!" Chat grabbed his partner mid flight and whirled them around as they approached the Seine.
  "Hold on!"
  The heroes hit water hard. Ladybug righted herself as she struggled to bring her yo-yo to her mouth to make a rebreather only then realizing Chat didn't have his weapon! In manic shock she whirled looking for Chat Noir finding him sinking away eyes closed and mouth open.
  "No!" Ladybug pulled her yo-yo free and threw it around Chat and made a B line for the surface.
   Gasping for air and screaming from her muscles aching Ladybug pulled Chat ashore and tried to wake him.
  "Come on you mangy cat!" She checked his pulse and breath and her heart skipped a beat.
  "Oh no you don't." She began pushing in his chest and before long a gout of water burst from his mouth as he hacked up a lung and a half.
  "Ugh I think I swallowed a fish." He managed to make a weak chuckle before going back to coughing, wrenching more water onto the bank until a small flopping fish landed in the fresh puddle.
  "I really hope no one saw that."
  "Don't scare me like that!" Ladybug threw herself around him tight which only made him cough more but atleast it was comforting.
  The moment didn't last long as Ladybug grabbed him by the shoulders and held him in front of her.
  "Stop sacrificing yourself for me or I will never forgive you!" She practically screamed.
  Chat tried to fight it but a sad smirk formed on his face. "You know I can't do that my lady, there's no math here, a hundred of me aren't worth one of you."
  Ladybug's hand slapped his face so fast he thought he heard the sound barrier break.
  "Don't you ever say that again! You are my partner we do this together or not at all got it!"
  Chat didn't notice until this moment that there were the beginnings of tears in Ladybug's eyes. It both warmed and stuck a knife in his heart that she cared that much. And it steeled his determination even more.
  "You got it Ladybug."
  "Heads up!"
  The touching scene came to a screeching halt as Blackgatomon came flying in.
  "Whoa!" Chat opened up just in time to catch his partner like a football.
  "You ok buddy?" Chat asked his fellow feline.
  "I've been worse." The Digimon snorted. "I brought you your walking stick." Blackgatomon handed over Chat's staff.
  "It's a bow staff." Chat corrected.
  "Sure it is."
  The heroes looked across the river as Lillymon flew over head being chased by Cyberdramon. The beast slashed its claws and roared sending ripples down the Seine.
  "We aren't gonna be able to beat this thing alone are we?" Chat panted.
  "Nope." Ladybug stood, a thoughtful expression on her face. "The only time it's safe is when it's asleep."
  "I don't suppose one of your fancy magic charms can put people to sleep can it?" Blackgatomon asked.
  "No, but I think I know something that might!" The spark of an idea was forming and Ladybug heard her earnings beep finally catching up with the situation.
  "Can you hold that thing off while I get back up?" Ladybug looked to her partner.
  "I can do this all day." Chat gave a wink and a thumbs up even though he looked less than prepared for such a mission.
  "I'll be back soon kitty, don't die or you'll never make me fall in love with you." Ladybug gave the taunting motivator as she lashed herself away.
  "Oh she knows how to get me goin." Chat Noir was up on his feet like an Olympic sprinter.
  "Partner I hate to say this but she has you whipped." The digi cat sighed racing after him.
  "Nah she wants me." Chat slid to a halt at the end of the Pont De I'Alma Bridge. "Who else would fight a dragon for her?" Chat grinned as he raised his staff like a sword. "Other than her knight in black leather!"
  Chat charges the dragon as it stepped into the bridge its roar pushed so much air it almost held him back but the hero of Paris hunkered down and continued on.
  "You really are crazy partner!" Blackgatomon hollered running in with him sparks glinting from its knuckles.
   "Cyber nail!"
  Cyberdramon's claw comes down in the bridge like a guillotine. Rock and debris fly in every direction as the bridge begins to crumble.
  "Lightening paw!"
  "Got you now!"
  Chat and Blackgatomon whirl out of the dust cloud bringing their attacks to bare on the sides of Cyberdramon's head.
  Cyberdramon reels backward discombobulated.
  "That made him move!" The digi cat noted.
  "Then let's keep him moving! Push him back toward the Arc!" Chat lunged in dividing his staff and batting one half into Cyberdramon's head. The metal projectile wings off its helm as Blackgatomon slides in below.
  "Lightening paw!"
  The feline delivered a strike to the dragonoid's left knee!
   Cyberdramon falls on the struck appendage.
  "Now back here!" Chat extends his staff to its full length passing the bar between Cyberdramon's legs to connect with the other half on the other side of it.
  Blackgatomon flipped backward and whirled delivering a savage hit to Chat's staff making it spin like a lever and strikes Cyberdramon's other leg!
  The dragon howled falling to all fours. It roars in rage as a green light casts over it.
  "Flower cannon!" Lillymon's words of power echo across the Paris skyline as three salvo's of green plasma rain on the draconic aggressor!
  "Yeah! Way to go sunshine!" Blackgatomon cheered.
  "We made him move that time! We're chipping away at his defense little by little." Chat surveyed the situation. What would Ladybug do? Cyberdramon was already getting up again and they only pushed him back a few blocks. He looked up at Lillymon as she prepared another shot. His cat vision locked onto an abandoned bus and he grinned.
  "Distract him!" Chat scampered for the vehicle.
  "Flower cannon!" Lillymon fired again another green blast searing toward the dragon.
  "Cyber nail!" Cyberdramon swung his claw deflecting the blast right back at its source.
  "Oh crap!" Lillymon swerved in the air to avoid her shot then a shadow blotted out her vision as a car soared after the blast!
  "When did he- CRASH!!!
  Lillymon was knocked from the air by a blue Mercedes.
  "Get away from her!" Blackgatomon leapt in and punched with all its might sparks bounced off the digi dragon's helm but it merely pushed back and the cat went flying.
  "I can't dent that armor." The feline growled.
  "But this can!" Chat cried as he honked the bus' horn."
  Cyberdramon whirled sideways just as a Paris city bus slammed into him at full speed. Claws ground as pavement as the dragon was pushed down the block toward the Arc De Triomphe.
  Cyberdramon gathered its bearings growling in rage as it raises its claw.
  Chat bailed out seconds before glowing claws cleaved the bus to pieces like a paper shredder.
  "Erase claw!" Cyberdramon snarled as in a single swing it turned the bus to ash.
  Chat leapt in as the beast continued its rampage.
  "Erase claw!" Another swing carves away a section of street. Chat side steps and spirals his staff around to strike the dragon's side but the blow bounces off its layers of muscle.
  "Lightening paw!" Blackgatomon joins the fray laying another trial of punches across Cyberdramon's face as it leaps by.
  The dragon slashed in every direction buildings, cars and street lamps are shredded or vaporized.
  Chat slides between the beasts legs as it shatters the street. Blackgatomon glances off its wing as it flails trying to snatch the feline in its jaws.
  "No cat chow for you!" Chat landed on Cyberdramon's head lodging his staff in the beast's jaws and pulling back forcing its mouth open as it staggers back trying to grab him.
  Chat sees the glow of claws raking through air and leaps off.
  "Erase claw!" Cyberdramon slams his own claws across his head and the energy explodes.
  "Did he get himself?" Chat asks the question but receives the wrong answer all too quickly. Cyberdramon lunges from the smoke unscathed and slashes at him.
  Chat spins his staff as the claw swats him down the street.
  "Ugh nothings working I have to try to do some damage!" Chat sidelines his staff and charges claw outstretched.
  "Chat no! You can't beat an ultimate!" Blackgatomon chases after his tamer in a panic.
  "Cataclysm!" Blackness blossomed from Chat's paw.
  "Erase claw!" Cyberdramon brought its own claw to bare.
  Two unstoppable forces collide, black power meets warped golden light the two forces trying to destroy eachother.
  Light and space bent and warped as the destruction congealed into a single point and began to quake.
  "I won't fail Ladybug!" Chat grit his teeth.
  "Diiiieeee!" Cyberdramon roared!
  The pure energy of destruction finally released in every direction. Cracks spread across the ground in every direction. Across paris buildings shook and cracked, streets parted like canyons and fire hydrants shattered and erupted.
  Chat shot backward skipping across the street like a flat stone across a lake. His momentum was finally halted by denting a four door sedan with his torso.
  Blackgatomon struggled to rise blown back by the attack. Where was Adrien? Where was his tamer?
   The digital feline looked for the enemy and to its horror watches as Cyberdramon once again stepped out of the smoke of the explosion almost unscathed. There were scuffs and scars across its black leathery hide but it cared not as it marched toward the downed Chat Noir.
  "No!" Blackgatomon stumbled forward forcing itself to all fours to sprint to its master. "I won't let you hurt my tamer!"
  Cyberdramon raised its claw. Chat Noir weakly opened his eyes looking up at the death dealer. Some part of him accepted this to be the end. Cut down awaiting his lady's return to save the day. But deeper down. A spark of something ignited.
   "If you die you'll never get me to fall in love with you."
The words echoed in his heart and blood started pumping again.
  "I can't die here." Chat struggled to reach for his digivice.
  "I'm coming Chat hold on!" Blackgatomon raced toward his partner. Cyberdramon's claw began to glow.
  "I can't die here, not until I get Ladybug to fall in love with me!"
  A celestial glow erupted from the digivice as he held it aloft.
  Blackgatomon leapt over his master as the dragon brought down its hand!
"Erase Claw!"
"Blackgatomon digivolve to!

Cyberdramon slashed down with its claw shattering the street into a cloud of dust. The dragon snarled waiting to see that it's enemy was finally gone when to its shock the opposite had occurred. Its enemy has grown bigger!
  Much bigger!
  Chat looked up at the bronze and spackled fur of his defender. Purple armor erupts from the wild fur and from the armor grows six wicked red claws like some mega charged version of wolverine. Two piercing green eyes meet Chat's own.
  "Blackgatomon?" He breaths questioningly.
  "Heh I'm Meicrackmon now." The fearsome feline purred.
  Chat grinned wide.
  "You can be whoever you want big guy!"
With a roar like the king of the jungle itself Meicrackmon charged over Chat and tackled the rival ultimate pushing him backward grinding asphalt with their claws.
  The dragon howled in rage and the two goliaths pulled back their heads at the same time and tried to headbutt one another.
  The two great beasts staggered back before righting themselves and charging again.
  "Erase claw!" Cyberdramon roared as it locked claws with Meicrackmon. It expected its enemy to dissolve at its very touch but instead the red metal claws refused to yield.
  "Heh heh my claws are made of red chrome digizoid! Even you can't break them now!" Meicrackmon taunted.
  Cyberdramon responded to the boast by growling and throwing Meicrackmon sideways! The dragon followed its prey ready to smash it but faltered as something grabbed its tail!
  "Remember me lizard breath!" Lilly hissed digging in her heals.
  Cyberdramon tried to turn but before it could a solid hit struck its face.
  Meicrackmon slashed Cyberdramon's helm once. Twice. Thrice! Pushing the beast back as Lillymon yanked and swung throwing the dragon down the street.
  Cyberdramon rolled back to its feat and lunges forward. His head slammed into Lillymon throwing her backward while Meicrackmon pushed back clashing with the titan.
  Cyberdramon took this challenge the only way a beast could and promptly chomped down on Meicrackmon's shoulder!
  Meicrackmon howled, pain flooding his system but he didn't let this stop him clamping his own jaws down on his aggressor as the two pushed at eachother.
  "Ya know, biting is usually frowned upon in a fair fight." Chat mused as he landed on Cyberdramon's other shoulder.
  With a loud "CLANG!" Chat smashed his staff into the dragonoid's head plate. The drake reeled backward as Chat flipped over to Meicrackmon's shoulder as the ultimate kicked the dragon backward into the grounds of the Arc De Triomphe.
  Chat and his Digimon both panted heavily.
  "Incredible, even after digivolving I still can't keep up with him." Meicrackmon huffed. Cyberdramon was already getting up again teeth bared and claws gleaming.
  "Not alone, but together." Chat raised his staff.
  "Heh right!" Meicrackmon and Chat charged.
  "Cyber Nail!"
  "Cursed Claw!"

   Ladybug landed back on the Couffaine's house boat. Chloé was the first to notice her as to Marinette not so surprising the heiress was still sitting in her deck chair.
  "No don't get up I'll help myself." The heroine rolled her eyes.
  "Whenever you need me I'll take my miraculous back." Chloé yawned.
  "Sorry Bee but I need to calm the enemy not make them angrier, maybe next time." The brunette mocked.
  "Can't argue that, everyone else is below deck." Chloé continued her tanning session.
  Ladybug climbed below deck and a couple dozen heads poked out.
  "Ladybug? How can we help?" Her friends looked to her but she knew who she needed. She needed someone who made a life out of helping others and calming emotions. Someone who was one of a kind in Paris. She ignored the butterflies in her stomach. Lalamon didn't know what she was talking about.
  "Luka." She smiled at him as Sass floated up next to her. "I need your help."
  Luka stepped out and smiled at his Kwami. "Tell me what you need."

  The Digimon's claws sent off a flurry of sparks as they clashed.
  Chat leapt over the impact and smacked Cyberdramon again as Meicrackmon charged in to continue the fight.
  The battle became a colossal wrestling match. The people of Paris watched the titans throw, slam and push each other around as Chat danced back and forth across their backs. Stone and asphalt cracked under foot, metal bent and rubber skidded on concrete as cars and street lights were knocked away by the thunderous blows!
  Meicrackmon went for another tackle wrapping its arms around the dragon's mod section to try and throw it but Cyberdramon expected this and brought down both fists in the feline's back smashing it to the ground.
  "I'm gonna leave you catatonic!" Chat punned as Lillymon threw him at the dragon. The hero latched onto the dragon's face blinding it as he clawed and punched the beast.
  Cyberdramon stumbled back and threw off the hero only to receive the second rude awakening of the day as Meicrackmon and Lillymon carried Chat's staff between then and clotheslined the digi dragon!
  Cyberdramon rolled backward finally back to the base of the Arc De Triomphe. No sooner had the beast flipped itself back up than Meicrackmon once more smashed into it. Cyberdramon caught himself on the supports of the Arc but as it went to attack suddenly flowery cords wrapped around its hands forcing them back against the arc pinning the beast.
  The drake roared and tried to bite its holder again but as the final nail in the coffin  Chat Noir lunged into the dragon's open mouth and extended his staff holding the beast's mouth open!
  "Tut tut no biting on the first date." He grunted the joke as he planted his feet in the roof of its mouth.
  The scenario came to a stalemate as the two sides struggled against eachother. Cyberdramon's jaws tried to close and his arms tried to wrench free but the hero and Digimon held him solid.
  Chat's staff gave a harsh creaking sound. Meicrackmon looked up at his tamer with concern both from the sound and the effort he needed to hold the enemy.
  "Chat get out of there it's too dangerous!" He growled.
  "No!" The hero held steadfast. "I'm not moving until Ladybug returns I won't let you fight alone!"
   The staff began to whine again,the metal starting to warp and buckle from the force of Cyberdramon's jaws.
  "You have to move!"
  The staff bent hard warping more and more until the pressure overcame the magical weapon.
Cyberdramon's jaws slammed shut.
  But Chat was no longer there.
  Yanked away at the last second Chat found himself land in the waiting arms of his lady.
  "I've got you kitty." Ladybug smiled.
  "My hero." Chat replied with a smile. "So who'd you bring to our little party?" Chat looked behind her to the other hero present.
  "Good to see you again Chat Noir." Viperion gave a nod and suave smile.
  "My favorite reptile." Chat reluctantly left his lady's arms and pondered for a moment. "Wait are dragon's reptiles? Maybe Ryuko, then again-
  "Chat!" Meicrackmon snapped still holding the dragon at bay.
  "Right what's the plan bugaboo? No offense but I don't think we're gonna beat him no matter how many chances we have." The feline stated more seriously.
  "That's because we aren't gonna beat it." Ladybug smirked handing Chat one of their power ups to keep his transformation from timing out. "We're gonna play him a lullaby."
  "Huh?" Chat tilted his head.
  "So that's why you chose me." Viperion nodded.
  "And for an added bonus, my Lucky Charm!"
  Red energy swirled into a singular point and spat out the key to their success.
  "Please don't be a digivice." Ladybug whispered as she caught the item.
  It wasn't a digivice. But Ladybug still had no idea what it was. It looked like a tiny hand piano with some sort of tube attached.
  "Why do you never give me something simple?" The heroine asked her yo-yo half expecting it to answer sarcastically.
  "Oh cool a melodica." Chat notes.
"A what?" Ladybug blinked.
"It's a seldom used instrument, like a small piano combined with a harmonica." Viperion explained. "You blow in this tube and play the keys to make sound."
  "I've always wanted to play one." Chat playfully grabbed at the item.
  "You can play this thing?" Ladybug looked shocked handing the item to her partner.
  "I can play the piano, close enough." Chat smirked.
  "I have my instrument." Viperion added plucking his lyre with a soulful smile.
  "And you M'lady?" Chat asked. "Will you be serenading us with your voice?"
   Marinette cringed internally. "Nice try kitty not today." She snorted and whipped her yo-yo under her foot and plucked the chord making a basic thrumming sound like a base chord.
  "I can work with that." Viperion began to add his own strings to the sound making a calm melody. Finally Chat joined it tapping away at keys and breathing a beautiful song into existence.
  The serenade met the digimon's ears and in moments it's growls and snarls began to slow. Meicrackmon felt his grip loosen. The feline suddenly was less holding the dragon back and more holding it up as the beast began to slump into his arms instead.
  Lillymon felt the pull on her vines go slack. Slowly the two ultimates began to release the rampaging monster.
  The song of the heroes washed over the great dragon and it began wobbling on his feet. Slowly the beast stepped forward, then stumbled back, then began to fall forward.
  Meicrackmon gently caught the beast that only moments ago had been ready to rip him in half and now was barely standing at all. He gently laid the dragon on the ground in its spot between the legs of the Arc De Triomphe and in mere moments... it began snoring again.
  With a gentle decrescendo and twinkling fade the heroes silenced their song.
  "Music soothes the savage beast." Viperion noted. "A clever plan Ladybug."
  "I just thought of what helped me sleep when I'm cranky." The heroine chuckled.
  "Do we just leave him here?" Chat asked scratching his head. "What if he wakes up again?"
  "Hmm there has to be someplace safe to move him." Ladybug's face scrunched in thought.
  "I wouldn't mind throwing him in the river." Meicrackmon grunted coming to sit next to his tamer.
  "Be nice." Lillymon chided.
  The Digimon continued to grumble as Ladybug thought hard about what to do.
  "It's a shame, he seems so peaceful like this." Viperion gently plucked the strings of his lyre.
  Ladybug looked at him and suddenly her digivice began to react.
  Light and red matter formed in its shine and slowly another digivice formed in front of it.
  Ladybug caught the object as it solidified and became a shiny turquoise digivice.
  Ladybug smiled and handed the device to the snake hero.
  "I believe this is yours." She said brightly.
  "An honor." Viperion took the item and looked at the dragon sleeping before them. "But what do I do with it?"
  "Dunno." Chat shrugged. "Point it at him that's pretty much all I do." The feline hero purred.
  Viperion held the Digivice up and it began to glow.
  Reload. Cyberdramon.

The glow began to expand wrapping around the dragon and slowly shrinking it down until it became only light and then just as quickly was sucked into the digivice itself.
  Gentle snores came from the item as the image of Cyberdramon sleeping appeared on the screen.
  "Well that's absolutely pawsome." Chat snickered looking at his own black digivice. "Ya never know what tricks these things can do."
  "Then its time for our encore." Ladybug smiled. "Miraculous Ladybug!" Ladybug hurled the melodica into the air and Paris was healed for the second time today.
  The heroes leapt off across Paris with the Digimon following after.
   Returning to the Couffaine's boat Kitty Sections rehearsal continued and Marinette went back to relaxing on the deck watching the show.
  Life is pretty great.

   "Enjoy your little performance." Hawkmoth mused from his lair as Dinobeemon crawled about the walls cackling maliciously. "Because soon it will be my turn to play. The Fall of the Heroes." Hawkmoth's mind played out the next plan in gruesome detail as his ghastly senses fell over the other Couffaine child. "In C minor."

Author Note: I really had to bulk up this chapter from its original idea to give it the size it deserved. Chloé's sister Zoe is a thing now, I'll leave it up to you the readers if I should devote a whole chapter to her or just mention in a later chapter that she exists. Cast your vote in the comments.

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