The Proposal of Chaos (PJO)

By TheDarkGamer123

31.2K 584 181

In the Giant War, Percy singlehandedly killed Gaea in anger after she killed Annabeth. It is now 1 year after... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 2

4.2K 70 60
By TheDarkGamer123

Percy would've collapsed if he wasn't sitting on the bed. He stared in shock at the ring, it was beautiful, yes, with tiny, clear, colored pictures or sketches of many planets with a starry black background. It had some he could recognize, like Earth and Mars, but there were others ones that he had never seen, like one that was fully purple, or another one that had orange splotches. 

"Wh-wh-what?" Percy finally stuttered out. "I'm married to you?" He looked incredulously at Chaos.

"Am I not good enough for you?" Chaos said fake hurt. 

"Wha-I-um-h-Why?" Percy spluttered, still absorbing what he was told.

Chaos stood up and walked towards him. Percy warily looked at him but didn't do anything to stop him. He looked away, feeling shocked and hurt, the hurt directed to his father. Percy felt the bed sag down a bit when Chaos sat next to him. Percy felt Chaos put a hand on his arm, the contact sending sparks through his nerves, him slightly shuddering in pleasure. 

When he looked at Chaos, he noticed him smiling in a victorious kind of way, a signal that he most definitely noticed his pleasure.

"If it was anybody else I wouldn't have married them, but if I am being honest, I fell in love with you over time," Chaos said, starting in a confident manner then ending in an embarrassed state. "The Olympians only agreed because of the fact that I am the creator." 

If Percy was shocked before, it would be nothing compared to now. The most powerful being in the world is in love with me? Percy thought. He knew that marriages for the most part are made with love, but Percy thought his would fall in the few that weren't, only made for an alliance or a last ditch effort. 

He stood up, unable to think with his skin touching Chaos'.

"Why would you want to marry me? I'm just an ordinary demigod," Percy said, walking to the door, feeling more in control of his emotions and body the farther away he was from Chaos. "Anyways, I need to eat, want to continue this discussion later?"

"Unfortunately, I have work I need to finish. I will come back as soon as possible," Chaos said. Percy heard his footsteps on the white marble tile coming closer to him, until he could feel Chaos' breath lightly dancing across his skin, making him uncontrollably shiver in delight. "You are perfect. Why would I not want to marry you?" With that, Percy felt Chaos' arms sliding around his hips, pulling Percy's back into his strong chest. Chaos inhaled his scent and slid his mouth down the back of his neck, peppering Percy's sensitive neck muscles with kisses. Percy succumbed to the pleasure, moaning in bliss. He felt Chaos smile into his neck. 

Chaos reluctantly backed away and made a majestic portal which was decorated with arks of swirling light; it looked majestic.

"I really need to go before a tyrant starts a civil war on a random planet I forgot existed until my warriors filled me in," This made Percy chuckle.

"I guess I'll see you later," Percy nervously said, still flustered. Chaos flashed him a smile the made Percy flush a very dark red and walked into the portal. Percy watched the portal magically fold into itself.

Percy walked out, closing the door behind him. His shoes got soaked with he morning dew, but he just dried them with his powers. He tried to get his breathing under control while walking to the dining pavilion, staying in the proximity of Chaos made him very flustered.

His thoughts wandered off, hoping that he wouldn't meet the rest of the seven, since they now hated him for some reason. He asked Leo about it once, and he angrily and arrogantly said that he was 'Mortal' which they apparently thought was underneath them. They all had accepted godhood at the rewards ceremony while Percy only accepted partial immortality and wished for Hades and Hestia to have their thrones back.

He arrived at the dining pavilion which had dozens of tables, each one decorated by the symbols of each god. It was about half empty, since most people had finished eating and had gone to some optional classes. The only mandatory class was sword fighting, which was after lunch. Percy didn't have to go to anything, but he sometimes taught the sword fighting classes when the seven were busy.

Percy had his own table, but he usually sat at the councillor's table, since he liked the company. Once he thought about it, he realized that technically he wasn't a child of Poseidon, meaning it wasn't his cabin and table, but he decided he would stay in the cabin until somebody forced him out, which was unlikely.

When he sat down, he started to make some idle chatter with the Still twins, the only ones there. 

"Have any good pranks planned?" Percy asked, thinking about blue pancakes which made them automatically appear on his plate. He stood up and threw half of what was on his plate into the brazier next to the table muttering, "For Hestia, Hades, and Artemis," Since he was thankful to them voting against his death.

They excitedly looked at him. "We're going to exchange Clarisse's electric spear with another copy, except that on will shock her when she tries to use it," Conner said, the twins bursting into laughter. Percy smiled.

They soon stopped laughing and looked behind Percy with fear. Without looking behind him, he knew that someone was there.

"You are in my spot," The person said, who Percy recognized as Jason, minor god of lightning.

"Sorry," Percy said, making no move to get up. He knew that Jason usually sat on the other side, while Percy usually sat here, at the corner. All of a sudden, he was on the wet grass, his jaw stinging in pain. He rubbed his jaw, a bruise forming. He looked up and saw Jason laughing along with the seven, who had mysteriously shown up, probably by teleporting. Some other campers were stifling laughs.

Jason then took out a golden coin out of his pocket and flipped it, the coin turning into his sword. He charged at Percy, who rolled away and jumped up to his feet. Percy knew that if he drew Riptide or used his powers, the rest of the seven, who were watching with smiles on their faces, would help Jason. 

He ducked and dodged all of Jason's strikes, looking for an opening, all while Jason was getting madder and madder the longer they fought. He got so mad that he summoned a huge lightning bolt, which almost fried Percy if not for his quick reflexes. He dove behind a tree, the bolt hitting the ground where he was a moment ago, creating a crash of thunder that was so loud Percy was almost deafened, Percy's ears ringing uncontrollably.

When Percy calmly walked from behind the tree, unscathed, it infuriated Jason so much he actually growled. Percy cracked a smile, hoping to make him angry enough he would make a mistake. It worked, but not the way he had hoped so, Jason just hitting harder and faster.

Percy finally found an opening when Jason swung his sword wide from his right hip, his sword hand fully extended. Percy stepped into the path of the sword, but calmly blocked it by crossing his wrists and smashing them into the wrist of Jason's sword hand. Jason's arm fully stopped, Percy grabbing his wrist, making sure he couldn't stab him. He then proceeded to punch him in the eye, making Jason instinctively bring his other arm to his face, leaving him defenseless. 

Percy then kneed him hard in the solar plexus, making Jason fold on himself and knocking the wind out of him. While he was incapacitated, Percy disarmed him, putting the sword on his neck.

"Surrender," Percy said, digging the sword into his skin. A drop of ichor fell tot he ground.

"Never," Jason panted out, struggling to get free. His godly strength allowed him to knock the sword out of Percy's hand, it flying in the air and falling silently to the ground a moderate distance away from them. 

Percy knew Jason was still recovering his breath, so he decided to go for the kill. He knew that he would reform in a few days, otherwise he would have just knocked him out. He grabbed the inside of his arm, close to his armpit, and pulled him roughly, rotating so Jason was unbalanced and in front of him. He then put Jason in a headlock, pushing and pulling him so he couldn't get his balance back. Jason struggled, but couldn't get enough leverage to get out. Percy snapped his neck, Jason going limp and turning into golden dust. All of this was flawlessly done in under 20 seconds. 

Percy's instincts made him duck down, a sword whistling through the air right above him, barely missing him. He looked behind him while drawing Riptide. The rest of the seven had their weapons out, looking murderous.

"I'll kill you for that!" Piper screamed, charging at him, followed by all the others. Percy knew he was dead. He could kill a god temporarily with moderate effort, but four at once? He has better luck drowning in the ocean.

He desperately parried all of their strikes, fully on defensive, knowing that it was a losing fight. Percy saw a flaw in Frank's defense, the minor god of shapeshifting, and took a chance. He disengages his swords and slashed at his head, making Frank lift his sword and parry. Percy then kicked him in the gut, making him stumble. He threw himself forward, stabbing Frank in the heart while Frank was desperately trying not to fall. Unfortunately, the stab wound only seemed to injure him, not kill him. Percy dove to the right, one second before a dagger, Katropis in fact, swished through the air, embedding itself in a tree with a thud

Percy desperately crawled back, scrabbling on the ground with his hands to see if he could use anything as a weapon, Riptide on the ground next to Frank. The rest of the seven advanced on him with malicious smirks, Frank hanging back, a hand on his injury, ichor steadily flowing.

When they were close enough, Leo stepped forward and stabbed Percy in the gut. He screamed in agony. Hazel then stabbed him in his left leg with her spatha, the pain almost overloading his senses.

He closed his eyes and desperately lifted up a hand, trying to stop the torture with his powers. He sensed water molecules all around him, but a huge gathering of them close to him, about where the seven were standing. He took control of the gathering, ordering them to create a shield around him, protecting him from any attacks. The pain in his body intensified with the order, so much so that he was left howling in pure agony, tears streaking down his face. He dimly heard the seven screaming in pain, but thought he was hallucinating. The pain stayed with him for as long as he was controlling the shield. In the back of his mind, he wondered why it hurt so much, because he had controlled huge quantities of water, the size of hurricanes and lakes without any pain before. He saw sensed in his mind that the shield was made at the same time the seven stopped crying out. He let go of the shield, the pain too much for him to handle. He closed his eyes, waiting for death.

He opened them, confused when he didn't hear any sounds. He didn't see the seven. He could see the other people in the pavilion, gaping at him for seemingly no reason. He slowly sat up, crying out in pain with the motion, since he got stabbed in the gut and leg. When he slowly turned his head and looked around, his jaw dropped open, similarly like the others.

There was a circle of ichor surrounding him, the exact size of the shield he was imagining that would protect him. There was also four piles of golden dust in front of him.

He made the shield, not out of water, but ichor.

He could control blood.

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