Breathing Blue

By NourrIsTyping

837 0 0

"What? Cat got you tongue, Everleigh?" He smirked, his jet black hair swaying over his piercing blue eyes as... More

1. "Get in the car, Everleigh."
2. "Fine by me."
3. "Agreed."
4."Just tell me the stupid idea."
5. "Lucky for you, I like it rougher."
6. "Hello Isla Mujeres!"
7. "This is what you call fun?"
8. "God, you're hot."
9. "Surprise."
10. "Can't argue with that."
11. "Boredom."
12. "Oh."
13. "Keep it down, will you!"
14. "Drink or Dare."
15. "Next time."
16. "You're on, fucker."
17. "Friends?"
18. "Then let's be more."
19. "Ah, there she is."
20. "Why stay?"
21. "Maybe I am."
22. "Are you Havoc's boyfriend?"
23. "Care to share?"
24. "Suck and Blow."
25. "To be continued."
26. "You're an asshole."
27. "Missed me, huh?"
28. "Sleep."
29. "You'll come."
30. "A little cliché, don't you think?"
31. "Here?"
32. "Tell me what?"
33. "Open wide."
34. "Call me that again."
35. "Nice to meet you."
36. "Not now."
37. "Unless she wants me to."
38. "Speak for yourself."
39. "You're still here?"
40. "Do you mind?"
41. "Are you sure?"
42. "I hated your guts."
43. "Or I will."
44. "I'm sorry."
45. "Don't complain."
46. "Perks of dating a cheerleader."
47. "Smooth talker."
48. "Where did you two find these idiots?"
49. "Real mature."
50. "Live a little."
51. "Give me the address."
52. "I can explain."
54. "Don't let the door hit you on the way out."
55. "Keep it."
56. "Tissues."
57. "Don't push your luck, bitch!"
58. "That's enough."
59. "A friend?"
60. "She's not you."
61. "Good morning, pretty girl."
62. "You don't seem happy to see me."
63. "It's waterproof, asshole."
64. "Do I still make you nervous?"
65. "Eh, figures."
66. "You made me grow."
67. "The rest of forever."
68. "I'm an exception."
69. "I love you."
70. Author's Note

53. "Come on, pretty girl."

3 0 0
By NourrIsTyping

"What's it to you? Did you do this to her?" Cami seethed from the door as my heart pounded loudly in my chest.

"Cami, please let me speak to her," He pleaded from the door.

Uncle Amos walked to the door hurriedly, "Aaron, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"I just want to speak to Havoc," He answered as I stiffened.

"Does she want to speak to you, that's the question," Cami spat out in a threatening tone.

"I'm begging you," Aaron said, his voice slightly cracking as I got up as walked to the front door.
His eyes widened when seeing me, the emptiness in them making my knees buckle.

"Havoc—" He started as a tears streamed down my face once again.

"Leave," I said as he shook his head, sadness taking over his features.

"Please, baby," He started as I clenched my jaw.

"Don't call me that," I said coldly, his body flinching at the sound of my words, "I don't want you here."

I paused for a moment, mentally preparing myself for the hurtful words I was about to say.
"I don't want you anywhere near me, Aaron. You're a selfish piece of shit," I sobbed as my jaw clenched itself, the words pouring out of my mouth, "You're no different from your mother," I cried before watching his eyes widen in hurt as he took a step back.

That was low of me, but I was hurt and needed him to leave me alone.

"We're done," I said while wiping my tears hurriedly as his eyes scanned me, tears falling from them.

Aaron nodded before turning around and slowly walking away. He stopped in his tracks before turning around and looking at me intensely.
"I love you, Havoc," He said as I stared blankly at him before walking to the door and slamming it.

"Do you?" I whispered to myself as Cami hurriedly took me into her arms and squeezed me.

"I'm going to bed," I said quietly as she let me go and nodded.

"Don't hesitate to ask for anything, kiddo," Uncle Amos smiled sadly as I nodded and walked upstairs to Cami's room.

I switched the light off before laying in bed and staring blankly at the ceiling before completely breaking down.
I sobbed uncontrollably for God knows how long before falling asleep, my eyes burning from all of the tears.

"Havoc? Are you okay? You've been laying in bed all day," Cami inquired as her head poked from the side of the door.
I nodded meekly as she smiled.

"It's alright, take your time," She reassured me before closing the door.

I spent a few more minutes sprawled in bed, my will to get up nowhere to be found.
I finally managed to sit up, feeling awful for ignoring all of the efforts Cami and her parents were making for me.

I silently trudged downstairs, before hearing Cami raise her voice.

"You knew about this?!" She shouted as I walked into the living room, seeing Carlos.

"I'm not proud of staying silent, Cami. But it wasn't my place to tell her," He sighed as she furrowed her brows.

"That's an asshole thing to do, Carlos! You didn't even tell me! Why would you let this go so far knowing Aaron's true intentions?" She asked furiously.

"I've never seen Aaron like he is when he's with Havoc," He explained, "I know that he genuinely cares about her—"

"No he doesn't, Carlos!" She cut him off as I walked towards them.

"Guys, please don't fight," I said quietly as they both whipped their heads in my direction.

"Havoc, I'm so sorry," Carlos apologized as I nodded.

"Yeah, I am too," I said as Cami crossed her arms over her chest.

"You can go, Carlos," She said as he nodded, disappointed by her words.

"Cami, please don't make my problems get in between the two of you," I sighed while she shot me a small smile.

"It's okay, Havoc. She has every right to be mad, so do you. I pulled a really shit move by not letting you guys know," He said while sliding his hands in his pockets as I nodded.

"I'll text you later," Cami said coldly before looking at the door as Carlos sighed and nodded, quickly making his way outside.
"I'm so mad at him," She muttered before plopping down at the couch as I did so too.

"I'm assuming you know what happened," I said quietly as she nodded and frowned.

"I'm so sorry, Havoc," She said before giving me a tight hug.

I stayed silent, having no energy left to speak.

"Classes start again in a few days, are you coming?" She asked as I shook my head no.

I had no idea of when I'd be ready to go back to classes and risk having to bump into Aaron or Claire.
I had lost both him and Elijah last night, leaving me close to empty.

"I understand," She smiled sadly.

"I'm moving to New York," I said quietly, more to myself than to Cami.

"What? When?" She asked in concern.

"For senior year, you've known about this," I said as she nodded.

"Yeah, I just... forgot," She sighed before biting her lip anxiously.

"Yeah," I muttered, staring emptily at the wall on the other side of the room.

"You're still not hungry? You haven't eaten since last night," Cami said while fiddling with her fingers.

I shook my head no, genuinely feeling anything and everything but hunger or thirst.

My mind felt as though it had shut down completely, this day and the next flying by in an endless cycle of crying and staring at whatever wall was in front of me.

I would wake up, my first thought being of Aaron.
How was he sleeping?

He didn't deserve my concern, after all he didn't feel anything for me, but my feelings for him couldn't simply fade away.

I missed the feeling of his warm breath against my skin and his soft voice saying my name.
After missing him and his touch I'd find myself loathing him. The mere thought of him made me furrow my brows in disgust wishing I had never met him.

I thought of Elijah too, and wondered how my childhood best friend could've helped Claire and Levi humiliate me in front of practically the whole student body.

My mind hopped from thought to thought, quickly going back to the cycle's starting point: the blue eyed boy with dark hair who I had fallen madly in love with.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Cami asked as I nodded before bringing the hoodie over my head as I grabbed my textbooks and headed outside.
A week had gone by since my birthday and my finding out of Aaron's true intentions.

Both he and Elijah had left me multiple calls and messages.
I deleted all of Aaron's, refusing to let him manipulate me any longer.
I eventually blocked his number, his complete absence from my life hurting me more than anything I could've possibly imagined.

"I can't miss anymore lectures," I muttered before getting into Cami's car as the cold wind whipped outside.

Cami drove us both on campus, my heart pounding heavily in my chest as I imagined bumping into Aaron.
We both got out of the car and headed inside, being met with stares from students.


I pulled my hoodie over my head more, hoping to disappear. I knew I looked like a complete mess, I had dark circles under my eyes who were red and swollen from the amount of crying over the past few days.

I barely ate or drank this whole week, only doing so when Cami or her parents forced me to.

Everyone stared at me as small whispers could be heard throughout the halls, making me want to dig a hole, curl up in it and spend the rest of my days there.

I parted ways with Cami before heading to my first lesson of the day, Literature.
I stopped dead in my tracks as I opened the door, my eyes meeting with familiar blue ones from across the room.

I looked at Aaron who had pale skin, dark circles under his eyes and a wildly deflated posture.
Hell, he looked worse than I did.

I took in a deep breath before avoiding my usual seat and sitting as far away from him a possible.
I bit back tears as our prof commenced the class.

As soon as the class was over I rushed out of the amphitheater trying my best to avoid Aaron like the plague.
I attended all of my next lessons, my brain refusing to pay attention to any of them.

I hadn't seen Aaron again after our class together, both relieved and disappointed.
I had crossed paths with Claire who had briefly called my name, the tone of her voice unidentifiable.

I didn't stick around to find out. I had enough on my mind already.

After classes I decided to go for a walk. I'm not sure why I felt the sudden urge to, but I knew that I didn't feel like interacting with anyone I knew for some time.

I walked over to an empty park, before sitting under a tree, all of its leaves nowhere to be seen.
The wind whipped mercilessly around me, but I didn't mind.
I couldn't feel much apart from the gaping hole inside of my chest.

I stared at the empty swings in front of me, zoning out.

"You're shitting me!" I laughed as Aaron smirked and shook his head.

"No, baby," He said before opening a door I had never bothered to pay attention to.
Aaron led me into a beautiful room with a large piano placed in the middle of it.

Beautiful bamboo plants were placed in the corners in the room, setting a relaxing atmosphere.

"Why didn't you tell me that you could play the piano?" I smiled as he shrugged.

"You never asked," He said before sitting down and gesturing towards his lap.
I blushed and walked over to him, sitting down on him.

He placed his head on my shoulder to be able to see his hands, before placing them on the piano.

Aaron abruptly began to play and beautiful melody, making me stare in awe at how fast his fingers moved.
I was mesmerized by the beauty of what he was playing and the way the instrument looked like it was made specifically for the brooding boy to play it.

After Aaron played the melody for me I stared at him in admiration before getting up and sitting down again, this time facing him.

"You're amazing," I praised him as he smiled before grabbing my chin and pulling me into a soft kiss.

"Thank you," He whispered before biting my bottom lip, ever so slowly.

My heart pounded in my chest, the physical contact with him making my cheeks turn bright red.

"I've never fucked someone on a piano before," Aaron teased before slipping his hand down to my hips.

"I guess there's a first time for everything," I smiled before wrapping my arms around his neck and looking into his deep blue eyes.

Eyes I could stare eternally into.

"Havoc? Are you alright?" A voice that felt oddly familiar knocked me out of my daze.

I looked up and met with green eyes who belonged to Tyler, Jasmine's brother.

"Oh, wow, hey," I smiled weakly as a salty tear landed on my lips.

"Woah, what's going on? You okay?" He asked concerned before plopping down next to me, his messy blond hair bobbing in the wind.

"Not really, but I can't do much about it," I chuckled awkwardly as he frowned.

"Want to talk about it?" He asked as I shook my head no, fiddling with the hem of my hoodie.

Tyler nodded and stayed silent, simply providing support with his presence. I was thankful.

I felt a lump form itself in my throat as I thought about how fast Aaron would be able to move on from me.

I'm pathetic.

Aaron could have any girl he could ever want, he wouldn't bother to lose time thinking about me.
If anything I was sure he felt relieved to have stopped needing to fake his feelings for me.

Tyler abruptly brought me in for a hug, making me gasp in surprise.
He gently rubbed my back as I stared wide eyed at the swings in front of us, my head burried into his chest.

He smelled strongly of cologne, but not the harsh, masculine type.

"I'm sorry for whatever you're going through," He started as I relaxed my muscles, "I hope you feel better," He concluded while pulling away, a soft smile stretching itself across his face.

"Thank you, Tyler," I said, forcing a shy smile.

"Need a ride home?" He asked as I nodded, wiping the rest of my tears from my face.
"Come on, pretty girl," He smiled while getting up and reaching out his hand towards me, nodding towards it.

I grabbed it and sprung up, surprised by the strength he had in his arm.

I gave Tyler Cami's address, thanking him as I got into his car. He grinned and replied that it's naturally what any gentleman would've done.
And if I weren't so engrossed into my thoughts, I would've laughed at his witty personality.

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