•The RuiVin Story•

By ShangChen3

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At the Countdown to 2011 party ( thingy ), someone horrendous happened. Luckily, Rui En and Elvin Ng made it... More



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By ShangChen3

Elvin's POV
Huh, she is acting a little too quiet isn't it on the car? Uhm, but she always is quiet, what are you even talking about Elvin Ng? Maybe it is time to break the news to her. Hopefully she agrees and does not flare up. Even if she did, it's my problem for losing that anyway. "You DO know that we are going to Malyasia tomorrow right?" I asked her. "Obviously I know," she responded looking strangely at me. "Why?" "Oh uh, it's because I..um, I..lost my script for tomorrow's shooting." I blurted out. No I'm not kidding, I really lost my script. I was finding it just now when I was doing last minute packing but found out that I couldn't find it, then it hit me that I took it to the cinemas. "What?!" She looked at me stunned like vegetable, "Seriously?" I did the 'Yep' face and told her everything from the start to the end. "...so I was hoping you would, you know, lend me your script...? Cuz if I ask the-" "You know this ain't my problem and I can just ignore you right?" She asked. I froze, 不可能吧,她真的那么冷血无情? "Please lah! You know that if I ask the Director or EP or whatsoever, I will get a bashing! 帮帮忙!" I pleaded her, she looked at me up and down, stared at the traffic light, sighed and said,"I don't know why...but fine," I felt so happy when she said that. I swear if we weren't in the car, I would have picked her up and carried her up, though she would've scolded and 'PIAK'ed me. "OMG really? I didn't thought it would be that easy convincing you to do that! I owe you one!" "Owe me one? Let me think what to make you owe me, okay?" She said, patting me on the back mockingly. "Green light," I started the engine and proceeded to the next plea, "So, I need to practice my lines and-" "You got to be kidding me. Now?" I shrugged and continued,"Maybe. Let's play not talk challenge. Whoever makes a sound will, uh, lose!" So that you cannot reject me. Honestly speaking, I think me losing my script 是天的安排,因为难得瑞恩让我去她的家! I really want to take a look at her home. Maybe we could spend some alone time together! That will be really cool, ooh. I think I am the first artiste to be able to visit Rui En's house at night! At least I have something to brag about!
Rui En's POV ( In The Car )
"...I lost my script," I stared at him with my mouth agap, this is my FIRST time hearing someone saying they lost their script they will be needing the next day. What did he want me to do? If he thinks I will help him speak to the Director, oh you're so wrong. "What?! Seriously?" He told me everything from head to toe. "WHY did you bring that to the cinema? Just why?" I asked, not believing my ears. ( Hello. I didn't add this part in Elvin's POV cuz this is like, COVERING the 'everything' he told her.) "Well I always have my script with me okay! I was free when the ads started so I read it..." he responded,"And I fell asleep halfway, pretty sure that my script slip off my hand and POOF. It's gone," I took in a deep breath and shaked my head at him. "So I was thinking if you can lend me your script?" "You know this ain't my problem and I can just ignore you right?" I answered. My mind just kept fighting with each other literally.
Oh lord, just help him! I won't lose a bone or whatsoever. What's the reason not to anyway?
Seriously? The reason is that I am wasting my own time. Plus, he is can ask for another one! Why me?
Really? I am leaving tomorrow, if he asks it will delay the team. Won't it? Why delay when I can just lend him?
Well. If he doesn't ask and we go aboard, he won't have a script! What's he going to do huh? Share with me the whole time?! No!
But he is Elvin Ng. Not other people, he needs help. Why don't we just lend him a helping hand?
I am being too kind! What do I mean, "BUT HE IS ELVIN NG?" You like him is it? Huh! Doesn't mean he worked with me for a longer time he gets the special treatment! Doesn't mean I do that he will like me either-
Oh stop it! I am helping him, period. It's just, just too stupid if I don't.
Since when did I...?
Elvin's POV
"HEY! We're here," was what I wanted to tell Rui En like what normal people would've done. However, I realised that the "Silence Game" I was playing, didn't end yet. I don't want to humiliate myself in front of Rui En, I mean like bro. "OH. I started this game and lost! Boo-hoo!" Like, no. Ohhh...I think I can play-a-bit with Rui En then. I'm sure she does not want to lose this too. Although she may find this childish and started talking and ignoring me, or she could've forgot about it. Hope she doesn't! "mmmmmm," I well, uh, 'talked' to her. She looked at me and was like "What. Are. You. Doing. You. Crazy. Or. What."

Rui En's POV
He is just staightup acting weird. Oh no, is there something in his mouth? He is giving me that little look. It's the look I don't really want to see because apparently, I don't get it. He gives me the smirky, cheeky look. Ok stop. I can't stand this! "WHAT?! Something stuck in there? If-" I look at him and saw him opening his mouth. "AHAHAHA! You talked! You talked! I win, woo-woo!" He pumped the air in exhilaration, I was taken aback at first but slowly realised what had happened. "你好无聊! Seriously?" Then something hit me. "Whoever makes a sound, will, uh, lose!" Huh. Elvin Ng, if you're that childish, I can totally be more childish. "Yeah Seruously! Looks like I won to the Rui En. Ooooh," He said, still looking joyful. "Uh, uh. Don't think so. You said make a sound. You made a sound before I talked. So, who lost now?" I talked back. He stared at me, looked astonished for a second, and then realised. He gave me the pouty look. My, I didn't know he has such a cute side go him. Nuh-Uh, stop it. How can this ridiculous boy -- who made up his own challenge and lost -- be cute? I rolled my eyes and guffawed at him, "Well. At least you tried!" I poked him on his chest a few times before getting up and slamming the door in his face.

Elvin's POV
-- When Rui En said "Well. At least you tried!" --

Yep. I felt so stupid right now, to think I tried to roast her. Nah, totally backfired! Lesson learnt: Don't. I mean don't, try to roast Rui En. Hmm, maybe I will try a few times when I get more pro at it. 只要不放弃,就一定有机会! ( Rem which show Elvin said this? Clue: It's a RuiVin show ) She poked me a few times. I was about to do the same to her when I realised that she doesn't like people invading her personal space. Nah, I should not do that. Later she get mad ah, don't let me see and practise my lines ah, then I dead meat for sure liao. She shut the door and I scampered after her.

"Oh my gosh, is this even a girls' house?" I screamed at her at the sight of it. I swear that when I was outside of her house earlier that day, I couldn't see the inside of it! ( For some reason, Idk why but I vision Rui En's house as either Hu XiaoMan's or Cheng ChuNing's house. Idk why..lol. ) "Why is it so freakin' messy?" I looked at her in disbelief. "It's not like I have the time to clean it! If you want, you can help me if you're bothered by it." She said. "Nah-uh! Hope your hotel room in Malaysia isn't that messy..." I remarked, she rolled her eyes, threw her heels on her floor and walked up muttering something about, "If I could wear slippers, I would. Why are heels always so painful to wear..." I laughed at that comment and felt lucky not being a girl. Lucky too as maybe I have the chance to be Rui En's Boyfriend if I am a boy. Nope, never. She will never have feeling for you, stop daydreaming in your lala-land. I took off my shoes, picked up her heels and put it in the shoe cupboard. This girl sure is messy alright! "HEY! YOU GOT CHIPS OR SOME STUFF?" I called out to her.

End of The RuiVin Story Part 4~
The answer to the question just now -- which show Elvin said "只要不放弃,就一定有机会"-- The show is By My Side. Yayyy! You got it correct! Didn't you? 🤨

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