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Rui En's POV
Whew! I think I am done preparing myself for the Countdown to 2011 at Serangoon Swing. I'm singing 白色羽毛 and 空瓶 later. I looked at myself in the mirror. Uhhh, should be fine. I wore black of course, I pretty sure I always wear black. It goes with everything, literally. I grab my bag, took my black boots and- " DING DONG! DING DONG! " Who in the world, would come to my house at this timing, knowing I am busy and am going to the Countdown? "COMING!!" I screamed before walking down the stairs. I flung open the door, ready to give the person the death glare but realise it was Elvin Ng. OMGEE, what happened to his hand? Why is it bandaged?? Hold up, hold up, don't bombard yourself with so many questions. Get the facts right, why is he here when he is going to the Countdown too? "Excuse me, why are you here? Stop abusing my doorbell too!" I told him. "Uhh, I want to pick you up!" He said, shrugging. Pick me up, do I look like no have no car? Oh yea...I didn't, at this moment. It just went for repairing. Oh gosh, if he hadn't remind me I would have been so stupid looking for my car and being late! Seriously, being late! He looked me up and down as I was not talking. I shut the door and put my hand on the wall, and said," I don't think I asked you to come. Also, how did you know ny car was under repair, stalker?" I couldn't help but stare at his arm but quickly looked away. My instincts told me it was too late. "WOAH. Don't jump to conclusions so fast, can you? Just a little incident on set. Don't need to worry!" I immediately rebutted, "Worry? No thank you! I don't really care what the heck happened to you. You came to pick me right? Unlock your car and let me in or we'll be late!" After that, I knocked softly on his car window.

Elvin Ng's POV ( when RE was preping)
Oh my goodness, I really have second thoughts about coming to pick Rui En up right now. Honestly, should I even be driving a car right now? Yeah, it's fine. I've been driving for YEARS. Using one hand to drive isn't a big deal. But oops, better avoid traffic police. I know Rui En's car is under repair because I went to the car repair station with my friend and his car needs some repairing too. Until I saw a very familiar car from the corner of my eye. The first thing that cam to my mind was "Is that Rui En's car?" It's been a habit, everything I think of somehow will link to Rui En, I don't know when it started but I don't care, really. I went to check the car plate number and saw is was hers. Soo, yeah. Just go for it, Elvin! It's either she turns up late for the Countdown or she is there right on the dot. Which do you want? Honestly, I also don't know why I choose to help Rui En. If it was other artiste, I swear I will be like "Ain't my problem. Its theirs." And leave, myself. But I feel and urge to help her and starting thinking of all the bad things that will happen if I don't, e.g. she has to hail a taxi, that'll make her late. Her fans won't want to see her late. If she is late, it will be awkward at the Countdown. Whatever. Just go and knock on the door! She should be done prepping by now, right? "COMING!!" I saw Rui En opening the door. She flung it, and looked quite ignorant until the reaction of hers disappeared and looked quite shock. Meanwhile, I was thinking...oh my goodness, this girl looks so pretty. The makeup really suits her character and outfit. No wonder there is so many people fangirling over her, maybe I should become one too. No, no, no, what did you say Elvin? You become Rui En's fangirl? Ahhh, when you're reborn probably. Rui En stared down at my cast and looked at me instantly, and asked, " Excuse me! Why are you here? Stop abusing my doorbell too! " " Uh, I want to pick you up!" I answered. Oh, I am looking so dumb right now. So dumb right now...She shut the door, fiddled with her house keys and said," I don't think I asked you to come. Also, how did you know my car was under repair, stalker?" She looked at my arm and looked away again. Was she concerned about me? Can't be right, the 'ice queen's Rui En leh! Cannot be, but I can't help smiling to myself and smugly told her not to worry. Of course she looked mad and started rebutting me. She looks so cute too even when she's rebutting people. Oh my god, I am not taking that back but I feel so weird right now like I am in love with her Hahahaha but I am obviously not. She told me to unlock the car so I reached for my keys in my pocket. "CLING-CLANG!" Oops...the key just fell to floor, earning me a death glare from Rui En. "冷静啦! 掉而已嘛! 上车啦,不耐烦鬼!" "Say that again." "NOPE." I opened the car door and hopped on. Oh shoot, I should open the door for her hor? I got up but realised she was here already and giving me the "too-slow" look. I gave her the "Yea-I-Do-Not-Care" look back and started driving.

Rui En's POV
Elvin started driving, but I was a bit worried about his hand and my safety. This injured, yet still come to pick me up, that's a bit off. Aiya, who cares! All I care now is that he is driving with one hand and it is So. FREAKING. Me. Out. I 恨不得 tell him to go slower but I didn't want to look like the scaredy-cat so I remained quiet. "HEY."
"What," I replied automatically.
"Wanna know how I know your car is under repair?"
"No, thanks. Not interested anymore."
"Really? Or are you worried sick cuz you think I can't drive with one hand?"
He said smugly, smirking at me giving me the "You-scared-ah?" Look. How did he know? Stop giving me that look you Teddy Bear, it ain't my fault that you injured your arm huh. 😤 "You think that. I don't, don't think that you're always correct." I said in defense. "Oh really now? I can choose not to believe you too. Cuz, uh what did you say? Oh yea. You're not always correct!" He replied. "I never said I was, but you showed that you did," I said stupidly. Wow, Rui En, that is one of the worst rebut I heard in my life. He stared at me and said, "I really cannot seem to rebut you, huh? So what are you singing tonight?" I was a little shocked but at the at the same time, not really believing him. How could he not rebut me? I just said the most stupid thing. Like what?? But whatever, he doesn't know them let him be. Anyway, you don't have to be pestered about this anymore.

Elvin's POV
Honestly, I let her. She just said the most stupid thing I heard, "I never said, but you showed you did." LIKE WHAT?! It's fine, she wanted to win this 逗门 thing, so I let her. Wow Elvin, since when were you like this? Also don't know right? Ah, reaching in 2 minutes.

Rui En's POV
"空瓶 and 白色羽毛, why?" I said. "白色羽毛,really? You love that song or what?"
This guy really likes sticking his nose in my business! "So what if I do?" "I keep hearing you sing that," Since when? I never sang in front of him before, especially 白色羽毛. "No, what do you mean? I sang I'm front of-" "I watched the videos RBKD posted on YouTube. Duh." He cutted in. He watches RBKD? That's a new. "What, I watch also cannot meh? Going to ask your fans not to post?" He said jokingly. "I am not as childish as you, sorry." I answered back. It's true, I am not as childish as him. Oh, we reached. I opened the door and started walking straight towards the backstage. I saw my fans in the distance, Elvin waved to his fans. Not a good move, I thought. He fans are probably like" OMG. WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR TEDDY BEAR? HIS HAND IS IN A CAST!"
Um, though hor Rui En, it isn't your problem right? Yea, just go up the stairs and make sure not to stumble upon the lines.

Hellooooooo.......see ya' laterrrrr

•The RuiVin Story•Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ