ScaryKouji [Discontinued]

By urat1o

172K 5.6K 3.4K

What if Ayanokoji always has his scary eyes and dark aura around him. Also he's in Class A cause why not? Aut... More

1. Declaration
2. Beer Chan
3. The Childhood Friend I Never Met
4. Clubs And The SCP
5. Making Of A Pawn
6. Joining The Student Council
7. Midterms
8. Class C vs Sudo
10. Start of the Island Exam
11. Plans For The Island Exam
12. Scouting the Enemies.
12.5 The Deal With The Dragon
13. Finding the leaders
14. The End Of The Island Exam
15. The Results Of The Island Exam.
16. Unexpected
17. A Failed Attempt.

9. Cruise

8.4K 308 206
By urat1o

Summer vacation

It's something that I've been curious for a while now. I first read about it when I was a kid in the white room.

The other children there also talked about their thoughts of how fun it would be to enjoy spending time swimming around with your friends and eating different kinds of food, not having to worry about getting punished or being discarded.

Even though they were used as an experiment they tried their best to keep the morale of those around them up. Because it was them who knew the most about the suffering their comrades are going through. At least that was for the first few years.

Our training had begun when we were just 4 years old. It's not like they didn't teach us anything during the first 4 years of our life, its just that the cruelty of the place came into view when we were 4.

It only took 3 months for the first child to lose his mind. He was unable to take on the pressure we were given and passed out in middle of a test.

All we were told was that he was discarded and that the same will be the fate of anyone else who isn't able to complete the tasks they're provided with.

Just like Hirata in Class D and Ichinose in Class B we also had children who would try to help our peers. But as time went by they themselves weren't able to take it anymore.

Everyone started to use underhanded tactics such as sabotaging someone else so thay won't have to take the last place.

Unfortunately for them 'that man' just went ahead and punished each and everyone who failed the tasks.

It didn't matter if you failed by a single mark or a hundred. The punishment you'll receive was equally cruel as anything harsher than that might just kill them on spot.

If not from the tasks, the children started dying from the punishments. I saw the children beg for mercy, shout in fear, lose their mind, I saw them suffer.

And I couldn't help but feel nothing.

It was truly unfortunate that they had to suffer through all that, and so did I. That's why I know better than anyone else how they felt.

But I couldn't feel anything.

I sill remember their words. They called me a Horrible Human being, A monster, some even went ahead and blamed me for their sufferings.

It's just that I didn't care. I just kept on doing what I was ordered to, kept on completing the tasks.

Some might say that the life I was living was meaningless, its no different if I were to die.

I have to disagree with those people, If it wasn't for the fact that I didn't give up I wouldn't have been able to feel all these things I'm feeling right now as I stand on the deck of this cruise.

I didn't give up and hoped that one day I'll be able to feel all those things that I read and saw in the books.

I don't know what I'm feeling but I'm sure that whatever it is it's different from what I felt in 'that place' when I was under the thumb of 'that man'.

I sighed and stopped thinking about that place as for the time I'm here I'd like to enjoy my freedom

I was staring at the sea in front of my eyes, this is the first time I've seen it and I have to agree to the fact that it's beautiful.

I noticed a yellow jellyfish in the ocean. It was pretty beautiful, although I'd rather not go near it as a jellyfish sting hurts. Or atleast that's what I read in those books.

"Yo Leader!"

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I was called out by a voice from behind, it was none other than Hashimoto my classmates and a friend.

Honestly I don't know if I'm capable of being friends with anyone but giving up isn't an option for me, it never was and never will.

He's also the first person to have joined the Ayanokoji faction but I just call him a friend as calling him 'a member of Ayanokoji faction' is long and sounds a bit weird.

He was accompanied by my two other friends Nishi and Motodoi who also greeted me. Well they just called me Ayanokoji kun instead of leader, which I prefer.

"You guys are enjoying the cruise?" I asked them trying to start a conversation.

If I want to become the leading figure of Class A, I'll need to be able to initiate conversations with my peers. Currently the only people I'm close to are my 3 friends, Kushida, Horikita senpai, Tachibana senpai and maybe Ichinose. So that's all the options I have.

Meanwhile Tachibana senpai doesn't like me too much and always glares at me whenever I talk with Horikita senpai.

Maybe I should try to seduce her or something like that to make her stop doing that.

It always makes the environment inside the Student council office tense and uncomfortable.

Or maybe I should try to set her up with Horikita senpai.

"-nokoji kun"


"Ayanokoji kun!" Nishi called out to me, looks like I spaced out for a bit after trying to start a conversation.

"Sorry I spaced out a little." I apologized to them.

"It's fine, what were you thinking about?" She asked me and Hashimoto and Motodoi also looked at me a bit curious.

"Who knows." I replied vaguely as I was a bit tired and not in mood to explain them my thoughts.

Also I can't say that I was thinking of ways to seduce a senpai can I?

Hashimoto will probably kill me by teasing all day.

Nishi just let out a 'geh' at my reply and dragged us around the ship to try the various activities we get on the ship.

We went to a restaurant and ordered various type of dishes we wanted to try.

We went to the 'Arcade' and tried out some games. Nishi and Motodoi were interested in the racing games and a zombie shooter.

Hashimoto rode a Snake and let out some 'Hissss' which made Motodoi blush and Nishi laugh out loud.

I tried the Zombie shooter where I cleared 15 waves of zombies o my first try after which I left the game as an announcement was made regarding the Island coming to view.

As we reached the deck I noticed that Katsuragi was also present and looking at the island with his usual stern look. He gave me a glance and I nod acknowledging his presence and he did the same before continuing to look at the island.

The ship moved around the island in a faster speed before coming at a stop near the dock.

Another announcement was made calling alm the students together.

I along with my friends walked towards where Class A stood and waited for the others to come.

In Class B students were chatting along with their friends, it was quite a lively atmosphere. I felt a bit envious.

In Class D Ryuuen was standing with his hands in his pockets wearing sunglasses looking forward with his superior Aura. Surrounding him was his goons. Hashimoto told me that he tried searching around for the person who destroyed his plans, but he didn't tell him about me.

Lucky for him Ryuuen was able to save his classmates. I asked Horikita senpai about it and he told me that they had to give up all of their Class points to save the 3 students. This also caused them to fall down to Class D and the old Class D to become Class C.

If it was someone like Horikita Senpai's sister she probably would've thought of them as dead weight and let them be, but Ryuuen isn't nearly as foolish as them and knows that how he might get disadvantage in the future due to having 3 less classmates.

In Class C some of the perverts Kushida told me about were chatting loudly and shamelessly. Some of their Classmates were ashamed of their behaviour while some sighed as they were used to it.

Kushida was standing along with her friends. I noticed that they were glancing towards me from time to time and giggling. Also Kushida was looking away from my sight for some reason.

Does she hate me? Well I guess I did threaten her.

Not that I care about her opinion of me anyways.

"Now that everyone is present here I'll start explaining rules of your first special exam." Mashima Sensei said causing some questions from the students.

~A Boring explanation later~

Dissatisfied shouts could be heard from the Class C and Class D students who complained about not being able to enjoy their Summer vacation.

Ungrateful idiots.

For someone like me who wasn't allowed to even look at the outside world that's all they were.

They're provided with all these facilities for free, they're allowed to explore a whole island and spend times with their friends. They're allowed to do all those things that I've always dreamt of.

I couldn't help but remember the faces of the white room students who just wished for a normal life, for loving parents and for their freedoms.

This was one of the few times I knew what I was feeling.

It was frustration.

I noticed that everyone around me had tensed up and we're staring at me, sweating a bit.

The students who were complaining we're now trembling.

I looked over towards one of those idiots. He was short and had brown hair towards his side. Kushida told me that he was one of those boys who ogle over her body.

"Shut up and listen to what Sensei's speaking, no one cares about your opinions so you can keep them to your ugly ass. Got it?" I said staring at him. I surprised myself as I realised that I felt these emotions inside me. It wasn't a pleasent feeling but I'm still happy that it was something.

He started crying and pissed his pants. Many students and some teachers gulped in fear hearing my even colder voice. His friends will probably make fun of him for all his school life for pissing his pants in front of the whole first year. He ran away towards the rooms crying, probably to change his pants.

"I-It's fine A-Ayanokoji kun here have an Ice cream." Nishi said giving me an ice cream. It's almost as if she was prepared for this moment... Not thinking much about it I took it from her.

I immediately felt a bit normal looking at it.

"Thank you." I said to her and started eating the ice cream.

Tasty as ever. I thought after licking it.

A few sighs of releif were heard as Mashima Sensei began to tell us about the toilet we are provided with.

Some girls let out dissatisfied expressions after looking at it. Mashima sensei then provided us with a manual. I went by Katsuragi's side.

"Do you mind if I also look at it with you?" I asked him and he got closer as we look through the items we can buy. Apparently we just need to ask sensei for the item we want.

As we were looking at the last page I read something that interested me a bit.

I told Katsuragi that I'd like to co-operate with him, atleast for this exam and he agreed and said that he'll lead the Class for the exam.

I went back to my friends and thought about my suspicions as we start to leave the cruise.

I'm sorry for the short chapter but I just wanted to update something I guess and this was the fic in which I had written the most.

I'm trying to think of something new for this exam but all I get are the same ideas of Kiyo using the strategy of selling the leader's name and making the green haired idiot drop out.

Well that's no fun to write so if I get a decent idea I'll write that.

Also Ryuuen's class lost all its class points but were allowed to keep their private points. Someone reminded me that in volume 8 it was shown that along with 20Million points 300cp are also taken away to stop expulsion.

But Ryuuen can't possibly afford 60 Million points and 900cp so I had to make it 340 co for all idiots combined and all the private points the 3 had.

Also ik that Kiyo usually has no emotions but I want him to slowly be able to feel them. I guess it was a bit too fast for him to show these emotions.

But thinking about it I think if anyone else was in his shoes then they'll also feel the same things if not more.

Till the next chapter


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