By Golden_bunnystory

28 18 0

In this story, there is a very handsome boy. the 3 girls dreamed him as husband, but everyone not get whateve... More



3 1 0
By Golden_bunnystory

jeyon - is it you, who is this guy
(the guy's face was covered by Veronica's hand)
Veronica - none of your business
jeyon - are we guys have to hide things
Veronica - he is my ex boyfriend
jeyon - still love your ex
Veronica - I hate him, actually why even I dated him
jeyon - hahahaha
erisia - hahahaha...that's the ex
then they all guys reached to the place and got out
jeyon was holding erisia's hand and Veronica was standing alone walking alone, and she was angry
jeyon - are you waiting for your ex's hand *giggles* come and hold mine
jeyon said as Veronica ran towards jeyon and grab his hand
erisia - how many friends you guys have, and who are your seatmates
Veronica - actually erisia, I don't have any friends nor jeyon had, we guys are enough for each other and I seat alone
jeyon - *laughs* do you know erisia, once Veronica wanted to sit with me then teacher removed her seat mate so she sits alone
erisia - oh ya and yours jeyon
jeyon - I sit with aana
erisia - ya you told me, is she cute (erisia said as veronica got jealous but she is hiding it)
jeyon - she is cute and looks sweet but if you I talk to her she became so angry and answer me wrongly, its so annoying to sit with a girl who hates you
erisia - who knows she hates you or likes you secretly, I think she just want to talk with jeyon that's why she is doing this
veronica - (veronica remembers what aana said that day)
jeyon - she definitely hates me
erisia - think so, OK guys I'm going home
Veronica - ya I think its late let's go
jeyon - OK then
erisia sat on driving seat, Veronica sat on passenger's seat. jeyon opened the side of driver's seat then he saw Veronica, he closed the door and opened the passengers seat door and sat on the side
veronica was feeling super happy that jeyon sit with her. then erisia starts to drive
erisia - I'll drop you in your home Veronica
Veronica - what about my car
jeyon - I'll bring it tomorrow
Veronica - OK then east side, room 204
erisia - OK
jeyon - I'll pick erisia first and then you OK Veronica
Veronica - OK jeyon
then they all make the way to Veronica's home
after some times
Veronica - meet you tomorrow OK jeyon bye, bye erisia (Veronica said as she gets out of the car)
erisia - bye Veronica meet you tomorrow
jeyon - call you later
as jeyon and erisia made their way to the apartment
veronica came to her home and lay herself of her bed and spoke alone
"so......I finally met erisia, how much jeyon and erisia like each other first they live on the same apartment and now their school became same. That meant jeyon will spend more time with erisia what if they both start to love each other aunh aana also likes jeyon but she hides it, seems like erisia likes jeyon but they look like only friends and I like jeyon I didn't understood what am I feeling its like yes I like jeyon and I don't want to lose him" Veronica said to herself
"and what if jeyon know I've cheated a boy" she said to herself
jeyon came home and ate dinner with erisia then he slept
7:00 AM
jeyon enters to erisia's apartment "let's go" jeyon said as he saw erisia completely ready for the first day of her school
then they both locked the apartment and reached to the car and sat on jeyon's car and made their way to Veronica's home
They reached
jeyon called Veronica but she is not picking up they call then jeyon decided to go inside
he took steps towards the hall but she isn't there then he saw a room then he got inside where Veronica was sitting with her brother
jeyon - veronica you are late let's go
Veronica's brother - is he the now boy you are trying to cheat
Veronica - WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, I'm getting late so bye
veronica said and took her bag and stated to walk with jeyon
jeyon - you are really a dumb
veronica - NO I'M NOT *hits jeyon's arm*
jeyon sat with Veronica on the car and erisia started to drive
They all reached to school
aana was standing with a book on her hand when she looks up she saw a gorgeous looking girl with long hairs and a very fine body then she saw jeyon holding that girl's hand and Veronica's hand. she is not able to handle herself she ran towards the washroom and washed her face seeing herself in the mirror "now a new best friend jeyon first veronica and she that girl who lives with jeyon on his apartment now jeyon will not even give me a bit attention so" aana said to herself and gets out of the washroom and the bell rang. aana was running and she falls on the ground and groaned in pain then a boy gives her hand to stood up. she holds it and stood
"why were you running aana" the boy spoke making aana see the boy's face she saw he was jeyon with a smile, forming butterflies on Aana's stomach when they heard a voice "jeyon where were you" veronica said while holding erisia's hand "ah I was finding something when I met aana" jeyon spoke as he turns towards aana but......

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