Lovely Obsession [KTH FF ]✔

By Ryu_ose

144K 5.9K 181

A girl , also known as the cold beauty . The one who can capture our heart just by a glance . One of the succ... More

Author's Note
1. CEO of Black Rose
2. CEO of Kim Industries
3 .Date
4. Mr. Jeon
5. The voice
7 . Engagement
8 . Kidnapped
9. Mr. Kim Taehyung
10 . Wolf's Freedom
11 .Fighting Lesson?
12. Training
13. Murdered
14 . Dizziness and Chess
15. Suspicious and Anger
16. Escape Plans ?
17. Messed Up
19. Who is she?
20. Hospital and truth
21. Unfolding the truth
22. Black- Side
23 . Her Story
24. Past
25.Media & Government
26. Court's decision
27. Date with Jimin
28. Marriage
29 . Confused
30 . Crazy?!
31. Escaping
32. Loving You
33. Helping
35. Persuading and Threatening
36.The Shop
37. Meeting Him
38. Discharged and Dairy
39 . Dangerously sweet
40.Love Paradise
41. True Art
42 . Proposal
44. Obsessed
45 .Family
46. Wedding
47. Decision
48 . Missing ?
49. lovingly obsessed
50. Pregnant


3.3K 150 3
By Ryu_ose

I sighed walking down stair out of my room. Today I asked Aunt Lina to take a break. So, she wasn't here .Besides I didn't really went to company today since I know Jimin or my step father will come there to advice me about the proposal . I walked into my kitchen feeling lonely , Whenever I stay at house mostly Ron will be here .It was always nice with a little active kid like him near me. At least he kept me company .Think about it ,I am feeling alone though around 20 guards is outside my house . well, it's not their fault that Jimin strictly restricted them from talking to me . 

Taking out few ingredients needed for my dinner .I started preparing while humming soft tunes ,enjoying myself . I prepared the Dinner quickly, making a simple dish since I was really hungry .I skipped my breakfast and Lunch too.  

Setting up the food on the table ,I was eating , scrolling through my phone . So many messages and Text from my Mom and step-dad along with Jimin's text and calls .I sighed reading up the message ,Jimin's usual sweet pampering texts along with his angry from not replying texts .I really wanted to block  his number but still kept it in case something happens .After all I still consider him as My best friend. 

The door bell rang as I stood up ,dumping the bowl on the sink and wiping my face   ,I walked to the door . Peeping through the hole I was met with my mom's face. I know very well why she came here .I sighed preparing myself as I opened the door with a smile that didn't reach till my eyes . There  stood my Step- father ,My real Mother along with that greedy gold-digger ; my step-mother . 
"Wow !I didn't expect to see you guys here ,mother ,step-dad "I spoke ignoring my step-mom , Mrs. Greata  .My step-mom barged in making me annoyed .She walked inside directly sitting on my couch like a queen she pretends to be .
"Y/N , How are you ? You don't sleep well these days right ?I can see your tiredness "My real mom , Mrs. Choi Linda  spoke .Her usual sweet talks before going to the real point . I internally rolled my eyes as I gestured her along with her husband to sit down
"I don't sleep well since ages and you're seeing the tiredness now ?Wow "I spoke sarcastically keeping my usual . Mom got embarrassed.
"Cut the crap ! We came here to say one thing . Better accept Jimin Sir's proposal and marry him .Or else "Mrs. .Greata spoke with hatred .
"Or else what ?Look here , I am generous to you .That doesn't mean I'll forget what you did to Dad . And for your information ,You've no right on me , neither of you have .So , please stop disturbing my peace and go away .I meant it to all three of you "I spoke still smiling as Mom stood up .
"Y/N . I am your mother .How can you say I have no rights on you .Besides every mother wants good for their daughter .And I think Jimin sir is a blessing and gift for you . I want you to be happy and live a life with Jimin sir "She said specifying her 'Jimin Sir '.Yeah !Everyone except me has to call him 'Sir'. 
"If you really want good for me then you shouldn't have left me in the first place .And with Jimin I'll never find any peace" I spoke smiling as Mom stood in front of me .She inhaled as she said 
"But he has everything you need with him .Besides ,I can see love in his eyes "she said 
" Yeah !You better obey him and marry him .If it was me I would have already married  him "My step mom spoke .
"Sorry I am not you a gold - digger" I spoke harshly .
"You !"She yelled marching over .I just crossed my arms over my chest and smiled at her .She can never touch me because of Jimin . 
"Y/N ,I think Greata has a point Y/N ,Jimin Sir loves you so much "Mom spoke as I sighed dropping my arms . 
"Mom ,say it directly or indirectly .I don't care but as long as Jimin is mafia I won't accept him . Besides I only consider him as My friend .I don't have feeling  for him . Mom you might be the women who gave birth to me but you never have been one .So , how much ever times Mrs. Choi you say ,I won't marry Jimin .You have no right on me nor your husband is my father .I only have and had one family member in my life that is my father "I stated clearly and sternly. Just the a hard slap landed on my face . I looked up ,Mom she was panting in anger . Her eyes teary .She always scolded me but never hurt me .Now she did .Only for that Jimin .
"I carried you for 9 months and this is how you pay me and say I have no rights on you? Huh ? That father of your is dead .Stick that in your brain .He'll not rise back from dead .And my husband is your FATHER " She scolded . My hair was covering my eyes as my smile dropped .Anger followed in my veins as I sighed 
"You'll get engaged to JIMIN AND THAT'S FAINAL "She finished .I scoffed as I stood straight with a cold face.
"Get out "I spoke sternly as everyone froze on their place 
"I SAID GET OUT BEFORE I KICK YOU OUT !!!"I yelled . Step-dad took my panting teary mother out .Greata came near me as she glared walking out .I slammed the door shut as I broke down into tear .
I am also a human .Don't I have feelings and emotions ?

Author's POV

He  watched her photo with a small smile along with burning heart . He found peace in her but his mind was not accepting the truth . 
"Sir , Miss Y/N , Is going to be engaged to Jimin soon "The worker spy spoke through the phone as the man stood up abruptly , throwing his iPhone away in anger .Smashing and throwing a fit in the room .Jealousy as written down his face   .JEALOUSY , A negative yet positive emotion but it was not only Jealousy but also other emotion some kind of  obsession?

" I want her before he takes her "he yelled 


"Sir ,report on BLACKMOON finished  .  Report sending " 

" Yes ,checking .Kill when you get a chance .Mission Blackmoon's death"


"Sir a good news !!"
"What is it "
"Miss Y/N has agreed on your proposal " 
A content smile form on his lips as he dismissed the worker . He sipped his wine , looking through his Gallery . 
"Love , I said .I'll make you mine . Now I am fulfilling my promise to you .I promise I'll make you fall in love with me and I'll spoil you" He said chuckling looking at the pictures of his love .


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