Obsessive~ Stiles Stilinski ¹

By k-stilinski-

353K 8.6K 1.3K

"I don't care how many people you have killed, you are the love of my life, you understand me?" ━━━━━━ by k.s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
End of Season 1
Season 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
I'm not gonna do it, I'm just thinking about it...

Chapter 21

6.4K 188 18
By k-stilinski-

Sage was silently seething once she left Deaton's practice, not from the fact she just found out that she and Stiles were soulmates. No- she was seething from the fact that her phone had been off the entire time and she missed all the text messages the teen wolf and the Stilinski boy had sent her.

Derek had bitten his third beta, Vernon Boyd- and in the space of that, Derek had also sent his bitch of a lapdog Erica Reyes after Stiles and meanwhile Sage was trying to figure out her and Stiles' bond, Erica had decided to rip apart his jeep and hit him over the head.

Sage had felt the slight pain in her head but waved it off as a headache but once she realised that she cant get headaches she quickly realised that someone was in trouble, and when she had turned on her phone she saw the text that Erica had knocked the Stlinski boy unconscious and left him in a dumpster.

Now of course all Sage wanted to do was rip the girl apart but she had to make sure Stiles was okay.

And that brought her to now, as she currently pulled up to Boyd's house seeing the buzz-cut human perched on the stairs.

"Hey, thanks for coming to get me. I was kinda worried you wouldn't have seen the text." Sage smiled sadly at the boy before she drove off to the mechanics.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't even realise my phone was off but there was no way in hell I was gonna leave you here in the dark. Plus once when I felt a splitting headache I knew there was something wrong."

Stiles' eyebrows furrowed at the girl as he looked at her, he slowly ran his fingers over the spot Erica had hit him over the head- wincing slightly from the slight pressure.

"I didn't know you could feel if I was in pain."

Sage eye's winded from the boy's response, she had never felt his pain before- or even when Lydia was attacked by the Alpha, she just could feel their emotions through the bond. But now all of sudden she could feel Stiles' pain.

Maybe it was their bond, their soulmate bond.

Maybe now that she has actually recognised it as what it is she could actually feel when he was in pain.

"Uh yeah, I guess it's a new thing." Again Stiles furrowed his eyebrow's at the girl as she continued on driving, she never once looked at him which confused him even more. But before the boy could retort on her behaviour they had pulled up to Tucker's Garage.

The couple walked into the garage seeing Stiles' baby blue jeep on top of a lift that currently had the mechanic working on it. Stiles gasped at the scene, quickly walking to the mechanic waving his hands, "He--hey! Wh-what do you think you're doing? All I needed was a starter!" Stiles yelled as he walked over to who he assumed was Tucker.

Sage frowned as the man quickly said a bunch of words to the Stlinski boy causing him to huff in annoyance, she leaned off the wall and walked over to the man. The sound of her boots clicking against the floor got his attention as he looked up from the jeep, his eyes sparkled once they landed on the blonde thinking it was his lucky day.

Stiles' watched, jealousy swarming his stomach as he watched the mechanic put all his attention on the stunning blonde. But could Stiles really blame the guy, he knew how gorgeous Sage was, how beautiful she was- but it still bothered the human no less when he saw how the guy gawked at her.

"Now what can I do for you, pretty lady?" Sage flashed the boy a fake smile as she placed her hand on his bare arm, Stiles felt his heart jump- thinking his guardian had an interest in the mechanic.

"I actually do have a favour to ask."

"Anything gorgeous." The sparkle quickly left Tucker's eyes as he met Sage's purple ones, Tucker's eyes completely became void once the vampire started to compel him.

"Your gonna fix his jeep for free, anything that is wrong with it your gonna fix it for free. I don't care how long it takes, that Jeep better be brand new by the time you're finish with it- understand?"

"I understand."

Sage smiled sweetly at the blonde, "Good."

Stiles awed at the girl as she strutted over to him with a smile on her face.

"Your welcome." The human just shook his head at the girl with a slight chuckle as he went to open the door to the waiting room but his hand quickly slipped due to a clear but sticky substance that coated the handle.

"Nice, sanitary, quality establishment you're running here." Stiles called back but Tucker was obviously not listening. Sage shook her head at the boy before perching herself on the seats in the waiting room, she looked up on the wall and saw a picture of Tucker nailed on the wall. He was smiling right at the camera but she noticed how the boy was wearing a Beacon Hills lacrosse jersey.

"Figures why he thinks he's all that, dick was on the lacrosse team." Stiles scoffed as he looked at the picture quickly whipping his hands on his jeans. Sage suddenly felt a wave of panic through her bond and quickly turned her head to the boy, Stiles currently had his phone in his hand but his fingers couldn't move, "What the..."

"What's wrong?" Stiles stared at the girl as he kept trying to move his hands, "I can't move or feel my hands." The vampire quickly made her way over to him but was too late as the boy quickly fell to the floor.

"Stile!" Sage kneeled down to the boy, she was about to take his hands in hers but he quickly told her not to, the vampire had no idea what to do. She didn't know if vampire blood would even heal him but before she could even contemplate the idea she heard a panic cry leave the humans mouth.

"H-hey!" Sage looked over and saw a dark figure perch on an open window, Tucker quickly looks up seeing the creature dart out of the window, its claws quickly slash at the back of the mechanic's neck, Sage had expected to see blood but she didn't.

Tucker feel straight to the floor just below the jeep.

Sage quickly reached for Stiles' phone as she quickly began to dial his father's number, however unable to move and at mercy to the creature, it slashes the cord attached to the lift causing the jeep to descend over the terrified frozen mechanic.

"Sage." The blonde looked down at the human who was struggling to keep eye contact with her, he quickly darted his eyes to the window on the door causing Sage to follow his train of sight.

"Fuck." She quickly got up and ran over to the door but was stopped when the creature appeared outside of it.

Sage had been alive for many years and for all those years she had never seen such a thing in her life, the eyes were reptilian as they screeched at her. The vampire didn't like her odds right now, if the creature could paralyse you from one swipe of its claws there was no way she was going to fight it, especially if that meant leaving Stiles the way he is.

"Stiles close your eyes." Stiles sucked in a frightened breath after hearing his guardians words, he knew what they meant. Sage stood still not taking her eyes off the lizard-like creature but she could hear Tucker's scream for help, Sage swore under her breath knowing that the Stilinski boy may have had his eyes closed but he was still able to hear the mans plea for help.

Sage watched as the creature dashed out of her view and her eyes scanned over to Tucker who was now crushed by Roscoe, the sound of the sheriff's voice filled her eyes and she quickly kneeled down next to the boy laying his head in her lap. She ran her hands over the boy's buzz-cut hair which calmed down his breathing and beating heart slightly, he opened his eyes looking up at his guardian as she held his phone against his ear.

"Hey Sherrif it's Sage, I think you better get to Tucker's garage."


Sage walked through the hallways of Beacon Hills high, she couldn't get over all the events that occurred last night. From Deaton telling her that she and Stiles were soulmates to the lizard-like creature that attacked the mechanic's garage.

The thing felt familiar but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

After his dad and a whole bunch of police came to the garage, Sage had never left the Stlinski boy's side as she held on to his hand the whole time. Even when he was sat in the back of an ambulance as he gained feeling back in his hand and as his dad questioned him, Stiles was freaked out and Sage didn't need a bond to know that.

She had driven the boy home and decided it was a good idea that she spent the night again, the boy tried to tell her he was fine but his heart warmed from the gesture. His heart grew two more sizes when the blonde pulled up Star Wars on his laptop, Stiles had told the girl one time that it was his favourite movie series but he never thought she would have remotely remembered.

The love he had for the vampire was endless.

They spent the rest of the night in comfortable silence before they drifted off to sleep.

When he woke up the next morning Stiles had anticipated that his guardian would have been gone but he was surprised to see her head perched on his chest with her hands wrapped around him. Sage could have lied and told the boy that she had no idea how they ended up in that position but she simply told him that she liked having him in her arms, which not so subtly caused the humans cheeks to redden as he sputtered out a good morning.

The vampire had driven them both to school but they parted ways as Stiles had to tell Scott what happened last night and the blonde wanted to find her Strawberry blonde friend, but she stumbled upon a scene that made her chuckle to herself.

"I'm so sorry about the other day," Stiles said, staring at his best friend as they sat on the stairwell. "I'm trying. We'll get through this. Uh, I know, because I love you. I love you more then—" He scrunched up his face in disgust.  "—Oh, my God. I can't - you and Allison just have to find a better way to communicate." Stiles was currently the middle man between Scott and his girlfriend.

"Well well, I didn't think I'd have any competition but it seems like I do." The blonde vampire teased causing both Scott and Stiles to stare at her shocked, but Stiles continued to gape at the girl as he mulled over her words.

"Co--competition, I- no—he's not- I mean--"

"Stiles, breathe." Sage giggled at the boy slightly patting his cheek, the McCall boy smiled happily at his friend.

"Stiles is just relaying what Allison told him to say to me, you two are the only ones we trust seeing as we can't be seen together because her crazy grandfather is our new principle."

Sage nodded at the teen wolf before Scott started talking to the human again, "Deaton thinks Allison's family keeps some kind of, uh, records of all the things that they've hunted. Like a book."

"A Bestiary." The soulmates spoke at the same time earning a confused look from the young werewolf.

The teen wolf blinked. "What?"

"A bestiary," Stiles repeated.

"I think you mean bestiality." Scott chuckled in amusement.

Stiles looked at the blonde who looked at the werewolf in disgust, the human gave his best friend a deadpan look, wondering what the heck was going on through his head. "Nope, pretty sure we don't." He deadpanned. "It's like an encyclopedia of mythical creatures."

"How do you know so much?" Sage asked the boy who rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "I-I mean I have a vampire guardian and a werewolf best friend, you're both creatures of the night. It's kind of a priority of mine." Sage smiled at the human, satisfied with his response, even though her heart skipped a beat in her chest as Stiles called her his guardian. She technically wasn't his guardian.

"Okay," Scott uttered, slightly frowning after hearing the vampires heart skip a beat, but he chose to ignore it for now. "If we can find it, and it can tell us what this thing is -"

Stiles nodded. "And who."

"We need that book!" The two said in unison which caused Sage to stare at them with raised eyebrows.

"Well while you guys do that I'm going to look for my best friend, don't get yourselves killed now.


Sage was currently waiting for Stiles to text her back, he was currently going through Allison's grandfather office in search of the bestiary but she hadn't gotten anything from him yet. She let out a sigh as she searched through their bond but she couldn't find anything out of the ordinary, he wasn't in pain and wasn't showing any emotion other than anxiety but that was just an everyday thing for the Stlinski boy.

However the vampire froze when she heard the quiet sound of sniffles from a certain strawberry blonde, Sage quickly walked over to the car that her crying best friend was currently in, however the moment the blonde had stepped into Lydia's view she quickly tried to cover up the fact that she was crying.

What's wrong?" The vampire asked.

Lydia sniffled, shaking her head. "Nothing's wrong." She said. "I'm fine."

Sage gave the girl a soft smile but with serious eyes, "Lyds, I'm your best friend- I've seen you cry many times. I've even held you cry- you don't need to lie to me. What's the matter?"

"You're gonna think I'm crazy," Lydia muttered, wiping her tears away.

"Trust me, there's nothing that will make me think that you're crazy Lydia," Sage promised as she thought back to everything her best friend has gone through since the crazy-ass known as Peter Hale bit her. "Does this have anything to do with what happened at the ice rink, or what happened at your meeting today with the guidance counsellor?"

Lydia hesitated before nodding. "I-I don't know how to explain it but I keep seeing things that aren't there and i-it's always him, at the ice rink I swear I saw a fucking purple flower then I saw him underneath the ice. Then again today when Miss Morrell was showing me those stupid pictures and asking me what I see, and I swear one looked like him burned to a crisp. I'm so scared Sage. I think something's really wrong with me."

Sage stared at her bestfriend, the feeling of sadness and anger welling up in her veins, she was furious at the previous alpha. Lydia would have been fine if he never would have bitten her, and she didn't know how but the fucking Hale had somehow found a way to get inside her head.

It was Sage's job to protect Lydia and again for the second time, she felt like she had failed the girl. Lydia was going through something and there was nothing the girl could do to help her feel better.

Maybe telling her everything could help.

Sage didn't know if now was the right time and there were other things to take into account but again, it was Sage's duty to protect Lydia, and if telling her about the supernatural would make her feel less crazy then Sage would do it.

However before the vampire could open her mouth, her body stilled as she heard the sound of loud hissing coming from inside the school. She felt a quick wave of fear enter her bond and she knew that Stiles was in trouble.

"Lydia, you are not crazy." She said quietly and cleared her throat. "How about you dry your pretty face and go home and I promise I'll come by and we'll eat ice cream, watch the Notebook and have a good 'ol sleepover." The vampire smiled at her friend as she saw the slight twinkle in her eyes, and honestly Sage could use a break from the supernatural, plus she may or may not even tell the strawberry blonde about her deep crush for a certain Stlinski boy.

"Just the two of us?" Lydia asked timidly, she just wanted it to be the two of them, she felt like she hadn't spent enough time with her bestfriend and she missed it.

"Just us two, I promise," Sage confirmed causing a wide grin to appear on the green-eyed girl, Sage glanced back at the school, a slight panic in her eyes as she could feel Stiles calling to her through their bond.

"I'll bring the ice cream, okay, and maybe a little wine." Lydia gave her best friend a grateful smile, feeling a pang of excitement. "Okay."

"Alright, look I have to take care of something but I'll see you later, okay?"

When she saw her nod, she quickly rushed off towards the school. She followed the sound of hissing and water splashing.


"And who do you think is gonna be able to fight that thing? Me or you?" Derek told the spastic human who was currently holding him up in the swimming pool.

"Whatever," Stiles muttered tiredly, glancing back at the lizard thing that stared at the water with what looked like distaste and hate. "It's a good thing that thing it can't swim."

Derek glanced at the entrance as a particular scent wafted his nose, she always smelt like burned oranges but Derek found it oddly comforting, "Sage?" He breathed out sounding relieved, the sound of his guardian's name caused the Stilinski boy's head to snap towards the entrance.

"Oi." The blonde called distracting the Lizard from the werewolf and the human, it hissed at the blonde but she hissed right back barring her fangs at it. As soon as it came rushing to her she sent a quick kick causing it to fly back.

"Sage be careful!" Stiles watched with worried eyes as his guardian continued fighting the unknown creature but he quickly sucked in a breath when he saw the creature had wrapped its tail around her legs causing her to fall to the ground.

"She'll be fine as long as she doesn't get scratched," Derek told the boy who just continued to watch the vampire as his heartbeat kept rising. As the vampire kept fighting the lizard-like creature the Stilinski boy could feel himself slipping, Sage cursed underneath her breath when she realised that they both had gone under the water.

She quickly sent one swift kick to the lizard before she quickly threw off her cardigan and dived into the water, her eyes landed on both Stiles and Derek but she quickly made way to the human wrapping her arms around him as she pulled him up back to the surface.

She quickly laid him down by the pool noticing that Scott had come in and started fighting the creature. She dove back under and searched for the Hale werewolf, she grabbed the back of his shirt, pulling him up as she swam back to the surface.

Sage had quickly laid Derek on the ground before she made her way to Stiles who was currently coughing up the water out of his lungs. Sage patted his back slightly but her eyes focused on Scott as he picked up a broken piece of glass as he pointed it to the creature.

But what really interested her was the fact that the creature looked confused as it caught its reflection in the glass before it fled right from the scene.

It suddenly made sense to the vampire, she knew what they were dealing with.

A Kanima.


Hey, guysss another chapter but it's all because yesterday was the tenth year anniversary of Teen Wolf. Ten years guys, I was 11 when it first came out but didn't start watching it until I was 14 but I will forever love and be grateful for this show. It is literally my comfort show and my all-time comfort character- Stiles Stilinski. I loveeeeee Dylan O'Brien but my favourite character of his will always be Stiles and that's why he has a good three fanfics by me- maybe even more.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter, love you all and thanks for the 4K plus reads x

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