Sonic Forces (Revision)

By catdoesthings33

862 62 5

The world has been taken over by Eggman, a resistance has formed, and new heroes are rising. Join Sonic and h... More

* Chapter 1: A Hero Falls
* On the Battlefield
* Chapter 2: Heroes Rise
* Chapter 3: Virtual Reality
* Chapter 4: Getting to Know You
* Chapter 5: Search and Rescue
*Chapter 6: Lost, Then Found
Chapter 8: Unexpected Misery
Chapter 9: Remedy
Chapter 10: Turning The Tides
Chapter 11: Danger Approaching
Chapter 12: The Ruby's Curse
Author's Note: Reboot?

Chapter 7: A Sign of Chaos

38 4 0
By catdoesthings33

Chaos roared and slashed a watery tentacle down at Tails. The fox jumped out of the way, being bathed by the sprinkles of water that fell off the monster. He had expected to fight Chaos, but not Perfect Chaos.

He never knew where the Chaos Emeralds were, nor that they were in Eggman's possession. Guess that was one more thing he would have to ask the Resistance.

At first, both Tails and Classic were fighting one single entity, now they were fighting five. The sewer system worked greatly in Chaos' favor. There were a total of five areas where water could come out. Stepping in one of the corners was a big no and the middle was even more dangerous. The main part of Chaos was there.

Tails and Classic had been trying to avoid the watery creature for so long that they were starting to tire. Sweat poured down Tails' face and although Classic seemed fine, he was heavily nursing his left leg at the moment. Tails had just decided to keep his distance and was still nearly getting clipped; Classic's sluggish movement had gotten worse, especially when it came to stopping and starting.

Tails studied Chaos while he wasn't getting whacked by water. There had to be some way to cut off the water. Some way to take out four of the five opponents, but how? Then, it hit him.

"Sonic!" Tails shouted. Classic did a limbo underneath one of Chaos' arms before looking at Tails. "I think I have an idea." Classic cocked his head but motioned for him to continue. "If we can cut off the water supply to the city, Chaos won't have anything to draw from."

Classic thought about the idea for a bit. It was quite simple. In fact he remembered seeing some sort of valve while he was hitting those bee bots.

The young Sonic motioned to Tails, telling the fox that he would go find the valve. He did this by pointing behind himself and making a turning motion before pointing to Chaos and pushing down.

Tails jumped over a watery tentacle and nodded. "Perfect, now I just have to come up with something to soak the excess water up."

Chaos had tried to take both of them by tripping them. It hadn't worked so far. The watery monster watched as Classic sped off his way toward the valve. Just a little bit closer. Classic stepped on the corner of the square. Chaos jumped at his chance. He grabbed Classic's legs and held him off the ground. The hedgehog's blue quills dangled down as Classic crossed his arms in frustration.

Tails went to tinkering with the crushed robots. "Hang on Sonic! I've almost got it!"

Classic tapped his chin as he waited. This boredom turned to terror as the watery tentacle holding him slowly moved down his body, defying gravity. Classic waved his arms to tell Tails to hurry up.

"Got it!" Tails ran over toward Classic with three small balls in his hands. He threw them directly at Chaos. The balls exploded, sending white smoke into the air. Chaos dropped Classic as he tried to move away from the absorbent polymer.

Classic just barely landed on his feet before dropping to the ground. He clutched his leg. It must have gotten sprained in the fall. Tails went to help him out when he was grabbed by Chaos. The watery monster roared again. It seemed as though he didn't like the trick the fox had pulled.

Classic looked up. Tails tried to throw the Dummy Ring orbs at Chaos again but the creature was smart. He blocked the balls with one of his watery tentacles.

"Sonic! Go shut off the valve!" Tails shouted. "I'll find a way out of this!" The fox fumbled to get his hand free.

Classic gave a thumbs up and tried to stand. His leg was still in pain. Despite this, the hedgehog ran toward the valve, careful not to step near Chaos again.

Right on the side of a building was a little red wheel connected to brown and silver pipes. Classic headed toward it. He was nearly there but he didn't account for a busted robot. The metallic menace was still functional, despite being blown to bits. It grabbed Classic and held him down. What made it worse was that the robot had grabbed his sprained leg. The hedgehog yelped in pain. How could he have thought there wouldn't still be any robots around?

Back in the square, Tails fumbled with more of his Dummy Ring orbs. Instead of throwing them directly at Chaos he figured an indirect approach would be better. The fox slipped the orbs underneath Chaos. The balls exploded, puffing up in a fume of white smoke. The watery monster let go of Tails, who instinctively used his tails. While they didn't get him in the air, they at least slowed his descent.

The fox landed on his back and faced the creature. The watery monster shook itself off. Now he was really angry. Every single arm, tentacle, and minion aimed towards Tails.

Classic was still being held down, literally. The hedgehog flipped over and looked straight at the robot. He tried to use his feet to free himself but the robot was too strong. After that didn't work, the hedgehog rolled into a ball and whacked into it. The robot fell back a little bit, stunned by the sudden attack. This was his chance. Classic lept toward the valve, his leg in too much pain to walk. The robot grabbed him but by that time, the hedgehog had turned the wheel.

Tails looked around at the water that surrounded him. His hands were empty, he had no more ammo. It would take him too long to make more and he didn't want Chaos to take out his grand finale. The water stretched out. It seemed to stop at a certain point, away from where he was. Even as he thought, the watery creatures fell to the ground, making a large puddle in the middle of the square.

"Sonic, you did it!" Tails celebrated, grabbing one of the robot's arms as he looked around. "Sonic?"

The young blue blur hit the robot again. The hunk of metal fell and sparked. Classic rolled out of there right as the robot exploded. He landed right next to Tails and fell flat on his back, giving his signature thumbs up from the position.

"We're not out of the woods yet, buddy." Tails explained as he scaled the side of a building. He glanced down. His eyes widened. "Sonic! Get out of the square!"

Classic saw what he was talking about. Even though he had redirected the city water, there was still one huge problem. All the water went directly into the middle sewer. Chaos was growing in size. Classic turned into a ball and revved up to speed away from the square. Chaos reached toward him. They were inches apart until...splat!

A large cubical wall was placed right between them. Classic rolled over toward the building Tails was at. Tails was about to ask, but Classic shrugged, already knowing what the question was. He looked around to see who had sent the cubes. The answer dropped down right next to Tails.

"Hey, I recognize you." Tails stated as the light brown wolf landed right next to him. "You were over by where Chaos first showed up."

The wolf nodded. "Less talking, more shooting."

"Right." Tails aimed his device. He had stuffed it with the capture netting in the robot's arms. His Miles Electric said the netting was made of Sodium Polyacrylate, it was perfect for absorbing water. Why Eggman used that material? He could think of one reason; a blue reason.

Tails shot the netting at Chaos. The wolf switched and aimed her device. Once the netting hit, she shot a few fireballs at Chaos. With both the expansion of the water absorbent netting and the evaporation of the water by the fire, Chaos immediately fell.

The Chaos Emeralds lie on the ground as well. Tails went to grab them but the wolf held him back and pointed. The Emeralds each disappeared.

"An illusion." The wolf said. She looked down at Classic. "Leg's broken, might be best to wrap it." She grabbed a small cloth out of her cloak and wrapped his leg tightly. Once she finished, she changed her device and began to fly off.

"Wait! I never thanked you or caught your name!" Tails shouted as he went down to help Classic.

"No thanks needed," the wolf answered, her voice barely audible as she flew away using the hover wispon.

Tails watched her disappear over the horizon. His attention then turned to Classic. "You okay?"

Classic nodded, still clutching his leg. He held something out and pointed to the watery net on the ground. What he held was a purple and pink striped gemstone.

"Did that come from Chaos?" Tails asked as he looked at the glowing stone. Classic nodded. "Hm, I'll need to study that and find out what Chaos was doing with it. First though, we need to go see a healer about that leg of yours."

Classic waved his hand down, saying that he didn't need to see a healer. However, when tried to stand up, he fell back down again.

"Yeah, I think you still need to see a healer." Tails stated. 'Still the same Sonic,' he thought.

All of the sudden, a bright orange light shone, nearly blinding Tails and Classic. The light lowered itself near where the net holding the reminisce of Chaos. "There you are Chaos! Thank goodness!"

Classic cocked his head and raised an eyebrow at Tails. The fox was straining his eyes to see who it was. The light faded and in its place was an orange echidna dressed in what appeared to be Egyptian wear. "Tikal?" Tails questioned.

The echidna stepped forward. "Tails, it's been such a long time." She still glowed brightly, almost appearing like a spirit.

"It has. As nice as it is to see you again," Tails started, "why are you here?"

Tikal sighed. "The sole reason I'm here is to give an important message. I was hoping to find Knuckles but I believe you two could relay it to him." She motions toward Tails and the young Sonic who were listening attentively. "Listen, I haven't much time so pay close attention to what I'm about to say."

Tails and Classic exchanged glances as Tikal continued. "Chaos was taken from the Master Emerald by some unknown force, that force now lies in your hand young Sonic." She motioned towards the strange gem Classic held. "It was a good thing you retrieved it when you did. The power of that gem is so powerful that it could very well have overloaded Chaos with power and killed him in the process, and that is only a prototype."

"A prototype?" Tails questioned.

"It has a weaker energy signature than the main source, the one that has blocked out the Chaos Emeralds from my reach. The Phantom Ruby." Tikal explained. "This is all I know." She went over to Classic and put her hands on his leg. Immediately, the bones clicked back into place. The cloth the wolf had put on earlier fell off as the young Sonic felt his leg and jumped up. After running around a bit, he gave a thumbs up. "You are very welcome, young one. Now that I have healed your friend, I must take Chaos back with me to the Master Emerald." She headed back towards Chaos.

"Wait! Can't you stay?" Tails asked, taking a step forward.

Tikal turned back towards the young fox. "I am not a fighter besides, while Knuckles is away, I must guard the Master Emerald from within." Tails' ears folded down. He hadn't seen Tikal in quite a while. Her joyous spirit would surely help those who are fighting against Eggman. "However," Tikal started, "let me leave you with some advice."

Tails perked his ears up. Classic listened in too. "Remember, what you see is not always what is there. Your eyes may deceive you but your ears and instincts never fail. If you can remember these words, you will be able to fight against what's coming." Tikal explained.

Tails nodded. "Thank you Tikal. I will take these words to heart." Classic nodded.

Tikal nodded in appreciation. "Now I must go. Good luck to you both." With that, she and Chaos disappeared as she had come, in a bright orange light.

Tails and Classic waved goodbye to her. "Come on, let's head back to Omega and see what we can do to fix him up." Classic looked up ahead and pointed to a piece of paper on the wall.

Tails followed his gaze and grabbed the sheet. "It says, 'I took the robot to the Resistance. You should head there too. From, Guardian Angel.'"

Tails pondered a bit. "Guardian Angel?" He questioned, looking at the piece of paper again. "The Resistance HQ is pretty far away. Plus, it's been so long not to mention I'm responsible for this whole mess! Who knows if they would take me back." Tails collapsed onto the ground and placed his chin on his hands.

Classic patted Tails' shoulder. He grabbed the note and started out in a random direction. He pointed through the town, explaining that they had to go see the Resistance.

"You're right." Tails stood up. "We have valuable information to tell them, whether they want to hear it or not." Tails headed out toward Classic. "Well, what are we waiting for? We've got a long road ahead of us and the sun is about to set. We need to hurry if we're gonna make it before dark." Classic nodded and started to head off. "Hey! Wait for me!" Tails ran off after him, using his tails to propel him, and they actually started to turn.

💥✨💦 💥✨💦 💥✨💦 💥✨💦

Hey there everyone! Sorry for the really long wait. I just got really busy as I was working on this, especially since it's summer. Hopefully I can get chapters out quicker but I'm not promising anything 😅

Also, a lot of you just came in during this lull so thank you for reading this story and being patient as well! It means a lot that there is at least an audience. Well, I've talked enough. Thank you and hopefully it won't take me months to get the next chapter out.

💥✨💦 💥✨💦 💥✨💦 💥✨💦

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