Avengers x Reader This univer...

By atlasscrumpit

31.7K 1.2K 285

You are a being trapped between every universe the avengers are in, you travel without meaning and leave ever... More

Author Note
Chapter 1 - Loved not love
Chapter 2 - Familiar
Chapter 3 - Virus
Chapter 4 - Comfort
Chapter 5 - Tony!
Chapter 6 - Each Other
Chapter 7 - Night out
Chapter 8 - No
Chapter 9 - Back and back again
Chapter 10 - Wounded
Chapter 11 - Healing than breaking
Chapter 12 - Another, Another, Another
Chapter 13 - Broken
Chapter 14 - Cracked
Chapter 15 - Escape
Chapter 17 - Horror
Finale Chapter

Chapter 16 - Castle

625 39 4
By atlasscrumpit

"I just want it to end." You whispered lying on the ground looking up at the rain as you felt your blood incircle you.

"I want this nightmare to be over, I want to rest." You whispered, you felt your body starting to give up. Maybe the universe was finally letting you have what you wanted. The relief of death, you smiled softly and closed your eyes finally letting your soul get true peace.

"I want to rest." You whispered in your sleep as Bucky woke up from his nap beside you.

"Let me die." You whispered as Bucky looked at you sadly.

"I-I take back the deal, I-I don't want it. I take it back." You whispered as Bucky gently took your hand and ran his thumb over your dry skin.

"Doll, it's ok." He whispered in return. Your eyes softly opened as you looked around seeing yourself in Stephen's infirmary.

"I-I thought I died." You whispered looking at Bucky.

"You were just having a nightmare." He explained as you nodded and looked at the ceiling.

"I'm tired." You muttered squeezing Bucky's hand.

"I know doll, we're safe now. You can rest." He said as you looked back at him.

"I-I'm uncomfortable, I want to walk again." You whispered with tears in your eyes.

"Shh, it's ok." Bucky whispered as you began to cry.

"S-Stephen has magic, can't he fix me?" You asked through your small sobs.

"I don't think it works that way darling, everything will be ok. I'll be right here with you." Bucky said as you nodded, your vision starting going dark and blurry as you held onto Bucky's hand.

"B-Bucky, what's happening?" You asked feeling your hand slip away from his.

"Bucky!" You shouted before everything went black.

You groaned, nothing hurt, it's like all your pain had gone away. You felt cold grass against your skin as you opened your eyes to see a blue sky above you. Where did Bucky go?

"Argh, where am I?" You whispered to yourself sitting up in the grass. You felt something hard behind you and looked up to see your back was facing a large castle wall. You stood up and looked around, it looked like some sort of fairy tale, you were wearing a simple white dress. The green grass, the flowers, the castle and the bright blue sky all added to the fairytale scene. You wandered around and found an entrance to the castle. You wandered in seeing halls in every which way all aligned with paintings. Were you dreaming? You saw a few people walking up and down the halls as you made your way down to the left. There was a large gold and sliver door that you stopped outside of, suddenly it opened making you jump back. You watched a man walk out with two guards as your eyed widened.

"B-Bucky? N-No, no it happened again." You whispered to yourself finally realising you had jumped to another reality again.

"Doll? Are you ok?" He asked as you backed away.

"N-No, please. Just stay away." You muttered as he walked closer to you.

"Get away!" You screamed bringing attention to yourself as you ran down the hallway.

"Guards! Stop her!" Bucky shouted as you ran as fast as you could. Suddenly a guard grabbed you and held your hands behind your back as you struggled.

"L-Let me go!" You shouted trying to break free, Bucky jogged his way up to you looking to you with worry.

"Y/N, what's wrong? What's going on?" He asked as you closed your eyes and shook your head.

"Get away from me!" You shouted as the guard held you tighter.

"Doll, look at me." Bucky said as you shook your head.

"Something's wrong with her, I think Loki has done something to her mind again. Take her to the cells and chain her up while I figure this out, I don't want her running away." Bucky demanded as you tried and tried to break free.

"No! Please!" You shouted as he walked away, another guard grabbed you as they dragged you along the halls in front of everyone, they were all whispering. You reached a black door that led to stairs, they dragged you down where you saw a line of cells.

"Sorry my Queen, it's the only way to keep you safe." One of the guards said as they dragged you into one of he cells and clipped two chains to your wrists.

"Q-Queen?" You muttered before they started leaving.

"N-No! No come back!" You screamed pulling against the chains.

"Isn't this what you wanted?" You heard a voice say looking up to see the white haired man.

"You wanted to walk again didn't you?" He said as you dropped to your knees and kept your mouth shut.

"Aww, don't feel like talking?" He asked as you closed your eyes and kept your head bowed.

"Leave me." You whispered making him chuckle.

"You've really gotten an attitude haven't you darling?" He said as you looked up and glared at him.

"What the hell could you possibly take from me? What the hell could you want from me!?" You shouted pulling at your chains.

"So much more." He growled before disappearing. You screamed at the rock wall before bowing your head.

"Love, I hate doing this to you. I don't know how he got into your mind again." You heard a voice say as you looked up to see Bucky with two guards.

"It's not Loki." You muttered looking away from him.

"Doll, I know you're in there. You have to fight this." He said as you chuckled dryly.

"The Y/N you knew isn't coming back, she's gone forever." You growled bitterly as Bucky slammed his hand on the bars making you jump.

"Who the hell are you!?" He shouted as you looked up at him.

"Bucky? What's going on?" You heard a voice say as you looked up to see... you?

"Doll?" Bucky asked rushing up to her and hugging her tightly.

"W-What the hell?" You muttered to yourself looking at your double.

"Who is she?" She asked as you struggled in your chains.

"She must be some twisted version of you Loki created to try and infiltrate us." Bucky said looking at you with disgust.

"Just let me go and I won't ever bother you again, I'm just trying to survive this hell." You growled looking away from them.

"You really think we're just going to let you run back to your master?" He growled as you laughed.

"Trust me, he isn't my fucking master." You hissed back as they glared at you.

"We can just keep her here until Loki tries to get her back." The other you said as you pulled against your chains.

"Just let me go! I won't do anything, I'll even leave the palace walls or village whatever you call it. Just let me go, I don't want to rot away slowly in these fucking chains. I promise on my life I will never bother you again, just let me go." You begged while looking up at them. You couldn't stand the thought of staying here chained up. Bucky knelt down just outside the cell and looked into your eyes.

"You aren't going anywhere." He growled lowly making you pull against the chains.

"You asshole!" You shouted as the other you pulled him back.

"Let's leave her for now, she isn't worth getting angry over." She whispered to Bucky, you held back tears of frustration.

"Fuck you both." You growled watching them leave.

"I'll get out of here on my own!" You shouted as you heard the doors close.

"They can be a pain." You heard a voice say as you looked up to see a young man with short black hair and green eyes. You felt like you had seen him before.

"I'm Arthur." He said as you nodded to him.

"So I gather you're trapped in a deal with the white hair fuck too?" He said as your eyes widened.

"W-What?" You whispered in disbelief as he smiled a charming smile.

"I think we've passed once or twice in other realities. But yes I am locked into a deal with that crazy man as well, I most likely come from your original reality. And I'm really fucking sick of Bucky." He said as you chuckled.

"It comes and goes for me." You said as he laughed with you.

"It's so weird to have someone else that understands what this is like." You whispered in disbelief.

"Trust me I've been through it all, the torture, the rape, the love, the death." He listed off things looking away sadly.

"Sometimes I think, this is it, this is the last one. I'll finally stay. And then I leave again, leaving everyone and everything behind." He said sadly as you nodded.

"I know it all too well. Have you ever had any ideas on how to escape this?" You asked quietly as he chuckled.

"So many ideas, nothing works. I even beheaded him, fucker just came back." He said making you laugh a little.

"I wonder how many people he's done this to." You muttered squirming in your chains.

"God I'm so sick of chains and torture." You growled in frustration.

"Fuck it, let's fucking break free. Come on it'll be fun! We can't fuckin' die." He said making you laugh as you thought for a bit.

"Let's do it." 

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