Pretend Girlfriend

By the_wanted_forever

350K 10.4K 2K

It all started with seven words. It wasn't a question or much of a choice, but a statement. "I need you to be... More

01. Deal?
02. Meeting The Parents
03. Pretend Date
05. An Arrow To The Face
06. Archery
07. It is a pretty sexy book
08. It's a ship name
09. Pretend or Not
10. Business Party
11. People don't change
12. Special Place
13. Lap Dance
14. Packing
15. Plane Ride
16. Greece
17. Do you hate us?
18. Innocense
19. Birthday
20. Going Home
21. Talent Show
22. Voicemail
23. I'm Sorry
24. Home
25. Let's have sex
26. Graduation Party?
27. Our Day
28. Summer just started
29. You did the nasty
30. Caught
31. Proposition
32. Last Day Together
33. Letter

04. Takeout

14.1K 409 165
By the_wanted_forever

I opened the door and leaned against the door frame. I looked at my small wrist watch; it was 7:03am. I sighed, closing the door. A car pulled up in my driveway, that's Xavier.

He rolled down the window and smirked. "Get in."

I mentally groaned and got in his car. Today is going to be something.

Xavier and I walked through the school doors together. He had an arm around my shoulder and intertwined our hands together. People looked at us shocked, confusion starting to take over. Xavier and I walked to my locker and he took his arm off of me.

I opened my locker, sighing. "Is it just me or does it feel like today is going to be a long day?"

"Oh, come on now, darling," Xavier said, leaning against the lockers. "It's not going to be that bad."

I shrugged, shoving my books in my locker then slamming it shut. Xavier saw two of his friends - I think their names were Henry and Felix - and cleared his throat.

"Alright," Xavier said, standing up straight. "I'm going to go hang out with my friends now."

"Have fun." I said, leaning against the lockers.

"Don't I get a kiss before I go?" Xavier asked, smiling cheekily.

I glared at Xavier, crossing my arms. "I hate you sometimes."

Xavier laughed. "Love you too, love," Xavier said, smirking. He then kissed my cheek and smiled at me. "I'm going to hang out with Henry and Felix now, love. I'll see you at lunch."

Xavier ran off to his friends and I stood there slightly confused. I turned around and noticed there was a girl standing right there. I awkwardly smiled at her and then walked away. Oh, Xavier is good.


The bell rang signaling fifth period was now over and it was the start of something beautiful. Lunch.

I walked out of my AP calculus class, clutching onto my bag. I walked through the halls, avoiding the sea of people. Eventually, I managed to get to the cafeteria and get some food - a hamburger with fries.

I spotted Destiny sitting down at our table along with a few of our other friends. I walked over to them, grinning.

"Nice of you to finally join us, Ryan." Destiny said, teasingly.

I chuckled, shaking my head. "I would have came sooner if it weren't for the massive sea of people in the halls and the long lines."

"You should have tried leaving class a bit earlier," Belle said, shrugging. "You could have gotten here earlier."

"I couldn't do that," I said, shaking my head. "I wouldn't want to miss a second of that class."

"Fair point." Belle said, slightly laughing.

"Is it true you and Xavier Hale are dating?"

I looked up at my friend Emma. She had blonde hair, pale skin, and crystal blue eyes. Her and Belle could have practically been twins if it weren't for the fact that Belle was a brunette; but other than that, Belle and Emma had some very similar features even though they weren't related.

"Yes," I said, slowly nodding my head. "It's true we are going out."

"Since when?" Destiny asked, surprised. "And why are we barely hearing about it now?"

"Since Fr-since August." I almost gave it away.

"August?!" Belle shouted. The cafeteria slightly went silent and people were staring at us.

I rolled my eyes, groaning. "Nothing to see, so eat your damn food people."

I turned my attention back to the girls and they looked hurt. Destiny looked the most upset because we were the closest. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"It's like no one knew you were going out until now." Emma said, bitterness in her voice.

"It's just I didn't want you guys to think I changed." I said, playing with my hands. Lying isn't that hard or that bad?

"What do you mean?" Belle asked, confused.

"We'd never think you'd change just because you're dating him." Destiny added.

"Well, everyone seems to see Xavier as a bad guy sometimes," I said, nodding my head. "And I thought people would think I changed into a bad person for being with him."

"You're crazy," Emma said, chuckling. "Ryan, we know for a fact that you'd never change."

I smiled, nodding my head.

"So, it that why you'd always cancel plans at times?" Belle asked, raising an eyebrow. "You were actually hanging out with Xavier the whole time?"

"Yeah," I said, biting the inside of my lip. "We'd have small dates or big amazing ones." Actually, that was me sneaking off to be a stripper. The girls smiled at me which I returned.

"Hey, darling."

I turned around to see Xavier walking our way. He reached our table and sat down next to me.

Xavier wrapped an arm around my waist, kissing my cheek. "I've missed you."

I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder. "Not as much as I missed you."

"I think I'm going to be sick." I looked up at Destiny and started laughing.

"I don't believe we properly met," Xavier said, flashing a smile. "I'm Xavier."

"I know who you are." Emma said. Belle nudged her in the arm. "I, uh, mean nice to meet you, Xavier. I'm Emma."

"I'm Belle." Belle said, smiling.

"Destiny." Destiny said, no expression given what's so ever.

"It's nice to finally meet you guys," Xavier said, grinning. "Ryan, has told me so much about you guys, and that you truly are amazing."

Honestly, how? He's manipulative and a liar. Yet, he manages to do it in the most charming way possible.

I was lost in thought until I was snapped out of my thoughts by Xavier calling me.

"Yeah?" I said, confused.

"Can we talk somewhere?" Xavier asked, smirking.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, sure."

We said bye to the girls and went outside the cafeteria. Xavier and I were now in an empty hallway.

"What'd you want to talk about?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Spring Break," Xavier said, grinning.

"It's still two months away," I said, throwing my head back. "Such a long time from now."

Xavier chuckled. "My family and I always take a vacation somewhere and I can always invite some friends," Xavier said, nodding his head. "This year we're going to, well, I don't even know yet."

I nodded my head. Xavier looked at me and cocked his eyebrows. "Where do you want to spend our two weeks off at?" He asked, smirking.

"You're asking me?" I asked, surprised.

"You are my girlfriend," Xavier said, leaning in closer to me. "You do have a say in things."

My breath hitched in my throat when Xavier kissed my cheek. "I-I, um, I'll tell you when I figure out where I want to go," I said, standing up straight.

"Good that," Xavier said, nodding his head. "You can bring your friends if they'd like to come."

"I can?" I asked, grinning.

"Of course you can," Xavier said. "Felix and Henry are going as well, and I'll probably invite my other friend Neal."

"He's pretty cute," I said, nodding my head.

Xavier cocked an eyebrow up. "Yeah, stay away from Neal."

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms. "Then stay away from my friends."

"I'm not interested in your friends," Xavier said, smirking. "I'm only interested in you."

Xavier leaned in closer to me and our lips were inches apart. "And believe me, darling," Xavier said, getting even closer. "I always get what I'm interested in."

Xavier softly kissed me and I felt myself go weak in the knees. Xavier pulled away from the kiss and placed his forehead to mine. "I love you, and I'll see you after school, darling."

Xavier walked away with a smirk and I stood there smiling like a fool. I heard someone clear their throat and I jumped up and turned to see Ms. Hopper - she was my geometry honors teacher from when I was a freshman.

I cleared my throat and smiled at her. "It's a lovely day, Ms. Hopper."

Ms. Hopper gave me a look. "Mhmm, Ms. Gonzalez."

"Okay, I'm going back to my friends now," I said, starting to walk away. "Bye, Ms. Hopper."

"Bye, Ryan," Ms. Hopper said, as I walked away. "And remember not to make out in the halls."

I face palmed myself and walked back to the cafeteria. I'm an idiot sometimes.


After school I walked outside to the parking lot and saw Xavier leaning against his car, smirking. I watched as other students left school and some barely started getting in their cars.

"Ryan!" I turned around and saw some guy calling me. It was Peter Gold the school's classic jock. Peter had hazel eyes, brown curly hair, pale skin, and was a foot taller than me.

"Hi, Peter," I said, turning to look at him.

"Hey," he said, grinning. "I've been wanting to talk to you."

"About?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I wanted to see if you'd wanted to go out sometime," Peter said, nervously. "Like go on a date."

"Look Peter, I know you're a nice guy, but-"

"Hey, darling," I suddenly felt an arm wrapped around my waist. "What's taking so long?" Xavier asked.

"I was just talking to Peter," I said, looking at Xavier. "He was asking me something."

"Oh really?" Xavier said, cocking his eyebrows. "What were you asking my girlfriend?"

"Nothing important," Peter said, looking down. "Bye."

Peter quickly left and Xavier smirked. "Ready to go?"

I nodded my head, "Ready as I'll ever be."

I felt a little bad for Peter, but knowing him he'll probably be into some other girl next week.

Xavier kept an arm around my waist and led me to his car. He opened the door for me and then closed it. He got in the car and he started the somewhat long drive to my house.

"Today wasn't bad," I said, breaking the silence.

"Why did you think it would be bad?" Xavier asked, cocking his eyebrow.

"Because I'm stuck pretending to be your girlfriend," I said, sighing.

Xavier pulled the car over and turned to look at me. "I'm not trying to make this bad for you," Xavier said, sighing. "I was hoping you'd enjoy it."

I nervously bit my lip. "I didn't mean it in a mean way."

"Of course you didn't," Xavier said, sarcastically. "I'm not that big of an asshole."

I let out a small laugh. "I'm sorry," I said, taking Xavier's hand. "For being mean about it."

Xavier looked at me surprised. "Apology accepted," he said. Xavier then smirked. "Care to kiss on it?"

I gave Xavier a look and he leaned in, smirking. "You know I leave you breathless."

I bit my lip looking at Xavier and he cupped my cheek. He kissed me roughly and had his other hand on my leg.

I pulled away from the kiss for air and Xavier smirked. He sat back down and started driving again.

"Like I said," Xavier said, smirking. "I leave you breathless."


Eventually, Xavier pulled up to my driveway. I sighed, unbuckling the seat belt. I have a massive mountain of homework in my bag.

"Want to come in?" I asked, turning to look at Xavier.

"Do you want me to come in?" Xavier asked, raising an eyebrow.

I sighed, stepping out his car. "I don't want to be alone," I said, looking down at Xavier. "And my parents aren't home, so I'll be alone...and I hate that feeling."

Xavier stepped out his car and joined my side. "Then why are we still outside?"

I smiled and started walking to the front door. Xavier followed me and closed the door behind him when we got inside.

I served myself some water and turned to see Xavier looking at a picture of me.

"Is this you?" Xavier asked, turning to look at me, smirking.

I nodded my head. "That's me when I was five."

Xavier chuckled. "You're cute."

He put the picture frame down and walked in front of me. "So," Xavier said, licking his lips. "What are we going to do?"

"Well," I said, swinging my bag over my shoulder. "I have a lot of homework to do."

Xavier sighed, "I forgot I have to do mine, too."

I laughed and started jogging to my room. "Come on!"

I sat down on my bed and then Xavier walked into the room. He sat down a few feet from me on my bed, grabbing his backpack.

I pulled out my homework and some books I would need. "You take AP calculus?"

I looked up to see Xavier had my homework. I grabbed it, sighing. "Yes."

"I hate math," Xavier said, throwing his head back. "It must be hard."

"We don't say those words in my house," I said, nodding my head. "Ever."

Xavier looked at me confused. "It must be hard?"

"'I hate math'," I said, rolling my eyes. "I don't like hearing those words."

"No," Xavier said, shaking his head. "Don't tell me you're a math freak and love math."

I laughed, grinning. "Guilty."

Xavier laughed laying down on my bed. "You're crazy."

"I just love math," I said, slightly laughing. "It's kinda normal."

Xavier gave me a look. "It's not even close to normal." He said, laughing. "Everyone hates math."

"Well," I said, opening my AP calculus book. "I'm not like everyone, nor do I plan to be."

I started my homework and turned to see Xavier started his homework too. I heard Xavier cheering and looked at him.

"I finished," he said, grinning. "That took forever."

I laughed, shaking my head. "It's been thirty minutes."

"Exactly," Xavier said seriously. "That was too long."

I shook my head, "Well, give me like five minutes and the I'll be done...I do my homework fast."

I quickly finished the rest of my homework and looked at Xavier. He was standing by my bookshelf, looking at all my books.

"You have so many books," Xavier said, grinning. "I love it!"

"You're a book worm?" I asked, surprised.

I stood up and stood next to Xavier. "Let's keep this our little secret," Xavier said, looking at me. "But yes, I am a major book worm."

Xavier then pulled out one of my books. "I'm currently reading this series."

I grabbed the book and smiled. "The Maze Runner," I said, nodding my head. "It's my favorite series."

"You finished the books already?" Xavier asked, surprised.

"Obviously," I replied, grinning. "I'm currently waiting for James Dashner to release his other prequel in the series."

"I'm barely on the first book," Xavier chuckled.

"Well, Xavier," I said, sighing. "You're in for a lot."

"Do not tell me anything that happens, darling," Xavier said, facing me. "I hate spoilers."

I laughed. "Okay, I won't." I said. "You hungry?"

"Starving," Xavier replied, sighing. "What are we going to eat?"

"How about Chinese food?" I asked, grinning.

"If you'd like to," Xavier said, shrugging. "I'm good with Chinese food."

I smiled, "Okay."

I called the Chinese food and ordered food for Xavier and I. When the food came, Xavier and I sat down on my carpeted floor in my room, eating.

"I get the feeling you order a lot of take out." Xavier said, breaking the silence.

I laughed, "Well, you're feelings would be correct."

"Do you workout then?" Xavier asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm assuming since you have a good body..."

I laughed, nodding my head. "Yes I do workout," I said, standing up. "I need to keep this body in the shape."

Xavier chuckled, biting his lip. "Mhm."

I had the radio playing lowly and one of my favorite songs came on - Selena Gomez and Zedd, I want you to know.

"I love this song!" I said, and started dancing around.

Xavier laughed and looked up at me, amused. I grabbed his arm and made him stand up.

"Dance with me," I said, grinning. "It's fun."

Xavier stood there awkwardly as I danced and I started to laugh. I turned around and moved my hips along to the song, having fun. Xavier put his hands on my hips and brought me closer to him.

I kept dancing and Xavier started to dance a bit. I turned around so I could face Xavier again and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"See how fun dancing is," I said, grinning. "Having fun?"

Xavier shrugged, smirking. "It's pretty amusing watching you dance."

I rolled my eyes, laughing. "Let's finish eating now?"

Xavier nodded his head and sat down. I sat down next to him and smiled.

"Can I be honest with you?" I asked, nervously.

Xavier looked at me seriously. "Of course you can, darling."

"I like spending time with you," I said, nervously smiling.

Xavier smiled, looking down. "I like spending time with you, too."

I smiled, slightly blushing. Xavier and I continued eating in silence.

"Can you talk in an American accent?" I asked, breaking the silent. Xavier laughed and I grinned.

"Why?" Xavier asked, confused. "What is with Americans always wanting British people to talk in an American accent!"

"Please," I said, slightly laughing. "I'll try my best to do a British accent."

"This should be amusing," Xavier said, getting comfortable. "You go first."

"Okay," I said, laughing. "This is going to be awful."

Xavier laughed, gesturing for me to continue. I cleared my throat. "Hello love, I'm off to go drink tea with the Queen, care to join us?"

I laughed, shaking my head. "It was bad."

Xavier laughed, shaking his head. "Hey dude, come on let's go eat McDonald's with Obama then we can go hang ten and what not."

I bursted out laughing. "No American says that."

"And no British person has tea with the Queen," Xavier remarked, smirking. "What did you think?"

"It was funny," I said, laughing. "But it wasn't the best."

Xavier chuckled, "Well, your British accent isn't great either."

I laughed, shrugging. "I'm just going to stick to English and Spanish."

Xavier sighed, "I'll just stick to English, French, and Italian."

"You know French and Italian?" I asked, surprised and shocked.

Xavier nodded his head. "Well, when you're rich and spend a lot of time in other countries you pick up a few things."

"That's amazing,"  I said, with a huge grin.

"And I'm learning Spanish now." Xavier said, nodding his head.

"That's great!" I said, excitedly. "Can you tell me something in French?"

Xavier smiled. "Tu es belle."

"That sounds so pretty," I said, grinning. "What's it mean?"

"You're beautiful," Xavier said, smirking.

I blushed, smiling. "Thank you."

Xavier smiled, nodding his head. "You're welcome."

I smiled, nodding my head. Xavier's phone started ringing.

Xavier grabbed his phone. "I'm sorry," he said, standing up. "Excuse me for a moment."

I nodded my head and Xavier answered the phone. He walked out the room and I heard him slightly yelling through the phone.

Xavier walked back in the room, looking pissed. "I have to go now," Xavier said, grabbing his backpack. "My dad wants me home so we can discuss the family business."

"Oh," I said, standing up. "I'll walk you out."

I followed Xavier out my room and we quietly walked to the front door. I opened the door, sighing.

"Today was fun," I said, grinning. "We should make this a regular thing."

Xavier smiled, "If you want it to be, darling, then it will."

I smiled, feeling my cheeks heat up. Xavier stepped outside the house and turned to look at me.

Xavier wrapped and arm around my waist, bringing me closer to him. He then cupped my cheek and our lips were inches apart.

I felt Xavier's warm breath against my lips and I felt my heart racing. Xavier softly kissed me and I felt weak in the knees.

Xavier pulled away from the kiss and smirked at me.

"Was the um, uh, was their a security guy?" I asked, thinking the first thing that came to mind.

Xavier laughed, shaking his head. "No, darling. I just wanted kiss you."

I was surprised. "Ohh..."

Xavier smirked, leaning closer to me. "Is there a problem with that, darling?"

"N-no," I said, shaking my head.

Xavier smirked. "Good."

He leaned in again and softly kissed me. Xavier kept one hand on my waist brought me closer to me.

Xavier pulled away from the kiss, smirking. "Goodbye, darling."

He walked away, smirking. Xavier got in his car and quickly drove away.

I stood there, smiling. I realized what I was doing and shook my head. I walked inside and closed the door.

After I walked to my room, I grabbed some clothes. I took a quick shower then got dressed. I lied down in bed, looking up at the ceiling. I thought about Xavier kissing me and wanted him. I closed my eyes, turning to my side. "What is he doing to me?"

This was a pretty long chapter, I'm proud. What'd you guys think? Are you liking it? Hating it? And this chapters a dedicated to the lovely mukeplaid who would not stop bugging me to update, but I still love her. Anyway, I hope you're all enjoying it! Xx


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