Hell's Medium

By TanukiProductions

25.5K 642 99

Esperanza can see demons, angels, and souls yet to pass on. Her grandmother having been killed, Esperanza liv... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 8

1.3K 30 4
By TanukiProductions

 I woke up with a start, sitting straight up suddenly. I looked around and recalled that I was in Hell. I stood and went to the window. The shop with the ad for drugs was still there, but it seemed to be not so busy right now. I rubbed my eyes and saw some clothes on the desk and a towel. I picked them up and examined them.

One was a ripped t-shirt which basically was just a crop top now and a skirt. I sighed and decided to wear the same shirt from yesterday. Since I did shave for the concert there was no issue with wearing the skirt. But for my age, it was a bit cringy to consider wearing a crop top.

I grabbed the clothes and made my way to the bathroom. On my way there I strained my ears for any noise but didn't hear anything. I took a quick shower and went for Blitzo's shampoo as Loona's smelled weird. When I exited the shower I opened the drawers to look for a hairbrush. Finding one, I began to style my hair.

A knock on the door made me jump. "Loona hurry the fuck up!" Blitzo shouted. "I have to take a major dump!" I put the hairbrush back in the drawer and opened the door.

"Sorry," I apologized sheepishly.

"Oh Esperanza," he looked at me. He put his hands on my shoulders making my breath hitch subconsciously. I blinked as he pushed me aside without a word and slammed the door to the bathroom. I released my breath and walked back to the room.

I debated on whether to go to the kitchen or to wait in the room. My stomach growling decided for me. When I stepped in, Loona was at the sink cutting some fruit. "Want some?" she asked.

"Sure," I nodded. She grabbed two handfuls and put them in a bowl, handing them to me.

"You should have put on the shirt," she stated eying me. "The skirt shows off your legs well enough but you have some nice cleavage hidden away."

"I'm too old for a crop top," I chuckled, waving her off. "I always disliked women who try to dress younger than their age."

"How old are you?" Loona asked, ears perking up.

"33," I answered.

Loona lifted up my shirt making me yell out in surprise. "You wouldn't look bad in the top," she said. "It matches well with the skirt."

"Fine," I pulled my shirt down in embarrassment. "If you won't do that again I'll wear the damn top." Loona laughed while I ran to the room to change.

Upon reentering the kitchen, Blitzo was now seated and eating some fruit from his own bowl. It was accompanied by a horse mug. I tried not to laugh looking at it. Blitzo looked at me and said, "You changed your shirt."

"Y-yeah," I mumbled out nervously. "Loona says it goes better with the skirt."

"It does," he agreed, going back to eating. Loona joined us at the table and was glued to her phone like yesterday night. "We gotta leave in 30 minutes."

"Mmm," Loona hummed.

"Am I coming?" I questioned.

"You'll be with Loona while we go work," Blitzo answered. "You guys will be in the office all day so I suggest you bring a book."

"Ok." We ate in silence. I began to drum my fingers on my lap as I finished most of the fruit. I was really missing having a phone. When I finished eating I retreated to the room and went back to reading Sense and Sensibility.

The door opened after a while and Blitzo stuck his head in. "Grab your shit we're leaving," he announced energetically. "And I brought you the book I mentioned last night." I blinked having forgotten about it. He placed it in my hands and moved towards the door. "I'll wait in the van, cover your face getting in so the neighbors don't see you. Loona should have a jacket or something."

I looked down the hall and saw the teen approaching. "Can I borrow-" she threw a black jacket in my face before I could finish. I spat the jacket out of my mouth and wrapped myself in it, throwing the hood over my head. I made my way outside and opened the side of the van, climbing in the back.

Blitzo was screaming along to a song on the speakers when Loona sat down. "Let's get this hearse moving!" Blitzo shouted, taking off. I gripped the seat like yesterday but was more prepared for the crazy stops and jolts.

Unlike yesterday Loona opened the door for me. I shot her a thankful smile but she was still staring at her phone screen. She mutely turned and walked to the office. I threw the hood over me and followed after her. Blitzo was chattering away behind us. "Moxxie is such a vanilla and boring type if you know what I mean when it comes to-"

The door opening and Moxxie's angry face were enough to stop Blitzo from continuing his distasteful rant. I bit back an amused smile as Moxxie chewed Blitzo out about his sex life. "And furthermore sir, you have no right to spy on Millie and me."

"You could stand to spice things up Moxx, I mean Millie will eventually get tired of simple missionary sex," Blitzo smirked. Loona rolled her eyes and went to her desk. I sat down on a chair and pulled out my book, pretending to read it.

Moxxie was fuming when Millie walked in. "What's wrong honey?" she questioned, genuine concern in her voice.

"It's nothing Mills," Blitzo answered before Moxxie could speak. "Let's do some target practice. Moxx, go get the t.v." Moxxie obeyed and when Millie turned her head he flipped Blitzo off. I bit my lip and looked around the office. I closed the Jane Austen book and held the book Blitzo gave me.

It was titled, Madness on Monday. I looked at the back but there was no summary. I opened the book and saw a table of contents, the chapters didn't have names so that meant there was no clue as to what the story was about. Someone writing a book in Hell wasn't something that had ever occurred to me though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. There had to be people from all walks of life down here. Porn, drugs, and alcohol only really lasted so long for anyone as a form of entertainment. Where would we be without stories? I opened to the first chapter and absorbed the first few words.

"Injections, small pinches of pain yet the most terrifying thing ever. I couldn't stop from closing my eyes shut as the nurse injected me. 'All done,' she smiled. I nodded and allowed her to cover it with a red band-aid."

A gunshot made me jump and look up from the page. Blitzo had shot the t.v. screen across the room. I got control of my heartbeat and wearily kept my eyes on him as Moxxie brought out another t.v. He flipped through different channels before an ad about Cherubs came up. My eyes widened seeing the heavenly beings on the screen. It seemed that these creatures also interfered with Earth. I sighed as Blitzo screamed and shot the screen. Another t.v. was brought out and when an ad for some job inventing things came up Blitzo shot it.

Before another t.v. could replace that one, the room began to shake. I instinctively ducked and covered my neck like we're trained to do on Earth for Earthquakes. "Guys, do you feel that?" Loona asked rising from her slumber.

"Oh, shit is that a Hellshake?" Blitzo asked.

"That's possible?" Moxxie muttered in disbelief.

"Alright, don't panic Moxxie," Millie began, pulling on her husband.

"I'm not panicking because Hellquakes don't happen," Moxxie stated calmly.

"Stop getting hysterical fatty," Loona slapped him. Moxxie flew across the room moments before the wall was destroyed and a sinner appeared.

I rose from the chair and wrapped myself in the jacket. I then moved to try and help Moxxie get out from the rubble while the sinner explained that he wanted the imps to kill his former business partner. "That's kinda hot," Moxxie sputtered out at the last word from the client. I dropped the stone back onto him in shock.

Once Moxxie was out of the rubble and the client had left, Loona made a portal for the three imps. I removed the jacket and frowned watching them go. Someone was going to die and I couldn't prevent it. When the portal disappeared Loona went back to where she had been sitting with a glass of water and snoozed.

I walked to the window and saw a homeless demon with a sign that read 'Hell Bless'. Otherwise, there were simple ongoers walking past the building. A sigh escaped my lips as I returned to my chair. My thoughts wandered to many past memories and to the few friends I had like Maggie. I hoped she was okay and not involved in my mess in any way. If my grandmother had been alive I know she would have been on the hunt for me.

Luckily she wasn't and it was probable that she was on the other side. I wasn't quite sure if she was in Heaven or Hell. There was no way to really be sure as if she was here in Hell she could be anywhere. And if she was Heaven the same was likely true. As people changed in appearance in both places there wasn't any guarantee I would be able to find her. I didn't think my powers would help me find her as I tried countless times on Earth with no results.

The book continued on as follows: Stepping out into the red sun was unnerving. The extermination would soon begin and I needed a place to hide. But where to go? I had been evicted just yesterday, all my crap thrown to the curb. I turned down an alley and spotted a dumpster. The pungent odor made me feel grossed out but that was what made it perfect.

When the fireworks illuminated the sky, the death ended. I knew that but felt scared they would never come. I could hear it with painful clarity in that dumpster. The screams pierced every fiber in my being. I longed to be able to see what was happening. Each moment that passed was another 10 irrational thoughts that came into my mind.

"Esperanza!" a voice shouted pulling me from the book. I jumped and saw Loona looking at me with nothing but irritation in her red eyes.

"Sorry," I apologized quickly, snapping the book closed.

"Do you want some lunch?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"Sure," I replied. I stood up but sat back down realizing she was going to go get some from a restaurant. I had to stay behind.

"I'll bring you back some tacos. There's a Mexican joint from a sinner-owned place. I figured that would be best since you probably won't be able to stomach Hell-based food," she explained.

"Okay," I nodded, following after her as she approached the door.

"If you need something call my cell from the company phone. If someone calls don't answer, it'll go to voicemail and they can leave a message," Loona ordered.

"Right," I responded so she knew I understood. Without another word, she walked out into the street. I ran to the window and watched until she was no longer visible. I sat back down but this time I opened the other doors in the office.

Blitzo's office was the most noticeable out of the other offices. He had two small puppets of Millie and Moxxie. They were covered in a white substance. I didn't want to touch it so I leaned down to sniff it. It smelled like cum. Gross. I ran to the bathroom and washed my hands and face despite not having touched anything. Blitzo used them to masterbate. How vile.

The door to the office opening made me rush out of the bathroom to avoid suspicion. Loona had a bag of food in her hand. "Let's eat at the table," she addressed me.

"Yeah," I replied, moving towards the table. She threw the bag carelessly and moved towards Blitzo's office. She emerged with plates and plastic utensils. I raised a brow at this since she mentioned tacos but didn't refuse the plate and utensils. My question was solved by her also pulling out a bowl of birria and some rice and beans. There were also tacos but seeing the birria was impossible to resist. I sipped on it with my spoon and savored the familiar taste. "This is really good."

"It's the best tasting Mexican food in the Pride Ring," Loona commented taking a sip as well. "Of course sinners can't go to other rings so the food in other rings is limited to Hell cuisine."

"Oh," I took that in. Sinners were all stuck in one ring. That was a bit odd. Why not let them roam around? Would there be overpopulation if sinners could move?

"Seeing as you're still human I would imagine you can travel around," she supposed. "But Blitzo hasn't made a trip elsewhere for a little while."

"I doubt I'll be here long enough for something like that," I added with a frown. I didn't want to admit it but I was a little curious as to what the other rings of hell were like. Especially since former humans couldn't visit. I would feel suffocated at the notion of being stuck on one ring while other creatures could travel.

"If Stolas will hurry his ass up with tracking Alastor then yeah," Loona agreed. "But knowing Stolas he might want to stall so he has an excuse to have phone sex with Blitzo." I coughed on the caldo and drank from her cup to keep myself from choking further.

"I still don't think Alastor will be of much help," I thought aloud, ignoring her comment about Blitzo and the feathered prince.

"We won't know till we find him," she shrugged indifferently.

"That's true," I sighed. I took another sip of the birria and closed my eyes savoring the taste. At least I knew that if I ever ended up here I wouldn't have to go without the delights of Earth in regards to food. My eyes lingered over to Loona. "Is there social media here?"

"Yeah," she replied. "We have a lot of the same stuff like on Earth."

"So I've been noticing," I commented. "I left my phone behind so I've been missing checking on my phone."

"Sucks," she said pityingly. "It probably wouldn't work down here either way though."

"I guess not since my carrier doesn't offer service in Hell," I chuckled.

"You shouldn't be down here for too much longer," she supposed. "But if you want I have a special code that gives me limited access to Earth news for like 10 minutes."

"That would be great," I answered, eyes twinkling with hope.

She rolled her eyes but rapidly punched things into her screen. "Here, hurry up. I have to update my followers on Hellagram the lunch I'm eating."

I took the phone and was amazed to be met with google news. I scrolled and saw some tidbits about celebrities and stuff like that. I kept scrolling and sighed seeing that there was nothing of major importance or interest. "I'm done," I told her after a couple of seconds.

"That was fast," she smiled. "Anything interesting?"

"No," I admitted in disappointment. "Just dumb celebrity gossip and something about a bunch of reboots of old shows."

"Mm," she hummed, no longer really listening as she snapped photos of herself eating. I ate a taco in silence. Blitzo and the others sure were talking awhile, though I had no idea how long these things were supposed to take.

Of course part of my antsiness was just pure boredom. Hell seemed like it might be interesting enough to explore but being stuck in an office or at a home wasn't exactly exciting. I sighed and closed my eyes for the umpteenth time. I pulled out the book again and read away.

When Blitzo called Loona she immediately created a portal for them. I watched as the imps flew from the floor up to the office. Blitzo arranged an informal meeting reiterating the adventure they had and he casually explained that they failed their mission and the target was probably in Heaven.

I raised a brow at this, not quite following how them not killing him changed his fate. Unless committing suicide counted as enough of a sin to cause you to go to Hell. But I wasn't entirely sure about these matters.

Out of the blue, a platform crashed through the window and the two business partners emerged, settling the question of whether Lyle Lipton was sent to Heaven. Another imp found his way to the office to offer a job to the two inventors and Blitzo finally kicked them out and was complaining about having to get his office fixed. Though, the one doing all the work would be Moxxie.

"Let's go home Loona, Esperanza," he addressed the two of us at long last.

"Finally," I muttered under my breath, closing the book. I followed the two of them out of the building. When we were in the parking lot I was hidden under the black jacket. I slid into the van and grabbed on while Blitzo bulldozed his way to the house.

Loona didn't open the door because Blitzo beat her to it. He shot me a sharp-toothed grin as I climbed out. I raised a brow but didn't bother to think twice about it at that moment. He slammed the door closed behind me as we walked into the house. "Meeting in the kitchen," Blitzo called out to Loona who slammed her door shut.

I walked to my room to put the book away ignoring Blitzo's shouts at the both of us to hurry up. Loona came out after a couple of minutes and joined us at the kitchen table. "Kay so," Blitzo began. "First order of business, Stolas found a way to disguise Esperanza as a demon until he manages to track down Alastor."

"How?" I immediately asked.

"I'll get to that," Blitzo waved me off. "Next order of business. The full moon is coming up in about a week so we won't be working when that happens. I need you to have the client hit list organized Loona."

"Fine," Loona shrugged in boredom.

"Ok then," he nodded. "To disguise Esperanza's human form we have to do a little ritual. It's simple, we light some candles and place this bracelet in the middle. Then Loona and I will put some of our blood on the charm and boom when she puts it on it'll make her look like a demon."

"Why does it need our blood to work?" Loona asked, raising a brow.

"Stolas said since she's staying with us the bracelet will draw its power from our home," he explained. "If she stays somewhere else then I guess the bracelet will need the blood from its inhabitants."

"That sounds a bit strange," I admitted.

"Whatever," Loona huffed. "Let's just get this shit over with so we can go to a restaurant and eat."

"I'll set everything up," Blitzo said. "I'll call you to the living room when I'm done. You two relax or whatever you want."

Loona immediately left and I simply shot Blitzo an awkward smile and walked slowly to my room. I removed my bra and threw it on the nightstand. Having nothing to do I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes. The sounds from outside made for a soothing ambiance.

"Loona! Esperanza!" Blitzo shouted. I groaned and pulled myself from the bed.

Loona was already in the living room when I walked in. Seeing as her room was closer to the living room it wasn't really surprising. I sat down beside them both and looked at the candles. The bracelet itself had black beads followed by two golden dragons. The black beads were decorated with various symbols and little pentagrams. It wasn't really my taste but it would due.

"Esperanza since you have magical abilities Stolas said you need to be the one to read out the spell," Blitzo addressed me. He handed me the grimoire they used to get to the mortal realm. A page was bookmarked so I opened it accordingly. My eyes gazed over it before I looked to him.

"I Esperanza Rodriguez invoke the spiritual powers buried deep in my soul," I began, reading the text verbatim (I read my own name because the text required it). "With the blood of those whom reside in this dwelling unlock the magic buried deep in the charms of this bracelet to conceal my true form."

"Ok, I'll put blood then you Loona," Blitzo instructed. He grabbed the knife in the circle and made a gash on his hand. I watched at the blood droplets fell onto the bracelet. It began to sizzle as if burning hot. Loona seemed unfazed as she took the knife from Blitzo and did the same. The blood sizzled a second time. After a couple more seconds the blood was absorbed into the dragons and disappeared altogether.

"Wow," I whispered in disbelief. "I've never done anything like that."

"Imagine if you were dead," Blitzo smirked. I ignored it and put the bracelet on.

"Do I look different?" I asked.

"Yeah," Loona confirmed. She snapped a photo and showed it to me.

"Thank god I'm not a horse," I smiled. I looked like my human self but was purple with a tail and horns.

"You looked better before," Blitzo scoffed.

"You only think that because you're obsessed with horses," Loona rolled her eyes in annoyance. "She looks normal like this. If she ever does get sent to Hell she probably would look like this."

"I meant as a human," Blitzo said, walking away. I raised a brow and Loona also seemed surprised. She didn't say anything else and retreated to her room. Having nothing left to do and not really feeling like watching t.v. in the living room I also went to my room and fell asleep shortly after. I woke up in the middle of the night realizing we never went out to eat as Loona had wanted.

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