Syo Kurusu X Female Reader Le...

By Bubble_Tae97

19.7K 265 375

Just a Syo Kurusu X Female Reader Lemon fanfic >:3 Enjoy! More

Syo Kurusu X Female Reader Lemon

19.7K 265 375
By Bubble_Tae97

A/N 1: Hello again! I've finished a Syo Kurusu X Reader Lemon. Sorry I always take so long...i don't have a lot of free time and I tend to get writers block a lot. You can slap me if you want ._. I personally love Syo, he's just so cute!...Don't tell him i said that! We are both Gemini's too, Lol Anyways, enjoy!~ :3

A/N 2: This is old and cringy (wrote this like 7 years ago lmao) I've tried revising a bit but it's too painful for me to re-read lmaoooo

WARNING: This story contains graphic content that is not suitable for children. If you are uncomfortable with sexual content, i kindly ask you to turn back.


You and Nanami are sitting under a big tree in the courtyard of Saotome Academy. Ringo-sensei assigned everyone a song project and a partner, and you've been stuck for days on how to start your song. You were told to compose an up-beat and energetic love song, and your partner is Syo Kurusu. He hasn't been of much help though. If he's not hanging out or practicing songs with the rest of ST☆RISH, then he's being chased around by Natsuki.

"Nanami, please help me with this!" You whined "You're a master at song writing!"

"(Y/N), you know i can't help you with your songs. You have to come up with them yourself."

"We're going to fail at this rate. I don't know what else to do." You say, laying back on the grass and staring up at the sky hopelessly.

Nanami glances up from her notebook to look at you. "Have you tried talking to Syo about it?"

"Yes! But he's always so busy...I mean, he's the perfect partner for this project! He's really energetic and passionate about everything he does. I was so happy when he was assigned as my partner, but i'm kind of disappointed that he doesn't have time for the project..."

"Are you sure you're not disappointed that he doesn't have time for you rather than the project?" She raises an eyebrow at you.

"What do you mean?"

"You like Syo, don't you?"

You sat up, brushing stray pieces of grass off your uniform. "...I've liked him since our first year in Saotome Academy together. He just hasn't noticed...but this isn't about my personal feelings, i need to come up with a good love song. I've never had to write a love song though, so i don't know how to start..."

"(Y/N), have you ever been in a relationship?"

"No, why?"

Nanami's eyes travel up towards the sky. "I think that in order to properly write a song about love, you need to experience love for yourself. Only then will you be able to put the right feeling and expression into your song."

"Hmm, i never thought of it like that. I think i have experienced's just unrequited."

"Maybe you should ask Syo what he thinks?"

"...Ask me what?"

At the sound of the familiar voice you quickly turned your head in it's direction. You weren't surprised to find Syo, along with Natsuki, standing behind you. Natsuki was hugging Syo's arm and smiling brightly as usual.

"Don't worry about it, it's for our project. i'll talk to you about it later."

"Actually, i wanted to talk to you about that. If i could just get rid of this pest!" Syo frustratedly shook his arm, but to no avail. Natsuki clung to him like a lifeline.

"But Syo-channnnn! You said you would taste my homemade cookies!" Natsuki pouted

"The last time i tried your homemade 'cookies' i almost ended up in the hospital!! I can't trust anything you make!!" Syo kicked Natsuki in the leg and started sprinting away. Natsuki wasted no time in chasing him. Before he disappeared into the Academy, Syo turned and yelled, "Your room at 8:00!"

"Well that was easy..." You muttered. "Maybe we'll actually get going on this song."

You turned back around to find that the spot where Nanami was sitting just a moment ago was now empty. After a quick scan of the courtyard, you saw her walked towards the dormitory. You quickly gathered up your things and chased after her.

~Time Skip~

Tick, tock, tick, tock...

You're room is silent, the only sound being from the clock that hung on the wall.

It is now 9:30pm. You are lying on your bed in yours and Nanami's room in the girls dorm. Tomochika stopped by to pick up Nanami so they could hangout. She asked you if you wanted to go but you said you had to work on your project with Syo.

That was almost 3 hours ago...

Syo has still not shown up. Frustration and dejection coursed through you as you thought of all the possibilities. Have you been stood up? Did he change his mind? Did he forget?

"Tch, what a waste of time..."

You pushed yourself up from your bed. You have already taken a shower and gotten into your pajamas, but you had the sudden urge to go on a late night walk to clear your head.

After changing into a pair of gym shorts, a tshirt, and your flip flops, you walked out of the dormitory.


You found yourself roaming the halls of Saotome Academy. As you walked, you couldn't help but admire the intricate designs that ran along the walls, and the glass chandeliers hanging from the ceiling that sparkled in the moonlight.

You were so engrossed in admiring the architecture of the Academy that you didn't notice the person in front of you until you walked face first into their back.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't see you...there..."

Your looked up to meet the cool blue eyes of the one and only Ren Jinguji.

"Good evening, my lady.~"

"Hey there..." You said awkwardly.

"A beautiful young woman like you shouldn't be out by yourself this late at night." He said with a wink

"Tch, I'll go back to my room soon enough. Goodnight."

As you began to walk past him, you felt his hand grab onto your arm. You turned towards him as he gazed into your eyes mischievously.

"What are you doing? Let go." You say, rolling your eyes.

"You're upest. I can see it in your eyes."

"I have no idea what you're talking about...Let go." You tried to wriggle your arm free, but he only pulled you closer.

His light blue eyes suddenly darkened. "I can help you forget...I'll melt away your sorrows with a night of-"

"(Y/N)!" Ren was suddenly cut off by a shout, followed by rapid footsteps.

You both turned to see a panicked looking Syo running at top speed towards you, a grocery bag in one hand. Ren's hand slowly disappeared from your arm and you quickly composed yourself.

I hope he didn't see any of that...

"(Y/N)...!" He slowed to a stop in front of you, looking exhausted and out of breath. "Sorry i'm late...! I got held up...!"

Before you could say anything, he grabbed your hand and walked quickly away, leaving Ren alone in the hallway.


A few minutes later, after making sure Ren was no longer in sight, Syo let go of your hand.

"Sorry, you must think i'm a jerk..." He said quietly

"You're damn right about that! What gives? I waited for you for almost three hours! I was beginning to think you weren't coming."

He sighed and looked at the floor. " I went to the store to grab a couple things for tonight and when i was about to leave, one of the other customers recognized me from my movie with Hyuga-sensei...Then the paparazzi showed up..."

Relief washed over you at his explanation. Right at that moment, you reached your room.

"Well, i'm just glad you showed up at all."

His eyes widened slightly. "So am i forgiven?!"

"Yes, yes. You are forgiven!" You chuckle and pushed open your door. You let him walk in before shutting your door softly. "So what'd you buy anyways?"

Syo casually plopped down on the small couch in your room and set the bag onto the coffee table. "I figured we'd be up late so i bought a bunch of snacks and stuff." He looked around the room as if just realizing something. "Oh, where's Nanami?"

"She went out with Tomochika somewhere."


Just then your phone goes off, signalling a new message. You open the message to see it's from Nanami. Speak of the devil...

From: Nanami

Subject: Sorry!

Hello, (Y/N)! Sorry i'm not back yet. It seems i'll be staying over at

Tomo-chan's room tonight. Make sure you don't stay up too late!

~Nanami Haruka

"I guess it's just me and you tonight, Syo. Nanami is staying over with Tomo-chan"

At that, Syo let out an almost inaudible sigh, as if he were relieved. "I-is that so?"

"Yep! Alright, let's get started!" You walked over to your desk and grabbed your notebook and pen, then sat next to Syo on the couch. "I'm glad you're here, i can't for the life of me figure out how to start our song."

You looked at Syo to see his cheeks flushed pink. He was looking everywhere except at you. You took this chance to give him a quick once over. He's wearing his usual hat, along with a casual blue polo shirt and black shorts. His nails are also painted in the usual black shade. He kicked off his sandals at the door.

"Are you okay? Your face is red." You take his hat off and set it on the coffee table, then put your hand on his forehead, only for him to flinch. He's really warm. "Are you sick?"

"No, that's not it. I'm fine!" He waved his hands in front of him and shook his head. "I think i just need a drink..."

"I'll grab you a bottle of water, hold on." You stood from your place on the couch.

As you went to step over his leg, somehow your foot got tangled with his and you fell forward. Just as you were about to hit the floor, Syo broke your fall. One arm was around your shoulder while the other rested on your lower back.

"Woah, thanks! I almost died!" You joked.


"...Syo?" He stared at you intently without saying a word. He almost looks...mad? "You can let go now..." You gently move out of his arms and walk over to your mini fridge.

You could feel his gaze piercing into your back as you went. You grab a cold bottle of water and walk back to the couch. When you hold it out to him, he smacks it away.

You jump, eyes wide in shock as you watch the bottle roll away. "Syo, what the hell-?!"

He stands up suddenly and wraps his arms around your waist, bringing your faces so close that your noses touch. His angry eyes stare deep into yours, making your heart skip a beat.

"Don't look at any other guy."

"What? Where is this coming from all of a sudden...?"

His eyes soften ever so slightly and his voice comes out as desperate. "..You can't..."

"Syo, are you sure you're not sick? You're all flushed and you're acting REALLY weird..." You raise a hand to his forehead again. This time he closes his eyes and leans into your touch, making you blush slightly. "Uhhh...?"

You try to lift your hand from his face, but he grabs your wrist. His eyes open and the look in them is enough to make your knees go weak. His half-lidded eyes regard you with a look of pure lust.

"Can't you see what you're doing to me?"

You stand frozen to the spot, confused and afraid yet anticipating what might happen.

His grip tightens on your wrist and he slowly forces it downwards. When you realize what he's doing, you immediately try to pull away, face bright from embarrassment.

But to no avail. He forces the palm of your hand onto the crotch of his shorts. His breath hitches from the contact and he rests his head on your shoulder. After a moment, he raises his head and begins to lick his way from the crook of your neck up to your ear. Meanwhile, he's still forcing your hand to move in rhythmic circles on his crotch, forcing you to notice his growing need.

You can feel his warm breath brush against your ear as he whispers, "Can't you feel what you're doing to me?"

You couldn't help the breathless sigh that escaped your lips. Taking that as encouragement, Syo released your wrist and wrapped his arms around your waist again. This time, he pressed his body against yours and leaned down to capture your lips.

His lips are soft and warm against your own, giving you a strange fluttery feeling in your belly. Your hands find themselves tangled in his silky blonde hair and you lightly tug, earning a groan from the boy.

He starts walking backwards, lips still locked with yours, until the backs of his legs hit the couch. He sits down, pulling you with him so you are sitting with your legs around his waist, and you can feel his arousal through his shorts. You put your hands on his shoulders to keep yourself upright.

He digs his fingers into your waist to keep you in place as he abandons your lips in favor of your neck. He lightly kisses the junction connecting your neck and jaw, before he travels down to roughly suck and lick at various spots on your neck.

You let out a surprised groan of pleasure when he lightly bites one spot on your neck. Pleased with the find, Syo continuously sucks on it until there is a dark bruise.

Moving of their own accord, your hips grind against his roughly. This causes him to moan softly and dig his fingers into your sides. He rests his forehead on your chest.

"More..." The erotic tone of his voice mixed with his loss of breath arouses you further. His voice raises an octave, almost sounding like a little boy begging for candy. "More..."

He grinds his own hips against yours to increase the friction, and he starts to breathe faster.

Suddenly, he grabs the hem of your t-shirt and forcibly lifts it up and over your head then tosses it on the floor.

"W-wait, what are-!" You raise your arms to cover your chest. Although you had a bra on, you were embarrassed since you've never gone this far with a guy before.

Syo cuts you off with a deep kiss, forcing his tongue inside to explore. He pulls your arms away from your chest and pins them to your sides. He breaks the kiss with a loud 'pop' and looks at you.

"I want to see every inch of your body."

And with that, his eyes travel down to look at your chest. He seems almost curious and lifts a hand to run his fingers gently across the skin of your breasts.

"Amazing..." His voice is just barely a whisper, you barely heard it.

"Syo if your just going to ogle me-"

"I plan on doing much more than just ogle." A dangerous glint flashes in his eyes and he moves to take his shirt off, tossing it on the floor along with your own.

You can't help but stare at his toned stomach. You can tell that he works out often.

He then takes your hands in his and forces them on the crotch of his shorts again. "Take them off."

"What?" You ask in a timid voice.

"I said...Take. Them. Off."

You look into his eyes with disbelief, but he just continues to stare at you with a look as if to say, 'Go ahead'.

You gulp and look down. You move your hands gently to his belt and unbuckle it, then drop it onto the floor. Your fingers then work over the button of his shorts, and then pull the zipper down. You peek up at Syo's face to see him watching you with half-lidded eyes.

You stand up from his lap and pull his shorts off, letting them slip onto the floor into the increasing pile of clothes.

Now he's left in his boxers, face flushed and eyes glazed over.

"Strip." Is all he says.

"H-huh...?! You want me to strip?!" You could feel your face heat up.

"Either you do it or i do it for you." He smirks


Your fingers latch themselves onto the elastic of your shorts and you slowly pull them down. You could practically feel steam shoot out of your ears from the pure embarrassment of stripping your clothes of in front of the boy you've crushed on for the past several years.

When your shorts hit the floor, you stepped out of them and kicked them away. You looked away awkwardly and waiting for Syo to say something.

"Why did you stop?" He asked impatiently.

"C-can't i at least turn the lights off...?"

"No, i want to see you naked. Now strip."

You were slightly taken aback by this new side of Syo. You never knew he could be so sadistic.

When you didn't move Syo stood up. "I guess i will have to help you." And with that, he pulled you into a passionate kiss. While he distracted you with his tongue swirling inside your mouth, he reached behind to unclasp your bra, letting it hang limply on your shoulders. He swiftly slipped it off and tossed it somewhere behind him.

Immediately a rush of cool air met your now exposed chest. A shiver ran down your spine and goosebumps rose along your arms.

You felt utterly humiliated at the fact that your chest was now fully revealed. You once again attempted to cover yourself, but Syo grabbed your arms and pushed them down.

He broke the kiss to look at you. "Don't." He traveled down to pepper feather light kisses down your neck, chest, across your belly, and stopped when he reached the hem of your panties.

You almost fell to your knees when he grabbed the soft fabric between his teeth and began pulling them down.

He is certainly bold.

While he dragged your panties down, he kept his eyes locked with yours. Once he reached your ankles he let go of the fabric and slowly stood up, reveling in the sight of your naked form. You kicked your panties away.

Once he was standing, he pulled you back down to sit on his lap on the couch again. He wasted no time in latching his mouth onto one of your breasts.

You let out a small sigh of pleasure as he caressed the other with his hand. You felt him smirk at your reaction.

His other hand slowly roamed around your body until it made it's way down your stomach and between your legs. You jerked back at the sensation and attempted to close your legs.

Syo chuckled quietly. "You're so cute~"

"Shut up."

"You're so mean to me, (Y/N)..."


You looked away awkwardly, only to be overwhelmed by a strange feeling between your legs. You hastily looked down, eyes wide, to see that Syo had two of his fingers buried inside of you.

He had a smirk on his face as he slowly took them out. You groaned quietly at the strange feeling.

"That's punishment for being mean~" He stuck his tongue out.

"That was hardly punishment." You said, more to yourself.

"Oh?~ Are you saying you like it when i put my-"

"Shut up! Y-you don't have to say it!" You stuttered.

He chuckled and brought his fingers to his lips. He ran his tongue slowly along his fingers, savoring the taste of you.

Your face got even redder, if possible.

He suddenly plunged his fingers back inside of you, this time continuously thrusting them in and out.

You put your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself and bowed your head. You closed your eyes, trying to get used to the odd sensation washing over you. Not that you didn't enjoy it, but you've never felt like this before.

"Heh, your really tight. You need to relax." Syo whispered in your ear.

If you weren't so breathless, you would have yelled at him. Instead you groaned quietly as his fingers worked magic.

His thumb started making slow circles over a highly sensitive spot, making your whole body twitch in pleasure and your voice come out as a plead. You ground your hips against his hand, trying to get as much friction on that spot as possible.

This made Syo chuckle. He withdrew his hand and you immediately sighed in disappointment from the loss of contact. Once again he licked his fingers clean.

"Why did you stop?" Your voice came out as a whisper.

He laughed in a cute high pitched voice and looked into your eyes hungrily. It's almost scary in a way. He grabbed your hand and pushed it against his arousal for what felt like the 100th time. "That's why~"

You watched as he pushed his boxers down, revealing his fully erect member. He kicked his boxers off the rest of the way and grabbed your hand, bringing it up to your lips.


You gave him a confused look, before doing what you were told and licking the palm of your hand until it was coated in saliva. He then guided your hand to grab his length.

You turned redder than a tomato and tried to pull your hand away, only to have Syo forcibly keep it wrapped tightly around him.

"You don't have to be shy. Just do what i do."

He guides your hand up and down his length. His already half-lidded eyes closed and he tilted his head back, enjoying the feeling of your hand on him.

"Just like that..."

He moved his hand away to let you move on your own. His breathing started to become more erratic, his chest rising and lowering faster. With new found confidence, you lightly squeezed his erection, earning a low groan from the boy.

You looked down and saw that his member was leaking pre-cum, the liquid running down his shaft and onto your hands. You noticed that it made it easier to move your hand.

"Ahh..." the boy groaned lightly. After a few more minutes of your hand moving gently along his length, he grabbed your hand and forced it away. "Enough..."

The boy sat slightly forward and reached towards the coffee table. You turned your head to see him rummaging through the grocery bag he had set on the table earlier. It wasn't until he pulled out a small decorative box that you realized what he was getting.

"C-condoms?!...Did you plan this?" You questioned.

The boy ripped the box open, some of the small foil packets falling onto the floor from the roughness.
"Not really...but i planned on asking you out sooner or later so..."

You blushed and watched as he grabbed a single condom and tossed the box somewhere onto the floor. He hurriedly ripped the foil open and also tossed it on the floor, revealing the pink condom.

You watched in embarrassment and slight curiosity as he rolled it onto his erection. He then grabbed your hips and positioned you above him, the tip of his member lightly prodding you.

He gave you a chaste kiss before thrusting upwards to bury himself into you without warning. You let out a pained cry, your whole body tensing and going still.

His size wasn't too hard to get used to, but it wasn't exactly easy either. Especially since this was your first time.

Your eyes stung with embarrassment and pain-induced tears, but you pushed them away. Your nails dug into his shoulders, but he didn't seem to notice. He was completely enveloped in the pleasure that washed over him in waves. It's like he's now so taken over by lust and want for you that there was nothing else around him.

He pulled out of you teasingly, his self-control wavering as he fought against his animalistic urges. He quickly thrusts back inside, his hips lolling against yours as he let out a shaky breath.

Your pain not quite fully subsided, you keep yourself still until you can bear to move.

"S-shit...I don't know if i can hold back..." He muttered.

You tightened your legs around him to hold him inside you just a few seconds longer as you dug your nails into his shoulders.

"Don't worry about me, i'll be fine." You managed out, though your voice was shaky.

Relieved by your words, he started off slowly, thrusting upwards with just enough force to run up against your insides and cause you to sigh quietly.

Then, in a wave of hungry desire, he began to pound into you mercilessly. After a while he managed to find that one spot that made your body tremble with pleasure, and you held him in place with your legs.

Your eyes squeezed shut as both of your voices hit the emptiness of the quiet room.

Suddenly, your pleasure subsided and you felt him move. You opened your eyes to see him pushing himself to stand, with him still inside of you, and carry you over to your bed.

He gently laid you down, your head resting against the plush pillows. He planted gentle kisses on your chest before traveling up to capture your lips. It was a sweet kiss, unlike the feverish and passionate ones before.

Syo wrapped your legs around his waist once more and before long he was sheathed within your heat.

"M-mnn..." He hissed as his nails dug into your hips. He let his forehead rest against yours as his hips rolled against yours in an aggressive desire. His voice came out in pants, your own groans got lost as his lips locked with yours.

While Syo continued to ravage your lips, you had to pull back for air. You couldn't help but love the sweet noises escaping the boys lips.

Said lips found themselves attached to your neck, sucking and biting on the same bruise he left earlier. This gave you both pleasure and a hint of pain that was enough to put you on edge.

Between his thrusts and his sweet voice, you were lost in a complete euphoric bliss.

"(Y/N)...(Y/N)...!~" The boy moaned out your name as he felt himself near his limit.

His sweet voice was enough to send you over the edge. You felt something in your belly snap as Syo pushed himself in and out of you with perfect aim, going deeper and deeper each time.

But as you came down from you high, your body once again lost control. He hit that one spot perfectly, your inner walls tightened against his length once more, causing his thrusts to become more frenzied as he neared his own end.

As you released for the second time, your walls tightened and clamped around him, causing him to go over the edge. His thrusts became slower and more erratic as he rode out his orgasm.

He rested his forehead against yours while he caught his breath, eyes shut in exhaustion. As soon as he regained his composure, he pulled out of you. He immediately removed the condom and stood to toss it in the trash on the other side of the room.

You couldn't help but stare at his bare butt as he walked. You giggled quietly to yourself as you watched him pick up your fallen clothes.

He put only his boxers back on and walked back over with your shorts and t-shirt. You quickly dressed yourself. He flicked the light switch off and walked back over to you.

He sat back on the bed and reached under both of your exhausted bodies to pull the blanket over you. He wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and rested his chin in the crook of your neck.

You were about to drift to sleep when Syo's now timid voice broke the silence of the room.

"'ll be my girlfriend, right?"

You almost laughed. "Did you really just ask me that? Of course, idiot. If i wasn't planning on being your girlfriend i wouldn't have had sex with you."

"Yeah, i guess so..." He affectionately nudged his face in your neck. "Can i ask you something?"

You yawned and closed your eyes, humming in response. "Hm?"

"You've liked me since freshman year, right?"

"Yeah." You muttered, before you realized something. "Wait, how did you know that?"

He chuckled. "Nanami told me."

'Of course...I should have known.' you thought.

"B-but, i was so happy when she told me...because i've liked, i've loved you since that first day i saw you in the cafeteria with Nanami and Tomochika." His arms tightened around your waist.

You were speechless. You had no idea what to say to him. Instead, a bright smile made its way onto your face and you put your hands over Syo's which rested on your stomach. "I love you too, idiot..."

You heard him chuckle and felt the vibration through his chest. He lifted a hand to your chin, turning your face towards him and he pecked you on the lips.

"We never worked on the song." He smirked.

"We'll worry about it tomorrow. Let's just go to sleep." You chuckled and closed your eyes again, making yourself comfortable under the covers. He let out a quiet laugh and layed back down with his arms around you.

"Night, love youuu~" He said in a singsong voice, which was the last thing you heard before drifting off into a deep sleep.

~Yooooo...i hope you enjoyed this as much as i enjoyed writing it >:3 To be honest i wouldn't be surprised if this kind of sucks because i started writing it around 11:30 PM and just finished it now at 1:00 AM and i'm sooooo tired...

I don't know when i'll be doing another one of these so...I wouldn't have even written this tonight if it weren't for the random moment of inspiration that i had. Lol Anyways, tell me what you think!

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