My White Knight ✔️

By mikywaymidnight

58.4K 4.6K 2.5K

What would you do when the happy bubble you lived in for the past 25 years gets popped? Do you wanna know wh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Bonus Chapter(Divya's Dad POV)
Bonus Chapter
Lies and Love (Next Book)

Thank You 🖤

1K 54 98
By mikywaymidnight

My dear awesome people in the whole wide world,

I, Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for coming this far with me. Your encouragement through your votes and comments meant a lot to me. I do appreciate all the time and effort you put in on my work.

As a woman living in this misogynistic world, I was fed up seeing the society we live in, where rape is romanticized, abuse is glorified and women living in such relationships not wanting to find a way out of this. I wanted to show that there is way out for any kind of abuse through this story, I wanted to show that you can fight alone as long willing to get out of it.

I felt so dejected after knowing that Marital Rape is not a crime in 32 countries including India, where women are taught to be worshipped but they never are.

I started this book on February 23 and ended it on June 24, 3 months. I am amazed by how quick I completed it. I truly enjoyed writing My White Knight so much that at one point I cried writing, I felt sad, lost and almost gave up writing in the middle. But, I continued to do it because of your overwhelming support.

This was supposed to be a small 20 chapter book, but look I made 14 more chapters. So, Yay me!

I began writing as an outlet to my chaotic brain. But I never knew I would make this far. Thank you so much guys. Without readers like you, people like me would feel bored and lifeless.

Sorry if I ever hurt in anyway, it was never intentional.

And I won't bore you with my stupid emotions anymore.

Tell me who's your favorite person in this book?

If Amaya is your favorite person read FIGHTING FOR HIM, If you haven't already. You will enjoy it for sure.

Here are all the people who supported me in alphabetical order( because I am a weird freak ).

I wish I could hug you guys and thank you personally but I can't so for now take my virtual hug.

Sorry, if I missed your name, comment your name and I will add you to the list. All the silent readers are appreciated too, too bad that I don't know your names to thank you personally.

If you like your privacy and want to take your name off this list, let me know I can do that too.

This book is dedicated to all you guys.


































There some amazing writers in there, so read their books too.

Also, Thank you Jason_reviewer for the amazing review.

If you have any kind of feedback on my writing please do let me know. I would really appreciate it and improve accordingly.

Stay Safe and Take Care.



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