Hidden Marriage {SamYU}

By YuukiRend

540K 19.6K 2.5K

After the betrayal of his fiance and bestfriend on his bachelor party Yang Yuteng just want to take revenge... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Last Chapter
new story

Chapter 66

6.4K 220 93
By YuukiRend


Chairman...Lin Corp's lawyers are outside," Elder Yang's assistant said to him while he was deep in thought in the study room, "Do you want me to..."

"Let them in," Elder Yang waved his hand weakly.


"This is karma," Elder Yang coughed a couple times. "If I had not spoilt Yangyang, perhaps things wouldn't have gotten out of hand like it has now."

"I obviously knew Yang Yuteng was innocent, yet I don't know why, when I saw Yangyang on the brink of committing suicide, I assumed Yuteng would understand my actions and endure it like he always did," Elder Yang mumbled. "It turned out, I had already hurt him enough."

"I am a horrible grandfather."

"Chairman..." his assistant helplessly tried to comfort him. However, he was well aware that the Yang Family had indeed gone too far this time. So, no comforting words managed to leave his mouth.

Although the Yang Family had a lot of descendants, in Elder Yang's eyes, the only one capable of taking over the family business was Yang Yuteng.

But, he had pushed Yuteng away with his own bare hands. What was the Yang Family to do from now on?

Was the century-old  empire going to end with him?

A while later, Elder Yang entered the livinY room and saw Lin Corp's lawyers sitting on the sofa, "What does President Lin want? Let's get straight to the point and not waste any time..."

"Mr. Yang, it is very simple: apologize. There is no need for compensation, the Lin Family can get whatever they want, they don't need money," the lawyer replied without hesitation.

"We are all straightforward people. On this occasion, we are here on behalf of President Lin to let you know that there were some things that didn't need to get to this point, but the Yang Family has indeed gone too far and seriously hurt Mrs. Lin with their actions. In order to protect his wife, Sam Lin has requested the Yang Family make an apology."

"How did you want us to apologize?" Elder Yang asked.

"It depends on Mr. Yang's sincerity."

"You can go now. I have understood President Lin's intention..." Elder Yang said as he picked up his walking stick. "I will do as he pleases."

"Since that's the case, then goodbye."

After speaking, the lawyers stood up to leave. Once they were gone, Elder Yang stared at the old painting in the middle of the living room and said to his assistant, "Help me make arrangements for an official apology to Yuteng."


"As his grandfather, I was the one that was wrong. Don't you think I should apologize to my grandson?" Elder Yang tapped his walking stick on floor as his heart ached, "Yuteng is my grandson, my dearest grandson, yet now...he's..."

"It seems Young Master Yuteng was seriously hurt this time," Elder Yang's assistant sighed.

"I'm well aware...Plus, I know that the future of the Yang Family is quite worrying." After speaking, Elder Yang clutched his chest and twitched uncontrollably. A couple seconds later, he collapsed unconscious on the floor...

His assistant was so shocked he immediately sent Elder Yang to the hospital...

As soon as Yangyang and the other members of the Yang Family heard of Elder Yang's condition, they immediately rushed to the emergency room of the hospital. After spotting Elder Yang's assistant, they ran up to him and asked, "What happened? Why did grandfather suddenly collapse?"

"It just happened out of nowhere."

"What other reason could there be? It must be because of Yuteng."

The assistant deliberately tried to hide the fact that Lin Corp's lawyers had come looking for Elder Yang. Yet, Yangyang still managed to throw the blame onto Yuteng.

"Young Master Yangyang, if you could stop angering the chairman, perhaps he wouldn't be in the hospital right now," the assistant said coldly.

"What did you just say?" after hearing the assistant's words, Yangyang's expression changed. Just as he was about to release his anger, Father Yang pulled him over and quietly tried to stop him.

"Yangyang, your grandfather's condition is still unclear. Don't make things more complicated."


It was the first night since Sam and YU announced their marriage. Once again, Sam treated the night like their wedding night.

Not only did he light their home with candles, he also surrounded YU with a sea of white flowers...

"If this is a dream, I hope I never wake up," YU sat inside Sam's embrace as he wrapped him with his powerful arms.

"Come have a look at this," Sam showed some comments from fans to YU.

"Are little cat and little Mr. Wolf currently enjoying an intimate wedding night?"

"Haha Yuteng, you did well! Who cares if the Yang Family don't want you, when Sam wants you."

"Can I ask a personal question: How is President Lin in bed?"

Seeing this particular comment, YU's cheeks burned red as he buried his head into Sam's white shirt, "Don't these kids go to school?"

"They asked you how I'm like in bed," Sam chucked in YU's ear.

"How do you expect me to answer that question?" Taking asked as he hid in Sam's shirt.

Sam smiled handsomely as he wrapped YU tightly in his embrace.

"Now that we've announced our marriage...should we meet with the Yang Family elders?" YU asked questioningly as he pulled away from Sam's embrace.

"I've already spoken to them. According to customs, we should first get the blessings of the Yang Family. So, the day that we get their blessings, is the day that I take you home," Sam explained.

"It's fine...I'm ready to meet them. The Yang Family's blessings isn't that important..."

YU nodded his head; he felt he had been too careless.

He grabbed YU's hands and placed them on his chest, "Help me remove my clothes..."

YU nodded as he sat up and knelt before Sam, slowly unbuttoning his shirt...

Once his chest was exposed, YU leaned into his ear and placed a kiss on his mole.

Sam reached out his arms and quickly wrapped him up in them; taking control of the situation...

"Tomorrow, you will be able to answer your fan's question."

"Which question?" YU asked in a dreamy state.

"About my performance in bed..."


The next day.

Because of the completion of YU photobook, YU accompanied Sam to work. As he sat on the sofa inside his office, he made an attempt at writing lyrics for the theme song of the a drama .

Perhaps it was because his marriage had been revealed, YU's body emanated with a quiet sense of satisfaction. With his adoring husband and his busy career, YU felt everything was perfect.


Ray knocked on the door and entered the office. But, as soon as he noticed YU sitting on the sofa, the words he originally wanted to say, froze at the back of his throat.

Sam glanced at YU and instructed, "Come over here and tell me."

"The Yang Family sent over an invite. They would like to have a chat with Yuteng and give him an apology. But, I'm worried the Yang Family are up to no good. My sources tell me that Elder Yang is currently in hospital but the Yang Family have kept this news under wraps. I'm guessing Yangyang doesn't want Yuteng to find out about it," Ray reported to Sam in a soft voice.

"Is Elder Yang OK?"

"Yes, he's fine."

"Keep an eye on the situation," Sam instructed. He then picked up the invite and walked over to YU's side. Leaning on the sofa with both arms, Sam asked, "The Yang Family have invited you for a chat. Would you like to go?"

"Have the Yang Family announced this to the public?" YU lifted an eyebrow.

"Of course."

"Then, let's go...otherwise, what would they say about you? Wouldn't they start saying that you're petty?" YU replied. "It's all for show anyway. We both know, the person that should apologize will never truly be sorry.

"I'll come with you then."

"No need," YU stopped him. "The Yang Family can no longer hurt me. I'm curious what Yangyang has planned. I've said it before, I won't be giving him any more chances."

"OK. Richard should be returning to work soon. I'll get him to escort you."

"OK, get back to work. I'll continue writing my lyrics," YU nodded.

Familial love was something he probably couldn't expect to receive for the rest of his life. But, parental love was something he needed to learn.

Sam watched as YU fell into a daze and lowered his head quietly. It seemed, no matter how hard he tried to distract YU, the Yang Family would somehow find a way to hurt him again.

YU wasn't weak though; he wasn't the type of man that needed a person to comfort and lie to him. But, Sam couldn't help but treat him gently.

"By the way, the photos you took previously received pretty good feedback from a few magazines. If an opportunity arises with a high-end magazine, I will accept it for you as usual."

"I'll let you make the decision," YU smiled.

At this moment, the secretary walked in with a serving tray, "Madam, you're black tea."


Hearing this word, YU felt warm and fuzzy inside.

"Thank you."

"I really like you, keep it up!" the secretary quickly said as she scurried out of the office.

YU couldn't help but smile, "From the looks of it, I am more charming than you. Even your secretary likes me."

"She can like you as much as she wants. I won't be jealous."

Yangyang wanted to apologize to Yuteng!

If one was to say this out loud, who would believe it?

After Elder Yang fell ill and went to hospital, he made Yangyang the Acting President of the family business. However, he had one condition: Yangyang had to personally apologize to Yuteng. So, Yangyang quickly sent out an invite and decided to lay his cards on the table. In reality, he merely wanted to boast to Yuteng that the family business had been handed over to him.

That evening.

YU was packing his luggage because he needed to go to film a reality show on other country

Sam called Evan over to provide some assistance while he pulled YU into the bedroom. Before YU could stand up straight, he had already wrapped him in a tight hug, "This time, I have no way of coming with you."

"I know," YU nodded.

"2 weeks...If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have let you accepted this show ."

"Mr Lin . Even if i avoided it this time, i wouldn't be able to avoid it forever," YU laughed as he wrapped his arm around Sam's waist. "Don't worry, no matter where I am, I will take good care of myself and will get Evan and Bingwei to update you on my status.

"I will check on you every day..."

After speaking, Sam grabbed YU's cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss. His kiss was a little less violent but a little more sentimental than usual.

YU returned his affection. Only when his cheeks were completely red did they separate.

"Don't be like this..." YU requested.

However, Sam sat down on the bed and pulled YU onto his lap.

Afterwards...another kiss arrived. YU couldn't quite handle his force as he let out a sound, but Sam quickly drowned out his voice, "After being married for so long, this is the first time we will be separated for so long."

"I feel like I cling to you more than you cling to me..."

"Mrs. Lin, I suddenly feel like I got the shorter end of the stick..."

"Is it true that the person to invest more love, would always be the one that misses the other more?"

After hearing Sam's words, YU was a little surprised. Although he usually kept his feelings to himself, it didn't mean he didn't miss Sam ...

"I want to be the best wife for you. That way I will have a sense of security."

Sam hugged YU tightly like he wanted to fuse him with his own flesh and blood...Although, he didn't want to let him go...

...this was the YU that attracted him the most; the YU that worked hard to create a life of his own. The YU at this time was the most dazzling.

"Tonight, you better make up for the upcoming 2 weeks ...."

YU leaned forward and nibbled Sam's ear, "Like this?"

Sam flipped over and pressed him under his body as he tore off his clothes, "No, you will start making up for it starting from now..."

A moment later, Evan finished packing Yuteng's luggage. He originally wanted to notify the couple, but as he approached the bedroom he heard some slight noises coming from inside. His cheeks burned red as he took a few steps back.

It was still the middle of the day...

...yet the couple couldn't resist? But, when Evan thought about the long period of time that they'd be apart, he understandably turned around and returned to his Richard too.

However, before Yuteng was to appear on set, he had to first see Yangyang.

The weather in April was pleasantly warm.

Evan arrived promptly at Mountain Peak Estate to take Yuteng to his meeting with Yangyang at the hotel. However, Yuteng  had not woken up.

That morning, not only YU, but also Sam was so exhausted from their intimate activity that he was late for work...

"Zihong... I'm supposed to meet with Yangyang at 11am. I'm going to be late."

Hearing YU 's words, Sam sat up and lifted him in his arms; carrying him all the way into the bathroom for a bath.

"Don't be like this... When you do stuff like this, it gives me the urge to give up on everything and simply stay by your side."

Sam wrapped him in a towel. As he noticed the marks he left on his body, he felt a little regretful. Apart from last time when he saw his wife drunk, this was the second time he had done this.

"Does it hurt?"

YU smiled and shook his head.

After Sam spoke, he released him from his arms.

YU hugged Sam from behind and said in a soft voice, "You are the person that motivates me to become stronger."

"I can give up on becoming a supermodel because of you, but I can also become a top supermodels because of you."

Sam flipped over and hugged YU for quite some time before they finally came out of the bedroom. Just as they stepped out, they received a phone call from Ray .

"President Lin, I've sent some information regarding Yuteng parent to your email. You can have a look when you get the chance."

Sam did not say anything. He directly hung up the phone and opened his email. Inside he found information that Yangyang was planning to leak to the media about his mother in law; his gaze turned cold and sharp.

"What is it?" YU asked; he sensed something was wrong from his gaze.

"You have revenge to seek at your upcoming meeting," Sam handed his phone to YU.

YU had a quick browse and nodded his head.


The place Yangyang had picked for their meeting was at a cafe called 'Peraya'. As well as Yuteng , he had also invited reporters from the media.

Dressed in a white suit, looking like  a man in power, he appeared like victory was already in his grasp.

Before Yangyang became the Acting President, the Yang Family barely appeared in front of the media. Elder Yang had spent his entire lifetime working conscientiously to make the century-old perfume business a household name, and up to this point, he had not hired a spokesperson even once. But, Yangyang was obviously trying to pioneer a new path.

So, by meeting with Yuteng today, he also intended on showing off his status.

11am. Yuteng was a little late as he arrived at the cafe. As soon as he spotted Yangyang his expression turned a little cold.

The cousins , of course, had slight similarities in looks, but they were very different. Yangyang was proud and arrogant, but beautiful and wild like a rose with thorns.

Yuteng was calm and peaceful with a cold demeanor. On the surface, he seemed harmless, but behind his back hid a sharp and deadly dagger.

One was out in the open, while the other was lurking in the shadows.

"You've arrived..." as Yangyang watched Yuteng, his gaze still contained a sense of envy.

How could the son of a dirty mafia marry the king of the business ; a man that was so impressive while he...had no choice but to work hard to gain control of the family business...

Perhaps on purpose, Yuteng appeared wearing limited edition clothes and jewelry. Even his  handbag was one of a kind...

Before Yuteng had arrived, the reporters originally thought Yangyang was the perfect example of a socialite heir because he had an air of elegance from head to toe.

But, as soon as Yuteng arrived, they realized nothing was perfect and there was always something better.

After all, Yuteng had been a model for 9 years...

Even something as simple as sitting next to Yangyang was enough to completely overshadow him...

Even if he was a vibrantly attractive rose, he had, at this moment, been stripped of his color!

"Since you're here, let's take a photo together."

"No rush," Yuteng pulled out his phone and retrieved the information Lin Corp had discovered that morning. He then handed the phone to Yangyang , "Shouldn't you first explain what this is all about?"

Yangyang received the phone. As soon as he looked at it, her expression changed.

"As long as it is gossip, it would be hard for it to hide from the eyes of Lin Corp. Next time, before you do something like this, could you please notify me."


"Didn't you call me here today so you could boast that you've become the Acting President of the Yang Family business?" Yuteng changed the subject as he retrieved his phone. "You've looked down on my job as a model for so long, yet, you're trying to use my fame to attract the attention of the media and let them know you've gained control. Am I right?"

As soon as the reporters heard Yuteng's words, they didn't know whether to continue recording.

"Grandfather is unwell, so I won't bother him with this issue, but...I've told you before, my tolerance for you has long surpassed its limit."

"So, I'll help make you famous..."

"A great cousin like you, should be known to everyone!"

"What do you mean by that?" Yangyang looked at Yuteng cautiously.

"You'll find out very soon," Yuteng replied calmly as usual.

"I need to go attend a filming launch, so I need to get going. You behave yourself." After speaking, Yuteng stood up and put on his hat and sunglasses. With Evan's cover, he left the cafe.

Yangyang was a little stunned. Because only now did he realize, he did not understand Yuteng at all.

It was also because of this feeling of defeat, that he hated Yuteng...even more!

"President Yang, do you want us to continue recording?"

"Pack up! What else is there worth recording?" After speaking, Yangyang stood up. He had not achieved his motive today, instead he had been taught a lesson by Yuteng.

But, just as Yangyang was about to leave the cafe, a bunch of reporters rushed in through the front door and surrounded him, "Mr Yang , we heard that you abused your aunty and revealed the family secret in order to gain power. Is this true?"

"We heard you pushed your aunty to the brink of suicide, can you clarify if this is correct?"

"Mr Yang..."

"Go away," Yangyang's only route of escape was blocked off as he helplessly appeared in front of the cameras.

Because of his lack of experience in front of the media, Yangyang completely lost his image...

Outside the cafe, Yuteng sat in his car across the road. As he watched Yangyang through the window, his lips slowly curved upwards.

"He truly deserves it," Evan was completely satisfied. He also felt that Yangyang had bitten off more than he could chew. Regardless of everything else, merely focusing on the fact that he wanted to utilise public opinion to his advantage was already stupid enough. Yuteng had already been in the industry for 9 years and had mastered the art of handling the media. How dare Yangyang try to challenge him?

"After what happened today, I'm sure he will act accordingly for a while and not do anything to Auntie Yang (referring to Yuteng's mother)."

After today, if anything was to happen to his Mother  in the short term, the media were bound to tie it back to Yangyang.

"If he's smart and wants to recover his image, he should treat auntie well instead."

Yuteng looked at Bingwei and realised he was indeed suitable for PR. Things that Evan  may not have understood, he understood straight away.

"The problem is...he's not that smart."

So, what they did today, wasn't enough to make any adjustments to his Mother's status in the Yang Family. But, that was a choice she had made for herself...a long time ago.

Regardless, Yuteng no longer wanted to be involved with the Yang Family. He had already set himself a new goal: to become a top actor.

But, there were some problems that he couldn't avoid just because he wanted to. For example, if Yangyang was to find out that Elder Yang had secretly wrote out his will and passed everything to Yuteng, how would he react?

"After cameras officially begin rolling, you will need to head off. Do you want to see President Lin one last time?" Bingwei asked.

"Even if I see him, we still have to separate..." Yuteng sighed.

"It's only for 2 weeks." Evan snorted


Yangyang's incident had become huge news in Taipei. Thanks to the media, he had now become a poisonous snake who abused his own Aunty and drove away his cousin. If he wanted to play with public opinion, he was still too inexperienced compared to Yuteng.

As a result, Yangyang was taught how it felt to be stalked and suffocated by reporters. On top of everything, he was too afraid to let Elder Yang know what had happened.

If Elder Yang was to find out, he would definitely doubt his capability and change his mind about making him the Acting President.

Actually, Yangyang was quite pitiful. He seemed to always live under Yuteng's shadow. Even though he was the eldest, he couldn't beat Yuteng in anything.


The place where YU filming was hit by the strom , so Sam was worried  he postponed his meeting and then call YU

"Wifey, are you OK?"

YU was surprised by the way that Sam called him. Who would have thought these words would flow from his mouth so naturally and be so warming.

"I'm fine. We are inside the hotel now . Don't worry," YU said

"In that case, take care. Give me a call every now and then to let me know you are safe."


Richard didn't know if he was imagining things. But after he returned from meeting his parents with Evan , he felt that Sam's care for Yuteng had once again upgraded a level.

How did he manage to remain cold to everyone while focusing all his gentleness on one person?

"Richard, have you contacted the production crew?"

Hearing this question, Richard snapped out of his daze, "President, the director said not to worry. Everything is fine, so you don't need to worry."

How could he not worry? His most precious treasure was still in hotel with strom around him...



The next morning, the weather cleared and Sam once again received a phone call from Yu saying the strom has gone , and he is safe.

Since the weather had cleared up, it was time to continue filming .

But someone arrive at the filming site

"Look, it's the CEO of Lin Corp."

"Oh, President Lin... He sure is handsome."

"Even if he's handsome, he already belongs to someone else. Don't even think about it!"

"Exactly. The President is here to see his wife..."

Discussions erupted on set. At this time, YU grabbed Sam's hand and pulled him to his tent like he was hiding his belonging from the eyes of everyone.

"It's only been a few days, but why have you lost so much weight?" Sam asked as he grabbed YU's cheeks.

YU hugged him; he didn't care about anything else, he simply hugged him...

"What are you doing here ?" YU ask him

"Give you surprise baby , and i miss you a lot "
Sam hug him again . " we just did not see each other for 5 days but why i feel like 5 century , hmmm ? "

YU put his hands around Sam neck then bring their lips together , they kiss each other until breathless .....

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