Sweet Addiction

By thriving-13

47.8K 2.4K 352

Book VI of the Seven Sins Series It's been 20 years since Amari and Lexi met, 20 years since Amari was told n... More



2.6K 168 43
By thriving-13

Final Chapter 🥺 I had such a fun time writing this and I hope you all enjoyed it !

Amari's POV:

Lexi is still asleep, and it's nearly two in the afternoon. Since he's been asleep, I've been cuddling with him and hanging out in our room, not feeling like getting up and out of bed. Anywhere where Lexi isn't, I don't love being, but I should get him some food.

The alcohol-type stuff that Alastor brews thankfully doesn't offer horrible hangovers to us as it does immortals, but he still will get a headache. He might also be even more pouty than normal, because when he has bad headaches, having sex isn't as fun for him.

When I walk out of the bedroom and into the dining area, I nearly pass out.

"What the fuck?!" I ask, because Roman is sitting on the couch with Santiago on his lap, and Paxton is in the room as well, not trying to kill him!

"Relax," Roman says, holding his soulmate's hips with his hands. "If Pride trusts me, shouldn't you?"

I look at Paxton curiously. "Have you been drinking?"

"I spoke with Master Alastor, Simon, and Kayden last night. They agreed with me that Roman has not tried to escape and he is infatuated with Santiago... so it is alright," Paxton sighs, and he does not seem completely happy.

Roman smirks. "Trust me, Kayden is not even a person I know exists anymore," he says, and Santiago blushes with a shy smile.

I'm surprised how quick he adjusted, but I am honestly happy for them. Seeing this, seeing Paxton not as tense and Renato appearing proud of his fellow vampire... I am so happy I made the choice I did.

"Paxton and Renato tell me that this little plan was executed by you," Roman says as I begin to prepare a breakfast croissant for Lexi.

I nod. "Yeah, I just want my family here to be able to live peacefully and not have to worry that you were going to break out and harm anyone. Plus, I never hated you completely, so I am glad you got your second chance."

Roman stands up and comes over to me, holding out his hand and shaking mine. "I am forever in your debt," he says, serious and grave. "I do not think you can comprehend how much this means to me."

Lexi comes waddling down the hall, his hair fluffy and still pretty dark brown from the dye, but the pink is finally starting to peek through. He's wrapped with his favorite pink blanket around him and smiles tiredly when he sees me.

"I think I can understand," I tell Roman, because Lexi is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I'm addicted to him in every way.

My sweet addiction...

"Hey, what's the blood sucker doing out of his cage?" Lexi asks, but he doesn't seem too upset by it. "Santi, where are youuuuuu?"

Santiago comes into the kitchen, seeming upset because he's not getting attention from Roman. "That is not my name," he says to Lexi. "But I am right here."

Lexi leans into my side, disregarding the fact that I am trying to cook for him. "I'm hungry."

"I'm making you food, my love," I say, kissing his forehead.

When I peek at Roman and Santiago, I notice that Roman copies my action and kisses his soulmate's forehead, successfully making Santiago flush. It's clear he's trying to learn how to protect and treat his soulmate.

"My father will not be pleased my soulmate is a human," Roman says, so everyone can hear. "So I think Santiago and I will stay off the grid for a while. We will probably go stay in my safe house in Greendale."

Renato hums. "I will help keep you out of the minds of the council. They have been searching for you and your father is restless."

"Well, he can stay that way. He never wanted my mother past having me, because she was human and was not a vampire to begin with. My biggest fear was having a human soulmate, and after I lost my first one... I will not lose Santi," Roman whispers, holding Santiago close.

His soulmate groans. "That is not my name, Roman."

"It is a term of endearment, my darling."

"Darling is a term of endearment for me, bloodsucker," Lexi snarls. "And none of us will forget the things you've done to us, but I am willing to forgive you."

Roman nods. "I understand, and I sincerely apologize. I am planning on visiting Darius to beg for his forgiveness."

"You might want to not take Santiago," Paxton calls, sitting on Renato's lap. "Darius will always be bitter about Indigo. He does not have a soulmate, but Indigo might as well have been."

"I know... that is my second biggest regret. My first was ever taking Kayden and trying to make him my soulmate when he was never meant to be," Roman says, his voice soft and not as abrasive as it usually is.

Lexi whines, getting my attention. "Gimme the food," he says, and I raise an eyebrow at his bluntness. "Please."

"That's what I thought," I say, grabbing a plate from the shelf and putting together the sandwich. "Here you go."

Roman takes Santiago's hand. "I suppose this means we should be going," he says, and Renato gets up.

"Come along, Roman," he says. "Paxton and I can escort you before we go home. Master Alastor and Gabriel offered to watch them, but I am sure they would prefer to go home and relax with their son."

"Thank you, Master Renato," Roman says, because Renato is ranked much higher than him, and he feels as though he owes Renato a huge amount of respect.

It's strange, because Renato is the most relaxed individual I have ever met. He does not demand respect of us, but I am sure around people who think they're superior, he makes himself known.

"Well, that means our dungeon will finally be empty," Lexi comments, taking a huge bite out of his sandwich before sweetly offering me a bite. "Who should we kidnap next?"

I chuckle. "I don't know... Roman, do you think kidnapping your father would chill him out?"

Roman laughs. "Only if he's there three times the amount of time I spent there," he says as he heads toward the front door, following Renato and Paxton.

"Have fun getting railed, Santi!" Lexi calls. "Roman probably hasn't had a good rub down since we locked him up."

Santiago is bright red. "Stop embarrassing me..." he says softly.

"Oh, he's totally down," Lexi purrs. "I have seen that look in a man's eye many times. However, it's usually directed at me."

Roman rolls his eyes. "Do not embarrass my soulmate," he scolds as they leave. "We will see each other soon, I am sure. That is, if you will have us."

Paxton sighs. "Only for Santiago, not for you," he comments as they leave.

"I need an Advil," Lexi says, grabbing his head. "Ugh, I think a drank a little too much."

I raise an eyebrow. "Do you remember anything you asked me for last night, darling?"


"You called my dick a sausage and demanded I give it to you."

Lexi glares at me. "Uh, no way I did that! I am way more modest than that!"

"Sweetheart, you totally did," I say, because he did.

Lexi knows I would never lie to him; especially about something as embarrassing as him demanding I fuck him while he's drunk and calling my cock a sausage. So, he goes quiet and is blushing and red while he takes his Advil. He finishes his sandwich and goes to the living room, laying down on the couch.

I join him there and Lexi warms up to me easily.

"I'm the sin of Lust, but I have never felt like sex makes our relationship. I love you, Amari, and I could never ask for another soulmate. If you weren't my soulmate, I'd leave the one I was given and find you," Lexi says, closing his eyes and cuddling against me. "You're the light of my life."

I kiss his forehead. "I love you, too," I respond, patting his hip.

"But..." Lexi trails off, smirking up at me.


He kisses my chin. "I still want a puppy."

I laugh and get up. "Then go get dressed."


"Let's go adopt a puppy."

The adoration and love in my soulmate's eyes shines, and he is all I will ever need. The love of my life, the man I am addicted to, the demon who changed me and I will get to be with forever.

He is mine, and I am his.

When we wander around the shelter later, a bunch of puppies barking and yipping as Lexi frantically tries to decide which one he wants, I keep finding more things I love about my angel. He's petting every puppy he can, looking back at me to make sure I'm watching, his eyes shining as he does so.

"Amari," he whispers, grabbing my hand. "We need to adopt all of them."

I'm shocked by his statement and look at the place where he pointing; it's a kennel with five pit bull puppies.

"They're so cute, and the lady working here says they've been here for nearly three weeks. No one likes pit bull puppies. They need me, Amari."

I cannot deny my lover anything.

"Ma'am?" I call, waving over the worker. "We need adoption paper for all five of the puppies here."

She gapes at us. "All of them?"

I nod. "Yes," I say, catching sigh of Lexi's beautiful grin. "All of them."

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