[BOOK 1] A Demon in a Ninja W...

By BlameMyGamingChair

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《Confirmed. Reconstructing the spirit...『Gamers mind』 has been acquired. Report. 『Gamers mind』 and 『Gamers bo... More

Chapter 1 - Game!
Chapter 2 - The Genderbender
Chapter 3 - Demon lord?
Chapter 4 - The Demon is a Gacha addict
Chapter 5 - Forbidden scroll
Chapter 6 - Haha Team goes... BRRR
Chapter 7 - Haha bell test goes... BRRR
Chapter 8 - demon of what???
Chapter 9 - Another self-proclaimed demon
Chapter 10 - Gaia's theory
Chapter 11 - Self-proclaimed demon lord
Chapter 11.5 - misunderstanding
Chapter 12 - Haha chuunin exam goes... BRRR
Chapter 13 - Snakes!!!
Chapter 14 - NERFs and BUFFs
Uzumaki Karma, so far...
Chapter 16 - The genderbend is all over the place
Chapter 17 - I'm the prisoner
Chapter 18 - Death
Chapter 19 - The end of the demon

Chapter 15 - NERFs and BUFFs part 2

4.5K 212 56
By BlameMyGamingChair

Uzumaki Karma's POV

I can feel my chakra reserve rising slowly matching the chakra I received from the cursed seal.

Now that my chakra reserve rising, I can finally have control of the seal.

I can suck chakras, and I could spit them back.

「Who in the world is Orochimaru? What did he do to Sasuke?! Why Sasuke?! And what about Karma!?」

I can hear sakura shouts at dosu who just gives us a scroll and placed zaku on his shoulded.

「I don't know, We were just given orders to make the hit on both of them.」 Dosu said before leaving with zaku.

「Hey! Are you okay?! It's a pain, but Ino, I'll leave Lee to you.」

I sit motionlessly besides naruto who's sleeping peacefully.

A smile formed in my face.

That didn't go unnoticed by shikamaru and choji.

「hey? You alright?」 Choji asked.

「Why would I be not alright?? Anyway thanks for coming, sakura might be in danger, If you guys didn't shows up.」

I said while showing them my genuine smile for the first time.

Which they flinched on that.

Shikamaru sigh 「troublesome」 while choji grinned.


「SAKURA-CHAN??!!」 Naruto yelled in worry after waking up. Somehow I feel betrayed.

What is this? This feeling is so bad, it's worse then being bitten by the orochimaru.

「what happened to your hair?!!」 naruto shouted as dark aura envelopes me, shikamaru and choji was sweat dropping at my antics.

「oh this? Just changing my style, image change」 she said smiling.

「I liked long hair, But, you know, it gets in the way when I move around in a forest like this.」

「By the way why are you guys here?」 Naruto asked

Shikamaru paused before saying.

「it's too troublesome explaining it to you.」


I sit besides naruto after he got punched by sakura for calling lee bushy brows.

「There's a lot of stuff going after you passed out, I'll fill you up later.

For now, don't move too much.

That snake did something to you, I don't know what he did but you screamed very loud.」 I said.

「This is nothing dattebayo!」 he exclaimed.


I get up and walk towards lee who got thanked by sakura.


He's loud, and not only his head is a bowl, his mouth is a bowl with giant hole in it!!! I see neji's eyes narrowed.

'okay² play dumb it is then...'

「who's karma?」




I shouted internally.

I can see My teammates and Lee's dumbfounded face.

And not just lee, everyone did.

shit! The situation is too awkward.. I need to say some-



I shouted internally.


「Ahahahaha... I was just joking... of course I remember everything, now then thank you for saving my teammates while I was down. 」

I said bowing my head a little.


「YEAH THAT'S GREAT!!」 I exclaimed with troubled smile.

Sigh... me and my dumb ass...


'That clanless uzumaki's eyes were gold and now blue... what is he hiding...

Uzumaki karma... uchiha sasuke... you both are powerfull rivals.'

Neij hyuuga thought in the distance.

Oh boy...


We managed to get to the tower, after being guided by kabuto and kicked the rain nins asses.

I didn't use my seishingan at all when kabuto's around and pass my teammates questions by saying "It hurts when I used my chakra" as I acted like sasuke holding his neck every time.

I had conquered the 『cursed heavenly seal』 and have full control of it. But I don't want to show my cursed mark, so I used bandage to cover it up, excusing my self that I got hurt.

At the tower...

「If 'Heaven' does not exist, enrich your knowledge, and prepare for the chance.

If 'Earth' does not exist, run the fields in search of an advantage. Open the series of Heaven and Earth, and the perilous way shall be redressed.

This is namely the secret of 'the one that guides.' 」

「What's that??」 naruto asked.

「It looks like there are letters or something missing there...」 sakura mumbles.

「You sure? to me it translates as "open both of the god damn scroll here. If you don't have any, then you fail, fool"」 I said flatly.

Naruto sweat dropped at this.

「We need to open both scrolls at the same time」 I said.

Naruto and sakura hesitates.

After they opened the scroll iruka appeared dramatically.

「It appears you guys have had a rough time of it.」

「Eh?? What?? Why are you appearing with a Summoning?」

「At the end of this second exam, we Chunin are to welcome the test takers. the important task of being the messenger for you guys.」 Iruka said.


I'm dying... 5 days without icha² was just... unbearable.

I managed to hid my cursed seal from everyone while sasuke clutching his neck in pained

Sasuke uchiha vs Yoroi Akado


「Now then, we will begin the first battle. Everyone other than the two foes, please move to the upper area.」 Hayate said, as we began to move.

The match started.

It was intense.

The only thing that makes it boring is it's because I watch this from one point of view only.

In the anime there's camera zoom and other effects.

Take them all out then you got some boring sports.

I sighed.

「What is it?」 kakashi sensei suddenly asked me.

Boy what should I do??? Let's play it cool.

「Nothing, it's just that sasuke is in huge disadvantage because of that seal」 I whispered.


「I guess you know what I'm going to ask, but I'll ask anyway. How did you know about them?」

「Because I also have them」 I said.


「don't worry, unlike sasuke it doesn't hurt so much. I can control it, probably. That pedophile sure love to bite peoples」 I joked a bit.

「Control? What do you-」

「firstly you should know how the seal works」

I can see kakashi gained a vein mark from my continues interruption, but kept silent as I explain the curse seal.

「At first, you'll think something like "there's a trace of the caster's chakra from the seal" but there's actually more stuff than that.」 He listened quietly.

「What stands out the most, is that there's an imprint of the caster's soul inside the seal」

I said as kakashi narrowed his eyes.

「that soul will messes up with the victim's memory, bringing back their bad memories and continuously making them goes mad. Well, that's just the nature of the caster.」

「Now then, the question is what would happened if the soul inside it was killed? Or may be, there's no soul injected with the seal?」

「You're saying the soul controls the se-」

「well, I dunno about the others, but I managed to conquer it.

The 『cursed heavenly seal』 was actually a seal that feeds of the user's chakra, and replaces it with orochimarus' senjutsu, if their body is incompatible with nature chakra then... You know what would happen.」

Another vein mark appeared on kakashis' head.

「But that doesn't explain how you conquered it.. 」 kakashi said.

「It was a coincidence」 I said.

「A coincidence?? 」 kakashi repeated.

「Yeah, I've been able to enter and gets out of my mind scape freely for quite a while now」 he flinched by this.

「When I got in... I saw a poor deformed orochimaru. It was creepy.

But I killed it anyway, so the imprinted soul does not controls the seal anymore.」 He got confused at this.

「Anyway, I won't be able to use my chakra for awhile.

I can also feel my chakra reserve increased gradually but steadily and my chakra control getting messed up again, it's a mere luck that orochimaru puts an unfinished imprinted soul inside me」

「Come with me, I'll-」(kakashi)

「You don't need to do anything.」(me)

「I just got the hang out of it. Heck, If you seal it I wouldn't be able to use chakra at all」 I lied skillfully.

Which kakashi just agreed nonchalantly after sighing.

Maa~ pretending to be a genius is not that bad I guess...

Some jounins I met on the streets actually looks at me with respect, except for the civilians of course.

I got intimidated when I go to some shops, but that same night, I sneak inside the shop with create id and mess their business up.

The real reason of this is probably because I have seishingan or I am a spiritual race, a demon is a race that materialized in the material world by consuming mana or in tensura's world, "Magicules".

If orochimaru gives this mark to a body made completely out of mana, what would happen?

I don't have any prove or anything yet, but I know this should be connected.

Either the seal has turn its head down to me and let me use it without compensation, or there's no one else to control the seal.

The reason why 『material body creation』 disappeared was still a mystery though.

I can't go like this...

On my harvest festival.. I need to get rimuru's skill.

No, I'm not talking about raphael or great sage, I'm talking about azathoth.


Sasuke won the match.

After that, kakashi brought him to use evil sealing method.

I can see the pattern of fights are still the same as the anime, but because I am here I don't really knows what's going to happen.

The first two matches was the same, and also... the numbers are odd that means someone will fight twice, or automatically in.. Well, maybe I need to tell hokage-sama about gaara.

I excuse my self finding the toilet, I made kage bunshin and send him to empty ID.

After that I let him go to the village. Why you ask??? Well, to buy new icha² of course!

I also made another one to stalk on kakashi, a mana bunshin of course.

I opened market while waiting for icha² inside the toilet.

Hmmm~ there's not that much stuff that caught my eyes... uoh?? W-wha! This is!!!


Karma uzumaki, kakashi's stalker mana bunshin POV

「Kukukukukuku khahahahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHA」

Orochimaru laughed.

Damn, he did the three stage laugh....

「what's so funny!?」 kakashi asked.

「What you say and do don't agree with each other.」(orochimaru)


「There's no point in using that seal, He has a heart that seeks power no matter how evil it is.

He possesses that kind disposition.

He is an avenger.」 Orochimaru said.

「So you took advantage of that. But Sasuke won't...」

「Eventually, he will seek me out....」 Orochimaru cut in before pausing

「Seek me out for power, that is. Isn't that right, Karma Uzumaki?」 he noticed fast...

「that's right... well, it's still creepy that you want his body, pedophile」 I said appearing behind orochimaru.

「k-karma!??」 kakashi shouted.

「rude, I merely show him the path he needs to take」

「by molesting him, yeah. Real shit」

「kukukuku, I don't feel a trace of my chakra in you... not to mention, you're a bunshin... what did you use, I wonder... ?」

「Your soul taste disgusting, pseudo souls taste way better.

Also, sasuke might seek power in the future.

But if you think he'll became heartless bastard like you who experimented with children just to obtain immortality, then you're dead wrong.

I can see it,

the scene where sasuke will face someone who brings him back to the light.

And I knew who that someone is.」(karma)

「kukukuku, you talk big for a small genius.」(orochimaru)

「hmph! Small genius you say? I can read this world's future like chapters of books.

To me all of you are only the characters to build the story of this world.

And I hate it, the ending, the deaths, the world's fate.」(karma)

「Interesting... you act like you were never existed in this world, what are you??」

There's a slight pause. My eyes glows gold in the dark as I announced my self...

「Just a passing through demon lord, remember that well」

「Kukuku... then let's see where will this led us, demon」

Orochimaru said, walking pass through me while disappearing.


We end up getting dramatic for a long... what.. 30 minutes or so? Well right now I'm talking with kakashi.

「was that true?」 kakashi asked


「"I can read this world like chapters of books"... was that true」

I paused before replying

「In a way, yes.」


There's a slight moment of silence before I break the ice.

「we will got invaded in the finals by the way」

Kakashi sighed, he just looks so done.

「why are you making that kind of face?」(karma)

「you're giving me way to much stuff to report」(kakashi)

「isn't that great? You got a job! A big one at that! More paper works for hokage-sama, yaaaay」 I said flatly.

「hokage-sama would kill you if you said that in front of his face」(kakashi)

「you sure? He would at least tells me to buy him a hair dye if it gets white after that-dattebane」(karma)


Karma Uzumakis' POV


I thought as I dispelled the kage bunshin I made earlier.

I got some memories of my bunshin reading them, anko didn't let me memorize the page I left on! How cruel!
Now I guess it's my time to get back.

I got back as I received my other clone memories with kakashi.

「Yo!」 Kakashi said.

「Don't "yo!" Me! What about Sasuke-kun? Is he all right?」 Sakura asked.

「Yes. He's asleep at the hospital right now」

'but he has anbu escorts with him...' kakashi thought.


I am bored, I did bought icha² but somehow I didn't feel like reading right now.

I am plying with my status right now.

Because my chakra control is not big enough...

I constantly released too much chakra only for one single kage bunshin.

Kage bunshin which supposed to be 500 CP/clone was now tripled.

I have no money, so I'll go with gacha.


<Simply Jacob outfit set> x1 get

Simply jacob?? Jacob who??? Let's open it first...

<Simply jacob beret> x1
<Simply jacob shirt> x1
<Simply jacob pants> x1
<Simply jacob coat> x1
<Simply jacob hidden blade guntlet> x1

Uhuh... uhuh... huh? Hidden blade guntlet? Don't tell me...

no, I shouldn't equip this now too many people are around. I'll save that for later. I missed many matches huh...

I thought I would fight but...

「Uzumaki Karma! As the last he is automatically qualified!」


To be continue.

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