Dragon Slayer Hero (Fairy Tai...

By sunnys_stories24

12.5K 415 614

It's the 100-year quest and Team Natsu's on the job!! Of course, nothing ever proceeds as planned for the Fai... More

Chapter 1: Izuku Midoriya
Chapter 2: Katsuki Bakugou
Chapter 3: Years Later...
Chapter 4: The Villain, Dragon, Boy and Hero
Chapter 5: A Hero By Heart
Chapter 6: Dreams Come True
Chapter 7: The Truth Behind His Strength
Chapter 8: Start Your Training
Chapter 10: Fairy Tail's Entrance Exam Applicant
Chapter 11: Come At Me Robots!!!
Chapter 12: Imperfect
Chapter 13: Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 14: Their Promises, Her Vow
Chapter 15: A Little More Control

Chapter 9: Training With The Fairy

528 20 14
By sunnys_stories24

How bad can it get??

All Might conceived while accepting Kaida's combat declaration. Kaida may be from another dimension but, how wrong could one brief round get. Yet to say All Might even won would be an understatement, more so evaded her every attack until tardily succeeding in her capture. It had been a while since All Might struggled against an opponent. He would even dare to state that Kaida outpaced most Pro Heroes, yet within vast strength arises danger. Once aware of her capabilities, no doubt villains' everywhere will want her. All Might pledged to guide Kaida down the right path, fostering another pupil alongside Izuku.

And thus initiated 10 months of hell. Every day, Izuku woke up at the crack of dawn to make his way down to the beach. He'd spend hours lugging trash athwart the shore, little by little cleansing the area. He ran with the debris resting aloft his shoulder, back and forth carrying as much as he could. At home, he'd presented his mother a list of foods and meal plans he needed to devour. He and Kaida would go for jogs collectively every night, though Izuku floundered in rivaling her stamina. He'd go to bed every evening at the same time and inaugurate his day all over again. Though his motive remained clear, he frequently found his gaze roaming towards Kaida. She lingered scarcely ahead, enduring her training regiment. Izuku couldn't help but admire her from afar, from her perfect push-ups to the command over her magic with a small swipe of the hand. She worked herself to the brim, and it spurred him on. Kaida's the ideal hero, one who works vigorously rescuing people with a toothy grin. He desires to be like her, stand by her side in battle.

Izuku peered down at his fist, gripping it tightly.

I'm going to work as hard as I can and become the best hero I can be...

Meanwhile, as Izuku focused on his training, All Might approached Kaida with a question in mind.

"Young Tana--"

Kaida held up a hand, cutting him off.

"Please old man just call me Kaida, It's still too weird when people use my last name."

All Might sweatdropped, rubbing the nape of his neck.

"Very well then, Young Kaida. I'm curious to know the extent of your powers."

Kaida pursed her lips, crossing her legs into a comfortable sitting position. All Might took a seat beside the dragon slayer, listening intently. Kira flew to lay down in Kaida's lap.

Kaida plays with a strand of her hair,

"Well, my main magic is Ice-Crystal Dragon Slaying. I have the abilities of a dragon and use ice-crystal elements to strengthen my power. the user transforms their body with dragon-like features according to their respective element, utilizing both offensive and defensive styles. We are immune to the effects of our element, even if it is sent towards us with greater power. We can consume external sources of our element to replenish our strength, through our mouths specifically. However, we cannot consume what we produce ourselves. We can eat other elements than our own, giving us the ability to combine which increases our abilities. Though it's honestly best we eat our respective elements because that works best with our bodies. Like in the name, this magic can be used to slay or harm dragons."

Subconsciously, her hand moves to her crystal necklace. Kira smiled a sad smile as Kaida continued,

"But I have another magic power too, one I acquired from someone very beloved. It was her magic ability, Infinity. The ability to use any type of magic power as long as you study it. From this, I've learned how to use two of my mentor's powers, Requip and Satan Soul."

All Might tried his best to retain from dropping his jaw, but let her continue.

"Requip enables the users to save items in a pocket dimension so they can effortlessly summon it at any time, even during conflict, which supplies a high level of flexibility. However, there's a limit to how generous the pocket dimension stores. Requip can be used for simple or combat-related constants. Some users may just prefer to use it to swap their clothing. More skilled users can Requip various weapons in battle, and it's even plausible to Requip armors amidst the battle. Requip users can also pitch a holographic inventory screen where they can observe and arrange things in their pocket dimension, as well as add items without the user equipping it on themselves."

"And what about Satan Soul?" All Might inquired.

"Satan Soul is a form of takeover magic. It lets the user take over the powers and forms of several demons. These modes provide a variety of different skills such as flight, enhanced speed, strength, reflexes, etc.I also picked up a simple healing ability, so I'm able to heal any wounds." she added.

All Might nodded, swallowing this newfound information.

This girl really is powerful...


"Let's see... With the appearance of superpowers, the Building Standards Act was revised, and the Minister of Land..."

As their teacher prattles on about his lesson, Kaida finds herself beginning to doze off. As of recently, her slumber has been mayhem. A few nights ago, Kira had a premonition. Like Carla, Kira possesses a similar capability in seeing into the future, though her visions are more so snippets regarding intervals rather than a lengthy historia. Kira's foresight revealed cloaked figures prowling in a dark alleyway. Though the area they were in wasn't discernible, one audible word struck chills down their spines; Japan, they're somewhere in Japan. Kaida and Kira always had an ominous feeling concerning the whereabouts of their enemies, but there was no solid proof to attest to it. But now, Kira's revelation verified their suspicions. The band of rogue wizards did indeed follow them into this universe and remain in hiding. It's of utmost importance for her and Kira to find the organization. She has a hunch they didn't isolate her from team Natsu without reason. Moreover, something about them resonated with Kaida, seeming strangely familiar...

"Which means, there are 294 days left..."

Kaida snapped out of her daze, ears perking at a mutter. She glanced to her side, observing her best friend, who was deep in his philosophies. He murmured to himself, subconsciously tapping his finger against his mouth. The soft mumbles rose in volume, but Izuku prevailed in oblivion to the ordeal. A drop of sweat rolled down the side of Kaida's head as she noticed everyone turning in his direction.

"... about 98 days of real training even if I'm efficient... I can get in about five hours of training morning and night, so that's 490 hours... Also that beach cleanup doesn't work out any specific parts of the body, if I don't work out my whole body equally, then there's no way I'll make it. Bodybuilding to create a body able to adapt to any situation... Literally intensive training to become a hero... All Might can't stay and watch me the whole time... If I don't do as much efficient independent training as I can, there's no way I can catch up the way I am now... Anyways, I'll have to to cut--"

Eventually, even the teacher halted his lesson, staring at Izuku in bewilderment. Panicking, Kaida lightly boots Izuku's chair, attempting to get him back down to earth. Perversely, Izuku, being so immersed in his thoughts, only attuned back to existence when the teacher applied his quirk, hurling his hand to give a chop to Izuku's head. He froze, instantly covering his mouth with his hands, embarrassed to have been so caught up in his muttering.

"Did your encounter with the villain make you go crazy? It's presumptuous to think of getting into U.A. like that." The teacher lectured.

The whole class snickered in Izuku's direction, but promptly shut up at the sight of Kaida's death glare.

The teacher sighed, carrying on with his lesson. This time, Izuku made sure to pay attention. However, Kaida drifted into her thoughts. She pressed the erasure of her pencil against her lips, quietly drumming her fingers against the edge of her desk. She queried what the rogue wizards could fancy from her, why target her? Kaida was never one to go around making enemies, and the only foes she had were people threatening her guild. Fairy Tail never came across these particular mages before, she would've remembered if so. Still, they were inexplicably intimate... But she was the only one out of her team to think so. Kaida frowned, looking out the window of the classroom. Who are these people, and what reciprocity do they hold? A single individual appeared in her memory, but she hastily shoved the thought away. It's been years since she last saw them, and besides, they're dead. It couldn't possibly be them... How could it?


A couple of months had passed, and the pressure was building high for Izuku. He pushed himself more and more every day, even straying from his schedule a bit. He kept this piece of knowledge unbeknownst to Kaida, for he knew she'd have a fit if she discovered he was over-exerting himself. But it had to be done, time was coming to a close. Izuku didn't believe he was doing enough and grew anxious about not finishing in time. As a result, he doubled his load, doing separate preparation for his body on top of his garbage duty. And though Kaida wasn't the brightest, she was very perceptive. She remarked on the little things, the tired bags forming under his eyes, the way his muscles twitched and ached, his deteriorating posture, increased clumsiness. All Might didn't seem to notice at all until Kaida privately brought it to his attention. They suspected Izuku was overworking himself, and in time their assumptions confirmed themselves.

One day, while on a run, Izuku collapsed.

Kaida sighed, kneeling down beside Izuku. She gently lifted his upper half, moving him into a sitting position. Izuku leaned against Kaida, exhaling loudly. All Might, who'd been riding on a segway up ahead, turned to the duo in shock. Stopping the device he stepped down, dragging it behind him as he walked back.

"Hey, Hey what's wrong? There are only three months left! You won't make it!! Wanna give up? Wanna take it easy and rest today?" All Might exclaimed.

Izuku didn't respond, he only looked at his hero with a tired gaze.

"You overworked yourself, didn't you..." Kaida mumbled, bangs shadowing her eyes.

Izuku's eyes widened, she caught on to him...

"The 'Aim to Pass: American Dream Plan' was adjusted with your body in mind to make sure you'd make it in time for the entrance exam... "

All Might's eyes narrowed,

"You haven't been sticking to the plan, have you?"

"Izuku you should know better than this, overworking yourself will only have a negative effect!! I don't know if this mindset has anything to do with me, but you're not me!! You don't have the stamina to push yourself to the extremes. Plus I've been training since I was young, you only just started this year! " Kaida scolded.

Izuku said nothing in retaliation, merely only lowered his head. She was right, what was he thinking? There's no way he could contend with her, someone so powerful and strong. There's no way he could ever stand at her side.

Kaida noticed Izuku was avoiding eye contact. She sighed, resting a hand on top of his head. She slightly tugged at his hair, managing to get him to face her. She stared right into his eyes, a small smile spread across her lips. Izuku gulped, a blush surfacing his cheeks.

"Do you think when I started out that I was magically able to do everything I can today."

Izuku's eyes widened.

Kaida shook her head,

"Of course not, I had to start from square one, just like you. Sure I pushed myself, I had to work hard to get where I am today. But I didn't overexert myself like you're doing now. Hard work doesn't depend on how much you do, it's the effort you put in. So work hard by putting your best self into the proper training. In due time, you'll become strong, I know you will."

Izuku smiled to himself,

"It's true that I have to work harder than anyone else, I have to catch up afterall.."

He slowly lifted himself from the ground,

"I want to become a hero like you All Might!! So I'm going to work hard, hard enough to improve!!"

He bowed to All Might,

"I'm sorry for straying from the plan All Might, please forgive me! I promise to work hard properly this time."

Kaida smiled, putting her hands on her hips.

He's really changing...

All Might chuckled, placing a hand on Izuku's shoulder.

"You're forgiven fanboy!! Now let's get you back on track!!!"

"Leave it to the old man to adjust your plan!" Kaida exclaimed.

"KAIDA!!!" Izuku shrieked, grabbing the dragon slayer's head to push down.

"You're not an old man, All Might!!!"

Instead of being offended, All Might just laughed it off. After all, he had become accustomed to the dragon slayer's use of terms, he didn't mind it anymore. He knew she meant it in a good way, not a bad one.


Before they knew it, the 10 hellish months ultimately ended. The morning of the entrance exam finally arrived, and All Might pulled into the parking lot of the beach. There he met Kaida and Kira, who too had just appeared. She explained that Izuku didn't wake her up this morning, alternatively permitting her time to sleep longer. All Might laughed as Kaida puffed her cheeks. Though the gesture was sweet, she didn't relish waking only to panic about the location of her best friend. The three accompanied towards the beach, conversing about Izuku's progress. All of a sudden, they were interrupted by a scream, causing Kaida's ears to wince. After the initial shock, Kaida proceeded into a fighting stance but broke out of it at the display ahead. There stood Izuku, on top of a large pile of trash, screaming like Tarzan.

"Hey Hey Hey, holy crap kid!!! You even cleaned up outside the area I told you too." All Might uttered.

Kaida clasped her hands together, a wide toothy grin spreading across her face.

"THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND!!!!" she hollered.

Izuku glanced in their direction, softly smiling as he fell off the platform. Kaida was quick to react, catching him bridal style. All Might quickly joined their side, wrapping his arms around the duo.

"Excellent Work!!" All Might praised.

Izuku opened his eyes tiredly, smiling.

"I did it! All Might, Kaida, Kira... I finished everything!!!" he replied.

"I told you Izuku, hard work always pays off..." Kaida grinned, setting him down on his own two feet.

"Good job broccoli!!!" Kira applauded.

"Well done Kid, you surprised me!! Teenagers are amazing!!"

All Might pulled out his phone,

"Look Here..."

The three glanced at his phone screen. It was a picture of Izuku during his first day of training. He laid on the floor, tears bursting from his eyes.

"This is.." Izuku whispered.

"You 10 months ago, and look at the improvement!!"

All Might gestured to Izuku's bare upper half. He was no longer skin and bones, instead he had muscular arms and toned abs.

"You did good. You really did!!!" All Might said.

"Welcome to the buff club!!" Kaida giggled.

All Might continued,

"The mirage of it is finally just barely visible, but you have certainly become a suitable vessel!"

Izuku smiled, bringing his hand in front of him.

"I feel like I'm cheating..."

Kaida quirked a brow at his response but Izuku paid no mind to it,

"You did all this for me... I'm too blessed..." a few tears dropped from Izuku's eyes, he truly was grateful for everything All Might had done. It's all thanks to him that he can embark on his dream, become the hero he vowed to become as a kid.

Kaida wrapped an arm around the boy's shoulders, earning a surprised squeak in return.

"You're wrong Izuku, yes it was fate meeting All Might, but you earned this with your own hard work and merit!" she smiled.

"You deserve this whole heartedly!" Kira plopped onto his head.

All Might placed a hand behind the two teens,

"We'll have to fix those leaky tears of yours, but young Kaida is correct! Now, it's time for the award ceremony, Izuku Midoriya!"

"Yes Sir!" Izuku replied. Kaida stood by his side while All Might ventured in front. He plucked one of his golden locks, holding it in front of them.

"This is something I was once told: 'Something that you receive because you're lucky and something that you are given because you are recognized are different in essence.' Take that to heart. This is power that you earned because of your own effort."

Izuku looked towards Kaida with a determined gaze. She grinned, holding out her fist for a fist bump. Izuku reciprocated the gesture, neither breaking their fierce gaze. With one final nod, Izuku faced All Might, ready to receive his quirk. All Might pushed the piece of his hair closer to Izuku's face,

"Eat This" were the words that left his mouth.


~Author Note~

And I finally updated :D

Hello all you amazing queens/kings/non-binary pals!!! Sorry for not updating in like forever, I had a case of really bad writers block and was lacking in motivation. Hopefully this chapter makes up for it, I know it was more of a filler but it did hint to a bit of Kaida's past so it is important. I want to thank you all so much for keeping up with this book. We are at 2.39K which is insane!!! I really hope you guys are enjoying this story and if you have any feedback please let me know!! Next chapter is the start of the entrance exam whoo whoo!!! I'm not sure when that'll be posted as I kinda suck at writing fight scenes so it takes me a really long time to write them. I promise to update as soon as I can though!!! The good news is summer's coming up so that means more writing time!! This book, A Hero's Journey, and my upcoming Fantasy Au are going to be my top priorities this summer, so hopefully I'll be able to get good chunks of it out!! Anyways, enough of me rambling on, thank you so much again and please don't forget to vote!! I know I may sound annoying for asking this but a vote really does go a long way, and I mean if you're taking the time to read this chapter then clicking the top or bottom star in the corner shouldn't be too much of a hassle hehe.

Anyways, love you all


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