Passion of a Cold Heart (Tsuk...

By Tesby1006

64.5K 2K 850

'Everyone has long since fallen asleep, but for some reason sleep continues to elude you. Thoughts of Kiyoko'... More

Ch.1 Meeting the team...
Ch. 2 Him....
Ch. 3 Teasing...
Ch. 4 Nosey Friends...
Ch. 5 Never Have I Ever...
Ch. 6 ๐Ÿ‹ Too Close... ๐Ÿ‹
Ch. 7 Sunlight Through The Window...
Ch. 8 Girl's Night...
Ch. 9 Secrets...
Ch. 10 Ulterior Motives...
Ch. 11 Jealous...
๐Ÿ‹Ch. 12 Can't Resist...๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿ‹Ch. 13 Early Riser... ๐Ÿ‹
Ch. 14 Claiming...
๐Ÿ‹Ch. 16 Reactionary Nature...๐Ÿ‹
Ch. 17 Reflection...
Ch. 18 Insider Info...
Ch. 19 Movie Night....
Ch. 20 Morning Entertainment...
๐Ÿ‹Ch. 21 Let's Play a Game...๐Ÿ‹
Ch. 22 Distraction...
Ch. 23 Operation...
Ch. 24 Tryouts...
Ch. 25 Strategies...
Ch. 26 Brotherly advice...
Ch. 27 Body study...
๐Ÿ‹Ch. 28 Slippery when wet...๐Ÿ‹
Ch. 29 Highs and Lows...
Ch. 30 Nagashima Spa-Land...
Ch. 31 Nabana no Sato...
๐Ÿ‹Ch. 32 Impatient...๐Ÿ‹
๐Ÿ‹Ch. 33 Moments in time...๐Ÿ‹
Ch. 34 Catalyst...
Ch. 35 Reality Check...
๐Ÿ‹Ch. 36 The last time...๐Ÿ‹
Ch. 37 Avoidance...
Ch. 38 Irony...
Ch. 39 Tipping point...
Ch. 40 Aftermath...
Ch. 41 Too little too late....
Ch. 42 Help me, please...
Ch. 43 IDFC...
Ch. 44 ๐Ÿ‹ Again...๐Ÿ‹

Ch. 15 Unwanted Attention...

1.2K 45 8
By Tesby1006

You quickly make your way to campus not wanting waste time and be late. Walking through the halls you begin to notice an odd amount of staring eyes at you.

'I hope Kei didn't leave some obnoxious hickey somewhere I couldn't see. Why is everyone staring... what the hell...I really don't have time for this...'

All of a sudden a girl comes running up to you. "Y/n! Sooo are you and Tsukishima dating???"

'Who the heck???? What the actual fuck? do I have a sign on my forehead saying Tsukishima fucked the life out of me or something... does fucking the life out of me count as dating??? do I even know this chick?'

"Umm, no we aren't." You respond confused.
"Why would you ask that?"

"Really?!? So you're not dating him at all? I was just asking for a friend, she really likes Tsukki and wants to ask him out."

"Uhhh okay, yeah we aren't dating but I really need to get to class I'm gonna be late." You squeeze past her feeling annoyed.

'Seriously like fuck off. I was in a great mood... stupid bimbo. *mental eye roll* I wonder who her friend is... would Kei be interested in her? Maybe I can get with the girls this weekend and get some details on his past girlfriends... I'm not stupid, you don't get that good at sex without having a few partners but I am curious...'

You hurry off to class making it there just in time to hear your teacher announce a pop quiz.

'Halle-fucking-lujah! Thank you Kei for helping me understand this bullshit math!'


"Y/N!!! Wait up!"

'Seriously... what now?!?'

You turn towards the voice then breathe a sign of relief upon seeing Hitoka.

"Oh thank god, it's just you." You sigh. "While you're here, do I have any marks on me or something?"

"No I don't see any.... waaait... did you???" Hitoka looks at you with a knowing smile even as she tries to hide it. "I guess that explains the shirt then."

You look at her confused, obviously she would know because she used to be their manager but why would anyone else. "What are you talking about?"

"Y/N really? You don't know?... Come here" Hitoka grabs your hand pulling you into the girls restroom then turning your back towards the mirror. "Look for yourself."

You glance back at the mirror and notice writing on the back. In large white lettering you see the name Tsukishima and the number eleven. Your jaw drops and you just stare. "I'm gonna kill him. Well not really kill him but what the hell... why didn't he tell me?"

Hitoka busts out laughing at your reaction. "I bet you've had all of Tsukki's little fan girls staring at you today."

"Oh shut up! This is not funny! I was almost late for the pop quiz in my math class that he helped me study for because of one of those airheads." You huff out exasperated.

"Oh ignore them, they're probably just jealous. Tsukki's always getting some girl or another trying to flirt with him asking him to date them. He just brushes them off." She says as she wraps her arms around your shoulders in a brief hug.

"Hey speaking of that topic... um do you think you and Kiyoko might want to get together this weekend. I'm kinda curious and I want to pick your brains. Ohhh and also I want to see how the whole date thing with her and Tanaka went." You give her arm that's still wrapped around you a squeeze meeting as you meet her eyes in the reflection.

"Sure I'm free, maybe if Tadashi swings by for a bit you can ask him too a little. I'll swear him to secrecy as his girlfriend so no worries." She hurries towards the door tugging you along "Come on let's go figure out how to mess with him later for not telling you about the shirt."

"Yes, exactly that... oh and I need to figure out what the hell to say next time someone stops me. Cause 'oh I'm wearing his shirt because I was too tired to go home after he railed me last night and then again this morning' is not something I'm going to blurt out to the little fan girls of his that probably hope they were me." You ramble on while rolling your eyes in annoyance.

Hitoka can't hold back her laughter. "You're probably right. Did you guys even study at all?"

"What??? Of course! Pretty sure I aced that pop quiz because of him too. I don't want to admit it but he really helped me a lot. It's probably a very real possibility I would have bombed this stupid class or barely scraped by at the very least, without his help."

"Yep that's our Tsukki, he's always been really smart. And he may act like an asshole a lot but he can be nice when he wants to be too."

You two spend sometime relaxing under a tree in the nearby courtyard about how to further deal with the unwanted attention and how to mess with Tsukki later before you have to head to your other classes.


The rest of your day goes fairly smooth aside from the occasional annoying girl that asks if your dating Tsukki. You've had to explain the shirt away  more than a few times today but giving the planned out lines you and Hitoka had discussed at least made it a little easier. The easiest explanation would be saying you spilt coffee on your shirt while he was helping you study so he loaned you a shirt. It probably made them like him even more with the 'awww that's so sweet of him' comments but oh well.

As your day winds down you start making your way towards athletic building but not before coming across the tall blond being stopped by one of the chicks that stopped you today. You quickly duck behind a corner to eavesdrop on the situation.

"Tsukishima can I talk to you for second?"

"I'm headed to practice right now can you make it quick?"

'Ooo Tsukki so cold...'

"Oh um right yes I'll be quick. Um... well I..."

"This is not what I would call quick."

"I'm sorry, okay well I wanted to tell you that I like you and well um..."

"I'm gonna stop you right there. I'm not interested in dating."

"Oh...." you can see the girl looking dejected as Tsukki starts to walk away before she stops him once more. "Is it because you're dating her?"

"Her?" Tsukki's voice sounds confused.

'Hmmm I wonder if she's referring to me... although if there is another her I would sure as hell like to know...'

"That girl, the one that was wearing your shirt today."

'Ahhh yep that'd be me then...'

"Why does it matter? I gave you my answer, I'm not interested in dating you. Sorry if that hurts but I need to go to practice."

"Right yes, you're right, it's none of my business, sorry for taking up your time." You see her scurry off as you peak around the corner at Tsukki once more just in time to see him pinch the bridge of his nose in what looks like irritation before sliding his glasses back on and heading for the boys locker room.

'Well guess that means no answers for me. Oh well, he deserves a little annoyance in his day with all the pestering I've had to deal with'


You make your way into the gym setting up in your usual spot before pulling out you're new flash cards to help you study for an upcoming exam on muscles. It's a big one and worth a large part of your final grade for this course.

"Hey y/n!" You hear Hinata call out to you from across the gym as he bounds over to you with that endless energy he seems to have.

"Hey Sho, you getting excited for your big tryouts?"

"I've gotten a lot better with my nerves but yeah it's pretty exciting!" He plops down next to you while he waits for the others to make their way out of the locker room.

"I've got some cool news myself actually!" You share.

"Ooohh do tell, does it have to do with you wearing Saltyshima's shirt?" Hinata laughs at your expression. "Seeing that shirt does bring back memories, that's for sure."

"You have no idea how many problems this shirt has caused me today." You say as you roll your eyes. "But back to my news, I get to come to the tryouts for the black jackals too!"

"Wait what???" Hinata looks at you confused. "You can't tryout, you're a girl."

"Oh my god Sho, really?" You shake your head rubbing your hands over your face trying not to laugh. "I'm coming to the tryouts because Kuroo told me I could and Bokuto offered to introduce me to the Physical Therapist the team uses. You know because that's what I want to do for a living???"

"Oh geez, duh! I feel stupid now." Hinata laughs at himself. "That's really awesome Y/N! I'm so happy for you. Do you want to go together then? I was going to head up there with Bokuto, we can all ride together if you want."

"Oh that would be great, thanks!"

"Sure, no problem" Hinata stands up to head over as the other begin stretching.


Practice goes smoothly and you were able to get a good amount of studying in. As you start packing up you see Tsukki heading out of the locker room having changed back into his regular clothes.

"Hey there Pipsqueak, so how'd that math class go?"

You look up at him pausing briefly before responding. "It went well, there was a pop quiz. Pretty sure I aced it.... but would you like to know what I didn't ace?"

You give him your best annoyed face you can muster. His fake innocent smirk making it easier to be annoyed. "Do you have any idea..."

You stop as you notice a couple of the guys making there way into the gym grabbing their stuff. So you grab Tsukki by the front of his shirt dragging him into the gym storage room closing the door behind you.

"Do you have any idea the drama that I've had to deal with all damn day."

Tsukki stands there with a smirk trying not to laugh.

'Damn, She's kinda cute when she's mad...'

You pace further into the storage room before turning around once again. "You couldn't have given me some kind of heads up that I'd have your little fan club stalking me all day? Or hell given me a shirt that wouldn't have drawn so much attention? I am so mad at you..."


Hey readers 😁 if you like my story please leave an up vote so more people will see it oh and feel free to comment and let me know what you think so far too! 🧡🖤🧡🖤  Thank you!

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