Dance For Me ※ Jikook Fanfict...

By MysticTalia

92.1K 5.1K 1.2K

"Let me touch you, Jimin. Please. Please let me." No. Hell no. Seven bloody hells, no, no and no. Absolutely... More

Prologue: Light up my world
The dream of perfection
Little Bird
Table Nr.40
Bananamilk and Unicorns
How to have Fun
A Taste of Happiness
After the party is over.
All that I need
The Rainbow and the Raven
Making it Obvious
All of You
The Boy in the Purple Shirt
Don't Go
Coffee And Confessions
The Things You Didn't Do
Conquering Mountains
Thank you
The Boy Who Never Knew
No More Fear
The Cabin
Being Brave
The Swan
Hello Monster
Half-Truths and Lies
Road to Hell
Repetition of the Past
I Promised
Beautiful Prison
Brother's Fates
Beat Him at His Own Game
Little Devil Inside
Black Swan
Missed Chances
Dance With Me
The Trial
Love, Family and Friends

When the Dust Settles

1.4K 91 34
By MysticTalia


Jungkook did not let him out of his sight for the next two days. He swarmed around him like a mother hen, applying ointments to his wrist every ten minutes, didn't let him carry anything heavier than a pillow and cooked him so much food, Jimin's stomach felt like bursting. 

Jimin complained and whined, even as he loved his fuzzing around him. 

The last two days had been overwhelming to say the least and so he gladly let Jungkook take care of him, happy about every calm moment he could find. 

First there was the trip to the hospital to make sure his injury and mental state were noted on paper- proof and evidence they would need for Seong-Min's trial. 

And his body was a masterpiece of bruises and scraped knees from his midnight tumbles in his drunken state, bumping into stuff or tripping over his own feet to the floor. Not to mentioned the angry, red wilts at his wrist. And voilà: evidence of physical abuse. 
A psychologist was called as well and Jimin put on the act of his life. Jungkook appearing midway only made it more believable. The boy came running into the hospital room and upon seeing him, let out a choking sound and then fell around his neck in earth-shattering relieve. Jimin wasn't sure that was an act. Jimin then continued playing the broken, captive boy until the doctor nodded and left, seeming convinced. 

The younger took him back to his place and Jimin slept. Slept soundly and deep for the first time in weeks, buried in Jungkook's embrace, safe and comforted.
But the serenity didn't last long. First thing in the morning, the police knocked on his front door, asking if Jimin was ready to give his testimony. And then it was acting again, while Jungkook held his trembling hand, making up lie after lie, creating the picture of a monster. And he felt not the least bit guilty. Seong-min was a monster, even without doing the things Jimin was making up. He deserved every last bit of what he had coming. 

After they left, Jimin went to see Misses Yang. 
And for the first time since meeting her, the woman cried as she fell around his neck and clung to him like she was never prepared to let him go again. 

Jungkook- perfect, sensible Jungkook- sensed they needed some time alone and left for half an hour, while he told Misses Yang everything. The truth. To her, he would never tell anything but the truth. 
And once he was done, the old lady simply got up and disappeared into the kitchen. Jimin sat at her diner table in confusion until she returned. But not empty handed.
Jimin's eyes widened on the sharp, long kitchen knife in her hand, the woman holding it up like a serial-killer and smiling like one too.  
"So... where are they holding that little fucker?" she asked in a casual voice, like she making conversation about the weather. 
"And do you think I'll make it back in time for my soap opera at eight? I really can't miss it." 

Jimin gaped for several seconds, blinking rashly, then broken out into hilarious laughter which had him fall from the chair.  
God's she was ridiculous! He told her so and finally the woman was smiling again, her wrinkled face transforming into a very special kind of beauty.

When Jungkook came back, he held bags of JJajangmyeon in his hands and the three of them ate lunch at her mini-table while joking and laughing- and making Jimin blush like a bright red tomato. Misses Yang loved to embarrass him, and his boyfriend made no move to stop her- hell, he even made it worse with some of the comments he let loose!

When they finished eating, Jimin stood to clean the table, but Jungkook only shot him a dark gaze and silent shook his head, then stood up himself, making Jimin sit again with pressure to his shoulders and started clearing the table. 
Jimin complained- then smiled as the boy disappeared into the kitchen. He was such a cute, worried, caring teddy bear!

"So," Misses Yang started and Jimin jumped in surprise, having totally forgotten about her for a moment. Misses Yang didn't seem the least bit annoyed about that, only smiled knowingly. 
"Can I finally say: I told you so?"
"Told me what?"
"That someone would come along and show you who you truly are? My little, beautiful swan!"
Her eyes sparkled with her inner light as her smile widened. "You know that swans mate for life? And your midnight prince sure looks like he has no intentions of ever leaving you."

His heart warmed at her words, at her implications and the future that meant for him and Jungkook. His smile was born of happiness and excitement for staying by his boyfriends side for a long, long time. 

"What are you smiling for?" Jungkook asked as he came out of the kitchen and leaned down to gently kiss him before taking a seat again. 

"Oh, nothing," Misses Yang said, then pursed her lips. "I was just telling Jimin here to get the rest of his stuff from the apartment."

Jimin's head snapped towards her. 
"I'm evicting you," she simply said with a shoulder shrug like it should be obvious. 
"You're throwing me out?" Jimin breathed in disbelieve, staring at her wide-eyed. 
"Well," the older woman explained "You haven't payed rent in a month, and I happen to know you are currently without a job. And I really, really don't want to be kept up at night by your ridiculous moans. You sound like a strangled dolphin on drugs!"

Jimin turned a deep shade of red. 
"I do not!"
"Yes, you do." 
"No, I don't!"
"Yep... you definitely are! Screeching dolphin sounds all night long!"
"That's so not true!"
"Yes it is." 

Jimin let out a groan, holding his ears shut as he muffled: "You're ridiculous!"

Jungkook was laughing next to him as he skipped his eyes between them. 
"You are both ridiculous."
"Tell her that," Jimin fired back and pointing a finger at the grinning, old woman.

"So," Misses Yang stated, her eyes sparkling. "I suppose you'll have to find somewhere else to live. Oh... if only there was a person in your life who would die to have you move in..."

Jimin sat a little straighter and his head snapped around to the younger- then narrowed. 
"Are you in on this?" 
Jungkook let out a choking sound and quickly shook his head, his long black hair bouncing around him. 
"No, Jesus, I would never! But..." and then a smile bloomed on his face, his dark eyes flickering with amusement. "She's not wrong. I would die to have you move in." 

Jimin sat back in the chair. 
For so long, he had seen his little attic, roof-top flat as prove he didn't need anyone- that he could take care of himself. But was it really so bad to accept help when offered? And it wasn't like he thought Jungkook was asking him because of pity or sympathy. He saw it in his expression now- the hope that Jimin would agree for no other reason other than that he wanted him to. 

And suddenly he could not think of a single reason why he should refuse. He loved Jungkook's apartment. He loved him. And he wanted this. Wanted to have the younger around all the time, so he clapped his hands and rose, stemming his hands into his hips. 
"Well, I guess I should start packing then." 

Jungkook's chin hit the floor, staring up at him. 
"A-are you serious?" 

Jimin smiled and shrugged his shoulders. 
"Why not? The attic room sucks,"
"Hey!" Misses Yang exclaimed with a shout, but Jimin ignored her.
"Your flat it closer to school AND you have a car. And this old lady here is right, I no longer have a job. But," He turned to Jungkook and reached out to tug a loose strand of hair behind his ear. 
"Those are just practical reasons."
He couldn't keep the emotions out of his next words- didn't want or need to. 
"I would love to move in with you Jungkook-ie. Because you make me the happiest person there is." 

Jungkook sat there for a moment longer, letting the words sink in. 
And then he hooted so loud Misses Yang held her ears shut, jumped up and wrapped Jimin in a crushing embrace, lifting him off his feet and swirling him in the air of the little apartment. 
"Best fucking day ever!" the younger yelled and kept spinning him, Jimin giggling in his arms, the happiness in his chest threatening to make his heart combust. 

Eventually, Jungkook let go- but not fully, using one arm behind his back to pull him in for a quick, yet deep, mind-swirling kiss before pulling away with a massive smile.
God... Jungkook's face when he was this happy would never cease to leave him breathless. 

"You're really moving in with me?" he asked breathlessly himself and Jimin nodded as he smiled up at him. 
"Yeah. I'm really moving in." 

Jungkook kissed him again, then stepped away and turned. 
Misses Yang's eyes widened as Jungkook reached for her and then pulled the old woman in a tight hug as well. 
"You are the best, have I told you that?"

Misses Yang regained her wits and then smiled broadly as she patted the all boy on his back. 
"Ah, and you only figured that out now? Well," she said as she gently pushed the young boy away. "You two go ahead and get everything ready. And Jimin," she added, glancing around Jungkook and putting on a fake angry expression. "If I'm not invited to the housewarming party, you're in for a scolding you will never walk away from!"

Jimin pretended to shiver in fear, overdoing it by biting his fingers in mocked panic. 
"Y-yes....sir, I mean lady!"

Misses Yang laughed and Jungkook's shoulders bounced as well, before Jimin grew a bit more serious and added: "I will, but don't think I will stopping knocking at your door every Wednesday to get on your nerves."

Misses Yang's smile slipped from her face for moment and what he saw beneath-
Love and pride and gratitude to have Jimin in her life. Just the way he felt. Misses Yang, no matter where he lived or with whom, would always have a place in his heart. 

She cleared her throat, then fell back into her happy, smiling self before literally shooing them out of her flat with a : "Get to work, you lazy pair! Gotta find a new subtenant soon! I need the money!" 

So yeah... moving in between all the chaos going on already had been exhausting. 
And now here he was. 
On Jungkook's sofa. 
No- his sofa now as well. 
It was both strange and utterly thrilling to think like that. Their flat. Their home. Their friends having come to celebrate the first night of Jimin moving in with Jungkook. 
The taller was already planning a massive house-warming party for next week where they would invite everyone: The golden group, his brother, Misses Yang, Min-Woo, Leo, Baekhyun and Chanyeol and even Taemin and Kai were on the list. 

But today, it was just them. 
Minus Tae. 
He was out with Leo and would join them later. 

There was music playing in the back-ground, all of them hunched around the glass table, Jimin in Jungkook's lab on the sofa, Jin next to them, while Namjoon sat on the floor with his legs crossed. Yoongi was sprawled sideways on the floor too, head pooped up on his hand while Hoseok was standing, moving to the beat and making weird faces that had them laughing. 
They all had drinks and the atmosphere was relaxed and light as they joked and talked about this and that. No talk of Seong-Min today, that was the rule. Tonight, they would only think happy thoughts and enjoy themselves. They deserved that after everything that happened. 

Jimin snuggled closer to Jungkook and simply let himself float on this moment of utter peace and happiness. 
Until a loud knocking cut through the relaxed atmosphere, the pounding frantic and loud. 
"Mhh, it's probably Tae. Didn't think he'd be here so soon," Hoseok thought aloud, then headed for the door. 

But Hoseok hadn't even opened the door a slit before the person behind ripped it open and stormed inside. 
It was indeed Taehyung. 
A very distraught and heavy breathing Taehyung. And he looked a mess, pushing past Hoseok with only on shoe on, his t-shirt inside out and his black hair a tousled mess. 

He didn't stop to greet anyone, didn't smile or met anyone's eyes as he headed right for the open, adjoining kitchen and they all watched with parted mouths, as the young boy fished out a bottle of vodka, set them to his lips and drank in deep gulps. 
Namjoon was the first to snap out of his stupor and hurried over, ripping the bottle away from Tae. 

"What the hell, Tae?" 

Taehyung just stood there for a moment, his gaze far away, then he let out a groan. 
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" he mumbled out over and over again, his hands burying in his dark hair and ripping at it. His expression was frantic and Jimin had the impression he was hyperventilating. 
All of them had gotten up and came to stand around the obviously distraught boy. 

"What happened Tae?" Jin asked, the worry for his friend obvious in his voice.

Tae didn't seem to hear him, only continuing his murmuring. 
Jimin couldn't watch this any longer, shooting forward to grip his shoulders and shook him. 
"Tae! Hey, tell us what's going on!" 

Tae finally stopped his muttering, his eyes focusing on Jimin in front of him, then widened in panic. 
"Oh my God, what did I do?" he let out before his hand landed on his mouth, muffling the sound of a yelp. 

"That's what were asking, Tae. What's going on?" Yoongi inquired, also seeming truly concerned for his friend. 
Tae slowly moved his hand away from his mouth and in a grave voice said. 
"I kissed her." 

Leonie. He had to be talking about her. Why else would he be this disturbed? 

"You did what?" Hoseok managed to squeak out, mirroring all their confusion. 

"I kissed her." Tae repeated with growing horror in his voice. "Or she kissed me. I don't know. We kissed each other and oh... oh shit, what did I do?" He put his hand back over his lips, like he could somehow take back the kiss. If only it were that easy...

"Okay, okay, calm down Tae and tell us what happened," Namjoon quickly soothed him, taking control of the situation as he usually did, then put a hand on his friends back and guided him to the sofa. Tae fell with a heavy thud, sitting there like his life was over. 

"Now, from the beginning," Namjoon started as they all settled around him. 
"What happened?"

 It took a moment before Tae was ready to talk, his lips trembling while he spoke. 

"We were watching a move. A horror movie. I really don't know why. Leo insisted even though she knows I hate them and she hates them too. I mean... she can watch the most gruesome scenes and not flinch, but show her one jump-scare scene and she is cowering like a three years old. She grabbed my hand and I let her cause I was scared myself and it's not like that's so weird between friends, right? And then- well, there was this really surprising jump scare and we kind of got so scared that we ended up hugging each other." 
They tried to followed him as he stumbled over the words, speaking faster and faster with every sentence. 
"And then she turned her head and she was so damn close and time just froze. Literally froze and I couldn't think and she wasn't looking away and it was dark and the way she looked at me was like super intense and-"
"Okay, breath Tae and slow down," Jin interrupted, probably as worried as Jimin that Tae was about to have hyperventilate if he continued like that. 

Tae took a deep breath like he only now realized he had forgotten to do so since talking. 
They saw him struggle to control himself, then went on in a slower pace, his voice lower and tinged with disbelieve and confusion. 

"It was crazy guys. Like.... there really was nothing I could do to stop it. My brain just- turned off."

Tae scratched his head like it hurt as Yoongi asked: " And she kissed you back?" 

"She... well, I'm pretty sure she leaned in first actually. But does it matter? I mean-- puh, yeah it matters but she's still dating my cousin! What if Beaky finds out?" 

If not for the situation, Jimin might have rolled his eyes at Tae's endless arrange of nicknames for others, but he was too sad for Tae. How terrible must he feel? Taehyung had the purest, most gentle soul he ever knew. That something like that happened proved that he really had no control over the situation.

"But... you only kissed, right?" Namjoon asked very cautiously. 
No one tried to show their reaction as Tae's expression fell even more. Oh.. so maybe there was more.
"It... I mean..." he stuttered, then let out a heavy sighed, his voice ashamed and heavy. 
"I swear I didn't mean to do it. It just happened. I never thought she would ever kiss me like that, so why would I even think about what I would do? I mean- yeah, you guys all know I liked her from the start but missed my timing. And I thought about kissing her- obviously. But I told myself it would never happen. And then she was kissing me and hugging me and- it got so outta control." 

There was long moment of silence and then Jungkook, ever so quietly asked: "How out of control?"

Tae closed his eyes, breathing heavily through his nose before opening them again, a mixture of devastation but also heat in them. A heat he knew too well- had seen so often in Jungkook's eyes. 

"Like making out. Like really, heavily making out with clothes disappearing, that kinda thing. God, I never thought it could be like that. It was like I had absolutely no control over myself. And she- she was moaning my name and she felt so amazing...And I told her... I told her I'd wanted to do this for so long... I- I t-told her I loved her..." he swallowed hard, like he had troubles forgetting it. 

His entire body shook with his next in and exhale. 
"I don't think I could have stopped if her phone hadn't gone of." 

There was a visible relaxations of everybody's shoulders. This was bad- like really fucking bad, but at least they hadn't slept with each other. 
"And you know what the worst part is?" Tae breathed out in a grave whisper. 
"It was Baekhyun who was calling." 

Oh... Oh Tae... 
He couldn't help himself from leaning forward and engulfing his friend in a hug, patting his back in comfort. 
"It's okay, TaeTae. You'll be Okay. We're here for you, all right? We'll figure this out." 

"How?" came his shuddery answer and he hated the tears he saw in his eyes as he pulled away. 
He'd never seen Tae so sad and helpless. 

He was about to open his mouth when- for the second time this evening, a loud banging sound ripped through the air.


When you think you know what's about to happen.... and then shit goes down and your like: 


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