๐ก๐ž๐ซ ๐ก๐ฎ๐ฆ๐š๐ง๐ข๐ญ๐ฒ ๐“†ฉ๐ค๏ฟฝ...

By ahdjshr

144K 3.9K 1.5K

โI would've given the moon if it meant to have you back, darling.โ ๐Š๐จ๐ฅ ๐ข๐ฌ ๐๐ข๐ฌ๐œ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ... More

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4.9K 145 66
By ahdjshr

ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғᴏʀᴛʏ-ᴇɪɢʜᴛ - ᴇɪɢʜᴛᴇᴇɴ
5 hours later

(Play song if you want)

"It's ready." Lucina stepped forward and they all looked up at the full moon then back at Annabelle. She was still tired and weak, she grunted as she stood up and looked at the sky to see the moon shining brightly over her.

"I love the moon." Annabelle whispered to herself, feeling her eyes sting with tears, she felt a small wave of powers. "I love you, Kol Mikaelson." She whispered, her hands glowing slightly.

Annabelle couldn't help but feel like she deserved it. She had hurt Jeremy's feelings and was insensitive towards him. She never apologized. This was karma, one of the people she thought would stick by her side betrayed her. At first, she didn't understand why Jeremy was hurt since they hadn't spent much time together but now, she wanted to cry and scream.


"I love you, Kol Mikaelson." Kol heard whisper and quickly looked around. "Hurry up the car!" Kol yelled, his eyes wide and Klaus sped quickly. "They're going to kill her!"

Kol continues to think about Annabelle, the thought of losing her again raced through his mind. If only he had forced her to stay home with him, she wouldn't be in this position. It felt like his heart was ripped from his chest when he heard that faint whisper that was quickly torn away, replaced by his mind screaming at him on how he's going to lose Annabelle when he finally got her.

He couldn't stand the thought of never seeing those eyes that made him forget his own name. Or the lips that made him forget everything and simply couldn't get enough of. He enjoyed how her body fit his like a puzzle, how she clung onto him when they were sleeping, how her legs would always be tangled on his, how only one dimple showed when she smiled, or how she would manage to get anyone to like her, simple just by staring into her entrancing, dazzling eyes.

Goodness me Kol thought to himself. He knew he was insane but Annabelle was driving him crazier. He wanted to scream, cry, destroy the world at the mere thought of losing her. He found it pathetic how his world would stop by one ordinary witch. Well, ordinary to the eyes but to him, she was extraordinary in every way possible.

Kol knew he was deeply in love. He ached to fall deeper for her. It's like falling from hell and being caught by your own personal angel. Annabelle is and was his angel, his darling, and his humanity.

He simply wanted to hold onto her for the rest of his life. Bloody hell he thought to himself, I'm wasting my time in the wrench of a car while I have my speed.

"Stop the car." Kol spoke. They drove in three different cars, Kol with Klaus, Katherine with Elijah, Rebekah, Caroline and Stacey together.

"Have you gone mad—"

"Nik, stop the car or I swear on you, I will bring hell loose and tear everything apart." Kol glowers, having no patience for him. "It is not a threat, it's a promise and brother, I intend on keeping my word."

Klaus glances at him before going to the stop making the two other cars follow in. Kol quickly gets out, too fast that the car seat is bent over making Klaus blink. "How completely unnecessary." He mutters as Kol speeds away and they follow behind.


Lucina stepped forward and the fire tamed down. All the Kusanas stepped in the circle and Jessie took Annabelles wrist. "Furantur virtute resurrectionis mortuorum." They chanted.

Annabelle immediately struggled against her as their chants grew larger, wind blew past them and streams of blood travelled down Annabelles cheeks, replaced by the need to cry, knowing that she hadn't sorted out everything with Stacey.

"No!" Annabelle screamed and her scream was so powerful, the glass around them began to break and the lights flickered. "Don't! Please!" She cried out.

Everything was spinning, she felt drained as they all ignored her. The one with the broken nose sent her a small evil grin as her changing grew larger. Annabelle let out an ear piercing scream but none of they backed away and stopped chanting.

"Ahh!" Annabelle screamed in pain, her mind feeling like it was exploding and every part of her was getting stabbed with a sharp pain, penetrating her skin. She felt every part of the pain, nothing felt numb.

"Please!" Annabelle begged but it was like speaking to the wall, no one was listening but they all continued chanting. She felt her hope drain and her body began feeling weak, so much so, she stopped fighting and struggling. "Please..." she whispered.

The pain was so overwhelming, Annabelle didn't have anything on her mind except the pain, it was all so powerful. She didn't understand why Kasanas were even a thing, they bought harm to nature's slaves and sacrificed them for their own needs.

Suddenly, they all stopped chanting and Jessie's head got unattached to her body, she looked to see Kol and Annabelle fell to his arms, hugging him eagerly and weakly making Kols heart break as he set her down on the ground watching as her eyes barely remained open.

Katherine, Stacey and Caroline kill the rest of the Kasanas.

"Kol." Annabelle choked and he looked at her, wiping the blood from her cheeks. "I-I love..."

"Shh." Kol cut her off, biting his wrist and bringing it to her lips, healing her which meant she still wouldn't die and he breathed in relief, placing her in a safe corner and she watched numbly with loving eyes but a weak look. "I want you to tell me that when your okay."

Angrily, Kol turned to Lucina and she made a dash for it, towards the woods. He growled and casually walked behind her as she let out small whimpers, running through the woods, hitting the tree branches with fear coursing through her veins.

Lucina was afraid after she saw what they were all capable of. She hid behind a tree and bought her hands to her lips in attempt. "You hurt MY darling girlfriend!" Kol yelled in anger.

He was sick of it. Kol was entirely sick of it which is why he planned on leaving town with Annabelle. He was sick of how her life was in constant danger and that every time they had a problem, it was in Annabelles hands to solve. If someone died, Annabelle would claim for it to be her fault.

Kol was sick of Mystic Falls.

"And I do admit, I do like a good chase!" Kol called out, his voice playful "Even Belle put me on quite a chase for her," he laughed then appeared in front of Lucina and she gasped in fear. "However, i am quite famished, so..." he sped over to her and sunk his fangs into her neck and she screamed in pain.

Rebekah dropped the last Kasana while Lucinas scream echoed through the woods. "Good lord that one has some lungs on her, she should've been an opera singer, might have ended better for her actually."

Stacey looked to the ground to see sisters unconscious body, the tears of blood still in her eyes with a pained expression but the blood was slightly smudged.

"Oh, Anna..." Stacey whispered. "Now she'll be okay, right? Because Kol healed her and she didn't die."

"That's was Kiera said." Caroline nodded.

"Your right, she could have been an opera singer." Katherine rolled her eyes, hearing the scream go on.

Klaus nodded. "A much vexing one at that." He grumbled in annoyance as another sharp scream echoed through the forest.

Elijah, who was also annoyed by Lucinas loud scream, he yelled out to Kol while pulling out a handkerchief "Kol, would you please?!" He yelled.

Kol pulled away and snapped Lucinas neck. "Thank you." He spoke in a more calm voice, standing up then wiped the blood from Katherines lips. She smiled as he pecked her lips.

Kol sped back to them and kneeled down to Annabelle while they all watch, he sighed and picked her up, he looked at the rest, his expression softening as he turned back to the love of his life's face, she seemed so relieved when he saved her.

"You should have seen her." Kol spoke quietly, swallowing the lump in his throat as he continued speaking. "She looked so afraid..."

Kol turned to Stacey then back at all of them. "When she wakes up, I am taking her far from all of you and this wrenched town."

"No you aren't." Stacey crossed her arms, stepping forward and Kols grip on Annabelle tightened. "All of this happened because of you! You took Annabelle away from my family and over to Mystic Falls. The worst thing for Annabelle is you!"

"Me?" Kol scoffed. "You think I intended on falling in love with your sister?" He asked and her expression dropped.

"I never meant for any of it. Listen, you have every right to be angry with me because I couldn't care less but leave Annabelle out of this! How could you be so selfish when it comes to her happiness? Annabelle loves me and I love her more, nothing and no one will stop me from making her happy." Kol walked towards the car but Stacey sped in front of him. "I will rip—"

"Make her happy." Stacey interrupted with a soft smile and stepped aside. Kol nodded then got in the car, placing Annabelle on the passenger seat then shutting the door and walking to the drivers seat.

Kol got in the car and drove away, eyes on the street with a nervous yet calm expression. Shes alive. All is well. But he couldn't help but feel as if it was his fault. He did have a bad feeling and not to mention what Stacey told him about how he did this to Annabelle by taking her from Denver.

"I'll let you say your farewells and we'll leave Mystic Falls, we will never come back...." He spoke softly to her sleeping/unconscious body. "If our siblings or Katherine and Caroline wish to see us, then they'll come over to us."

"Annabelle, I will marry you." Kol took her hand in his, giving her cold hands a tight squeeze.

The moment she told him she loved him back and kissed him, their future ran through his mind. He wanted it to be true. He wanted to be married to Annabelle and travel the world and kiss her until he couldn't breathe.

"I promise I will never harm you like I have in the past." He kissed her hand as he smiled softly to the road.

"I will make you happiest you've ever been.

You have my word."

Um. So yeah. That was...lovely.

Bad timing but I'm having writers block, is there something called phone block? Well, if there is, I'm definitely having it.

Sorry if the chapters bad, writers block<3

I'll update tmrw.

THANK YOU FOR 143k reads and 11k reads in this book. So, technically, (and yes, I'm flattering myself), I have 154k reads😌

Tbh, im very proud of myself , not for just getting a large amount of reads but also for uploading a book Thats has my own script, my own plot twists and so on..

Anyways, I watched a couple of episodes from Ginny and Georgia. I don't like Ginny, I don't like Marcus (what's the hype about him?), I don't hate hunter but I don't love him, I've fallen deeply in love with Georgia, Norah is just a lil annoying, Maxine is hot but dramatic, Abby is giving me mixed vibes, but I don't like her. Austin is a um.. psycho.

The only people I do like is Georgia and Nick.

I think this is the first image I used as a cover 'his darling', now called 'his humanity'.

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