✿ FIGHT OF A GUARD ✿ (𝖈𝖔𝖒�...

By aairanoornoor

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𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 intense and emotional 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡... More

Meet the cute pair
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter fourty
Chapter forty one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty-three
Chapter forty-four (Final)

Chapter twenty

516 37 50
By aairanoornoor

Shen Wei was standing in front of the mirror getting ready for the wedding looking dashing and beautiful.. His beauty was already at its peak but now he was just crossing the levels of beauteous charm..

Yunlan comes inside carelessly and his feet stuck in the door.. Yunlan finds himself lost in Shen Wei's mesmerizing beauty, Wei smiles at him from the mirror, and Yunlan steps closer without taking his eye off of him

Yunlan stares at him from head to toe and smiles wide "Wow... Stunning Wei! You look so beautiful today I mean you always look beautiful but today....... you are just looking magnificent.. My heart is beating so fast what if anyone casts an evil eye over you or inflicts any harm?"

Shen Wei chuckles "No one will be able to cast an evil eye when you are with me! Huh?.. You will take care of me, right?" Wei leans forward and Yunlan smiles with a big nod..

Suddenly Shen Wei gets worried about something and Yunlan notices it "What happened?"

"I am just worried for you and your safety" Wei was thinking and Yunlan chuckles "Mr. Lovely! Just enjoy today.. look, you look so gorgeous that my eyes are denying to see anything else.. You are looking like a prince" Both starts laughing and Wei leans forward

"Mr. Yunlan! Stop praising me and look at yourself, you are not looking less than anyone.. Extremely handsome and cute"

"I am always handsome.. it's you who noticed me so late" Yunlan jokes and Wei chuckles..

"You are really looking so alluring.. Yunlan is right" Aunty comes inside and praise Shen Wei then acts so loving and caring towards Wei making him curious and doubtful as well

"I will try to lessen our differences for Yunlan's happiness because now you are his happiness and I can do anything to see my son happy," Aunty said and caresses Wei's face looking at Yunlan..

She exits and smirks while walking towards her room "Today, I am going to make a perfect protector a beast.. Yunlan will be attacked in your guard and you........" She laughs inwardly and enters her room

On the other side, Hong was talking with her brother on phone and both are conspiring how to attack Yunlan and to end his life.. They talked for some time and laughs thinking something evil in their minds.. Zhujiu outside and Hong will attack inside the house with an explosive plan..

While walking outside along with Yunlan for their wedding, Shen Wei suddenly stumbles and was about to fall "Shen Wei!!" Two worried sounds were heard, his one hand was held by Yunlan and his other hand was in Lin's grip now

"How can I let you fall?" Shen Wei looked up and smiles at Lin who was smiling back.. "Today my best friends are tieing the knot and I am so happy" Lin looks at both of them and then first hug Yunlan then Shen Wei and walks along with them..

Near the stage, Yunlan climbs the stage first and extends his hand towards Shen Wei.. Wei stares at his hand then at his face with a smile and places his hand over Yunlan's... the other pulled him up on the stage gently and both smile at each other..

All the royal and elite people present there praise them and smile at the would-be couple.. The sky was all shining because of the fireworks and lightning on the house makes everything like a dream wedding..

"Mr. Lovely, please take care of yourself" Yunlan whispers and Wei smiles "Yunlan, today, we have the last opportunity to catch the culprit ..so, relax!!"

"Wei? what if the enemy didn't attack then?" Yunlan asks being worried and Wei lightly chuckles "Then? In such case just marry me!" Wei jokes and Yunlan narrowed his eyes "What! Are you crazy?.. I don't want to marry a boring and serious type of person like you"

Wei smiles at his words and Yunlan thinks something "You are not planning to wed me in real while playing a fake game? (Wei chuckles) And you know if my girlfriends come to know about this then they won't ever believe it"

"Relax!... Nothing like that will happen.. I am 100 percent sure that enemy will attack us" Wei blinked his eyes and Yunlan nods..

Lin calls Shen Wei aside for updating him with the security check.. on the stage, someone comes near Yunlan and tries to light the candle as soon as the little fire blows up behind him...Yunlan's clothes catch fire and Yunlan gets aghast with the sudden impact

"Someone help me!.." Yunlan shouts but this time Shen Wei was not beside him "Someone help Yunlan!!" Aunty shouts as before she was smirking at him

"Help!!" Yunlan shouts as he was struggling and looking at himself with horror and tried to blow off the fire..
All the guests were astonished looking at the scene.. as no one tried to come near him and his body start burning.. Aunty smirks evilly and then changes her expressions like a worried mother and runs to save him..

Shen Wei opens his eyes wide in shock and runs like lightning speed towards Yunlan.. Shen Wei comes running and hugs Yunlan's burning body!.. He hugs him tightly and pushed him against the wall to blow off the fire..

He successfully makes Yunlan safe but aunty pulled Yunlan away from Shen Wei's hold and he falls on the floor in his aunty's arms all scared and crying.. Meantime, the rescue comes and the doctor as well..

Everything was a mess till then.. Shen Wei was appalled seeing Yunlan like this.. He didn't know what to do and what exactly happened!.. He rushed towards him but aunty didn't allow him to come near and takes Yunlan down with uncle's help but Shen Wei was in an unbelievable state

Later the doctor has dressed up his wounds and Yunlan was feeling nothing, his mind becomes blank.. Wei again tried to walk near to Yunlan but no one let him go near to the other..

All the family was standing shocked and depressed "I hope it's nothing to worry about" Uncle asks the doctor and the latter stands "No sir, he is fine and be thank ful to the God he gets saved from further injuries"

"Yunlan.. I don't understand how did this happen?" Wei speaks standing in front of Yunlan and the other looked up at his face "I was supposed to be attacked. Then.. Then how did it turn on to you?" Wei said with an upset voice and heart

"Don't stress, Wei.. Lin is investigating the matter! We will get to know everything soon" Yunlan said and Wei nods.. "It may be an accident," Da said and before anyone could react to his statement Lin's voice came from behind "No Da.."

"This was not an accident but it was a planned conspiracy" Lin walks closer to the family and stares at everyone "Somebody had sprayed some special chemicals on his clothes in place of perfume.. owing to which his clothes caught fire quickly" Lin was speaking while trying to press his anger down..

Wei rubs his forehead while thinking something.. "Now you will say that one of us sprayed that chemical on Yunlan's clothes" Uncle said sarcastically and Yunlan gets attentive as well as Shen Wei

"This happens every day, you will be attacked daily but the culprits will never get nabbed!.. And we always end up becoming the suspects and this ordeal begins again!" Uncle added and lowers his head

"But mom! You had arranged the clothes for Yunlan, right?" Hong said and her mom notices that everyone was looking at her with suspicious gazes.. even Shen Wei was getting angry at her

"Yes, but Mr. Shen Wei examined everything" She defends himself "Yes, I had checked everything, myself" Wei accepted, and Yunlan gets tired as nothing was becoming normal but it becomes more and more confusing

"Lin, you checked and suspect everyone.. You even didn't leave any corner of the house but did anyone ever check Mr. Shen Wei?" Uncle again speaks sarcastically and Yunlan narrowed his eyes.. "What are you saying, dad? Why would we check him?.. He is the security in-charge himself" Lin denies strongly but uncle slowly walks closer to Shen Wei

"Everything is clear to me..... You checked the perfume bottle as well as his clothes"

Wei crosses his arms on his chest confidently listening to his words, Yunlan starts thinking something "What happened, Mr. Wei? Why are you standing mum?" Uncle smirks arching his brows "Usually, you don't stop talking but as soon as you become suspect, you have shut your mouth..... Because you yourself wanted to kill Yunlan"

Uncle just said it but everyone else gets shocked including Yunlan and Lin.. Yunlan was just listening without uttering anything

"You planned the attacks on Yunlan so many time.. (Wei shook his head slightly being shocked) You turned him against his own family.. Isn't that right, Mr. Wei?" Uncle grit his teeth glaring at his disturbed face

"ENOUGH, UNCLE!! Stop speaking rubbish!" Yunlan shout suddenly and rushed towards his uncle covering Shen Wei.. He stands face to face with his uncle "Instead of saying such senseless things, you better don't speak at all!.... HOW CAN YOU EVEN THINK LIKE THAT ABOUT SHEN WEI?" Yunlan again shouts his lungs out and uncle gets mad

"He always saved my life without caring about his! How can you even doubt him?" Yunlan again said and Wei smiles slightly at his back

"Yunlan, there is no smoke without fire.. Just think about it" Aunty comes forward as well "If the attacks were in order to acquire wealth then Wei should have attacked today.. because all the assets belong to him now, you don't own anything"

Yunlan and Shen Wei were listening but Yunlan starts thinking something as he was slowly coming in his aunty's words.. Shen Wei shook his head standing behind Yunlan.. "Why were you attacked?" Aunty shouts being so concerned

"Don't accuse Shen Wei.. You don't know, aunty! It was our plan but the enemy turned out to be smarter" Yunlan speak the truth in front of all the family making Wei closes his eyes in a shocked state..

Yunlan walks back near Wei and stands beside him "The papers of property transfer were all fake" Yunlan intertwined his fingers with Shen Wei who was in a severe surprised state looking at his face but Yunlan was looking straight at his aunty and uncle

"Fake?" All the family members were so shocked and dumbfounded.. "The truth is even today Wei owns nothing!" Yunlan spoke with lighter voice sadly but at the moment Sang enters and looked at Yunlan

"The application, you signed before the engagement is rejected by the bank"

Shen Wei narrowed his eyes and Yunlan becomes astounded "What? But why?"

"According to them, the person named Zhao Yunlan doesn't own anything anymore.. Everything has been transferred to Mr. Shen Wei"

Yunlan looked at Wei who looks down showing variations of expressions on his face disturbed, surprised, shocked at the same time with no words... Yunlan notices his change of expressions and turned towards the others

"I am sure there will be some misunderstanding, go and check papers of property transfer"

Sang goes and comes back with the papers, he reads the papers then looked at Yunlan and Shen Wei with a serious face "These papers are not fake"..

Lin comes forward as well and takes papers from his hands. He checked the papers and stare at Shen Wei "There is clearly stated in these papers that everything has belonged to Shen Wei and you transfer everything in his name"

Shen Wei gets puzzled and Yunlan becomes startled.. He looked at Shen Wei with unbelievable eyes and Shen Wei shook his head like he was telling Yunlan that don't believe anything like that and Yunlan nods in return trying to soothe him

"What is happening here?" Aunty shouts walking closer to Yunlan and the other told everything to them that its all Shen Wei's planning to catch the culprits.. "I am not as smart as you, Yunlan dear but if the wedding was fake and the documents were original and you were been attacked and not Mr. Wei....... Does that mean this was all Shen Wei's plan?" Aunty acts so worriedly and Uncle smirks

"You are right, it was all his conspiracy (Pointing at Wei).. Your every step was well planned.. He kept making a fuss about enemies and attackers.. He pretended well"

Shen Wei was just listening holding the property papers as well as Yunlan.. Wei was looking straight into uncle's eyes.. "You make us all suspect so that no one could suspect that the attacker and the enemy could be YOU!" Uncle again points his finger at astonished Shen Wei..

"Wow Mr. Wei! It was splendid.. What a brilliant plan!.. Hats off to you as well as your cunning mind.. (Looking at Yunlan) He swapped the fake papers with the real ones so cleverly and inherited all the property and...... he attacked you as well (Yunlan was just listening) He thought that once you die he can stall the investigation very easily and then....... enjoy this luxurious life.. Am I right?"

Uncle walks around Shen Wei giving him deadly glares and Wei just annoyingly narrowed his eyes but stand silent.. But uncle didn't stop here and keep accusing Shen Wei saying he broke his engagement with Chu and send Yunlan abroad overnight just because of the money and uncle relate every attack on Yunlan with Shen Wei trying to make him the culprit

"He doesn't want you to come back and kept you in another country but you unexpectedly return and his plan failed then after your arrival he planned an attack after attack and rescue you himself.. (Looking at Yunlan).. He rescued you always, do you know why?"

Shen Wei and Yunlan both looked at his face and uncle again raise his finger at Shen Wei "Because he wanted to win your trust.. He wanted to become a savior in your eyes.. (Looking at all the family) He becomes savior and portrayed us all Yunlan's tormentors.. (Looking back at Yunlan) He planned everything so, that you start loving him and start hating us!"

"Wow Mr. Shen Wei Wow!.... SPLENDID!!!" Uncle added while shouting.. Wei had enough now

"You can call it whatever you want. I don't owe explanations to anyone.. (Uncle turns red in anger) Mr. Yunlan knows what I did and why I did it.... He trusts me completely" Shen Wei was unexpectedly so calm in his tone and words thinking Yunlan is with him and he won't ever doubt him.. But Yunlan recalls every attack over him and the presence of Shen Wei there as well..

He recalls Chu's words that the one who didn't value his many years' old love then how could he expect that Wei will be loyal to him?...

"This isn't the first time that I have been accused for such things (looking at Yunlan).. We are trapped in our own web this time, Yunlan! Enemy becomes smarter than us" Wei said calmly and failed to notice Yunlan's changed expressions

"Don't worry, Yunlan! We will soon reach the root of this matter" Shen Wei smiles lightly thinking Yunlan will never going to doubt his loyalty and love.. Wei gently holds Yunlan's hand in his own soft hand and smiles with satisfaction

"Let's go, Yunlan!" He tries to pull him for walking with him but Yunlan didn't move from his place.. Shen Wei stops and looked back at their hands then he looked at Yunlan's face.. Both start staring into each other's eyes.. Wei signed him with his eyes what happened and Yunlan pulled him back with a small jolt still holding his hand

Shen Wei knitted his eye brows in confusion while looking at angry Yunlan who doesn't look like the one Shen Wei knows....


The coming few chapters will be sad and heartbreaking, if anyone doesn't want to read then it's fine.. I am just informing everyone (wink)

Thank you for your always sweet comments,votes and reads as well!

Enjoy and stay safe always!

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