Maze Runner mates

By Thunderthighz2005

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Alexandra Lewis shows up in the maze with no memory except from the memory of mates. She wakes up confused, s... More

Chapter 1 - Where am I?
Chapter 2 - A girl?
Chapter 3 - Explanations and introductions
Chapter 4 - Drunk mate
Chapter 5 - Memories
Chapter 6 - Back in time
Chapter 7 - Out
Chapter 8 - Trouble
Chapter 9 - Teresa
Chapter 10 - The pit
Chapter 11 - The package
Chapter 12 - Open walls
Chapter 13 - Leaving
Chapter 14 - Escape the maze
Chapter 16 - I found you
Chapter 17 - Suspicious
Chapter 18 - Cranks
Chapter 19 - Just like Thunder
Chapter 20 - Marcus
Chapter 21 - Berta and the Right Arm
Chapter 22 - WCKD
Chapter 23 - Diversion
Chapter 24 - Sneak out
Chapter 25 - The city
Chapter 26 - You're Alive
Chapter 27 - Go
Chapter 28 - Memory gone
Chapter 29 - Tags
Chapter 30 - Serum
Chapter 31 - Hello boys
Chapter 32 - Goodbye my boys
Chapter 33 - The letter
Chapter 34 - The letters pt.2
Chapter 35 - Aunt Cassy
Chapter 36 - Pregnant
Chapter 37 - Signal
Chapter 38 - Connection
Chapter 39 - Clothes & Equipment
Chapter 40 - Be prepared
Chapter 41 - Helicopter and Revelations
Chapter 42 - Reunited

Chapter 15 - Home from home

2.4K 49 12
By Thunderthighz2005

Thomas's dream

There was loads of people and there were all wearing masks and my mum was carrying me. I held onto her tightly and didn't let go. She was pushing through people and the got to the end. She put her arms around me and set me on the ground and looked at me.

"Remember I love you" My mum said 

"I love you" She said

A man grabbed me and I cried for my mum.

"Mum" I cried 

"Mum" I cried

Then I remember being sat on the train. I watched as the lights passed us by and how the train moved fast. I saw other children on the train and we were all sat quietly. I looked at the man with the gun and he just stared ta me. Then I saw Ava in front of me. The same woman with white hair but it was down.

"Thomas It's okay" She said

I wake up in the box and I am going up again into the maze.

"No, no, no" I shouted banging on the box.

"Thomas" I heard someone shouting my name

"Thomas" I heard it again

Then I woke up.

Dream over

Thomas's pov

"Thomas we got to go. We go to go" Minho said waking me 

I sat up and realized it was now night time and we were still in the helicopter. I jumped out and started running with the others. Then I realized I forgot what Chuck gave me and ran back for it. I grabbed it and one of the men grabbed me.

"What are you doing? We don't have time" He said and pulled and pushed me to run

"Run" A man said

"Let's go" They said

"Move it" they said

I heard groaning and screeching and saw these things running after us and the men started shooting them and when we started running into the building. I looked and saw lights everywhere and big high buildings. They finally pushed me into the building and the door locked and I saw it lock. I saw Alex and she was safe sleeping in Minho's arms. We were all safe and sound locked in the building. But we looked around we saw people in suits running around with guns. We also saw trucks and vehicles and cargo boxes and all sorts of stuff.

"What is this place?" I said to myself.

We were taken into a room and they pushed us all in here and locked us in here. We saw food on the table. Minho woke up Alex and told her what happened while she was sleeping. Everyone started tucking in and eating. Alex didn't want to eat anything.

"Alex you need to eat baby" He said

"For me" He said and pouted making her giggle

She smiled slightly and nodded. She only ate a little bit and wouldn't eat anymore. But we were happy that she ate something at least. We sat down on the floor after we ate.

"Where are we?" Teresa said

"I have no clue" Frypan said

"There's so many people" Charlie said

"They gave us food" Winston said

"They also gave us shelter" Newt said

"They gave us something to drink and got us out the maze" Billy said

"We are finally out" Teresa said

"I don't know, I have a bad feeling" I said

"Like what?" Alex said


Then the door opened and a man with grey hair stood lean and tall by the metal caged door. We all stood up. He looked at us all.

"You kids doing alright?" He said with a slight accent.

"Sorry about all the fuss, we had ourselves a bit of a swarm." He said

"Who are you?" I said

"I am the reason you're all still alive. Its my intention to keep you that way. No come with me, we will get you guys squared away" He said and smiled and walked off

We all just stared at each other. We all followed him and went through  tunnel and then under ground I am guessing. There were people doing work here and you could hear the machine working. 

"You can call Mr. Janson. I run this place. For us it is a sanctuary, safe from the horrors of the outside world. You should all think of it as a way station. Kind of a home between homes. Watch yourselves" He said as we continued walking

"You taking us home?" I said

He turned around and looked at all of us mainly Alex and I.

"A home of sorts. Sadly there wouldn't be much left of where you came from. But we do have a place for you. A refuge outside the scorch. Where WCKD will never find you again. How does that sound?" He said

We all looked at each other suspiciously.

"Why you helping us?" Minho said

"Let's just say the world out there is in a rather precarious situation. And we're all hanging on by a very thin thread. The fact that you guys can survive the flare virus, makes you the best chance of humanities continued survival. Unfortunately it also makes you a target. As no doubt by now, you've noticed. Beyond this door is the beginning of your new lives." He said and swiped a card through a machine.

 It opened up a tunnel. Then he turned and looked at us all.

"First things first let's do something about that smell" He said

He led us down the corridor and too the showers and we walked down all the halls and finally go to the showers. I took my clothes off and left them outside. I washed myself and then I put my hand on the wall and washed my face and just stood under the water and let everything else just be soaked in warm water. When we all finished, they handed us clothes and we went to separate rooms and got dressed. Except for Alex she got dresses with Frypan in one of the rooms. Once we were all dressed they took us to this labatory based hospital.

Newt saw the man come to him with a big syringe. I didn't hear what the man said to Newt.

All I heard was "Try to relax"

I saw Minho running on the treadmill. The doctor next to me was taking my blood.

"Sure you got enough there?" I said

He just looked at me. Then he saw the doctor and smiled.

"Good evening Dr. Crawford." He said

"Evening how are the new arrivals holding up?" She said

"So far so good" He said

Minho, Frypan, Newt and I watched as she approached the girls. 

"And you must be Teresa and Alex" She said and smiled at them.

She shut the curtains.

"We need to keep an eye on the girls" I said to Newt

"I don't care much for Teresa just Alex" Newt said

"Agreed" Frypan said

"You keep your eye on Teresa, we'll keep our eyes on Alex" Minho said

"What? Why?" I growled

" I'll keep my eye on Alex too, she's also my mate" I growled

"Mmh okay" Minho said

"After all you have a crush on Teresa, even though you have a mate. A shared one with us three plus her unfound mate which makes four of us and she is even prettier but mmh okay" Frypan said

"I do not" I growled

"I only love Alex" I growled again

"We're just joking we know you do" Minho said and continued running.

"Kind off" Newt said

I growled at him in response.

Then a man came up to me and stood in front of me.

"Are you Thomas?" He said

"Yes" I said

"Come with me please" He said

Alexandra's pov

We were just sat in the helicopter and I couldn't stop playing with my ring and necklace thinking of Gally.

"It's okay baby fall asleep, we'll wake you when we are there" Newt whispered in my ear

I fell asleep to Newt stroking my head. 

Alexandra's dream

I was sleeping. I felt someone shaking me. I woke up and turned around and saw Gally. 

"Yes Gally? What's wrong you okay baby?" I said

"Sorry I woke you up so early. I want to show you something" He said

"Okay show me" I said and quietly got up from Frypan's arms.

I yawed and he carried me in the kitchen.

"You wanted to show me the kitchen?" I said 

"No silly" I wanted to show you this

He pulled out a bowl of oranges, strawberries and apples.

"It's not much considering we are in a maze and have to grow food but-

"Shh it looks delicious. Is it for us?" I said

"Yes silly come one" He said

We quietly exited the kitchen. He pulled me to the tree house and we climbed and got up there. We both sat down and I helped him up with the bowl of fruits. I sat between his legs and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Look at the sun rise" He said

"It's beautiful" I said staring at all the beautiful colors.

"Not as beautiful as you" He said

I smiled and blushed and leaned in and kissed me. He kissed me sweetly and slowly. We pulled back smiling.

"I have to show you the sun set one day" He said

"I would love that" I said

He fed me a strawberry and I bit his finger.

"I didn't know you were into biting" He said and winked

"You don't know the half of it" I said and winked back.

"I'd love to find out. How about now?" He said

"No horndog, people will wake up soon" I said

"We can have an audience, I don't mind" He said and wiggled his eyebrows

"I don't mind but would you, Newt, Minho, Frypan, and Thomas want other people seeing my body?" I said teasing

"On second thought no, you belong to us" He growled pulling me closer

"Good and you five belong to me" He said

"I like the sound of that" He said and snuggled me closer to him.

"I love you Alexandra Lewis" Gally said and kissed my forehead.

"I love you Gally" I said kissing his cheek

"Promise never to leave us? Promise never to leave me?" Gally said

"I promise" I said smiling

"Pinky promise?" He said and pouted and gave me puppy face and showered me in kisses.

"Promise me?" He said showering me more

"Never" I said giggling

"Never?" He gasped

He tickled me.

"Gally stop" I giggled

"Promise me?" He said

"Never" I said 

"Promise me?" He said 

"Fine I pinky promise" I said breathing heavily smiling

"To?" He said

"I pinky promise to never leave any of you" I said

"Good because we would never let you go, especially me" He said

"I know" I said smiling

"Now feed me" I said

"I could definitely fill you up" He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"With food idiot" I said laughing

"You would like that wouldn't you?" He whispered seductivley

"You're not any different" I whispered back seductivley

"Just feed me with food" I said

"Alright baby" He said smiling

"I love you" He said

"Love you too" I said smiling in his arms whilst he cuddled and fed me

Dream over

Alexandra's pov

I woke up to someone shaking me. I saw Minho, Newt, Frypan and Thomas. I looked around for Gally, but reality really hit me when I didn't see him. Gally is really gone and he's never coming back. I looked around to also see Winston, Charlie, Rob, Billy, Teresa and a few other gladers. I also looked around and saw we in a metal looking room with a few beds and a table full of food. It looked good but it felt wrong because there's people who should be with us Gally, Alby, Jeff, Chuck, Zart and others. I snuggled into Minho.

"Alex?" Minho whispered to me

"Mmm?" I said quietly.

"You doing ok?" He said

"Yeah I just miss Gally. I can't believe he's gone that's all. I am just sad and I miss him a lot" I said

"I'm sorry do you hate me?" Minho said

"Minho baby, I could never hate you any of my mates you know that. I am not mad at you, I understand why you did it, but I just wish there was a better outcome and that Gally didn't have to die for it. It just feels wrong for me to be here without him. He should be with us here so should Alby, Jeff, Chuck and so many more people. I just miss him a lot and I miss Alby and Jeff and Chuck. But I miss Gally the most" I said

"I know, I love you and we are all out and safe now" He said

"I love you too" I said snuggling into him

"Where are we?" I said

"After I carried you off the helicopter we were all rushed into a building and we are inside it and now we are safe and we are in this room. We really escaped the maze baby" He said

I nodded and smiled. I saw food on the table and everyone was eating and I just wasn't hungry. Minho started eating and I turned away into his chest away from the food.

"Alex you need to eat baby" Minho said

I looked at him and shook my head

"For me" He said and pouted making me giggle slightly

"See I missed that giggle, please eat something for me?" He said still pouting

I smiled slightly and nodded. I only ate a little bit and wouldn't eat anymore. But Minho, Frypan, Newt and Thomas smiled that I ate at least something. After we all had finished we sat on the floor. I still sat in Minho's lap.

"Where are we?" Teresa said

"I have no clue" Frypan said

"There's so many people" Charlie said

"They gave us food" Winston said

"They also gave us shelter" Newt said

"They gave us something to drink and got us out the maze" Billy said

"We are finally out" Teresa said

"I don't know, I have a bad feeling" Thomas said

"Like what?" I said


Then the door opened cutting Thomas off and a man with grey hair stood lean and tall by the metal caged door. We all stood up. He looked at us all.

"You kids doing alright?" He said with a slight accent.

"Sorry about all the fuss, we had ourselves a bit of a swarm." He said

"Who are you?" Thomas said

I stayed close to Minho and Frypan came closer to me and held my hand and I smiled at him.

"I am the reason you're all still alive. Its my intention to keep you that way. No come with me, we will get you guys squared away" He said and smiled and walked off

We all just stared at each other. We all followed him and went through tunnel and then under ground I am guessing. There were people doing work here and you could hear the machine working.

"You can call Mr. Janson. I run this place. For us it is a sanctuary, safe from the horrors of the outside world. You should all think of it as a way station. Kind of a home between homes. Watch yourselves" He said as we continued walking

"You taking us home?" Thomas said

He turned around and looked at all of us mainly Thomas and I.

"A home of sorts. Sadly there wouldn't be much left of where you came from. But we do have a place for you. A refuge outside the scorch. Where WCKD will never find you again. How does that sound?" He said

We all looked at each other suspiciously.

"Why you helping us?" Minho said

"Let's just say the world out there is in a rather precarious situation. And we're all hanging on by a very thin thread. The fact that you guys can survive the flare virus, makes you the best chance of humanities continued survival. Unfortunately it also makes you a target. As no doubt by now, you've noticed. Beyond this door is the beginning of your new lives." He said and swiped a card through a machine.

It opened up a tunnel. Then he turned and looked at us all.

"First things first let's do something about that smell" He said

He led us down the corridor and too the showers and we walked down all the halls and finally go to the showers. I followed Fry.

"Fry can I shower with you?" I said

"Of course baby" He said

I followed him into the shower. 

I took my clothes off and left them outside, Fry did the same. I stood under the shower and started crying. Fry already knew why and just hugged me to him and kissed my forehead.

We stood under there while he held me close. He stroked my hair under the water and we hugged each other.

"Fry I miss him" I whispered sadly through my tears

"I know baby. I know. I know you do." He said hugging me

"He would be happy that you made it out safe. I know that Gally would want you to be safe and happy no matter what and he is always with you in heart and spirit watching over you. He wouldn't want you to be sad. He would want you to be happy even if he's not here with you" Fry said and kissed my forehead.

"Thank you Fry, I love you" I said

"You never have to thank me baby, its my job as your mate to always be there for you through thick and thin and have your back no matter what because I love you and I care. I love you too" He said

He washed me and himself and then we washed off the soap and we just stood under the shower hugging and enjoying the water. When we finished we were handed towels. We took them and then all went into separate rooms. I got dressed with Fry. We closed the curtain behind us. I got dressed and waited for Fry as he got dressed. Then we walked out and handed our towels to the lady.

 Once we were all dressed they took us to this labatory based hospital. We walked through a corridor ad arrived in the big room. Everyone was sat on separate isles but next to each other. I was taken with Teresa and sat on an isle and waited with her.

"It's okay that Gally is gone" Teresa said and patted my shoulder.

"It's not okay that he's gone so be quiet Teresa" I said

"I'm sorry for being a bitch. I just miss him and he should be here with him and I just miss him a lot" I said teary eyed

"I know how you feel" She said

"No. No you don't. You have no idea how painful it is to lose a soulmate. You have no idea how painful it was and still is for me that I have lost Gally. I don't want to believe that I have lost Gally. I haven't come to terms with his death. I feel like I have lost a part of myself that I can never get back. There's a piece of me that just feels heavy and empty and I miss him so much and I just wish he was here with my other mates and I. Losing a mate is the worst feeling in the world. So you have no idea how I feel" I said

"Why do you hate me?" She said

"I don't hate you. I strongly dislike you though because I see you flirting with my mates all the time and the looks you give them, especially Thomas. Just because Thomas, you and I worked in the labs together and sometimes you two had to work together doesn't mean you two have some special connection. You guys can be friends, hell you can even be best friends but he will never be yours or love you because he is mine and I am his. He is my mate just like Minho, Fry and Newt and Gally and the one I haven't met yet. Gally doesn't love you hell he didn't even like you. He loves me. Newt, Frypan, Minho and Thomas also don't love you. 

Thomas likes you as a friend. Minho, Newt and Fry are just putting up with you because you are with us, they care about you enough to help if you are in danger as you are with us. All I ask you is don't flirt with them and we can be friends but you continue to do so and it makes me dislike you more.

 Other than that they don't care for you other than maybe a friend because they love one person me. They care for each other and Thomas and the rest of us like family and we will all look after each other. So stop flirting with them because they are my mates not yours. And if you dare take Winston, Charlie, Rob and Billy away from me, I swear to God, I'll give you a reason to hate me. You can be friends with them as well but you will never be their best friend. I don't like being a bitch but when it comes to people I love and care about then I will do whatever it takes to make sure they come first especially my mates. 

All I ask is don't flirt with my mates and don't take them or my best friends away and then we can be civil. That's all I ask and I think that's fair. I just don't want to lose my friends or mates as they mean everything to me. I would do anything for my friends and vice versa same with my mates, we are all like family and only have each other. We don't want to lose anyone else. I don't want to lose anyone else. No of us do." I said

She nodded and looked away. Then we heard doctors talking and one walking towards Teresa and I.

"Good evening Dr. Crawford." A doctor said

"Evening how are the new arrivals holding up?" She said

"So far so good" He said

Minho, Frypan, Newt and Thomas watched as she approached the us. I caught all their eyes and gave them a quick small smile. 

"And you must be Teresa and Alex" She said and smiled

She shut the curtains.

"Hello my name is Dr. Crawford. I am just going to do a few things and a quick check up on you guys" She said

Teresa and I looked at each other and just nodded.

"First Teresa can you get up on the scales so I can check your weight?" She said

Teresa nodded and got up and stood up on the scales. Dr. Crawford grabbed her notepad and noted down Teresa's weight. Then set her note pad down.

"Right thank you now can you come here so I can measure you?" She said

Teresa walked over and got her height measured. Dr. Crawford noted it down.

"Alright thank you, you can sit down now" Dr. Crawford said to Teresa

Teresa sat back down to me.

"Alright now I am just going to check your heart beat and temperature and then give you an injection full of nutrients" Dr. Crawford said

Teresa just nodded. Dr. Crawford grabbed her stethoscope and checked Teresa's heartbeat and nodded and then took a thermometer and took her temperature and nodded. Then she took out a injection and injected Teresa. Then Dr. Crawford looked at me.

"Right Alex your turn go and stand on the scales please" She said and smiled

I didn't trust this doctor. I feel like something bad is going on here. I stood up and walked over to the scales and she noted down my weight.

"Great now come over here so I can take your height" Dr. Crawford said

I nodded. I walked over there and she noted down my height.

"Great now come and sit down" She said 

I went back to my seat and she took my temperature and listened to my heart beat.

"That all sounds so good now can you come and sit in this chair?" She said

I nodded. I looked as she pulled out a rack and about seven vials.

"Try to relax" She said

She took my wrist and a needle. I pulled it back.

"What are you doing?" I said

"I am just taking some blood samples" She said

"It will be a quick process, you don't have to be scared of the needles" She said

"I am not scared of needles thank you but why didn't you take Teresa's blood? Why are you taking mine? Why are there so many vials to put just my blood in?" I said

"I assure you it is to make sure your blood is good and there are no problems" Dr. Crawford said

"I will do Teresa's later" She said

She started putting the needle inside my vein and took a full syringe full and put it in the first vial and repeated the process six more times.

"Got enough there?" I said

"Yes I think that will be enough for now" She said

"What do you mean for now?" I said

"Well in case we need for more later" Dr. Crawford said

Oh hell no, she's got enough of my blood. She ain't getting no more greedy bitch that's all you're getting. Then she let me sit back on the big bed.

"Right last injection" She said and smiled

"What is in that?" I said

"Just multivitamins you might need" She said

"I think I am more than fine" I said

"Well sorry you have to have it" She said and injected me

What the fuck did she just put in me? She better hope that it doesn't harm me or I swear to God I will get her back later.

"Okay you girls are all done, you can get back into your clothes instead or wearing those gowns" She said

She left Teresa and I to get dressed and shut the curtain again. Teresa and I got ready. Then we were taken by another man and led back to the main area. I saw Thomas get taken by another man. I went and sat with Newt.

"Where are they taking Thomas?" I said

"I don't know" He said and kissed my forehead

"They better not hurt him" I said

"I don't think they will" Newt said and held me close on his lap

He just held me close next to him. What the hell is going on here? I know something is up with this place and I intend to find out what.

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