Repeating Apologies [An Austi...

By ProductOfAWesterner

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They say that love is all you need but is love enough to keep repeating apologies? More

Repeating Apologies
This Suffering
Dragging Dead Bodies In Blue Bags Up Really Long Hills
Contagious Chemistry
Rusted From The Rain


271 5 1
By ProductOfAWesterner

Chapter 3: Ohioisonfire

I was glad Jasmine and I had driven separately to the mall. I really didn't want to drive home with her and listen to her droning on about the evil Austin Carlile again. I'd heard it so many times in the past, I'm sure I knew it by heart. Which makes it so strange that I didn't realize who he was sooner. Chalk that one up to another blonde moment, or maybe, looks really are deceiving.

I managed to get home before Jasmine and I shut myself up in my room. I had some work to do anyway, now that I had a tour to manage. I was apprehensive about managing Of Mice & Men's tour because of Austin. I also didn't really feel comfortable lying to Jasmine, but how could I just turn the job away now? I'm a professional and I can deal with anything that comes my way. I can certainly deal with someone like Austin. And maybe Jasmine won't ever have to find out. Who am I kidding... of course she'll find out. Maybe she'll understand.

I made some phone calls to the band manager and booking agent asking for them to fax or email over certain documents for me. I fell asleep shortly after and woke up to my phone buzzing. I grabbed it and checked it with one eye open. It was a text from Austin.

Austin: Hey! Party's just getting started! Head over before it's in full swing. 722 Main St.

I didn't bother to text back, I had completely forgotten about the party. I hopped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and cleaned my makeup up just enough to not look like I'd just risen from the dead. I changed my clothes into something fresh, and something that I'd normally wear to an event like this.  Not only would I be getting to know these guys, but they would be getting to know me, too.

I grabbed my keys and phone and made my way to the living room where I found Jasmine sitting on the couch watching some new reality show. I cursed under my breath, I was hoping to slip out without her noticing.

"Where are you going?" She asked casually, as I was halfway through the front door.

"Oh, I have some business to attend to." I continued my path to the door.
"Dressed like that?" She raised a brow.
I smiled, "Perks of my job!"

I thought she'd smile, but she remained stone-faced. "Please tell me it's not Austin Carlile's band. You cannot even consider managing a tour for them."
"I'm not giving you any hints on who it is! And I'm not considering this job, Jas. I'm doing it. I need it and you know I wouldn't ever want to damage my reputation for dropping an obviously good opportunity for what seems to be no reason at all." I rolled my eyes.
"How can you honestly justify working for him? He's scum." She said with a hint of anger.

"Jas, would you calm down? I never said it was him! And this is about me. I'm a goddamn professional and I can do this without the mingling of our personal lives. Jesus." I said, actually becoming annoyed with this exchange.
"I'd just prefer it if you stayed away from him." She shrugged, turning her attention back to the TV.
I let out a heavy sigh. "It's not him. I have to go." I said, closing the door behind me. Fuck. I just lied. I've certainly started digging my own grave.


I walked into the rather large sized house filled with unfamiliar people. I felt a little relief upon seeing a familiar face. Aaron.

"Aaron, how are you?" I approached him.
"Ada? What's up! Didn't know you would be here. Want a beer?" He offered almost immediately.
"Yeah, Austin said I should come...." I started a little confused. I figured it wasn't just Austin's idea to invite me, and if it was he would've at least told the rest of the guys.

I followed Aaron into the kitchen.
"He did? Sweet! You got here just in time. Shit's about to go down." He told me, handing me a beer. I looked around at the hordes of drunk and obnoxious people.
"I can tell." I laughed. I had already decided that I liked Aaron. He seemed kind.

"So, if you're here for Austin, I believe he is..... oh! He's right there." He pointed toward the living room.

My eyes followed to where he was pointing and sure enough, there was Austin. He was sitting on the edge of a coffee table going hard at whatever video game he was playing. Alan was sitting next to him with a controller in his hand. There were copious amounts of alcohol and quite a few people standing around with excited looks on their faces, waiting to see the outcome of the game.

"Oh no. I'm not here for Austin." I shook my head.
"Ah, I just figured since you guys know each other and all," he explained.

Before I could correct him, there was a bit of commotion coming from the living room.

"Damn it!" Austin threw his hands in the air. "You win this time, Ginger. But it won't happen again!" He took a drink of his beer and passed the controller to someone else. Alan stood up and did a funny little victory dance. "You want another?" Austin asked Alan, holding the empty bottle in his hand. Alan nodded and Austin started making his way to the kitchen.

I braced myself. I didn't really want to see Austin. Now that I knew who he was, I wasn't really fond of him, but I was going to have to deal with him, so the least I could do is be cordial. Besides, maybe the stuff I'd heard was a little one sided anyway.

"ADE!" Austin spotted me and enveloped me in a hug. I know he had done it before, but I was still caught off guard by this gesture. Although, I couldn't complain much, being in his arms felt nice. I was sure his long arms could have wrapped around me twice.

"Ade?" I asked when he let go of me.
"Yeah!" He nodded excitedly.
"I don't know about it...."
"What? It's cute!" He defended.
"It sounds like GatorADE!"
"GATORADE!" He laughed and grabbed a couple beers from the refrigerator.

"BEER!" Alan yelled, appearing beside him and swiping one from his hand. "Hello, Ada."

"You ready to get drunk?" Austin asked.

"Austin, I feel like we went over this," I said referring to the fact that I was going to remain professional and that definitely meant not drinking excessively.
"Party pooper." He stuck his tongue out at me. 

Within the next hour, the guys were pretty drunk. I watched as they stumbled around, laughed at everything, nearly broke things multiple times, played drinking games less and less well as time went, and said things they would probably regret if they remembered them in the morning. But they weren't the only ones, nearly everyone at this party was trashed.

"Hey, Ade. Can I talk to you?" Austin managed to slur.
"Sure. What's up?" I asked, standing up from the couch I was sitting on.
"Let's go on the porch." He led the way.
"Alright, some fresh air would probably do you some good," I told him while attempting to help the stumbling man outside.

I expected him to just have something really dumb to say considering the state of mind he was in, but when we got outside, he didn't even say anything, he just sort of zoned out.

"Earth to Austin." I sang, hoping to bring him back to reality. He turned toward me, but he still didn't speak. I watched him stare at me with his glazed over eyes. It was clear that he was drunk and probably had no idea what he was even doing out here in the first place. "I think maybe it's time for you to get home."

What he did next was something I definitely never saw coming. And you can probably guess what that was. He kissed me. It happened in a split second. My reaction time was so off. I put my hands on his chest and pulled my head away from him.

"Austin. What are you doing?"
"What?" He scrunched his face.

"What did you do that for?" I demanded, realizing that this is exactly what cannot be happening.
"You're hot. I'm drunk. I'm lonely. You're here. I thought we could just make out or something." He told me like it was obvious before leaning back in to kiss me again.

"Austin. Stop." My reaction time was on point this time and I moved away from him before his lips could meet mine again.
He stared at me blankly for a second, trying to gather his thoughts. "What? You don't think I'm attractive or something?"
"No, Austin. It's not like that. It's just.." He stared at me with a blank expression that made my voice catch in my throat. "It's just.." I tried again.
"Just what, Ada?" He asked, becoming impatient.
"I'm working with you now. It wouldn't be a good idea," I told him.

He laughed and shook his head, "Ada, you don't have to lie to me. If you don't like me, it's not going to hurt my feelings. I'm a big boy, and there are a million other girls just as attractive as you right in there that would love to have my attention," he gestured toward the house, "You don't mean anything. Just watch."

I knew his words were that of a drunk man's, but you know what they say, a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts. He believed what he was saying and that type of ego was very offputting, but I did just as he said to. I watched him walk back into the house, grab an attractive girl, and start making out with her. She didn't protest like I had. He was certainly right about one thing, he could have any girl he wanted.

I found myself annoyed with the entire situation. Austin Carlile just proved himself to be exactly who I'd always heard he was, and that wouldn't have bothered me in the slightest if I didn't have to work, eat, live, and breathe in the same close quarters as him for the next few months.

I didn't care that he had left me standing on the porch and went inside to find someone who would do anything he wanted, I was just annoyed that he thought it was okay for him to act this way. I guess he was right about finding out what I'm getting myself into. But maybe I should give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe it's just because he's drunk.

Then again, maybe all it takes is a little liquor for the real Austin Carlile to come out and play.


I had just gotten home, taken my shoes off and collapsed face first into the couch when I was bombarded by Jasmine.

"You were out pretty late for business, weren't you?"

I groaned into the cushion. "Who are you? My mother?" I turned to see her face which was now wearing a glare. I groaned again, sitting up. "My job runs all hours of the day and night, you know that."

"Really? So you were just working?"
"Uhh.. yeah, Jasmine. Why are you being so weird?" I asked, elongating the word weird.

She pulled out her phone and tossed it to me. I looked at the screen which had someone's Instagram page open. I quickly realized it was Austin's page and the picture that was open was one of the band and me at the party. It had the caption 'Our badass new tour manager!' I put my head in my hands.

"It's just my job, Jas." I was exhausted and unprepared to deal with anything else tonight. "Why are you on his Instagram anyway?"

"Your job is to go to a party and get all cozy with Austin? You said it wasn't him!" She exclaimed.
"Excuse me? Where do you get off?" I asked, tilting my head to the side, becoming a little more than annoyed by her attitude at this point.
"It's Austin, Ada! And you lied to me about it!" She almost yelled.

"You really need to calm the fuck down, Jas. This is why I didn't tell you. You're pissing me off. It's my job and I..." I was cut off by the loud ringing coming from my pocket. I groaned once again when I saw who was calling. "I have to take this."

"It's him, isn't it?" I just stared at her angry expression with an annoyed one. "Whatever," she said stomping off to her room.
"Someone spare me the dramatics," I muttered, rolling my eyes.

"Ada Ley," I answered.
"Ada? It's Austin." There was a long pause.
"I know. What do you want?" I knew I was being rude, but I was tired of dealing with irrational people tonight.
"I need... I need you to... to come pick me up... because I..." He could barely form a sentence. His excessive alcohol consumption had impaired his ability to focus. Luckily, another voice came over the phone. "Hey, Ada. It's Tino. Can you come pick up Austin and give him a ride home? He's done for the night, but the rest of are gonna stay for a little longer."

"Ahh, so my job is already starting, huh? Sure, are you guys still at the same place?" I agreed to it only because I didn't want to start off on bad terms with the guys that were basically my bosses, but I was definitely not looking forward to this.
"Yeah, same place. Can you be here soon?" He sounded desperate.
"Already on my way," I said before hanging up.

I got back to the place fairly quickly. It really wasn't too far from my own home. I got out of the car to find that the party hadn't settled down at all. All I had to do was find Austin, get him home safe and sound, take myself home, and pass out for the night. Easy peasy lemon squeezy, so long as no problems arise.

"Ada!" I heard Tino's voice call my name.
"Hey, Tino! Where's Austin?"
"He's right here." Phil came through the doorway with Austin draped over him.
"But I don't want to leave," Austin tried to protest.

"Ignore him," Tino told me as they loaded him into the passenger seat of my car.
"Not a problem," I mumbled.
"Thanks, Ada!" They told me before I got into my car. "We love you already!"

"Hey, it's really not a big deal. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to call!" As soon as I said the words, I regretted them. I really hoped they wouldn't need me for anything else. I got into my car as quickly as I could and took off down the road before I could say anything else I would regret.

I drove for a good ten minutes before I realized that I was headed to my house and not Austin's. This exhaustion was really catching up to me. "Shit. Where do you live Austin?"

"At my house." He told me and started pressing the buttons on my radio.
"Would you stop that?"
"I want to listen to some music," he told me.
"You don't need to." I smacked his hand away from the stereo and turned it off. "Where is your house?" He didn't answer me and I looked over to see him rolling the window up and down. "Seriously?" I sighed, putting the child lock on.
"Hey! I'm hot! I want the wind!" He whined.
"Austin, where is your house?" I tried to say as calmly as possible. Taking my frustrations out on a man who is completely sloshed would do me absolutely no good right now.
"I don't know. Hey, I have a good idea. Let's just go to the beach," he beamed at me.
"I could kill you right now," I said, blinking heavily.
"That's not very nice," he told me before starting to play with the stereo again.

I let him this time as I wondered what I should do. It was obvious I wasn't going to get a straight answer out of him. I pulled into my driveway and shut the car off. I only had Austin's phone number at this point, so calling the rest of the guys was out of the question. I was going to have to improvise.

"Where's your phone?" I turned to Austin.
"I don't know." He told me while leaning his seat back. I rolled my eyes and took my seat belt off.
"It's probably in one of your pockets," I told him as I reached over and started feeling his jean pockets.

"Whoa, Ada! You have to take me to dinner first!" He laughed into his hand. I couldn't find the energy to respond, but I did find his phone in his pocket. "Hey! That's mine!" He tried to grab it from my hands.

"Austin! Stop it!" I tried wrestling the phone from him, but he wasn't giving up easily enough so I flicked his nose.
"Ow!" He sat back, rubbing his nose.

"Sorry," I said with no actual apologetic inflection. I scrolled through the phone and called each member of the band starting with Aaron and ending with Tino. Not one of them answered. "Fuck. This night just keeps getting worse.

"How do you even get this thing off?" I looked over to see Austin struggling with his seat belt. I reached over and clicked the button, releasing him from its grasp.

"Whoa, you're good at that." He stared at me with wide eyes. I couldn't help but laugh at his astonishment. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing." I looked at him for a moment. "I can't believe I'm going to do this." I took in a deep breath of air. "Let's go," I said getting out of the car.

I was surprised when Austin managed to get his door open and climb out. "Where are we going?"
"Look, Austin. You're just going to have to stay with me."
"You're already trying to take me home? You never even asked me out!" He laughed at his own joke. I didn't know how he was even having a coherent conversation in his state.
"I hope I'm getting paid to listen to your bad jokes."
"I can pay you," Austin told me with a straight face, "in kisses." He laughed into his hand again.
"Nevermind. I'll just do this free of charge." I unlocked the front door. "Now.. listen, Austin, you have to be quiet."
"I can be quiet." He whispered with a childlike grin on his face. His smile made me want to smile back.
"Good, because if you can't, I'm going to have to dismember you." I smiled tight-lipped.
His face contorted. "You are evil."
"I know."
"That's the last time I buy you any Devil's Juice." He said matter of factly.

I couldn't help, but to smile at the fact that he could bring up that memory right now, let alone effectively use it.

"Whatever you say," I assured him before leading him into the house.

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