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By ahdjshr

144K 3.9K 1.5K

โI would've given the moon if it meant to have you back, darling.โ ๐Š๐จ๐ฅ ๐ข๐ฌ ๐๐ข๐ฌ๐œ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ... More

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โ˜พส™ส€ษชษดษข แดแด‡ ส™แด€แด„แด‹โ˜ฝ

5.9K 175 19
By ahdjshr

ʙʀɪɴɢ ᴍᴇ ʙᴀᴄᴋ
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 43.12

"Mom?! Beatrice?! Oh, god!" Annabelle felt her eyes water as she rushed to the two, pulling them into a bone crushing hug. She pulls away from the two then looks to her mom. Without a word, they embrace each other.

The mother and daughters softly cry and once they pull away, they give each other sad smiles then she looked around with a deep frown and teary eyes. Her lips parting at the sight.

Everything looked the same except darker. People were around them but couldn't see them. When someone was about to bump into her, they walk through her making her jump in surprise, her frown only deepens until she hears her mom giggling slightly.

"Mom...? Whats going on?" Annabelle asked, noticing the light that surrounded her mom then Beatrice took her mother's hand, extending her free hand to her sister as the light shone brighter and it got windier.

"We're finding peace! As a family!" Beatrice smiled "Join us! We'll all be a family again. Soon we'll have Stacey!" She explained and Annabelle had never seen her older sister smile so wide, she seemed happy and excited for once making Annabelle smile softly.

Annabelle looked back to the world and shook her head slightly. "I'll um...join you guys later. I wanna see some people." Without waiting for an answer, she walked away. Hearing her mom and sister fly away to find peace.

The brunette walked over to the Mikaelson mansion. Just when she was going to open the door, it went through her hands making her sigh sadly. With hesitance, she walked through the door then the door opened making her turn back to see who it is.

Klaus walked in with many unknown people behind him. She felt guilt drown in her for everything she had done to all of them. She could tell the unknown people were witches with her aura she sensed from them and they looked around, also sensing her aura.

Annabelle follows them into the living room and a witch turned to her, looking her dead in the eye which freaked out Annabelle. Annabelles eyes flickered to her dead body that laid down in the middle of the ground making her frown go deep.

The witch slowly smiled warmly, extending a hand making the crew look at her in confusion, not knowing Annabelle was standing there. Annabelle glanced at Kol, his hair was messy and his blouse was half unbuttoned.

Kols eyes glued on Annabelles dead body, one of his hands curled to fists while his free hand held a cup of bourbon, lifting the cup and drinking from it, not daring to take his eyes off her body. He looked like some angry kid who was trying not to cry.

"Hello, you must be Annabelle. My name is Kiera, my friends and I will be trying to bring you back. I could fortunately see ghosts— it's more of a gift and a curse." Kiera chuckled awkwardly and Kol tensed.

"She's here?" Kol asked, snapping his eyes away from her dead body and frantically looked around.

"She's right next to you." Kiera informed and he looked to the side "No; the other side, sir." Kol looked to the other side and Annabelle could see his warm chocolate eyes making her smile softly.

Kol could feel something light put a hand on his, it was cold but comforting. "She's holding your hand." Kiera confirmed and everyone watched. "Annabelle, I have heard great things of you! I am simply amazed with how your dreams that you have predicted everything so far but I am guessing you knew you would've died..?"

Annabelle shook her head, leaning against Kol "No, I didn't get much sleep the past two weeks but as I'm dead, I don't know if this will work." She sighed "How exactly do you know about me?"

"Oh, the day you bought Kol Mikaelson back to life on your own. You've been the talk of all supernatural!" Kiera explained and everyone looked at them in confusion. "No witch at the age of seventeen has been able to bring back an Original vampire, let alone millions more vampire on their own. It is hard to not know about you." She laughed.

One of the warlocks put candles around Annabelles dead body "Shall we get to work, Kiera?" He asked her, the leader of their coven.

Kiera nodded "Oh, please yes." They all sat around Annabelles body. "But be warned, this spell might have a bit side effects...." She waved off.

Kol didn't have a problem with that and he nodded, allowing them to begin to spell. He looked back down to Annabelle, not able to see her but he still spoke softly. "I will bring you back, darling. No matter how long it takes."

Annabelle nodded with teary eyes. The witches and warlocks begin to chant with gushes of wind surrounding them.

Soon, the witches and warlocks flew harshly away from Annabelles body. "It's rejecting us, almost as if Annabelle can not come back to life." Kiera frowned, standing up.

Kol shook his head. "Try again, I haven't got time for this!"

"Kol, you have to let me go." Annabelle whispered, letting go of his hand and Kol no longer felt the comfort. "The longer you try, the more hope you gain and there is no proof that this'll even work."

"She's says that you have to let her go." Kiera explained. "That your gaining hope for something that might not even work." She continued.

Kiera sighed. "We'll try it again but perhaps you could help us, Annabelle." She stood up and Annabelles eyebrows furrowed.

"As you are dead, I could still feel the power radiating off of you. All of us could, you still have it in you. Perhaps you could advise us and help us chant."

Annabelle nodded quickly "First, we'll need a very powerful spell." Kiera gave Annabelle the grimoire "But I cant touch it—" it came to her grasp, everyone could see it floating except Kiera "—how?"

"I put a small spell." Kiera winked. Annabelle smiled and flickered through the pages.

"I used this spell specifically to bring Kol back from the dead. Chanel the power from a hundred dead witches-including myself right now. Then, you'll use another spell to bring me back to life but it's going to use a lot of energy. Considering the fact that there's about ten of you, it will be much easier. Heh, the more the merrier. These are the spells." She gave Kiera the grimoire.

Kiera smiled. "I'm impressed." She nodded and walked to her coven "This is the spell." They all whisper lowly, agreeing onto something then turn back to Annabelle.

"We have discussed the side effects." Kiera mused, walking towards Annabelle. Everyone would think she's crazy but they understood. "You will no longer be a vampire but a witch again. It may seem odd but...the side effects of still being a vampire will lay with you. You won't have the need for blood, no super strength or speed, simply the immortality of living forever will stick with you but be warned, if you die once, it's permanent. We could tell Mother Nature seems to put a good eye out for you and so this will give us a upper hand in the situation."

Annabelle nodded slowly, taking the information on. "She won't be a vampire anymore but an immortal witch?" Stacey asked, her eyes puffy and Annabelle smiled.

"Yes." Kiera nodded in confirmation then looked to Annabelle. "Come now." She cheerfully mused and Annabelle sat down next to all of them.

Her hands met Kiera's and another witch then they all began chanting. "Victus Phasmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus. Victus Phasmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus. Victus Phasmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus. Victus Phasmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus." They chanted and the flames grew larger giving them a wave of confidence as hundreds of dead witches chant with them and Annabelle felt herself disappear slightly.

Now for the powerful spell. "Saplaey Aten Cravi Carmossi Estra Nozholi Gesena Zatavit quid agis mortuus fuerit deducere tergum quod restituo in oiving quid agis mortuus fuerit deducere tergum quod restituo in oiving." They chanted.

When Kiera's eyes opened, Annabelle was no longer there making her blink.

Looking a little too fine...

Now about the nineteen drafts in the first book...I didn't upload them cuz my wattpad was lagging at the time and it was all crappy.

Her humanity...get it? Cause she has no humanity? My sense of humor is dead.

So..no more heretic. Also, keep in mind, I do everything for a reason!!

Also, remember when I told you she needed to turn it off so she wouldn't be linked to Kol anymore and another reason? This is it.


I wanted some poc...

⚠️Next chapter in a couple of hours, along with the trailer⚠️

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