Dance For Me ※ Jikook Fanfict...

By MysticTalia

92.2K 5.1K 1.2K

"Let me touch you, Jimin. Please. Please let me." No. Hell no. Seven bloody hells, no, no and no. Absolutely... More

Prologue: Light up my world
The dream of perfection
Little Bird
Table Nr.40
Bananamilk and Unicorns
How to have Fun
A Taste of Happiness
After the party is over.
All that I need
The Rainbow and the Raven
Making it Obvious
All of You
The Boy in the Purple Shirt
Don't Go
Coffee And Confessions
The Things You Didn't Do
Conquering Mountains
Thank you
The Boy Who Never Knew
No More Fear
The Cabin
Being Brave
The Swan
Hello Monster
Half-Truths and Lies
Road to Hell
Repetition of the Past
I Promised
Beautiful Prison
Brother's Fates
Beat Him at His Own Game
Little Devil Inside
When the Dust Settles
Missed Chances
Dance With Me
The Trial
Love, Family and Friends

Black Swan

1.5K 102 43
By MysticTalia

I think this might be the most bad-ass, satisfying chapter I ever wrote :DD


He did his best to paint the picture of misery, looking up at the camera with haunted eyes and trembling lips. 
He knew what the feed would show the police later. 
A crying boy on the floor, his hands bound and a look of utter fear and helplessness on his face. 

The pained expression wasn't that hard to act. The cable ties were hurting like hell, the skin around it red and scraped, some spots even leaking blood. 

He tired not to think of Jungkook's face as he had left. 
The worry and fear and agony to leave Jimin in this house. How it had nearly killed him.
He had to reason with him for an hour last night. Explaining how the video feed had to show him broken and tied up for at least a few hours to make it believable. 

He hadn't slept all night. Hadn't left the room and played the poor, tied up captive. But it wasn't fear that kept him awake. It was excitement.
He was no longer scared of the monster. 
He would become his worst nightmare and that thought had him fiddling with his hands. He'd gone over his plans a thousand times. 
He couldn't make a single mistake. He had to put on the act of a lifetime. But for Jungkook, for his brother, for his friends and for himself, he would. 

He stared up at the sky ceiling and tried not to smile. 
Yes- this was his time for revenge. To destroy Seong-min's life in the very room Jungkook had him scream his name yesterday. 

Jimin was no longer a little, scared bird. 
He wasn't a bright, white swan either. 
Tonight he would be a black swan. Seong-Min's ruin. His downfall for all the thing's he'd done to him, to his brother and probably a lot of others. 

The sound of a car pulling into the driveway had Jimin straighten. He calmed his racing heart, put on a mask of horror and glanced to the door with trembling lips. 
This moment right here would seal Seong-Min's fate. Jimin only had to act the hell out of it. 

He heard the front door open a few minutes later. 

He scrambled to the door, just out of sight of the camera and grabbed the scissors he had placed there before the cameras had been turned on and cut the cable ties. 
A gasp of pain escaped him and tears shot into his eyes as they fell away, and the pain blinded him for a second. Shit... maybe it had been a bit too tight. 
But there was no time to pay it any attention as he made sure he was still out of the frame and placed the scissors and bloody cable ties just behind the door. 
This was a huge risk, but one they had to take. 
If Seong-Min saw them... no. 
Jimin would make sure he wouldn't. 
The police would think they were his doing, cutting the ties the moment he entered the room. No one would know the truth. No one but him, the boys and his brother would know that he had cut them himself. 

The dark thrill of what he was about to do to Seong-Min mixed with the shiver of his disgust for that monster, especially hearing him call his name like that. 

There was no sound to the video feed. Of course not, because how else was Jimin supposed to do this then, without raising suspicion? 
"I'm in here!" he shouted and to no surprise, Seong-min's footsteps could be heard as he ascended the stairs. 
Jimin made sure the sleeves of his oversized shirt were covering his swollen wrists as he opened the door-

And came face to face with the monster he was set on destroying. 
The boy looked him up and down.

"Jimin, you look- better?" Seong-Min let out, seeming truly surprised. 
"No thanks to you!" Jimin seethed back. Obviously he couldn't just pretend he was fine and wanted to fall on his back for him. Seong-Min was too smart for that. 

His gaze darkened, then he let a calm, relaxed expression slip over his features. 
"What's it  this time, Jimin? Are you going to play sick again?"
"I was sick!"
Anger. Anger was how he would do it.
"But I'm done. I'm so fucking done with this! I can't stay in this bloody house a day longer or I'll go crazy! You're gone all week and this house is so damn big and quiet, do you have any idea how insane that makes me?"

Seong-Min's eyes widened, before a triumphant smile found a way onto his face. 
"Are you saying you missed me?"

Ha, yes... take the bate you stupid fucker!

"N-no. That's-" he swallowed hard, pretending to have been caught. 
"You're delusional. I just don't understand why you're forcing me to stay here all by myself. Is this the future you want for me? Slowly going crazy?"
"Na, na, don't distract from the topic, darling. You want me to come more often, is that it? Or you want me to take you back to my dorm? Spend some more time with me?" 

Jimin's eyes widened and he tumbled a step back, then pretended to trip over his own feet. 
The camera saw him now. 
Saw him twist and catch his weight as if someone had hit him or shoved him. He made sure his face was turned away, nothing but a trembling boy on the floor. 
"Are you drunk again?" came Seong-Min's annoyed question as he stepped into the room too- into the frame. 

Perfect- his annoyed expression exactly what Jimin needed. 

"No? And even if I was, what do you care?"

"I care a great deal, little Jimmy."
He leaned down and reached out a hand to help him up from the floor. Jimin stared at it for a long time, before taking it with shaking hands. Seong-Min seemed surprised about it, a dark smile of glee appearing next as he realized Jimin had touched him willingly. 

Jimin pretended to be caught by surprise too before he pulled his hand back. 

His back was to the camera, his expression not visible, only Seong-Min's in front of him. 

"So, what have you been up to this week?"
A seemingly harmless question, but it played right into Jimin's plan. It was a test of willpower not to smile but keep up the angry expression.  
"What do you think I did? I was bored out of my fucking mind!"

Seong-Min took a step closer and Jimin flinched back. 
"Good thing I'm here now. It's never boring with me, is it?"
"No, it's hell!" 
"Hell? I remember you once saying this place felt like heaven." 
"That was a long, fucking time ago." 
"I could make it so again." 
Yes...good. This was what he needed.
Jimin pretended to be caught by surprise- like the thought had him questioning everything, before slipping the angry mask back on. Letting him think that underneath his anger, he still wanted him. As they say, the higher you climb, the harder you fall. 
Seong-Min thought he had Jimin all figured out, too sure of his abilities to read him. And it would cost him!

"The shit you can! You broke my heart! You really think I would want this again? With you?"
His features darkened, his mouth pressed into a thin, angry line. Yes- Jimin knew his trigger. Knew the one thing that could make him see red and act out.
And it felt glorious. Because he had used Jungkook as a way to break him. And now he was using Jungkook to break him! 

"So you still want Jungkook?"
He leaned down and grabbed for his face, pulling it up roughly to seethe at him: 
"He doesn't love you anymore, Jimin! He hates you like you hate me. He's not coming to your rescue, and your pining after him is really, really testing my fucking patience."

Jimin laughed in his face and oh... his patience really was running out. Perfect.

"You think you could compete with him? You really think you could fuck me better than him? He was always better than you! You don't even compare!"

He slapped him hard across the face and Jimin was caught between a wince of pain, shock he actually, finally got physical and absolute triumph.

He snapped his head back to Seong-Min as he held his stinging cheek. 
He let his body shake, making the camera show only a boy filled with fear and pain, cowering before the boy ho had him bound and now hit him for no apparent reason while his true expression was rage and fury, staring at the tall, raven-haired boy in hatred.

"You really think you could be as good as him? Jungkook could make me forget everything. When he fucked me, there was nothing else! You really think you could be the same?" 

He'd never seen Seong-min more out of control, his body shaking, his face red in anger as he grabbed Jimin by his hair, pulling him up from the floor, turned him and shoved him hard against the wall. Now his face was visible to the camera and he quickly changed his expression to one of fear. Seong-Min was too far gone to notice the sudden change, choking Jimin with a hand to his throat, trapping him against the same wall Jungkook had only a few hours ago. 

There was still no fear. 

"You want me to show you? How hard I can fuck you? I'll promise you wont even remember your precious, golden boy when I'm done with you. I remember what you liked Jimin. I can make your body remember too." 
And with that, he kissed him.

Jimin hated him. Hated this monster with everything he was, but Seong-Min was still a pretty good kisser- always had been. And as much as he hated to admit it, his body did remember him, even as rage and disgust shot through him. 
Seong-Min pressed so tight against him, Jimin was forced to open his mouth wider, his head held in place by the hand around his throat. 

"Mhh, you taste as amazing as you did back then," Seong-min let out before kissing him again, as if he wasn't thinking, only saying the first things that came to his mind.

Not enough. 
Kissing him like this wasn't enough, not for the horrible stories Jimin was about to tell the police. He had to make it more believable. 
So in between kisses he seethed out:" You think kissing me will make me forget him, Seong-Min? Would you like me to lie and say it does? Want me to stroke your ego? If your going to do it anyway, at least have the balls to do it right, you fucking asshole!"

Seong-min growled and ripped his mouth away, staring at Jimin with rage and lust, both mixed into a grotesque mask. 
"You want it, don't you? I know you. You're not stupid. You wouldn't say shit like that if you didn't want it. So tell me, what do you really want? Tell me!" 

Ha, and just like a little mouse ran into his perfectly laid trap. 
He snapped it shut. 

His height and closeness were hiding Jimin's features from the camera so he could snarl out his next words with bared teeth.  
"I'm done with crying. I'm done with getting shitfaced ever day. I want to fucking forget! So stop being a pussy and fuck me like you used to!"

Seong-Min's expression changed. From anger to glee. He thought he won. 
"With pleasure, darling," he growled out, then let go of his throat, gripped his shirt and ripped it open. Yes- he truly was as strong as Jungkook, but nothing about his strength was turning him in the least. Nothing about the way the older turned him and pressed him face first into the wall called up that heat and the want, only disgust, overshadowed by the thrill of knowing that the more he was doing, the longer he would rot in prison. 

Jimin felt utterly powerful as he let Seong-Min press his body against his. Not even the boys growing erection against his lower back could stop it. Stop the laugh bubbling out of him. 
Oh Gods... Seong-Min had fallen into his trap so easily. It had been so easy. A few well placed words- keeping in mind the angle of the camera and mentioning Jungkook. 

Seong-Min froze as he heard the laugh, growled and grabbed a bunch of his hair, pulling his head back hard enough for tears to shoot out of his eyes. 
But he kept on chuckling. 
"What is so God-damn funny, Jimin?" he seethed into his ears. 

Slowly- very slowly, Jimin let his hands travel up the wall, his palms sliding against the light blue wall-paper, just as the alarm of the night-stand table went of.
Fifteen minutes. That was the deal he had to make with Jungkook before the taller was willing to leave. Fifteen minutes in the house with Seong-Min before the police would arrive.
Namjoon had done the calculation himself. Had known exactly when to call so they would arrive after fifteen minutes. And now it was time! 
Seong-Min's eyes landed on his wrists. On the deep, angry wilts around it. 
"What?" he stumbled out, but Jimin had already started shouting. He cried, loud and pained, trashing harder than he had before, because he had made sure Seong-Min believed it to be his loosing battle with wanting him. 
"Jimin, what the hell?" Seong-min yelled over his cries and shouts for help, turning him around to see what had Jimin freaking out. 
And again, his face was hidden by how massive Seong-Min was in front of him. 
Jimin couldn't believe he found himself loving his height and broadness again, but this was perfect.

There was a loud crashing sound from downstairs and his heart picked up in excitement. He did it. 
He actually did it! 
He stopped his shouting for only a second. 
Only a short moment of letting Seong-Min see the truth. 
Let him see his winning, triumphant smile as he chuckled under his breath: "I win!"

Jimin winked- then he started screaming again, trashing against him while the other boy stared at him utterly confused.

The door to the room was thrown open and- chaos!
It all happened so fast, it was just a blur in front of his face. 

Police with raised guns stormed inside, shouting loudly. Shouting for Seong-Min to let go of him as they held their weapons trained on him. And Seong-Min-

Jimin slid to the floor as the boy stumbled a surprised step back, his eyes wide and afraid, his lips trembling as he raised his hands where the police could see it, stuttering out incoherent words while shaking his head. 

Jimin buried his head in his knees and he rolled together into a ball, his shoulders bouncing. 
Laughing- oh God- he was laughing. Laughing so hard it sounded like he was crying, but it was too good: That feeling spreading through him. Knowing he won. 

"Hey, it's okay now. You're save now," a female voice whispered to him kindly and Jimin managed to stop the laughing, getting a grip on himself again. 
It wasn't over yet. 
Now was the time to show that monster all the things he learned from him. All that he taught him. 

He pressed down on his wrists, the pain making his eyes water as he looked up at a woman in her forties, her eyes calming yet he saw the pity too. 
For the first time in his life, he wanted it. Hoped for it.
He made his lips quiver, then turned his head to where Seong-Min had been standing. Not standing any longer though, lying flat on his stomach on the beautifully woven carpet, his face pressed to the floor by a policeman who pressed a knee to his back and twisted his hands behind him, putting him into cuffs. 

Seong-Min was shouting, saying this was a misunderstanding. That they had it all wrong. 
Jimin didn't know how he suppressed the smile, but he did. 

The policeman holding him down didn't so much as acknowledge his pleads for innocence as he forcefully pulled the dark-haired boy to his feet, holding him tightly by his cuffed arms. 

"Jimin," Seong-Min begged, tears in his eyes as he looked at Jimin in desperation. 
"Tell them. Tell them! You asked me for this. You wanted this!"

Jimin looked up at him- met his eyes, and then fell back in fake horror. 
"Please... Seong-Min. Please-" 
He turned to the police-woman with fearful eyes. 
"You have to let him go! P-please," he begged, choking on fake tears as he saw Seong-Min relax a little from the corner of his eyes. 
He probably thought he could still hold that video over him. Still blackmail him to get him out of this. Not this time. 

"He can't hurt you anymore, sweetie," the woman softly whispered, gently reaching out as if to see whether Jimin would let her touch him. 
He did, but flinched- just like someone who had been sexually assaulted might. 

"P-please," he sobbed out and looked at her, then back to Seong-Min and started screaming and crying at him. "Please don't release it. You can't! I did everything you said! You can't release that video!"

Seong-Min's eyes flew wide in shock. 
God, the satisfaction that gave him!
"A video?" the woman asked and Jimin nodded, swallowed and the sobbed out: "He faked a video of my boyfriend so it looked like he was raping some girl and told me if I didn't do as he said, he would release it and send him to prison. I w-was so scared.. I-I did what he wanted. I-I b-broke off with my boyfriend and he t-took me here. I t-thought he just w-wanted to see how m-much I was h-hurting. But-" he let a fake sob rock his body, keeping his teary eyes on Seong-Min and savoring every second of the horror creeping up on him; the realization of what Jimin was doing. But he didn't know half of it yet!

"He w-wanted more than t-that. He--- he forced himself on me. So I tried to run. But I-I wasn't fast enough. He caught me and then held me here. T-tied me up." 
He raised his wrist for everyone to see and heard the little shocked gasp from the woman and some others. 
Seong-Min was gaping at him like he was watching his nightmare come to life. Like he couldn't understand what was going on, only that it was his own personal hell unfolding. Jimin knew what he felt and every part of him exhilarated in glee. 

"But h-he still came evv-ery weekend. H-he hurt me... but I couldn't d-do anything."

"Lie!" Seong-Min suddenly screamed, like he finally fell out of his stupor. 
His face was a mask of rage and disbelieve yet unknown to this world. 
"He's lying! Yes, the video part is true, but I never touched him before today. And only because he asked me to! He wanted me to! I never tied him anywhere! He stayed on his own!"

No one looked the least bit convinced. 
But only to be sure...
"H-he set up cameras," Jimin whispered quietly and nodded to the little vase on the top shelf over the bed. 

"H-he liked to re-watch it. M-make sure I-I wasn't running away while h-he was away."
"Bullshit!" Seong-Min yelled and trashed against the hold of the policemen. But the man only twisted his arms up and Seong-Min cried out in pain. 

Another policeman went over to where Jimin had pointed and oh... who would have guessed? A camera matching the pervert and human scum they now believed him to be. Well, he was a human scum, that was for sure.

"Is this bullshit?" the man only snapped at Seong-Min who stared at the camera, then Jimin, then back to the camera before choking on a cry.

Slowly he turned his attention to Jimin. 
"You!" he spat, the hatred so wrathful it should scare him, but he only faked the shudder. 
"You planned this? All by yourself? You, little piece of-"
"Jimin?" came a rough cry and when he turned he saw Namjoon push past the police and playing his part brilliantly, the worry and relieve authentic, but probably not entirely faked as the police let him through and he drooped next to Jimin. 
Namjoon pulled him into a tight hug and loudly let out: "God, I'm so glad you're Okay! We've been looking for you for so long!"
And then, in a quiet, barely audible whisper he added: "Well played, little, wicked devil," and squeezed his shoulder with his pride. 

Namjoon pulled away and back was the worried friend. 
"I called Jungkook the moment the police arrived. He's on his way. "
"J-jungkook?" he let out on a tremble. 
"Yeah. He's been looking for you like crazy. We all have. But-" Namjoon glanced up and his gaze landed on the boy in handcuffs. 

"It was Hyun-Sik?" he wondered aloud and everyone stared at the raven-haired boy for a moment. A moment he waited for. Seong-Min was still staring at him. 
And Jimin smiled, wicked and triumphant to let him know this was all an act. An act that would get him locked up for a long, long time. And he realized that too. Realized he was done for. 

"P-please get me out of here, N-namjoon," Jimin stuttered out, grabbing his friends arms like he was the only thing holding him together. "I... I'll explain later."

That's when Seong-Min snapped. 
"You little bitch!" he yelled and ripped himself free of the policeman's hold, too fast and too strong, then flung himself in Jimin's direction. 
But he never made it far. 
Namjoon- sweet, gentle, caring Namjoon punched him in the face hard enough for blood to flow from Seong-Min's nose, the boy going down like a fallen tree and the police were on him the next second, holding the trashing, lucid boy to the floor while he screamed and shouted he was innocent. 
"Ahh, shit," Namjoon hissed, shaking his hand with a pained frown. "I think I broke a knuckle." 

"I hope he broke more than that." 
And that was no other than the friendly policewoman, looking not the least bit accusing that Namjoon had just hit someone in front of her. There was only anger and loathing in her eyes as she stared at Seong-Min. And Jimin knew- the court would see it that way as well. 

Namjoon chuckled, then went to stand in front of Jimin again, holding out his unharmed hand. 
Jimin took it and got to his feet. 

He was standing. 
Seong-Min was down. 
He did it. 
He won.

And as Namjoon guided him out of the house, away from the monster and the horrible memories, he knew his future started now. 



Jimin after this be like: 

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