•The RuiVin Story•

By ShangChen3

83 3 10

At the Countdown to 2011 party ( thingy ), someone horrendous happened. Luckily, Rui En and Elvin Ng made it... More



18 1 0
By ShangChen3

Rui En's POV
"Hey, Rui En, you ready? You're up next," the crew at the back asked me. I dusted my clothes and replied," Yeah," I heard someone call the guy and he turned to me and said, " K, cool! You're up. Good luck! " After that he walked away. Well, okay...I didn't expect it to be my turn that early. Oh well! You didn't get to do a small "rehearsal" but it's your song, you SHOULD and WILL remember it :). I walked over and saw Elvin Ng there staring at me. "Hah. Let me guess, you're next, oh LOL. Good luck!" He shouted. I sorta smiled at him a bit , fakely though, and walked down the stairs towards the stage.

I heard shouts of my name the moment the host said my name. I smiled at them and trudge to the stage. The two host, one is a female wearing a red dress, and a male, I think bald, started walking towards me and asking questions. Like what show I was busy with ( She said Take Of 2 Cities but just pretend she said Code Of Honour PLZ ) and lalala...the first song I sang was 白色羽毛. I suddenly imagine Elvin in my head rolling his eyes, Uhhhh...I don't why I thought of that FOCUS and get back to your song.

Suddenly, I heard people shouting. I thought they were children but suddenly I heard a creak sound and the lights went out. I was astonished at that moment, so I looked up. Everytime somethings happen I will look up. Something totally shocked me though...the curtains fell off and qere dropping Right. On. Me. I was literally overcomed with fright! But I had no time to react the curtains fell on me 1 second later.

The next second was a blur and horrible. I didn't even know what I was doing, it was so heavy and covered almost the whole area. All I could heard was muffled screams from the people below, I assume was RBKD and children, but I couldn't care anymore. I was stuck under here! I tried moving but the thing totally crushed me. "OH GOD HELP ME! WHY IS THIS SO HEAVY!" I screamed, innocently thinking that the backstage people will hear me. I felt people lifting up the curtains but just not the place I was at. Oh my lord, is this fate or what? It must be ME who get stuck here! It must be ME who doesn't get found! I must be at the spot where no one is looking at! "I AM RIGHT HERE! HEEELLLP!" I once again, purely thought that those people could help me, but my voice was drowned by the crowd. Oh my gosh. On my mind now was two things: Are this people stupid, they can't see a bump? Second, is this thing going to suffocate me?

Elvin's POV (When Rui En was singing)
I really cannot help but peek at the corner when Rui En was singing. I saw some people say that her voice sounds like Faye Wong ( Is that how you spell her name? Also, what he saw online was actually my own experience ). I don't know if that is true but I know her voice is the really angelic, soothing...plus can go REally high and REally low in a flash. Especially when she was at the chorus. Oh myyyy, my heart- gurl, I think I should become her fangirl. I am acting like one right now- "AHHHHH!" "RUUUNNN RUI EN!!" Uhh, what is happening? Instantaneously, the lights went out, the song stopped playing...the backstage people were running about, hollering commands and it was pandemonium..Nobody noticed me Looking stupid at the side. Suddenly, the curtains I was sorta leaning on, ( Ya' know, when people lean on the wall but with the curtains behind them, like...resting on the curtainish-wall? Yea. ) starting moving upwards. I was taken aback, first thing I did was try to pull onto it. Out of the blue, something flashed in my mind: If the curtains keep sliding and slipping, it will topple over-like a waterfall-and hit the person on the stage. Well, the person must be unlucky to be there, not sure if he or she will- RUI EN! SHE IS STUCK UNDER THERE?! At that second, I was still processing all of that and stopped pulling or leaned on the curtain( ish-wall ). Oh shit.

Weng! Splat! ( I tried okay? Think of the curtains slipping down and the sound of the curtains hitting the ground..)

I heard people shrieking and wailing. Numerous people went rushing under the curtains to find her. OH MY F***! ARE YOU GUYS BLIND? CAN'T YOU SEE A FREAKIN' BUMP THERE? WHERE THE F*** ARE YOU LOOKING? "Hey, hey! You're not allowed to go there, sorry," the person who I knew, Tom, ( No such person working there) made that aware to me. "You serious? Why? Oh lord, at least tell them to check there! Where are they even checking at? Isn't it ob-" I yelled, though was cut by Tom. "We have enough trouble here, please don't start a ruckus, Elvin. We will find her, it is just a curtain." He flatly told me. I had enough, and shoved him racing towards the stage. ( Front of the stage )

Rui En's POV
You know what? The people will still find me no matter how stupid they were. *rolls eyes* You just need to chill here, they will find you sooner or later. On the spur of moment, I felt somebody raised the curtain up. Oh finally.. Wow, I finally could breathe, properly. I didn't bother seeing who saved me, it didn't matter and I will just get mad. The plan is, walk backstage and act normal..yeah sounds fine. "Um..thanks," I muttered. I didn't look at the person's face, because it is so going going expose me. I felt like kicking the persons' You-know-where. I caught a glimpse of RBKD being stopped by practically everyone from running over the barrier and running to me, oh. So it was them who was screaming...( Oooh, did we just let Miss En not get heard? Wow...we are so bad! ) Seriously? Am I still thinking bout' that? I innocently started to walk towards the backstage. "Omg, are you okay? Were you squashed? Ahhh, how do you feel...it is so heavy!" The person bombarded me with questions, that voice..sounded so familiar..I whipped my head around only to see Elvin there, legs shaking. "OH MY GOODNESS, DID YOU JUST LIFT THAT THING ALONE?" I roared, "Um, yeah..why?" He answered. "Why did you do that!! You are Injured..! Who even let you come?" I screeched. Truthfully speaking, I seemed to forget about about my incident, until I realised I was acting stupid. Why did I care so much about his- "Elvin Ng! I told you not to come, we have it all under control!" A guy, Tom I think, reprimanded Elvin. "Really? I think those people don't even know she had been found. Lol, I mean look," He gave a really quick rebut. Tom looked embarrassed and shouted at the I have to say, group of dumb and useless probably blind people, that I had been found. A lady, I suspect was the person in charge of this, came running towards me. "How did we not find you? Ok, anyway...sorry for letting you go on stage even though we know there is stage malfunction," she said. I was caught stunned for a moment, what?! They knew there was a stage malfunction, Instead of cancelling or delaying the event, still let me go on there? They didn't even tell me and 眼巴巴看着我上台, totally unsuspecting and sang. I must look so dumb! "Why did you still do that?" I asked, in disbelief. People nowadays only care about themselves and would risk people lives for their own success. Like this woman, who wants her event to be successful. "That's just sick! She could've been more injured!" Elvin bellowed. "Erm..I'm sorry for doing that. I learnt my lesson, I won't do it." She said, shrugging. 一看,就知道她是个嘴巴说的,和心里想的不同. "Yeah..." I answered, well, she had to have an answer right? "Yeah? You won't complain?" This girl is sick! At this stage, she still thinks about me complaining about her? "OH she doesn't need to, I will," Elvin rebutted her, "C'mon." He pulled my hand and paced towards the backstage. I felt a rush of warmth passing through my veins. What was that? I never experienced that before..it felt nice though. 好像被电电到那样..( Is that what people call, 触动? ) I don't know, but it's probably because that girl got rebutted real bad.

"I never seen such a despicable person before!" Elvin said, shuddering. He caught the look on my face and continued,"Worst than Hu XiaoMan, and yeah, don't need to worry bout' my hand." After that, he winked at me. I smacked him hard this time. "饶了我啦! 我是你的救命恩人好吗? 会痛呃!" He commented, wincing.
"救命恩人? PFFT, Even if you didn't help me, they will still save me."
"Wow..looks like someone isn't grateful huh. Shouldn't have helped her!"
"Yea, you CHOOSED to help me, I didn't scream for you to help me."
"I can't hear you too anyway. And, that shows how much I love you huh?"

If you guys know who said the underlined part, good job!

Hint 1: It's from The Dream Makers 1.
Hint 2: No, it's not Rui En.

Alsooo, Rui En just took her shot! She said it's not pain you know? I don't believe you lah!! Must be pain one right? The way she says 现在,我以女儿的身份呼吁你们...Hahaha! It's like "payback" on her parents too? But at the same time, it's for their own good.

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