The Peter Series

By melybxx

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Edited footages of Peter Parker in the Tower and in the Compound were broadcast on live television. More

Peter Series
Episode 1: This is Peter
Episode 2: The Amazing Peterman
Episode 3: no HE IS not MY DAD; no HE IS not MY SON
He Can't Know
Episode 4: Eli
Episode 5: The Chair of Everything that is True and Meh
Episode 6: He is Tony Stark's Intern
Episode 8: She's Just the Girl He's Looking For
Episode 9: The Rash and The Crush
Episode 10: Le Tour
Special Episode: Loki
Special Episode: Tell Me About Peter
My Senses Says There Is Something Wrong
Pinterest Inspired
To the Coffee Shop
Peter Peter Peter
Thank you

Episode 7: Baby

6.9K 260 50
By melybxx

The screen showed Peter siting on the chair, he gave the camera a mischievous smile.
"Story Tiiime" he said excitedly to the camera.

The screen went black and showed words being type into the screen

Story Tiiime
When Peter tries to narrate an event that happened in a third person point of view and the screen shows the security footages in the compound or tower.

"Let me tell you a story of the time Peter turned to a baby.

Once upon a Friday afternoon, the awesome Peter went to the compound for his weekly staycation/internship.

Peter was very tired, so very tired. The weight of his backpack was too much for him. Not only its physical weight but also the emotional and mental baggage that the contents of the bag contain.

Oh, poor, poor, teenage student Peter.

School, was not that kind to him, not the people or the homework, definitely not the homework.

Peter was very exhausted, nothing a refreshing drink can help.

I believe whoever is watching him from above, have heard his wishes.

As he entered the kitchen of the compound, there in the countertop, sit a cold and purified water or so he thought.

The moment he gulp the contents of the glass in one go is by far the most regretful action he has done yet.

First, the satisfaction as he has finally quench his thirst. Next, the odd feeling of somehow the world is just so big for Peter. He felt small. Lastly, the urge to cry and bawl his eyes out and just scream at someone or just anything really.

Honestly, just a big mood.

Now, you can find Peter or baby Peter on the kitchen floor, crying." Peter said while pouting at the camera.

"Now, unfortunately for Peter, Mr. Stark rushed to the kitchen holding a sticker paper that says, 'Do not drink!'" Peter said.

"Why leave it on the kitchen counter top if it's not supposed to be drank?!" Peter shouted at the camera. Peter signal the camera to go back to where it left.

"No, no, no, please no!" Said Tony as he rushed in to where he heard the loud cry.

"Okay, there's a baby, who is the baby? Oh no. Please no, curly brown hair, brown eyes and school backpack. May's gonna kill me." Tony said as he look at the baby on the floor.

"Boss, I advise you to pick Peter up and try to calm him." The AI said

"Yes, yes, of course." Once Tony carried Peter, he automatically stopped crying and just stared at Tony's face for a minute and giggled and clap his chubby hands.

"With no knowledge of what's happening, as estimated a 1 year old baby Peter, finally found a familiar face. It's a mystery to both Peter and the genius, billionaire, former playboy and philanthropist as to how the baby found comfort in his mentor's arm." Peter said

"You don't remember what happened that day?" Shuri's voice was heard in the room.

"All I remember was waking up the next day and the Avengers pouting and looking like someone stole something from them. Karen told me what happened. Back to the story." Peter replied.

"Tony have no idea how to take care of the matter at hand. So what did he do? He rushed to Dr. Bruce Banner and told him to reverse whatever experiment they made. While Tony was phasing around the room thinking how is he gonna explain to Peter's awesome aunt, and also to his beloved fiancé thee Pepper Potts that he had accidentally turned his intern into a baby, Peter was very much pleased to sit on the work table of the remarkable scientist (not the best decision from the two most smartest superheroes) just watching him work and at the same time tried his best to entertain Baby Peter." Peter continued.

"Can I tell the story?" Karen asked

"Karen this my Story Tiiime!" Peter whined at his AI.

"Yes, but you wouldn't tell the story right. You were a baby there, you don't know what was going on." The AI replied.

"But I want to tell——" Peter said back to his AI

"Me and F.R.I.D.A.Y. watched every second of it." Karen said.

"It didn't take long for the other Avengers to know that Peter had turned into a baby." Karen started

"Kareeeen!" Peter whined

"Since, Sergeant Barnes and Sergeant Wilson are on cooking duty that Friday night. They have decided to do an early round to asked everyone if they want steak or something Italian for dinner." Karen continued.

"The two were both shock when they saw a baby inside the scientist lab.

Bucky: You kidnapped a baby?

Sam: Why would you—

Tony: No, no, this is Peter.

Sam: Peter is a teen not a baby. Well, sometimes he acts like one but still.

Bruce: He accidentally drank an anti-aging experiment that Tony and I made.

Bucky: How can he accidentally——

Bruce: Tony didn't put a label on it and left it at the kitchen counter.

Bucky was about to take Peter off of the table, he was not great with babies but he knew that putting a baby on a table full of chemicals and glass is not the smartest thing to do. Tony was not please however and carried Peter before Bucky can get a hold of him.

Tony: No.

Bucky: Come on! Let me carry him. I'm his favorite. Look! He's reaching out to me.

Tony: No, you are not his favorite. He's just reaching out because of your shiny metal arm.

Sam: Come on, let us take care of Peter. We promise we won't take him to another country this time.

Tony: If I didn't trust Peter with you two when he was a teen, why would you think I'd trust you when he's a baby?

Bucky: Again, you're just jealous, you know we're gonna be his favorite.

Tony just glared at the two. Talk about protective and possessive Irondad if you ask me." Karen said

"Not you too, Karen" Peter said

"Hush, I'm telling a story." Karen told Peter.

"The two Sergeants were able to convince Mr. Stark to take Peter to the common room. All the while they tried their very best to snatch Peter from Mr. Stark. Upon arriving at the common room, where the other Avengers are staying. The rest have the same reaction as the two who had when they sawthe billionaire carrying a giggling baby. Ms. Romanoff was successful enough to get Peter from Mr. Stark.

Steve: How about you get something for Peter to wear, we will look after him.

Clint: Oh! Oh! Get him a Baby Hawkeye suit or Hawkeye themed onesie.

Bucky: No! Get him a Winter Soldier one!

Sam: Peter would look extra cuter if you buy him the Falcon themed onesie.

It took 30 minutes of arguing and contemplating before Mr. Stark decided to leave Peter with people who argue what kind of onesie should he get for his intern.

Mr. Stark was sure enough that nothing would happened to his baby intern because both the Black Widow and Scarlet Witch were there to make sure no harm would come to Peter.

Ms. Potts on very rare occasions was finally done with work and went to the common room to make sure that everyone was doing okay. She was not expecting to be greeted by a squealing baby boy with Peter's science pun shirt on.

Pepper: What the? What's going on in here?

Upon hearing the CEO's voice Peter began to reach out to her. Baby Peter was pleased enough that the CEO picked him up. While Peter was playing with Ms. Potts hair, everyone explained to her why Peter is now a baby. Miss. Potts tried her best to focus on what they were saying but she was too distracted with the baby in her arms.

Bucky: Tony and Bruce left Peter on top of the Bruce's table.

Pepper, Natasha and Wanda: What?!

Cue in Mr. Stark with his very unlucky timing for the second time of the day, he have finally come back with some diapers and plain black onesie.

Pepper: You left Peter on top of a table filled with harmful chemicals and glass?!

Tony, in his best effort to save himself from his very angry fiancé: Bruce was beside him! I was busy thinking of an excuse to tell you of what happened to him!

Peter laughed at Tony's response.

"Boss, was very lucky that Baby Peter is in Ms. Potts arms. If not we are not too sure what will happen to my creator." F.R.I.D.A.Y. continued.

"Oh! Come on! Not you too. This was supposed to be My Story Tiiime. I'm supposed to be the narrator!" Peter whined at the AI.

"Mr. Barton with knowledge of taking care of a baby. Put a diaper on Peter and made him wear the onesie.

Clint, mumbling: Couldn't even get Peter a superhero themed onesie.

Natasha: Why does it have to be so plain, Stark?

Wanda: There are a lot of cuter ones. I think me and Nat should go buy some for Peter.

Tony, took out a small device and kept tapping on it: Don't bother.

When boss was done tapping on the device Peter's black onesie turned into an Ironman themed outfit onesie.

Clint, now very excited: Can it turn into any kind of onesie? Can it turn into a Hawkeye themed onesie?

Tony: Yes, but he's staying in that one.

Steve: That's not fair!

Natasha, threateningly : Give me that device, Stark.

Tony, backing away from the assassin: no, he is my intern, my undersoos. I get to decide what he wears. I made that suit for him.

Pepper: Give it to me Tony.

Despite the love that boss have for Ms. Potts, he was not willing to let them change the Ironman mode on the baby suit he made for Peter.

Tony: No, I let you have Peter last weekend. He's mine now.

Wanda, while pointing at Pepper then pointing at her and the rest of the Avengers: How come Pepper get to have a whole weekend with Peter and we have to share?

Pepper, glared at Tony: Give me the device, Tony.

Boss was still not willing to hand in the device. Ms. Potts, was not having it and looked at the Avengers. It's the only thing that the Avengers were waiting for, a confirmation signal from the Real Big Boss. With some super strength, magic and great spy skills the Avengers were able to steal the device from boss.

Wanda: Let's do a photoshoot!

And that's what the Avengers did, a photoshoot of baby Peter as they change the suit's setting. The Avengers were very much happy to have Peter dressed in a onesie of their superhero counterpart and other cute animal themed onesies too.

Baby Peter was pleased as well with the attention he was getting from his idols." F.R.I.D.A.Y finished

"Okay this part you'll be saying a script that I made." Shuri said

"But this is my Story Tiiime!"Peter whined for the third time.

"This is necessary for the Story Tiiime, now read what's in the monitor, don't mess it up because you're not gonna leave this room unless you do it right"

"Alright, alright"Peter said defeatedly.

Cut to multiple scenes of Peter messing up the script and giving some commentary as well, which the Princess does not appreciate.

"Peter's Aunt have discovered the event that have happened to his beloved nephew because of the unending messages she got from the Avengers asking how she took care of Peter when he was a baby."

"Aunt May very much missed Baby Peter, she have cooed and kissed baby Peter to no end when she arrived at the compound. Dr. Banner, was able to reverse what happened to Baby Peter. With heavy heart Aunt May and Pepper Potts made sure that everyone would sign an agreement stating that none of the Avengers both official and unofficial, also including Happy, Miss Potts and Aunt May will 'accidentally' or purposely turn Peter back to a baby again whether it be by Science or Magic."

"Now, the Avengers continue to mourn for the loss of their adorable Baby Peter. Peter's baby suit is located in the Avengers hall of fame as a reminder of such joyous and wondrous moment."

"It is said that the Avengers still visit the suit 'till this day" Peter finished.

The screen showed multiple photos of Baby Peter wearing different themed onesie, the screen zoomed out to show the monitor where the photos were being displayed next to a glass display of Peter's baby suit and the device that controls it. A golden plate below shows the words.

"Baby Peter shall remain in our memories and in our hearts."

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