The Power Within: A Rose Full...

Por MynamebeMicah

212 4 4

When 3 girls and 4 brothers supposedly meet for the first time, it turns out they aren't so different from ev... Mรกs

1. Andi
2. The New Kids On the Block
3. The office
4. The office Part 2
5. The Diner
6. Home Sweet Home
7. Home Sweet Home pt. 2
8. The Dangers of My Mind
9. The Dangers of My Mind Pt. 2
10. I hate Hospitals
11. I Miss You.
12. I'm Back...nevermind, I'm gone again.
13. I Hate you.
14. Fading memories.
15. The Lake of Anxiety
16. Dark everything
17. Back to Reality. (Names of the Characters)
18. The Secrets I Hide
19. Awoken to another Shitty Day
20. The Runt
21. Knocking on Another Dreams Door
22. The Guardians from Hell
23. Escaping an Artist of Escape
24. The Perfect Little Town
25. Regret
Long nights
The Ghosts of the Past
Chill My Guy
My Death Day
We are Monsters. Not Men.
The School
Another Person's Chaos is another Person's Good Time
Make It Out, Dead or Alive.
Stolen Goods
What to do...What to do
Mommy Dearest
Separated Lies
The prank
Far Away from Love
The Brain vs. The girl
The Operating Room
A New Better Day
My Shadow Monster
Another day, Another wave of pain
The Good, The Bad, and The Death
The Mother
The Fallen
Sleep Over
Sleepless nights
On the Inside
Mother of the Year

Sleep Deprived

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Por MynamebeMicah

Nope. Not a dream. As I stand here at the front door while everyone else piles in the house from being outside this entire time, I'm preoccupied by thoughts of the past events.

Me and Jonah haven't even slept yet and school has already started. Most of us probably wont even go today. So much for Jake getting his diploma or any of us passing high school.

I know dad graduated High school cause he went into the Army but I don't know much about mom. Yeah she was my mom but she wasn't the type to stick around and be a mom. She usually just came around when she wanted to wiggle her way back in to our family and of course she always got her way with dad. But it wasn't so bad when mom was here. Dad was distracted but at least me and mom didn't get hurt as much. But when I was away at school and mom and dad were alone, they would start fighting and we all know how that ends but when me and dad were the only ones here, he just used me as his personal punching bag and it got worse when I met Oliver.

It might be different with Jonah though. Wait. What am I even talking about!? Its not like we are together. I shouldn't be thinking about him like that. We don't even really know each other that well except for our pasts and he doesn't even know about Oliver. I mean Jonah knows about him but he doesn't know that he teamed up with my dad and almost killed me. Even I didn't mention that part to myself. I can't relive that traumatizing memory. Everything else is tolerable but that, I can never relive that horrible night.

I get pulled out of my thoughts when Jake speaks, "Well, I can't miss anymore school so uh whoever wants to come with me, can. Who ever didn't get enough sleep, stay here." He looks at me and Jonah, who in fact, look half dead. Well I look half dead, Jonah is half dead.

Everyone started getting ready all except me and Jonah. I guess they got enough sleep. Everything was kinda blurry when everyone was getting ready. I barley even noticed them going out the door.

Jake had made us food for when we wake up but I don't think I'll be hungry anytime soon. I'm tired but I'm too tired to fall asleep. That's when I sigh and sit on the couch next to Jonah.

"You tired yet, Mary?" I nod at his question but I don't really feel like I'm there. I try to answer but I think it just came out as gibberish to him. "Yeah, um I'm too tired to fall asleep."

He gives me a side look while his head is leaned against the back of the couch. I can tell he's smirking. "Well that's no good. In all seriousness though, I feel the same. I might as well make some freaking coffee cause I don't think I'm falling asleep anytime soon." I totally agree with him. "Coffee sounds really good right now." I say, mumbling my ass off. "Does it?" He asks as I nod my head in agreement. He gets up to make the coffee.


As I walk down the hallway, I noticed I haven't talked or really noticed Andi all day. I wonder if she is okay? I've been a real asshole to her over the past couple of days, even before the grief started.

Maybe I should look for her. She doesn't have many classes with Amber so maybe she will want some company...I just hope she will want mine.

When I spot her near her locker, looking lonely and uncomfortable, I make my move to talk to her.

"Hey, Andi." I say it more quiet than I wanted but I don't want to startle her so...When she saw me, I could tell in her eyes she was somewhere else. Her eyes were glossy and she looked like she was fixing to cry. She hasn't spoken yet. Maybe I can get her talking so she can get her mind off whatever she's fighting.

"Andi? You okay?" Suddenly she turns towards me, clearly annoyed. "Do I look okay to you, Luke? Do I look like I want to talk to you when you've been acting like a complete ass to me for the last 5 days!? Just please get your own shit together before you go trying to make me feel bad about mine." She slammed her locker and didn't look at me, In fact her head was tilted down so her hair blocked her view of everything except the floor.

Nice Luke. Very nice. Now she freaking hates you! Well done dumbass! I'm so stupid! When I sigh and notice people across the hall staring at me near their lockers, I smile awkwardly and walk off in the direction Andi had went moments before.

Suddenly a hand lays on my shoulder and a familiar annoying voice goes from my right ear right out of my left. I had no clue what Max was talking about. Max is kinda a family friend. He is also the dumbass who gave Lizzy the idea to cheat on Jonah with all of us and then he stole her after she was done with us and went back to Jonah. So Jonah definitely doesn't like Max. None of us really do but what can we do. His mom and dad dropped him off with Uncle John and Aunt Mack so we can't really do anything about that.

I mean we could kill him and no one would know anything was wrong but why do that when you can just kick him out?

When I spotted Andi in a nearby classroom, I stopped in my tracks and backed up so I got a closer look in the classroom. I removed Max's arm off my shoulder and left him there bewildered, with out a word from me.

When I walk over to Andi, she looks down at the ground. Avery brushes her hand against my arm, making all the hair on my arm stand straight up. I don't like her. She's just as annoying as Max, maybe even more.

When I give her a look and inhale to spill my guts to Andi, The witch cuts me off. "Hey, Lukey. What are you doing talking to...her?" When Avery mentions Andi, she kinda laughs and makes fun of her without saying anything about her. It's all about the facial expressions and tone of her voice. It made me want to grab her by her neck and just squeeze until the life drained from her eyes but I didn't, so I'm very proud of myself. Woah. That was dark.

Anyway, when she mentioned Andi AND interrupted me, I gave her a look of anger and disgust. That shut her up. When I looked back at Andi, I made sure to fix my attitude and tone before I whispered to her. "Andi. I'm really sorry I was being an ass. I deserve all the angry looks and you can yell at me all you want but I want to make sure your okay right now." She was still looking down but she was playing with her fingers, I didn't notice it before but her hands were also shaking pretty bad.

God, I can't imagine what she's going through. I also don't know what's she going through right now. I should proabaly figure that out. I think I have an idea.

I extend my hand, trying not to make it to obvious that I want Andi to take it. Her head is still down, her face hidden by her hair, but she eventually slowly extends both of her shakey hands to grab my hand.

Haha. I did it. Now to go somewhere she's comfortable. Once I get her out in the hall, I look at her and whisper as soft as I can, "Don't think about the other people. Where do you want to go?" I can feel her hands still shaking in mine but I just want her to feel safe. I want to take her somewhere she will feel safe.

When I keep staring at her, I can feel her tense up. She doesn't want me to look at her. She doesn't want anyone to look at her. I rub her hand with my thumb as I look down the halls. I eventually whisper to her again, "Just lead me to where you want to go. Please, Andi. You can do it...You got this."

She finally looks up at me with her big blue eyes. She still has her head pretty low but she is still looking up at me. Her eyes are bright and very beautiful.

Suddenly she looks down at her hands in my hand. Im only using one hand to hold her's because I have to use my other to keep my bag on my shoulder.

When I once again start rubbing her hand with my thumb, she whispers, "I want to be anywhere but here." As she said the last part of the sentence, I could hear her voice breaking.

I wasted no time thinking of the one place that might calm her down. We have many hangout spots but my private hangout spot is on top of the school. It also covers the whole town but it's better at night. I don't take anybody up there but Andi is an exception. She's hurting and needs a safe space to collect her thoughts. I know a roof isn't the safest place but I won't let her fall. I am an angel after all. I'll catch her if she falls.

"Where are we going, Luke?" She whispered so low, I almost didn't hear what she said. It's like she's another person today. She is so shy. Even around me. Then again, I'm a different person some days too so I can't say much.

When I help her up the stairs to the roof, she stays close to me. The wind blows her hair back behind her instantly when I open the door to the roof.

I can tell she's cold by the chattering of her teeth. As I take out a jacket from my bag, she stands there, her wavy brown hair blowing in the wind along with her shirt that's way too big on her. I think it's cute on her. It doesn't matter what she wears to me. She could be wearing a garbage bag and I would still think she is beautiful. But I bet it's way different for her. She cares about what she wears. She always wants to look stylish and beautiful but she never feels stylish or beautiful. Poor thing. I feel so bad for all women but I can't do anything to help them all. I'm only one person.

When I walk to the edge and put my bag down, she is still standing in the same spot, her shakey hands still clung to each other.

I walk over to her and extend my hand for her to take. She looks up at me for approval and I nod. When her hand touches mine, my heart stops, her hands are freezing but she's sweating. When I feel her head, her eyes close and she almost fell backwards.

Wait...Jack said she still wasn't out of the woods yet. Maybe she's getting sick because her memories are coming back or maybe they are fading again. I need to find Jack.

"Andi." No response. Her head is on my shoulder, but she looks mostly unconscious from my point of view. I think I'm gonna have to pick her up to go find Jack. As I put my hands on her back and under her knees, I effortlessly pick her up. She is pretty light for a 17 year old girl.

I try to pray for Jack but I don't hear a swoosh in the background. There's nothing on angel radio. Well, guess I'm gonna have to teleport. Man, I haven't done this in a long time. I haven't flown in a long time either. We only fly when we are trying to catch something. I usually just teleport since I have multiple powers so...I should proabaly get going.

After I figure out how to teleport and where to find Jack, I take one last look at the view of the town. Then I dissapear into thin air with Andi in my arms.


When I awake, the world is all fuzzy as usual. I'm not really surprised about that part. I'm not really surprised about where I woke up either. It's the same place I woke up last time when I passed out while dad was at the Mayfield's. I still don't really know what fully happened when I passed out then.

The first thing I opened my eyes too was Jack and Luke. They didn't know I was awake though, they had their backs to me. At least I could hear what they were saying.

"I can't let her die, Jack. You should be the first person to know that." I didn't know Luke cared so much about me.

Jack responds next, "Yes, I know Lucas but she is in a tough spot where anything could happen to her. She's already blacking out and forgetting things." Great thanks Jack, now I'm gonna be paranoid. "She's too important. To all of us. You said she was a dream walker right? And she can use sound frequency to make people deaf?" Luke seemed surprised that I could do that. What am I talking about. I'm surprised I could do that!

Gosh I have a lot to deal with and not enough time to deal with all. I might as well push it down like the Mayfield's. That's the only way I'm gonna get to live my life.

God I can't do that. My mom always taught me to deal with my problems. I never listened to her until it was too late though. I need to start working on myself better. I need to control my emotions and thoughts first though.

Luke speaks next, "Well if it comes down to her dying, I'll save her. She doesn't deserve to die. Her mom didn't even deserve to die even though she did some messed up things." Wait, what is he talking about!? What did mom do!?

"Lucas-" Luke cuts him off, correcting him with a glare, "It's Luke." Jack sighs and looks down, "Luke, my bad. What I was going to say was that her mom did her best though. She kept her safe." Suddenly Luke had a look on his face I had never seen before, "Yeah was that when she left her daughter on the side of the fucking road to die!? Or was it the time she snuck behind her daughters back and fed lies to her best friend and ex boyfriend!? I could keep going." I've never seen Luke so protective, it kinda scares me. And...did my mom really do all that stuff!?

Suddenly the only person I really wanted to talk to appeared. My mother. She wasn't a ghost. She was alive. She didn't even look at me, not even my direction. She was there for business. Not her daughter. So much for missing her. She didn't miss me, I can tell it by the look on her face.

That makes me angry. The only person that I could be myself around and she doesn't even give a fuck about me. So much for having a perfect parent. I was the only one who had hope in their family.

All I want to do is cry but if I do, they will know I'm awake and won't talk about my mom anymore and she will probably dissapear into the night like the night I thought she died.

I need to be strong. Suddenly I hear a voice in my head that's not in the room.

She doesn't love you, Andrea. She never did. All the things she taught you, the secrets she told you. The box she gave you with all of your father's belongings, it was all a lie.

All of that couldn't of been a lie. I believe the stuff to do with my dad was real. But the other stuff I don't know about. All these years I always thought I knew my mom, but now I'm not so sure.

When mom speaks, my heart breaks. She sounds so similar but her voice is more manipulative. She would only use that voice around Penny or my ex. I thought she was just joking but now that I think about it. I can see their nasty facial expressions in my head. What Luke said was true. She did use my friend and my boyfriend all those years. Good for them I guess. My boyfriend abused me and my best friend spread rumors that almost ruined my life. But that doesn't mean I wish revenge on them or I wish they were dead. I just wish they were better people.

I wish my mom was a better person. I hope my dad was a better person than what my mom told me. She proabaly told me lies about him being in the army. He proabaly left her crazy ass. I wouldn't blame him. I kinda want to leave too.

When I focus in on what my mom says, some of her guards enter the room. What is she, a Queen!? I know for a fact she doesn't need 30 guards for 2 people. Actually they might, Jack seems pretty powerful and I know for a fact, Luke is very powerful and if he wanted he could kick all of their asses in 3 seconds flat. He seems angry enough right now.

"Good evening gentlemen, I wanted to come by and see how you were all holding up. My daughter isn't an exception though. She's already ruined my plans enough. I don't need her anymore. If you don't mind, keep her out of my way so I don't have to end her life too. I've already had to end her boyfriends and her best friends. Poor things." Wait. Why would she share this much information with them? What is she even doing here? I haven't been a problem to her. I didn't even know she was alive! How could I cause her problems!?

Luke speaks out of anger next, "Don't worry, you won't need to worry about her at all. Now please get the hell out so we can save her. But I doubt you give a damn so I guess that's useless information to you just like it was useless information to us that you killed her boyfriend and her best friend." He doesn't even break eye contact. He really hates her with everything in him, doesn't he? Jack doesn't have an expression but I'm sure he doesn't appreciate Luke blurting out like that. But he doesn't want mom to know that.

"Well that's a shame, isn't it Darling? Actually I do care about my daughter. I just don't have a use for her right now. So I would like for you to keep her out of my way so I don't kill her, either on purpose or accidentally. Gotta keep my business flowing, boys. You know that though from last time she passed out like the weak parasite she is. I guess it can't be helped. She proabaly gets it from her hopeless father." Okay, that cracked me a little bit. But I can't let her know I'm awake. I have to stay strong.

"He was such a fool for believing I actually loved him. My daughter was an even bigger one for thinking he knew who she was. I had killed him before she was even born. Poor stupid girl." That's when rage took over my emotions and my eyes popped open so fast I didn't even have time to breathe. I made sure they didn't see me get up until I was walking slowly towards her. My rage so big I don't think Jack or Luke had the guts to even look in my direction. Suddenly as I got closer to her, my arms were loosely level with my waist as I spread my arms like a bird and her guards flew to opposite walls while a burst of purple energy came from my hands. My eyes glowed with purple rage. I quickly brought my hands down as the guards fell to their knees. I clenched my hands and their necks cracked. Their bodies dropped to the floor in sync.

Even my mom had a scared look on her face. I like that, a lot. She deserves to be scared of me. "I don't have control over my actions so you better watch what you say next, Mother." My voice was low and threatening. I could see Luke and Jack admiring my bravery from the corner of my eye. Mom didn't say anything else but she had a admired smirk on her face. But she soon made the mistake of opening her mouth again.

"Careful Andi. I might just kill your new friends. Better watch yourself." That's when an evil smile crept on my face like the Cheshire Cat. "You gonna send your guards after me, Mother Dearest? I think I can take them, don't you? Besides, I can smell your fear and in my opinion, your fear doesn't match your tone. Your way more scared of me than you thought, huh?" That's when my eyes glowed even brighter. I didn't care what happened to me or my mother. I just didn't want my friends to get hurt. They are the only thing I have now.

"You don't want to loose your friends. They are the only thing you have? Honey, you have me." That's when I had enough of her bullshit. "My mom died the night of that crash. I don't know who you are. Your an imposter. My mother was kind and respectful. MY Mother was an amazing person. YOU are not any of those things. She wasn't just my mom, she was my best friend.
And you took her away from me." That's when I went silent for a moment. So she had a minute to prepare for what I am going to say.

She lowered her eyes and then gave me a evil glare, waiting for me to continue. That's when I got even closer to her. My powers running down my body to create a beautiful black dress. I don't know why my powers do that but right now I have something to say.

Once I got to her, I looked straight into her eyes, showing no fear, no emotion, and all power. "I will be visiting you in hell, mother. Good luck, your going to need it. Oh and you will being seeing Jack and Luke again, but the only difference from last time will be me  standing there, ready for your foolish guards." Without another word, mom grabs her guards and leaves without a trace.

When the doors close, I still don't let my guard down. It's like my mind is blocked off now. It's like I have a wall that keeps the bad thoughts out, not all of them but some of them. Is this what it feels like to feel nothing? Is this what the Mayfield's feel? Will this feeling last? Proabaly not but for right now, I need it.

Suddenly the dress I'm wearing dissapears and my hair and clothes go back to the way they were before I used my powers. My back is still turned from Luke and Jack.

As I slowly turn around, I'm sure they can see the radiation of power in my eyes from where they are standing. I bet they can see the sadness too slowly creep up too.

The feeling is going away. That's when I turn back to the door so they don't see me cry. But it doesn't work. They still saw me getting upset. That's when gently grabbed my hand from behind and Jack put his hand on my shoulder and did the Mayfield trust thing where they always use their thumb to make us comfortable.

It does make me feel better though. Suddenly my thoughts are interrupted by Luke whispering in my ear, his voice is soft and calm. "Andi, are you okay? You need me to do anything for you?" That's when he looks at me with his concerning blue eyes. I didn't notice before but he has a hint of green streaks in his iris'.

His eyes are so inviting and even the way they shift between both of mine, it's just so attractive. That's when the corners of his mouth curve into a cute little smile, like he's admiring something. Is he admiring me?

When I notice he wants me to answer the question, I quickly collect myself. "Um, yeah I'm fine, I do t need anything." I try to change the subject to hide my embarrassment.

"Do you really think she did all that stuff?" The two of them just look at each other and shrug. Good answer.

"Where are we, by the way?" I ask, looking around. "We are in another dimension. We didn't know how long you would be asleep so we got you here and got Shawn in here to take care of you and don't worry, he volunteered to help you. Apparently he wants to be a doctor. He did pretty well in my opinion." Jack said with his hands crossed in front of him. He didn't look how he usually did, he looked more...relaxed. I wonder what happened to make him so relaxed. Maybe him and Jane made up or something.

I didn't even notice I was still holding Luke's hand. Mine fit perfectly in his. It makes me smile thinking about it. I haven't even had time to think about anything. My mind has wandered else where for the past like 3 months. I haven't got to think about myself or Luke or how we are soulmates. How we all came together as friends or even family. We really need to include Shawn and Nina more in what we do. Maybe they can help?

I know that sounds confusing but since Shawn already knows about dimensions since he had to travel from ours to this one just to take care of me, maybe he can help, medical wise and Nina is fast. Maybe she can run and get things we need. I know that sounds like I'm assigning jobs but that's what I think they would do if we included them. I don't know. That's a thought for another time. Right now, we need to get back home. Gosh, nothing in this town makes sense. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

A/N: Filler chapter cause I have no idea what I'm gonna do about the next chapter👍sorry if it sucks or it's all over the place.

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