Need You More Than Dope (Chae...

By funkycatt

5.5K 138 41

Rose's bachelorette party gone wrong. Or the Hangover Chaennie's version. More

Lisa Is Missing 2
Girl Gone Wild 1
Girl Gone Wild 2

Lisa Is Missing 1

1.9K 40 22
By funkycatt


Incheon - Korea
Jennie's Apartment

Jennie played with the white envelope in her hand, she tossed it around, crumpled it slightly before she opened it and read the letter again and again. She couldn't keep up with how many times she had read it by now.

You are invited to the wedding of Miss PARK CHAEYOUNG and Mr. OH SEHUN.

Sunday. June 27th at 3:00 pm.

Lake Kawaguchiko, Fujikawaguchiko, Minamitsuru District, Yamanashi, Japan.

She couldn't believe that her childhood best friend is getting married in Japan. And the wedding's groom is the biggest douche in the universe. She hated that after all they'd been through, Rosé still thought he was the most attractive man she'd ever met. Did he see her at all? Did he know Rosé like Jennie? Did he care for her and believe that her heart is a sacred treasure? Of course not. Sehun is only marrying Rosé for her beauty and she is marrying him for his money.

Talk about the wedding of the century. Oh Sehun - one of the youngest billionaires in Seoul and Park Chaeyoung - an aspiring pop idol who would kill for the rise to fame. Their modern Cinderella-like love story is scandalous enough to shook the kbiz nation.

Jennie sighed again, Rosé probably doesn't care anyway. Perhaps her priorities these days is a stable and powerful marriage. Someone who could provide for her and secure a place for her in the idol industry.

Frustrations and irritations came blisteringly to the surface. Jennie remembered the fight they had 3 years ago when Rosé said that she was getting serious with Sehun. The fight has driven them apart and neither has talked to each other ever since. When so much distance separated you, there was always a question in your mind What is she doing or, its more far-reaching corollary, what has she been doing...

But Jennie clearly gets it now. After all these times, Rosé is doing fine. The singer is completely fine without Jennie.

"Whatcha looking at babe?" Warm body pressed up against Jennie's half-naked body. A woman rested her head on Jennie's shoulder and giggled.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Stop calling me babe." Jennie grumpily answered.

Sana completely ignored her fumble as she grabbed her, spinning her around on the mattress, and hastily kissed her lips.

"Yes, oka-san~"

Jennie rolled her eyes at Sana's playfulness. She let the Japanese woman held her gently and she hummed quietly to the sweet melody on Sana's Spotify playlist.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Sana asked in a high-pitch voice. Jennie swallowed, her mind was racing.

"Are you free in June?"

"Depends on my busy schedule." Sana sleepily said and snuggled next to Jennie.

"Sana, you are a beauty guru. Is that even a real job?"

"Bish, don't insult my job when you know I bring in real schmoneyyyyy."

"Right, right. Anyway,... I have been meaning to ask you..."

Sana grinned knowingly, "What is it, a wedding invitation?"

Jennie immediately frowned, "Hey, how did you,"

"Oh please, I had known about this way before you got the time to sulked on that white envelope like a kicked puppy, boo-boo."

"Hey!!" Jennie pushed Sana away and glared at her. That smug smile just makes you want to slap her.

"It's the talk of the town! Billionaire Oh Sehun getting married to some country girl nobody has ever heard of. Um, Crazy Rich Asian much?" Sana clapped her hands in excitement.

"Park Chaeyoung...why does that name sound familiar?"

She continued, "Oh shit, isn't she the girl you have been obsessing over all these times? The one you used to be in a band with, in college? What was it called... Blackpink? You and Chaeyoung had that big fight and stopped talking ever since. What about the other two girls, Lisa and Jisoo, still keeping in touch though?"

Jennie is at a loss for words. This girl is unbelievable. Out of millions of women in Korea, she has to be fucking with the biggest blabbermouth on Earth.

"Jesus Sana, I told you the story when I was drunk that one time. ONE TIME!"

Sana burst out laughing and before Jennie could react, she hugged her dearly. "Don't blame me for having a photographic memory girl."

Jennie scoffed, "You dropped out of college for having bad grades, Sana."

"What-eves. So what's up with this Chaeyoung chick anyway. Why does she suddenly want to meet up with you after all these years?"

Jennie could only shrug. "I honestly don't know. But I wouldn't say that I'm not curious."

"Oh baby, you are blushing." Sana teased and Jennie nudged her lightly in the belly.

"Shut up. Do you want to go with me to the wedding or what?"

"Kim Jennie inviting her fuck buddy as a plus one to her ex's wedding? Is this some kind of bullshit rom-com?"

"Ex best friend! Urgg, you are so annoying!" Jennie rolled her eyes.

"Relax, Nini. I'll join ya, wouldn't miss it for the world."

Sana embraced her tighter. The Japanese woman seemed happy and cheery as usual. She had on PJ pants and one of Jennie's sweaters with her hair in complete disarray. Jennie couldn't help but teasingly tousled her hair which made her giggle. Annoying as she can be, the Japanese woman is simply adorable.

There's something warm and companionable in the way she hugged Jennie. She enjoys Sana's company. She enjoys her laughter, her witticisms, her kisses and not to talk about the sex... the sex is mesmerizing. To Jennie, Sana is special. But she doesn't love her. And she knows Sana feels the same way. The two lonely people find comfort in each other arms.

Jennie wanted to introduce Sana to Jisoo and Lisa. Surely they would love her. Although she couldn't say the same about Rosé. The singer had never liked any of Jennie's female friends besides the other Blackpink's members.

Hold on, she is getting ahead of herself. Rosé doesn't care anymore. She is about to be a married woman. A woman with bigger dreams and bigger responsibility. It would be stupid for her to care about those from her past life,... for her to care about Jennie.

Rosé doesn't care and neither should Jennie.


Seoul - Korea
A squash court somewhere

Lisa hit the ball hard, sweat dripping all over her face. Surely, she was kicking Jisoo's ass and she wouldn't stop until the woman begged for forgiveness.

By the look of it, Jisoo wouldn't back down any time soon.

"Getcha head in the game, loser!" Lisa teasingly said.

"But you are the master at playing squash, Lisa. Oh, how can I ever win?" Jisoo replied in a sarcastic tone. One hand holding her racket tight, the other hand holding her phone while she slightly yawned from boredom. She would rather be checking her emails or Twitter.

The ball went high, and Jisoo stood instill. Couldn't give enough shit, she was hit in the head with a loud thwack.

Lisa burst out laughing and Jisoo fumingly glared at her.

"Bitch, go easy there! You nearly cracked my skull!"

"Told you to get your head in the game!"

Jisoo throw her racket to the ground and went to sit on a bench, Lisa quickly followed.

"Enough with squashing. Have you heard about the new? Our dear Rosé is getting married!" Jisoo exclaimed excitedly.

Lisa handed Jisoo a water bottle and carefully wiped her sweat with a towel.

"Way ahead of ya. Rosé asked me to be her maid of honor."

The water bottle slipped out of Jisoo's hand and dropped to the ground, splashing water everywhere. Jisoo felt betrayed more than ever.

"What the fuck?! What about me?!" She hissed.

"Chillax mama. You'll get your turn when I get married."

"Which mean never?"


Jisoo rolled her eyes. "Jeez, Lisa. Stop messing around. And how does Jennie feels about all this?"

Lisa shrugged. "Don't know. I don't see her around anymore."

"Me too." Jisoo sighed. "She would have been Rosé's maid of honor you know. More than anyone, they had a special bond."

"At least she agreed to come to the wedding. You know what this means?" Lisa winked and held out her fist.

"Hell yeah. Blackpink is back, bitches. We are going to JAPAN!!"

They threw their arms in the air and pumped their fists. Both were excited to reconcile with their old friends who they consider to be family.


Yamanashi - Japan
Fujisansakura Hotel

It was a long flight and an unfortunate series of events. Sana forgot her passport so they nearly miss their flight. She also forgot to bring sleeping pills while knowing full well that Jennie can't sleep on airplanes. Sana ended up being Jennie pillows and had to tell her bedtime stories until she fell asleep.

After a rather shaky start, the rest of the flight went well. They arrived at Matsumoto airport where they were taken to a nearby hotel for the night stop.

Sana was giggling like an idiot. She was more than happy to be back in Japan, having to speak her mother tongue language and doesn't have to worry about translating everything people say all the time. This quick notion turned out to be very wrong later on.

"Carry my stuff for me, I'm tired." Jennie threw her luggage to Sana but she quickly dodged them.

"Nuh-uh, princess. I'm not your maid."

"But what about that time you dress up at an anime maid and we-"

"That was a one-time thing!" Sana scoffed and hurriedly went to the reception table.

"Excuse me, we are here for a wedding and I would like to take your fanciest suit," Sana said confidently.

"We don't have a suit." The receptionist confusingly replied.

"Then get me whatever is your largest room."

"All rooms are the same."

"Are you serious? What is this a 3 stars hotel?" Sana growled, unconsciously pulling on Jennie's coat.

"Yes ma'am. I'm sorry, what can I do for help?"

"Sana, what is he talking about?" Jennie whispered anxiously. Sana shook her head.

"Apparently, Mr billionaire booked a three stars hotel for his wedding."

"No freaking way."

But this didn't make sense. Their wedding has to be big. Why come all this way to Japan if you just end up marrying in a 3 stars hotel?

Sana finally got the keys from the receptionist and actively dragged a very confuse Jennie along with her.

"I know what you are thinking. The wedding is at Kawaguchiko lake. Not at this hotel doofus."

"But still, he could at least put in some money."

Unless he doesn't care that much about the wedding...

"Oh my gosh. Is that KIM JENNIE?!"

Out of nowhere she heard a familiar scream, and then came a tackle from someone she has known her entire life.


"Jennie!! I miss you so much!"

"Mind if I join in, ladies?"

Jennie nearly cried from happiness when she saw Jisoo's smile. They wrapped their arms around each other, forming a beautiful bearhug.

"I wanna join too!!" Sana excitedly shouted and got in the circle as well.

"Goddamnit, Sana. You ruined the moment." Jennie grumbled and pulled Sana by the collar. "Everyone this is Sana, my uh, friend. And Sana this is Lisa and Jisoo. We go all the way back to college."

"Nice to meet ya." Sana shooked hands with them and gave them a gorgeous smile.

"So this is the famous Minatozaki Sana. We heard many things about you." Jisoo exclaimed.

"Oh yeah? Good things, I suppose?" Sana laughed while nudging Jennie in the ribs.

"Just that you are so cool that you can get us in any exclusive clubs we want."

"You betcha. Not only in Seoul but also hear in Japan. The Phoenix, Kappas, Blue Whales,... you name it. I can definitely get you bitches in!"

"That's great cause we were planning to throw Rosé the best bachelorette party ever!"

Sana and Lisa were already jumping up and down while waving their hands excitedly. Lisa felt like she has found her soulmate. For the younger girl, Sana was exceptionally bright, attractive, and interesting. She is that typical cool girl you would always see in Hollywood movies. She is fun, raunchy, profane, and effortlessly hot. Most importantly, she is not like "any other girls." Lisa would know because she had followed Sana on every social media platform for ages. This was the first time she met the woman and she would kill to be her friend.

Jennie felt like a headache coming on. Is it the best idea to introduce a wild party girl to another wild party girl?

Jisoo on the other hand was ponding on a more serious problem. She wrapped her hand around Jennie's shoulder and whispered in her ear, "So... you still planning to avoid Rosé?"

"Pff,.. why would I do that?" Jennie wanted to kick Jisoo.

"Good. I hope that you had gotten over your petty fight."

"It wasn't petty!"

"Right then, you should go say hi. She is coming this way."

Jennie felt as if all the air has been knocked out of her lungs when she saw Rosé. She was beautiful. Just like she remembers. Her hair is in a pink-purple tone that matched her complexion. Keeping her gaze locked with Jennie's, she ground her hips from side to side as she worked her way to standing.

Rosé wanted to see if Jennie would notice her, and she did. She found her pace quickening until she was close, then beside them, reachable, an arm's length away.

Before she knows it, Rosé pulled her in a hug. Jennie's small figure melted into Rosé's embrace. Her perfume is intoxicating.

"I... Rosie."

"I miss you, Jennie. So much."

"I think they're starting to get a little too happy in there," Sana commented while secretly giggled with Lisa.

"I'm so happy that you are here. I thought you hated me." Rose bent down a little and kissed Jennie on the cheek. She quickly pulled away and smiled shyly at Jennie.

"I could never hate you," Jennie whispered, glad that her best friend is back.

Their problem couldn't magically disappear. Jennie didn't expect to resolve their issue right now but the least she could do is try to put on a smile and show her support.

"If he makes you happy then I'm happy too." She said again.

She should be happy... right?

Rosé nodded, she looked at Jennie with so much appreciation in those pair of brown eyes. A smile escaped that tell you so much. She seemed on the verge of tears. "Thank you for doing this for me."

Jennie held her hand gently. "I'm here Rosé."

"Yeah yeah, cut the crap. Let's get on with the funzies." Sana put her fist pump up. "Who's ready for the best bachelorette party ever?!"

"Me, me, me!!" Lisa jumped excitedly.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Rosé raised an eyebrow.

"This is Minatozaki Sana... my plus one." Jennie introduced.

"She is your friend?" Rosé asked, almost intimidated.

"Yeah. We are fuck friends." Sana casual said which made Rosé bugged her eyes out and glared at Jennie.

"Excuse me?" Rosé leaned carefully forward. "And how did that happen?"

"Uh..." Jennie broke a sweat trying to read the expression on Rosé's face.

"Never heard of Tinder bitch?" Sana laughed sarcastically.

Rosé was getting more and more annoyed at the small Japanese woman.

"Anyway, while you bozos were busy doing your K-Drama shit, I booked us a table at the Liberta. Get your sluttiest outfits on and let's partyyyyy!!!" Sana shouted and hastily ran to the elevator.

Lisa and Jisoo were charmed by the woman's enthusiasm, they quickly followed her. Lovely Sana was getting more interesting by the minute.

"I like this girl. Can we keep her? Can we keep her?" Lisa said while pulling Jisoo's hand.

"Of course."

Rosé looked at Jennie with stern cold eyes as to expect her to explain what the fuck just happened.

Jennie smiled and slightly shook her head. "She will grow on ya."

Rosé grumbled and started walking to the elevator as well.


Yamanashi - Japan
The Liberta Club

"Woohooo, Blackpink ft. Minatozaki Sana in the house." Sana walked confidently to the front, followed by the four members of Blackpink.

They finally arrived at the club after long hours of putting on makeup, gluing fake eyelashes to their eyelids, and squeezing in the tightest dresses that hugged their body perfectly.

"You guys, I want tonight to be fun. I'm getting married in 2 days. You never know what will change after that." Rosé said with a bright smile.

Again her beauty in the moonlight captivated Jennie as she moved closer. There was a hint of sadness in Jennie's dark eyes.

Things already changed Rosé, hadn't you realized that?

"But not too fun. You don't want to be left with a massive hangover and face your fiancé." Jennie said.

"Right, note to self, have fun but not too fun." Rosé nodded.

"Come on guys, we will get a few drinks, have a little fun, and go back to the hotel for the night, what's the worst that could happen?" Jisoo questioned and put her arm around Jennie's shoulders.

"Park Chaeyoung's bachelorette party, here we go!!" Lisa cheered as the five of them got in line to get in the club.

"Hold on, I need to take pictures." Sana got her phone out and began to capture a group selfie. "Hai, chiizu, party sluts!!"

"You mean say cheese?" Lisa wondered.

"Yeah, but for us Japanese, it's chiizu."

"Whatever, just take the damn picture!" Jennie frowned.



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