Narutoxblackgirl reader

By xnarum_ix

56.1K 1.8K 610

✨I do not own characters nor pictures✨ You and naruto are best friends what happens when he leave the village... More

Stubborn Nobu
Wash day
Yasushi Sasaki pt2
New comrade
Run away bride
Hinata rescue mission
Touching one's heart
Tailed beast dream
Festival Time
Our last chapter
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
❄️winter special❄️
⚠️New Book⚠️

Yasushi Sasaki

1.6K 55 0
By xnarum_ix

Me and Naruto slept at my place this time, and not gonna lie it feels like we live together we barely sleep at our own homes. I had to get up a little early due to a mission i had with a few others. So i did my regular morning routine and took out my twist out which came out very cute if you ask me.

Time skip (Tsunade's office)
When i walked in the room everyone was there.
"Ok, Y/N, Neji, Shikamaru, and Sakura, i need you 4 to go out and capture this man right here." She says holding a picture. "His name is Yasushi Sasaki, he is a rouge ninja who is been stirring up trouble, i want you to find out what, and capture him."

"Naruto why are you behind the door." Neji says.

Naruto then stumbles in "i want to be in the mission." He says

"Narutoo" Sakura grumbles

"No its okay, Naruto your apart of the mission as well, but DONT cause any trouble." Tsunade says

"I wont"  Naruto says with a big smile.

Time skip.
We skipped from tree to tree hurriedly trying to get to our destination which we were close to.

"Hey theres the place he should be at." Sakura says

"Based off the file we got from Tsunade this is what he looks like." I say showing everyone the man.

When we got to the small village we decided to keep a low profile. "Neji use your byakugan, we'll try to split up to cover more ground." Shikamaru insist.
"Me, sakura and neji will look this way, Y/N and Naruto go look that way."

"Got it." We say.

Me and Naruto depart from them to look for Yasushi. More than likely he's laying low too.

"Why does everyone in this town look so gloomy." Naruto says to me as we walk around.

"I know right, ive never seen this many people so sad looking." I say

"Lets go talk to them." Naruto says with his hands behind his head.

We went up to this one kid kicking the ball onto a wall. "Hey kid, why does everyone here look so sad." I say bending down to the kids level.

"Mommy!" The kid runs to his mother who is standing by their front door.

She pulls out a knife and get into a defensive stance with her child behind her. "Stay away, you filthy ninjas don't touch my son." She says

"We're not here to hurt you." Naruto says stepping up a bit.

"Yea we just want to ask some questions." I say

"What kinda questions?" The woman ask defensively.

"Honey, these are just little kids let them in." A man says coming behind them.

They let us in the home and we take a seat on the floor. "Thanks for havin us in." I say

"I dont have time for this." The woman says getting up.

I furrow my eyebrows and my face turns into a mean mug type of look a little bit. Naruto then notices and elbows me lightly. "Im sorry about that." The man says sitting down

"Its fine." Naruto says

"So what did you need to ask us." The man says

"Why do all the people look so gloomy, has something happened?" I say

The man looks back at his son "well see this rouge ninja and his crew i guess came to the village and basically took over. He vowed we can not leave or tell anyone, and he's been capturing women day by day."  He says with his hand down. "Ive barely managed to keep my wife safe."

"Well we'll capture them, and we'll bring this village back to normal." Naruto says holding out his thumb.

"Really" the man says looking happy.

"Yes we promise." I say.

Time skip.
"Ok Naruto i have a plan" i say as we walk around the village. "First we need to meet up with Shikamaru and the rest of them so lets go get em" i say.

It took a while but we finally found them. "Ok listen up" they all huddle around me to hear. "Based off what the man told me and Naruto they capture the most women at night. So the plan is me and Sakura will be the bait. We'll infiltrate it from there and you guys can follow and we capture em , thats it." I say.

"Hmm, sounds like a plan, but are you sure about you two being the bait." Shikamaru says

"I wouldn't mind, how about you Sakura?" I say

She took a little while to respond.. "i can do it." She says closing her fist.

"Shikamaru dont worry too much Y/N and Sakura will be just fine." Naruto says reassuringly.

"Ok its getting dark lets begin."  I say

Time skip.
Me and Sakura walk through the village, most people weren't out this late. We had took off our headbands and gave them to the others so we wouldn't stand out. Naruto, Shikamaru, and Neji followed behind us from above.

As me and Sakura acted engaged in our conversation 3 men appeared in front of us, one being the man we were to capture, and the other two were bigger. "Hey ladies." The man known as Yasushi says in a disgusting voice.

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