A Dream Come True || Hoseok x...

By Dina-soar

45.8K 4.7K 6.7K

You want love, you want happiness, you want to fulfill your dreams. Even if fashion sounds silly to your fami... More

No Filter
Good Friend
Poor & Rich
Just Say The Word
Emotional Constipation
Partner Project
Happy Dagger
Question Myself
Amusement Park
Moonlight Dancing
Dance Club
Forced Date
Misplaced Trust
Safety First
Romantic Getaway
Busier These Days
Different Worlds
Love Doesn't Exist
The Poor Life
On A Budget
For The Best
Puppet on a String
Never Again
Modeling Assistance
A Future Together
Dumber Than a Dog
A Dream Come True
|| Author's Note ||
Keep on Dreaming
Love Exists

Just Might Fall

1.1K 112 157
By Dina-soar


Hoseok liked your company and he liked you as a person as well. He was kind, but if he were really bothered by you then he would have told you so already. If you were honest with him then he wanted to return the favor. The only thing was that he was very specific on when he wanted your company. Hoseok was okay with you visiting him at the thrift store as it turns out, but only when Eunhyuk wasn't working at the same time. Hoseok also told you he's okay with bringing you to his house, but only when his mother isn't around. After he said that, his face turned red and he quickly tried to change the subject.

You weren't letting go of this though. Essentially what Hoseok told you was that he wanted to keep you all to himself! While you could sympathize, you really couldn't go along with his terms. For one thing it would be really rude of you to avoid his mother. She seems like such a fun person to be around! You couldn't wait to get to know her. This had Hoseok turning pale, worrying for what could happen if you and his mother joined forces. It was too much power and he couldn't have that! Last time was too close of a call for him. As for meeting Eunhyuk, Hoseok wasn't too worried about you meeting him again. It was just hoping that Eunhyuk could keep his mouth shut.

Eunhyuk basically said all that he knew about you though. Hoseok made sure to be vague and never mention a name. The main reason for doing so was because Hoseok knew your family's name was in the spotlight. Just in case, Hoseok was secretive. He didn't want to reveal information for the sake of your privacy. You really appreciated that from Hoseok when most people couldn't wait to flaunt it around. He put a lot a thought into maintaining his friendship with you. That's what made it so easy to trust Hoseok with everything he did. It always seemed to be the right move. He also had a good judge of character!

"It's really not that deep. I want to be a dancer, but if that fails and if the old man fires me then my backup plan is to become a stripper. Nothing illegal," Eunhyuk informed you as you nodded attentively. Eunhyuk was currently trying to fix the clothes on the rack after you nagged him about it. In return, he gave you his life story. He thought it would bore you since Hoseok didn't ever look joyous to hear it yet you were intrigued. How you could you not be?

There was so much to learn about Lee Hyukjae or now known as Eunhyuk. That was going to be the name he'll live by if he does become a stripper. You didn't fully understand why he was already preparing for failure if he was getting people used to it. Still, you figured it was best not to judge. Instead you wanted to see these dance moves that Eunhyuk assured you were awesome. He had his back facing you while you sat on a pink tufted ottoman. It was hard but it was something to sit on in the furniture section. It allowed you to see Eunhyuk as well as take a few glances over at Hoseok who stood behind the counter. He was aggressively eating beef jerky which you thought was adorable.

"I'm telling you, (F/n). I've got dance moves that will mesmerize and shock a whole crowd. It's true! Hoseok's seen it and he's got moves of his own too. He's my pupil if you will." Eunhyuk chuckled as Hoseok stopped chewing his beef jerky. His eyes widened, looking over at Eunhyuk in panic. "I tried convincing Hoseok that if his whole fashion dream doesn't work out that becoming a stripper should be his backup plan—"

"I said no! I said no to that plan because it sucks!" Hoseok shouted, not caring if there was food in his mouth. Eunhyuk and you turned your heads immediately over to Hoseok in amusement. He was so ready to jump over the counter just to prove his words. Hoseok was on his toes as he leaned over the counter with his finger pointed at Eunhyuk. "I don't care what you do, but I'm not becoming a stripper!"

"Hoseok's right. I don't think I could share him." You sighed, shaking your head at Eunhyuk. The older nodded at your reasoning rather than Hoseok's outrage. Your words only caused Hoseok to turn red.

"You got a point. I don't know how I'd feel about dating as a stripper. I bet that's hard..." Eunhyuk rubbed his chin in thought. Somehow he's never thought about that before until now. It's good for him to think out his backup plan more thoroughly. There was nothing wrong with being a stripper. If Eunhyuk ends up liking it then you'll support him!

"You can't share me?" Hoseok raised a brow at this. You looked back over at him as you crossed one leg over the other. Hoseok almost regretted asking that as he swallowed hard.

"I already told you! I'll have to fight off all the girls who try to lay their hands on you." You pouted.

"Don't forget the men who will be after him too," Eunhyuk advised as you gasped softly. He's right! You nodded right away meanwhile Hoseok shook his head. He couldn't believe a single thing he was hearing. This was all too much to take in and he didn't know where to start.

"No one is after me—" Hoseok rolled his eyes.

"He's so blind to his looks. Can you believe him?" You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest. Eunhyuk sighed hopelessly as he stared at Hoseok. The two of you were at a loss for words when it came to Hoseok. He was so blind to every single charm he possessed. Not just his appearance. Jung Hoseok is literally a dangerous man walking and he can't even see that! Luckily Eunhyuk understood where you were coming from, clicking his tongue in disappointment at the younger.

"Well, I guess it's better than him being a narcissist." Eunhyuk shrugged, continuing to move clothes on the rack.

"Ew, why are you making all the ugly patterned shirts go together?" You scrunched your nose up. No wonder it was such a mess before! The sight was nauseating to you and Eunhyuk had the nerve to be confused. "You put a floral pattern next to cheetah print! That's disgusting!"

"I'm sorry, but I'm not a fashion major. How am I supposed to know this?" Eunhyuk grumbled, acting like a dog with its tail between its legs. Eunhyuk's ears were pink as he carefully changed the pattern section of the rack. You were watching with judgmental eyes so one wrong move and you'd tear into him. Overall, the sight was comical to Hoseok. From picking on Hoseok to complaining about clothes, it was hard to keep up.

Hoseok had officially given up in trying to join the conversation. The two of you were completely crazy in his head. But maybe it was his fault for taking the things you both said so seriously. It was impossible not to since you said it with a straight face. Then again, Eunhyuk was also joining you in this weird argument. That only left Hoseok frustrated and confused. He wanted to pluck his hair out though he really didn't think he could pull off a bald look. It was better to tolerate this chaos of his worlds colliding. After all, it wasn't so bad when he really thought about it.

You looked happy in his eyes and you were! For the first time you were getting to know someone. Hoseok and you were becoming close friends. You spent time with him outside of class, the two of you texted each other often, you met his mom and have been inside his home. Not to mention, you know where he works and you're currently befriending his coworker. Hoseok may have displayed a lot of distaste of the situation on the outside, but he was actually happy himself. You would come do your class assignments at the thrift store while he worked. The two of you spent more time together and you didn't have to go back to your awful estate too soon.

Being around Hoseok made you happier than words could describe. Why would you want to go home? You were so much happier spending time with him like this. He may not be able to talk and play around with you since he still had to work, but it was nice for the both of you. Hoseok at least had you in his sight. If you were with him then he knew you were safe. You weren't in a potentially dangerous situation with your family or fiancé. Allowing you to stay at the thrift store wasn't too much trouble anyway. Hardly anyone came in and you were safe. That was what was important to Hoseok.

Ever since you told Hoseok about your fiancé, he can't watch those phone commercials. He didn't realize they were played literally all the time. They were everywhere along with photos of your fiancé. Something he ignored in the past was now following him around wherever he went. A simple thought about your fiancé only flooded his entire body in anger. That's another reason Hoseok is okay with you loitering in the thrift store. It's not like his boss would really care when there's nothing going on in the first place. Though Hoseok feared he talked too soon when he noticed his boss's old car park in front of the store.

"Here he comes!" Eunhyuk announced. There was no emotional tone to his voice for you to go off of. Who was here and should you be worried?

"Who?" You voiced out your thoughts. Your eyes switched between Hoseok and Eunhyuk who decided to suddenly go silent. They ignored you to focus on the smallest things and act like they were hard at work.

Raising your brows at them, you didn't know what to say when the door of the store opened. You turned your head instantly at the sound on instinct. The person entering the shop was an older man with white hair on the sides of his head while the top of his head was clean of hair. Liver spots freckled his forehead and arms, adding to his age. The smile wrinkles on his face were the most prominent of all as he still had them put to use. You didn't know this man and there wasn't much to tell. His clothes were outdated like everything in this store. The rotund man looked confident though as he walked over to Eunhyuk, heavily patting his back.

"Go easy, Anchovy. I know you're not busting your @ss rearranging." The man let out a hearty laugh. Eunhyuk let his head hang down before chuckling now that he had been caught.

"Was it that obvious, Hangyeol?" Eunhyuk sighed.

"As obvious as Hoseok pretending he was counting money." Hangyeol had a big grin spreading across his face. In that moment, Hoseok dropped the money back in the register with his own head drooping down. Even though they were caught so easily, Hoseok was smiling from your view. Eunhyuk turned around with a smile of his own and earned a few extra heavy pats. It looked like Eunhyuk's slender form was going to get knocked down with every pat.

"I thought we looked like serious workers. Y'know, professionals?" Hoseok shrugged as Hangyeol walked over to him.

"The two of you working professionally? In a thrift store? I'd sooner die of diabetes." Hangyeol laughed, instantly getting a crack out of Eunhyuk and Hoseok.

You were left letting out a shocked chuckle. You didn't expect to hear that, but you had to admit you were liking this man already. Though your laugh did make your presence obvious to him. Oops. Were you supposed to do that or not? All three of them looked over at you causing your own face to heat up. You're not one to easily blush, but when they stare at you suddenly like that...it was too late to hide now that Hangyeol has seen you. You didn't move from your spot as Hoseok chuckled awkwardly.

He quickly stepped away from the counter to walk over to Hangyeol. With how Hoseok was acting, you were wondering if it was bad for you to just be sitting here. Should you pretend to buy something? Hangyeol's eyes switched from you over to Hoseok as soon as he stepped in front of the old man. There was nothing more suspicious than Hoseok's current behavior. Hoseok had his hands up, waving them around as random words came fumbling out of his mouth. You weren't sure what you were witnessing and Eunhyuk was in the same boat.

"Ah, Sir! It's not what it looks like! She's just...a customer. No need to pay attention to her—well, I mean! W-We do, but like—" Hoseok was sweating as he wore a tight smile on his face. His boss has known him long enough though to recognize a fake and forced smile. Hangyeol raised a hairy unkept brow at Hoseok's behavior meanwhile Eunhyuk brought his face into the palm of his hand.


"Y-Yes?" Hoseok stood up right with sharp posture. Hangyeol narrowed his eyes on his employee, his expression hard and stern before it melted away with a friendly smile.

"If you want your girlfriend to spend time here then that's okay. Business is slow." Hangyeol gave Hoseok his harsh pats. Hoseok almost fell onto his side but kept stable ground despite being flustered.

"She's...fine. Thank you," Hoseok mumbled quietly as you gasped.

"Did you hear that, Hyukkie?" You clasped your hands together. The temptation to squeal was incredibly high! Hoseok froze at the nickname unknown to you. His eye nearly twitched, bothered by how chummy Eunhyuk and you were acting.

"I heard it loud and clear!" Eunhyuk added with a wink. Eunhyuk gave you a thumbs up, the two of you proud of Hoseok's progress.

"Oh, what's this? Hyukjae is close with her too?" Hangyeol questioned as you nodded. Eunhyuk and you weren't exactly close friends, but you wanted to get there! You've already learned about his dreams, his backup plan, his real name, and he's twenty-six. There's so much more out there to learn and you couldn't wait! Hoseok wasn't really on board with the whole idea as much as you were.

"We've just become friends recently," Eunhyuk stated smugly.

"Eunhyuk is so fun to talk to!" You smiled.

"Oh, he already has you calling him by his little stripper name?" Hangyeol's words immediately embarrassing Eunhyuk.

"Eunhyuk just talked to her and that's it!" Hoseok tried to clear the situation up. There was nothing to clear though. You tilted your head, furrowing your brows at him as Eunhyuk scoffed. Hangyeol took the reactions around him to form his own conclusion. It was hard to read what was going on his mind when he sighed to himself.

"Hoseok, let me give you some advice...jealousy is no good." Hangyeol patted Hoseok's shoulder once again. At this point, Hoseok was going to be left walking with lopsided shoulders.

It was hard to say anything to that. Hoseok remained silent as he accepted the advice, suffering in silence. He already went along with you being his girlfriend. A victory that you were happy to bring up later for him. For now Hoseok didn't say a word back to Hangyeol. He let the old man walk off to the back where his office was. That left Hoseok alone with Eunhyuk and you again which wasn't any better. All he saw was Eunhyuk's smug expression and your teasing look. Hoseok sighed, accepting the look you gave him. Fair enough. Eunhyuk's look though...he wanted to slap it off.

"What?" Hoseok huffed.

"I won't steal your girl from you, Hoseokie~! No worries!" Eunhyuk teased, nearly getting smacked by Hoseok. You were giggling in the background from the amusing scene.

Eunhyuk reacted fast as he rushed behind the counter. The smug smile hadn't vanished like Hoseok had hoped, but he didn't care. His shift was coming to an end. He wouldn't have to put up with his coworkers for much longer today. Hoseok had limited energy in him as the day was coming to a close and he would rather use it up by keeping up with your big personality. If you weren't present then Hoseok would have chased Eunhyuk around the store until someone got smacked. Fortunately for Eunhyuk, you were here and Mansu was currently pulling up into the parking lot. You stood up with a smile as Hoseok shot Eunhyuk one last glare that did not intimidate the elder in the slightest. Only because Hoseok didn't mean it.

You waited for Hoseok to clock out of work first. Holding onto your purse, you watched Hoseok run to the back before jogging back to you. The both of you said goodbye to Eunhyuk though what you found interesting was the fact that Hoseok wrapped his arm around your waist. Oh? This was a first. It took you by surprise at first, but you were okay with it. Hoseok's hold around you was gentle in case you wanted to slip away. You were comfortable with this and just smiled at Hoseok as you two walked over to the car. Mansu knew the deal about driving Hoseok home first. Originally Hoseok was against it, but you told him this was better than waiting for a bus in the dark. Plus, he got to save money.

"You called me your girlfriend." You batted your eyes. Hoseok had shut the car door calmly until he looked at you with an exhausted look. He only shook his head, putting on your seatbelt for you before putting on his own. You were going to put it on yourself! Though Hoseok always seemed to treat you a bit like a kid.

"I didn't say you were my girlfriend. I just said fine because everyone assumes we're together." Hoseok sighed. "Easier agreeing than denying it, but it stresses me out just as much."

"Way to burst my bubble." You pouted playfully. Hoseok was quiet for a few seconds. He didn't really have a response at first. He carefully took a look at you and he could tell you were joking around which allowed him to relax. A small smile formed on his face as he let his shoulder casually bump into yours. Instantly, you turned to face Hoseok, but he was staring out the window like nothing had happened. So he thinks he can just be cute and get away with it? You think not! "If you keep being charming, Hoseok, then I might really fall for you. This is your warning."

"My warning?" Hoseok faced you once more. He was already amused by your choice of words. That wasn't how he would phrase it himself, but you were confident with it. "I don't know what charm you see. I'm just being myself."

"And that's exactly it." You jabbed his chest. Hoseok quickly laughed at this causing you to smile. How were you supposed to give him a threatening glare when he looked so cute? His laughter was too infectious for you to continue. "Hoseokie! I mean it!"

"I don't doubt you. I just find it questionable." Hoseok shrugged. Of course he did! You weren't even shocked by these types of comments from him anymore. For some reason they came out of Hoseok's mouth so naturally. What would it take for him to see how great he is?

"You're the best man I've ever met. How could I not fall for you one day?" You leaned your head against his shoulder.

Your words had come out in a whisper, but Hoseok heard them perfectly. They didn't leave him flustered like all your other forward comments. Those flirts always sounded playful and never true. Hoseok didn't allow himself to think much of any of it. Hearing that from you though got Hoseok to pause and think. After learning about your family and fiancé, there really didn't seem to be a good male role model in your life. It shocked Hoseok that you could even trust him so much with how crap the men around you are. Wouldn't you assume he was just like them? Have your walls up? You always surprised him though. Just when he thought he had you figured out, he quickly learned how wrong he was.

If you really meant the words you said then it wasn't something he was going to take lightly. Why would you say it playfully in the first place? Hoseok was speechless for the rest of the ride to his home. He tried not to make eye contact with Mansu during it. It was always awkward especially since Mansu had to overhear the two of you bickering and flirting all the time. You stayed close to Hoseok, taking comfort in his natural scent and warmth. He really felt like sunshine and bliss. You were content like this so it was disappointing when Mansu stopped the car in front of Hoseok's home. Already?

"Thank you, Mansu." Hoseok bowed his head after unbuckling himself. You were quick to unbuckle yourself as well. You could have just said goodbye to Hoseok inside the car, but you really didn't want to part. Hoseok gave you a small grin as you stepped out to hold your arms out to him.

"You're really trying to leave without giving me a hug?" You teased.

"How could I forget?" Hoseok didn't waste a second to wrap his arms around you. A happy squeal escaped you as he squeezed you tight. Hoseok gave you three quick squeezes the entire time you were giggling. "I'll still hug you even with the trouble you caused at work."

"Trouble? What did I do? Eunhyuk did all the talking!" You defended yourself. Hoseok kept his arms tightly around your waist as he met your eyes. Suddenly, he didn't look too happy.

"Hyukkie? What was that? It made me vomit in my mouth." Hoseok scoffed, disgusted to even be repeating the nickname. He was acting as if it left a bad taste in his mouth! That was quick in making you frown.

"What's wrong with the nickname? I think it's cute!" You reasoned, but Hoseok wasn't budging. He only shook his head profusely to your dismay. You made the cute nickname so what was wrong with it? You couldn't find a single problem with it as you racked your brain in search of the problem. That's when it clicked. "Oh! I see...you're jealous!" You wiggled your brows, earning another exaggerated scoff from Hoseok.

"Jealous of that anchovy? Not a chance." Hoseok denied your claims, but his behavior was only giving you more proof. He sounded so defensive despite not being jealous. Could he really be so confident he wasn't jealous? You weren't buying it all too much.

"Are you jealous, Hoseokie~? Hm?" You poked his cheek as Hoseok just stared at you. Slowly, your teasing toned down as you kept your eyes locked with his. It was just a look yet it was almost enough to make you forget what you were thinking. "It's okay, Hoseok. I mean it when I say you're the only one for me," You whispered to him. His reaction wasn't at all what you expected. Hoseok's face didn't turn pink nor did he become flustered. All he did was take a deep breath as he spoke what was on his mind.

"...if you keep saying things casually like that then I might fall for you," Hoseok said. Your smile almost fell hearing that from him. What? Your eyes had grown twice their size, trying to comprehend his words. They made your heart skip a beat. You never thought you would hear anything like that from him. It was silent between Hoseok and you for a while causing him to regret his words. Hoseok pulled away from you, no longer making eye contact. "Ah, sorry—I didn't mean to sound so serious—"

"Hoseok!" You grabbed onto him before he could go. He stopped in the middle of his rambling, nervously looking back at you again. "If you fall for me then I'll be the happiest and luckiest girl in the world. I'll do my best to make it happen!" You gave him a smile that stretched from ear to ear. Hoseok only stared at you, becoming shy from your words.

"You...you're so honest." Hoseok rubbed the back of his neck.

"Just wait until we're a couple! I'm counting the days until we both realize we're meant to be or something. It'll be like a drama! Doesn't that sound cute? Although I do appreciate the friendship we have right now. We're taking it slow and that means the world to me. You're so respectful to me, Hoseok. I wouldn't want to fall for anyone else so thank you. When I do fall for you, I'll let you know and let me tell you...I bet it'll be pretty soon." You winked at him as Hoseok's cheeks grew pink. "Like I said, if you keep being charming then I just might fall for you."

"Ah, my face feels too hot right now." Hoseok fanned himself. You were too bold for him that it had you laughing. "Go home safely, (F/n). I might pass out."

"I'll go home for the sake of your health!" You opened the car door as Hoseok walked up to his front door. "Goodnight, Hoseok!"

"Goodnight, (F/n)." Hoseok smiled at you. It was gentle as always. He waved, staying outside to make sure you got inside the car.

Only until the car drove away did Hoseok enter his home. It was always so sweet of him to do that for you. Mansu was driving away while you were turned around in your seat. You wanted to see Hoseok until you physically couldn't anymore. It was sad driving away from his home, but you felt happy. His narrow neighborhood didn't seem so scary anymore. You were over the moon as you sat in the car, smiling to yourself about what Hoseok had said. It was still making your heart flutter! You kept your squeals quiet from the back of the car so you wouldn't startle Mansu. You also just wanted to keep this joy to yourself.

No one else had to find out about this. That also meant no one could ruin it for you.

You felt like you were in a dream by the time you arrived home. It wasn't magical seeing the large mansion, but you were walking on a cloud anyway. The feelings Hoseok left you with were enough to make you sleep well tonight. You'll definitely have sweet dreams if you think of him. The squeals escaping you were kept quiet. As happy as you were from your moment with Hoseok, you didn't want to raise any questions from your odd behavior. If you look too happy then they're bound to ask and do whatever it takes to stomp out your happiness.

It sucked having to return to such a life sucking place. The amount of space you had was nice and you were incredibly comfortable. You could have whatever you wanted with the snap of your fingers. A whole staff that was ready to do what you asked. So many of them were kind and you hoped they didn't talk badly about you behind your back. The mansion overall was gorgeous. All of it was lovely and you were grateful, but...if you could just get replacements for your Father and brother then that would be great, but you knew that was impossible.

You always got a reminder of where you stood when you got too happy. If you ever feel more joy than the universe thinks you're deserving of then something awful always happens right away. Anything to wipe that smile off your face. You were hoping for none of that this time around. Just once you wanted to be innocently happy over a boy! Yet that was too much to ask for as you walked up to the staircase, looking up to see Kyunghwan and Seokjin waiting for you at the top. They were giving you sickening smiles that told you they were up to no good.

"Unless you're here to apologize to me, I don't want to speak to either of you," You stated as you walked up the steps. Kyunghwan scoffed at this meanwhile Seokjin crossed his arms.

"And what do I have to apologize to you for? I haven't done anything to you." Kyunghwan jabbed your forehead by the time you made it to the top with them. Tightening your jaw, you did your best to act like it didn't bother you. You were outnumbered. "Seokjin told me what you did on your date. You never told me you hit him with your purse. What the hell happened—"

"If you're just going to be an @ss and believe his side of the story then I'm going to bed." You didn't care to listen to him complain about you. You've already heard enough for an entire lifetime from him, you really didn't want to add to the list. As you were walking past them, Seokjin grabbed your wrist to pull you back. You tensed up immediately, wanting to scream at him and rip your arm away. His hold was tight though. Just when your bruise was beginning to fade too...you glared at him. Seokjin only smirked at you with not a single good intention in him.

"Excuse your brother, (F/n)." Seokjin patted your hand. You scrunched your nose, really wishing he would stop touching you. None of this was necessary. He's proved before that his touch was one to recoil from yet he became annoyed by your expressions. "Now don't give me any attitude either. I'm your fiancé, (F/n)."

"What do you want?" You growled. You tried taking your arm away from Seokjin, but he only tightened his grip on your wrist again. He made sure to give you a crushing squeeze in order to remind you that you needed to be docile. It hurt and it felt like he was trying to stop blood flow with that painful grip! "Seokjin, you're hurting me."

"Seokjin, ease up on her with the iron grip. She's sensitive." Kyunghwan shoved his hands in his pockets. "We're just trying to talk, (F/n). Can you hear us out?"

"F*ck you!" You shouted at him without a thought. He easily got under your skin that it was hard to bite your tongue sometimes. Kyunghwan rolled his eyes while Seokjin roughly tugged you closer to him, his grip painful as ever. "Seokjin..."

"You're my fiancé, (F/n). You haven't forgotten that, right?" Seokjin raised his hand up to grab your chin, forcing you to look him in the eyes. You nodded silently although you were panicking on the inside. Did he see you with Hoseok? Were you not careful enough from paparazzi? "My parents are holding an event for their company. We're unveiling the latest phone model and doing a small charity with it as well. You know how it goes." Seokjin smiled at you as you remained on edge. "You're going to be my date so you better have your schedule clear Thursday night."

"You're not getting out of this. You're staying by Seokjin's side until he says you can go home," Kyunghwan added from the side. You kept your eyes locked with Seokjin's, breathing slowly. Seokjin never lost that evil glint in his eyes. You can't go home unless he says so...you didn't like that one bit. "I already told Seokjin he has to behave, so don't work yourself up over nothing," Kyunghwan said yet that didn't change the look in Seokjin's eyes.

"I have class on Friday so I can't stay out too late," You informed them. It was the truth anyway.

"Oh no worries. It won't run too late." Seokjin finally let go of your wrist as he winked at you. Kyunghwan watched silently, not really caring for any of the 'romantic' gestures Seokjin did for you. It always did the opposite effect on you though. There was no swooning from you like he wished. Maybe for other girls who didn't know the truth yet. "I'll text you more details. I don't want to keep you up any longer."

"Goodnight." You kept it short even as Seokjin leaned closer to you. You just turned around, ignoring Seokjin's attempt for affection. Kyunghwan nudged him with a scoff, not wanting to see that in front of him.

"No goodnight kiss?" Seokjin asked. He knew you wouldn't give him one, but he had fun teasing. You continued walking away from them to go to your room. Seokjin's laughter echoed in the halls, fueling your nightmare for the night.

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