Destroy the World | Book 3 of...

By Xx_Miss_Reaper_xX

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Change da world, my final message. Good bye. Also known as a group of ninjas destroying the world known as Ca... More

Chapter 2: Time to Save the Red Panda!
Chapter 3: Yo Calm Your Puppets
Chapter 4: Only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually-
Chapter 5: What are you Doing, Ste- I can't. I Just can't Finish the Joke.
Congratulations: You've Unlocked Sasuke's Interlude!
Chapter 6: Undramatic Revelations
Chapter 7: Where the Hell is Megumi?
Chapter 8: Woo Yeah Baby That's What I've Been Waiting For!
Chapter 9: Another One Bites the Dust! Or not.
Chapter 10: We Were Just Kids.
Chaptet 11: This is Why I don't Like Politics.
Chapter 12: You didn't Expect this Comeback, did You?
Chapter 13: There are Two Parts in this Chapter and They're not even Similar.
Chapter 14: Everyone's Moment
Chapter 15: MY PAIN IS FAR GREATER THAN YOURS (especially in this arc)
Chapter 16: Guess Who Found Out
Chapter 17: Hey look at how much I can ogle that dog
Chapter 18: Hey you know what this looks like? Looks like Pumpkin Hill.
Chapter 19: La-la-la-la Ba-ba-ri-as-ras-ti-ti-ti-ras-ti-ti
Chapter 20: Paperwork, Paperwork, Paperwork
Chapter 21: I Love and Wanna Love but No it's Not Allowed!
Chapter 22: Under the Cherry Blossoms
Chapter 23: Anti-Antiromantic
Chapter 24: Hirogumi? HiMe? I'm not Good with Ship Names
Chapter 25: Choke Me like you Hate Me
Chapter 26: A Rich, Sunny Place
Chapter 27: Love, Love, Love
Chapter 28: [ ]
Chapter 29: Mom Said that it was MY Turn to Play Majora's Mask!
Chapter 30: Fly Me to the Moon~
Congratulations: You've Unlocked Hiro's Interlude- His Side of the Moon!
Chapter 32: Red String Connection
Chapter 33: Moonlit Waltz
Chapter 34: Endings Conclude With Life
Final Chapter- Author's Note

Chapter 1: Hero's Comeback!

1.1K 44 8
By Xx_Miss_Reaper_xX

[Chapter 1: Hero's Comeback!]

Standing in front of the mirror, I couldn't help myself from swaying around, giddily checking all angles of my outfit. With my hair up in a partial bun, I wore a durable white sleeveless turtleneck along with a haori loosely around my arms.

Flickering my eyes down, I noted that I had dark grey skinny pants that trailed down to my white zori sandals. I placed a hand over my dark blue headband that was tied loosely around my neck, glancing at my reflection once more. My brows furrowed in slight disdain. "It doesn't feel right..." I mumbled, leaning closer to it with a small head tilt.

Oh! I suddenly thought, pushing back a hair strand. I know what!

Turning away from the mirror, I swiftly made my way to my bedroom— fumbling my fingers through all my stuff. Pushing away the scroll that Kugui gave me, my eyes widened at the familiar sight of a chest. Taking it to my hands, I walked back to my bathroom, opening it just after placing it on the sink cabinet.

It only took a few minutes of adjusting the accessory to my bun but when I finished— I couldn't help but smile. The bira kanzashi glistened against the bathroom light, its little poppy charm on top standing out from my rather blue color palette. Unfortunately, I had to take off the charms, no matter how cute they were, just so I could wear it anytime. That's better! I giggled, interlocking my fingers together.

Clicking the light switch off, I skipped myself out of the small room. Humming softly to myself, I only halted when Kugui's scroll entered my view once more. Should... should I bring it with me? I contemplated, placing a hand over my mouth. Well, it doesn't hurt. I concluded, grabbing the small scroll and shoving it into my pockets. I'm surprised she's able to make something like this in such a small packet. I thought mindlessly, turning my heel for the door.

Briskly grabbing the doorknob, I pushed the door to treat my eyes to the bright blue sky. A hum rumbled out of my throat, relishing the gentle gusts of wind that pushed against my hair.

"Ah," I vaguely remembered just one thing. With a hand holding the side of the door, my head tilted back to my apartment.

Despite all of its decorations, it was still... empty. But— I couldn't help but feel a sort of comfort to it. Because, well—

I knew it wouldn't be so empty soon.

"I'm going now, Shisui," I spoke quietly, not expecting a reply back. And yet, I knew that if he was still here, he'd wave me off with a smile. My lips quirked up at that cheery thought, my feet pushing me off to the next chapter of my life.


The instant they stepped into the village, I sensed them. "They're here!" I exclaimed brightly, clapping my hands together in excitement. We were running out of content here!

"Are they?" Hands signed in front of me, prompting me to look up at my side to narrowed, red eyes. Shiori leaned against the tree we sat near, leaves shading his complexion.

"Mhm!" I grinned, glancing away. "Hey, do you think you can set up a meeting for us, Team 7 I mean, and Sasuke? You can ask Orochinchin, right?"

I heard a small huff, indicating the person's exasperation. "While I can, I doubt it will reach the results you wish."

Ah. I pouted, my cheeks puffing up. "Damn." Pushing myself up from my seat, I patted down any dirt off of my attire, glancing down on the ninja. "Welp— gonna go scare Naruto now. Make sure to pray for me if I get punted by a fox claw."

"Are you talking about murder—"

Placing a sideways peace-sign, just under my chest, I gave them one last smile before body-flickering away.


And immediately appeared next to Naruto.

"Gay, gay, homosexual, gay," I whispered close to the blond's ear with a hand, watching eagerly as the boy jumped.

"GAAAH!!!" He shrieked, his frigid body stepping away from me with his arms up. "What in the—" Naruto froze, blue eyes blinking in recognition. "Me— Megumi?!"

I giggled behind a hand. He doesn't seem any different— I guess that Dae guy wasn't lying. "Yup— it's your most awesome best friend: Megumi Uchi— oof!" I was cut off by Naruto's hand embrace. Ah, ah, ah. My feet peddled back because of the force, making sure that we both don't topple.

"I missed you!" The young shinobi said, tightening his grip on me.

"Me too." I laughed as my arms wrapped around his back, blinking as I noticed a certain bubblegum girl. "Heya Sakura-chan!"

Sakura, along with the current Hokage that she was with, seemed shocked by my appearance. "When did you—"

I felt the main character's warmth disappeared as he released himself from me. "But man— that haircut almost made me think twice, dattebayo!" The boy placed his hands on his hips. "Looks good though!"

I nodded, beaming at the compliment. "What the hell, Naruto. You really are oblivious!" Sakura insulted him with a half-hearted huff. Bruh, can you blame him? I thought as he turned to her with a confused gaze. This guy literally had no one to give him advice on this. My head cocked to the side. Well, I guess I count but I mainly just match-made him with Hinata.

Glancing away from the two, I acknowledged the others at the side, Kakashi and Jiraiya. Oh— he must've gotten the new volume of the Icha-Icha Paradise already. I mused to myself. I should probably read it— seems fun.

"Naruto-nii-chan!" My eyes blinked at the new voice, turning my head in the direction. I mean, I already knew who it was but I haven't interacted with him for a while. Halting with panted breaths, an older Konohamaru straightened his back. "Check it out!" The boy yelled, pressing his fingers together. In that instant, a puff of white smoke cloaked his silhouette, dissipating into a voluminous naked woman. "Ninja center-fold!"

Pressing a thumb and index finger under my chin, I narrowed my eyes. "Nah— not my type." My lips pressed together. Also, why is a kid sexualizing women? I never really thought of this but— I'm surprised that no one has invented this until Naruto. I shrugged. I think that's just this world's weird ways.

"What do you think?!"
Konohamaru demanded, pointing to himself with a prideful grin. "I got the 'boing-fwhht-boing' part down, right?!" I snorted. Boing-fwhht-boing???

As if condescendingly, Naruto laughed. "Konohamaru, I'm not a kid anymore." The blond announced, crossing his arms confidently. "You gotta focus on other jutsu, you know." Glancing at my side, I saw the pink-haired chunin smile fondly at him. Ahaha, if only she knew. The boy pumped up his fists. "That jutsu is totally boring!!! Now watch this— my new pervy jutsu—"

"Are you kidding me?!" Ah— he got bonked into horny jail. I could only solemnly salute him as he flew to the hard ground, not even catching a break as the hot-headed girl picked him up with just his jacket. "What the hell is your problem?! We haven't seen each other in years and you pull a stunt like this?!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, shaking him like he was a rag doll. I don't blame her— though I seriously wonder why she thought otherwise. "Do you have any ideas how that makes me feel— huh?! Do you?!"

As if it would simmer the situation, the scarecrow tentatively held up a hand. "Now, now, Sakura-chan, calm down..."

"Hmmm, should she?" I asked with a tilt of my head. "It's pretty funny."

"Your best friend is literally getting beaten up."

"And all in good— well, reasonable intentions, ya dum dum!"

"Ahem!" With the sound of Tsunade's cleared throat, we turned our heads to her. "Enough with the emotional reunion. Kakashi,"

Within my sight, I saw our teacher close his book. Letting out a sigh, the silver head shoved his hands in his pockets with a slight slouch. "Wow, it sure has been a while." Stepping closer to Sakura and Naruto, I listened closely. "From here on out, you three will be a part of my team again. Not as sensei and students again, but as equals— fellow Konoha shinobi."

Raising one of his arms, I felt myself perk up at the sound of a familiar jingle. "Now, I want to see how much you all have grown. The rules are the same as before," I couldn't help but smile at his next words. "Attack as though you mean to kill or you'll never stand a chance!"


It only took a while for us to step into the training ground, settling near some familiar wooden poles. "Oh right," Kakashi noticed, glancing up from his book in a nonchalant manner. "This was the site of your very first exercise."

"Cell number 7..." Sakura mumbled.

"The 4-man squad." Added Naruto.

"...We had Sasuke too, didn't we?"

"What the fuck," Clapping my hands, I let out a sigh at them. "Are y'all trying to get yourselves sad???" I questioned in between my teammates. I thought we were done with the angst with my character arc?


"Fuck your language!" I pointed at the dum dum, breaking into a giggle at the end.

Oh my, he already looks ready to defenestrate himself. Sighing, the masked man snapped his book shut. "Anyways, let's begin."

Standing up, Naruto smirked as he reached to tighten his headband. "Heh heh, not gonna read this time, Kakashi-sensei?" He teased.

"Or have you already finished it?" Sakura readjusted her glove, her fingers curling up to a fist.

The older man shrugged. "Nope, just saving it for later. Besides I get the feeling that, " He pushed his headband back, revealing his glowing red Sharingan. "This time, I'm going to have to make a serious effort."

We all stood at a standoff, eyes staring down deeply as crickets and cicadas could be heard in the null silence. My lips quirked up into a smile.

As soon as our teacher's bells jingled, Naruto fell into a stance, swiftly throwing out shuriken at Kakashi. Dropping low, the silver head watched at the blond then jumped up, only to throw some throwing stars right back at them. Noticing this, the protagonist formed his signature hand signs, another one of him appearing just to pull him away.

Nice thinking. I thought, interlocking my hands behind my back. But it's a little too simple, isn't it? I mused as Kakashi suddenly apprehended the Kyuubi-holder, his shadow clone right behind him. "Your use of shadow clones and timing... they've improved." The jonin praised, not daring to look away from the original body. He let out a small chuckle. "Still the impatient one, eh?"

"It would be weird if one of the hyperiest people was patient," I mumbled under my breath, but I'm pretty sure everyone heard.

"I don't think that's a word."

"It is now."

The man smiled— well, from what I could tell from his mask. "Alright, go!" And in that instant, he poofed out of existence.

I just smiled. "You can run, but you hide~" I teased, knowing just exactly where he was. Sensor, you know. Looking over to the bubblegum girl, we nodded at each other before separating. "Come on Naruto, let's go jump!" I told him with a small wave and a bounce to my step.

"Jump?" Naruto asked, furrowing his brows in confusion. "What do you—"

"Below!!!" Punching the ground, I only had a split second to boost myself off of the air before the earth cracked— bursting into chunks as it quaked. I couldn't help but laugh in the air, spreading my arms out in excitement. Now if I could only land! "Peek-a-boo!" The young girl taunted as our mentor appeared in view, shellshocked.

Focusing on the rigid ground, I let my feet tap down it a couple of times before I balanced myself gracefully. And no— not with a face-plant this time. Shocker. I giggled, grinning to myself as I turned towards Naruto. Ah. I blinked. He looks scarred for life. Rotating my body back at the battle, Kakashi had jumped off from his hiding place and now in the open.

"Had your shot, kids. Now," His fingers stretched out. "It's my turn." Flinging out kunai, the man spared no time as he sprinted his way over to Sakura. Not on my watch, I thought, activating my Sharingan as I then grabbed Naruto's hand. Just like second nature, I pushed chakra to my legs as I body-flickered both of us in front of Sakura.

"Heya!" I greeted with a wink, spinning my kunai in between my fingers. Just as the blond started weaving some hand signs, Sakura went out of her way to thrust her leg in between us and kick the man away

The scarecrow leaned back, crouch slightly as he narrowly dodged her. Going for a backflip, Kakashi kicked Naruto away. "Oi!" The genin yelled, just before summoning yet another clone. The teenager pushed his clone, the doppelganger readying himself to fight.

As the older man raised his arms, I quickly dashed behind him, kicking him at the side. "Tsk!" He clicked his tongue, his mismatched eyes darting swiftly as he took in both of us. Hit after hit, we didn't stop slashing after him. Thankfully, my eyes made it easier to evade his more blunt and hard attacks.

Just after body-flicking away, my brows furrowed as I raised my arm just before receiving a harsh hit from the blunt of his kunai. This isn't going anywhere, I told myself internally as I interlock my fingers together. Doing a series of hand signs, I took a deep breath, widening the distance between my legs as I leaned forward. "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" I shouted, blowing out a large ball of pure flame.

Craning his head just before a sharp shard of earth could hit him, our mentor sidestepped away from the Narutos, slamming on the ground. "Doton: Doryūheki!" In that instant, a loud some of the earth rupturing out clashed against the bright flames.

My teammates skid back, hunched as we were now separated from our opponent. Deactivating my bloodline limit, I let out a panted breath. I know we win in the end but still— it's a challenge.

I made myself 'teleport' next to my teammates. "Our next actions?" Sakura questioned, her green eyes unwavering as they stared down the wall. Nice decorations, I noted at the dog-like imprints on the raised earth. with a small giggle.

I hummed, crossing my arms, "Who knows? It depends on him." I wonder, will he use his Mangekyou Sharingan? Does he even know he has it yet? My head tilted to the side. Now that I think about it, I still haven't fully figured out my powers— the power of trauma does that, I guess.

A sound of a fist got me back for the present. My eyes glanced over to Naruto, who had punched his hand with a confident grin. "I just know that we're gonna win this— dattebayo!"

I couldn't help but giggle, smiling as I placed my hands behind my back. "I hope so!"

"Don't let your guard down so easily."

"Like I was!" I shot back, quickly blocking the kunai aimed straight at my head. I giggled, cocking my head back to stare down the eyes of the strong ninja. I playfully pouted, pursuing my lips. "I feel a little underestimated." Pushing him off, I let Naruto and Sakura take the lead as another round of hits began.

It was going well, dodging and attacking against his hits. Kakashi was not holding back— but we weren't the weak ninja as before. "Megumi!" The blond beckoned, eyes darting by I've to me.

"On it!" I replied all too readily with flashing red eyes, switching over to deliver a kick to the man's leg. He picked it up before it could collide, raising it for an axe kick. Nope! Jumping back, I let him stomp the floor before using him as a step stool to reach closer.

Right there! I chanted in my head as I reached for the bells around his waist. I heard his breath hitch, probably off guard, as he then pushed me into the air. I held my arms out, rolling softly to the ground.

"Don't forget about me now!" Sakura piped in, punching at him. The older shinobi dodged, only to find his foothold shattering. Not letting this chance go by, the pinkette lifted her leg for a strong kick towards those flying debris, headed straight at him.

In the corners of my eyes, his Sharingan flashed brightly as he narrowly dodged, his back away from our favorite blond. "We've got you now!" Naruto declared, his clone disappearing just after creating a Rasengan in the original's hand. "Rasengan!" He chargers right at him, his blue sphere full of chakra spinning dangerously. In a split second, Kakashi twisted his body at him and quickly redirected the Rasengan with his hand, shoving the protagonist away harshly.

"Ah!" I gasped, body-flickering just in time to catch him. "There we go," I said mostly to myself as I settled him off.

Turning back, the teenager flashed his teeth at me. "Thanks, Megumi!" I laughed, nodding back at him.

"Pay attention, you two!" The medical ninja ordered us, causing us to turn back at the battle at hand.

In front of us, the worn-out man huffed. I couldn't help but wipe the sweat off of my forehead, blinking my Sharingan off. We were getting tired as well— it was only a matter of time before one of us falls. "Damn, you all have gotten stronger." Our teacher complimented. I smiled, well, that was the point of the whole time skip! "But this test isn't over just quite yet!" In that instant, the jonin slouched, clutching his wrist with a hardened glare. "Chidori!"

Sparks of bright light flew out of his hand, the piercing sounds of birds blaring in my ears. I cringed at the sudden loudness— but that was quickly forgotten as he then suddenly charged at us. My eyes widened. He's faster!

Quickly activating my Sharingan, I pushed my feet to get in front of the two. They're getting pretty exhausted. If we get hit by that— we're done! In rapid movements, I covered our silhouettes with my oversized haori, casting a genjutsu at the same time.

"Don't think you can just run!" I heard him say, but before he could hit us—

I had already body-flickered us away.

Landing us in the shade of a faraway tree, I caught my breath as I slid down the bark. "Holy Pein, that was... very tiresome!" I almost choked on my words, tiredly shutting off my Kekkai Genkai. I mean, it was kinda the same as fighting Shiori... but then that focused on more stealth than actual fistfights!

I heard Sakura huff beside me, "I knew it would be hard," She took a moment to pant. "That Sharingan sure is something." In the corners of my eyes, her green ones glanced back at us. "Plus, Kakashi-sensei's sign-weaving speed— he's so fast you can't keep up. We gotta get rid of his arms."

"So amputation?" I suggested half-heartedly. Though, both of their faces scrunched.

"No, that's gross," Naruto retorted with a shunt of disgust in his voice. He looked away, a thoughtful expression lacing his features. "But yeah, Kakashi-sensei's as strong as ever. Smarter than Shikamaru, a nose keener than Kiba, even more, adept at the Sharingan than Sasuke and better at Taijutsu than Bushy-Brows." My head tilted at the side. I wonder if my Sharingan is better than his... well, it's not like I'll ever get to know anytime soon. Can't really reveal anything so soon.

The pink-haired girl leaned closer to us. "But he's got to have some weakness!"

"Well," I pulled a hand out casually, eyes glancing up to the leaves. "You can always pull up his backstory. Bringing up emotional baggage does wonders." I should know— I kinda used it on him, regrettably. In that instant, an imaginary arrow shot through my guts— twisted them too. Oh shit, I still can't believe I did that.

"Oh!" I blinked at the sound of the blond's gasp, darting my eyes at him. "There is that one weakness!"

The ends of my lips quirked up. Oh— it's that time! "Yeah, yeah— there is!"

"Really?!" The chunin next to us stammered, eyes widened.

"Come on, Bubblegum-chan!" I cooed, giggling as both Naruto and I placed a cheeky hand over our mouths. "You'll know it as well!"

An eye twitch. "Oi— just spit it out and tell me already!!!" I giggled— Aha, I missed these two!


"Here I go— Hey, Kakashi-sensei! Icha-Icha Paradise's final twist: the main character is really...!" Everything's all going to plan. I couldn't help but smile as the said shinobi took the bait a little too easily. Oh well, it's his fault for being horny.

And... silent dropping to the ground, I swiftly took a bell from his belt. "Done!" I announced, giggling at the silver head's dumbstruck expression. Placing a hand at my hip, I glanced at my other friends, who did peace signs with satisfied and proud grins.

"Ha— 'Shinobi read in between the in between.'" Naruto recited.

"Remember that, Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura taunted, all too happy to rub our victory at his face.

I mean— I leaned closer to the fallen man. I don't blame her: it's fun. "At this point, you're gonna be the one who's gotta catch up, ya dum dum!" I held out a hand to him.

Kakashi blinked, probably just as surprised that he fell for something like that. But— it would only then that he chuckled, taking my hand up. "I guess so, Megumi-chan."

And that, you see, was the first day of Team 7's great comeback.

A/N: The ending's kinda rushed but I just didn't know how it end it. Oh well.

Welcome back to the AVOOCU series!!! Sorry it took so long, with nothing to feed y'all, I had stuff to do and of course, school.

That being said, the character sheets for Megumi and Hiro's outfit might come out later than wanted. I just did a bunch of art stuff so I'm kinda— resting my wrists??? Hopefully you understand. Also I get very unmotivated so if I forget to update I am sorry—bonk me on the head or something.

Oh, but you can see what they look like in this animatic I did! Well, it's more of a meme but check it out!

Also, I almost forgot to mention but the title and description might change! I legit just put them together seconds ago.

Let's hope this summer there won't be any troubles cuz— well, I want to see this story finished!!!

Thank you so much for reading and I'll see you in the next update!!!

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