A Lesson to Learn

By map0922

340 58 124

Note: you do not have to be a Star Wars fan to enjoy this story! There are some references which will make th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23

Chapter 22

6 1 0
By map0922

Rey almost laughed at Kylo's question. Had she ever wanted to meet God? No, not particularly. Rey was comfortable living in the world as she had imagined it to be - the supernatural had always been something people talked about but nothing she herself ever had proof of, except now she had plenty of evidence... in the form of her boyfriend, no less. The reality of the situation was, Rey could no longer deny that she was currently dating the son of God herself (or at the very least an incredibly delusional but very powerful man). Talk about an intimidating meet-the-parents situation either way.

"How are we going to do that, Kylo? I thought you mentioned that she hasn't been talking to you... I mean, if you were on talking terms, wouldn't you have been released by now?" Rey asked instead. A much better option than descending into a fit of nervous giggling.

"You're right, she hasn't been talking to me. Though, even if she was talking to me, I doubt she would have released me by now. She is painfully stubborn about others learning her lessons. I'm going to have to talk to Hux again - see if he can figure out a way that she would be willing to meet me. I'm sure by now she either knows all about you or is dying to know all about you, so it shouldn't be too hard. My mom is a terrible gossip. Ironic, isn't it?"

Rey did laugh, then, thinking about how most people believed it was immoral to gossip. Rey guessed that the mortal world probably knew a lot less about the immortal world that it thought it did. Already in this short time Rey felt as if most of her preconceived notions had been shattered.

"So what are our next steps?"

"Our next steps are to get some rest, Little One, and then we can figure things out in the morning. I don't even need to rest and I still feel sleep deprived from not being able to fall asleep without you," Kylo admitted, making Rey flush as he tightened his arms around her and nuzzled into her neck. "Your presence just makes things... easier."

"Okay, sleep it is, then," Rey answered softly, leaning into Kylo's touch, her cheek resting against his. "I missed you, too. A lot," she answered, bringing a hand up to cup his jaw.

"I know," Kylo nodded. "You said it earlier, but I can also feel it. No more lies. I promise. If you leave me again it'll be because I'm actually an insufferable shit."

Rey turned to Kylo, looking at his goofy grin and gave him a kiss, smiling as she pulled away. "You're already an insufferable shit, but I have no plans to leave you. Even if you pretend to hate romcoms and Ben Solo," Rey teased back, squeezing his cheek playfully as Kylo scowled.

"Come on, big guy. Let's go," she continued, struggling to get up from Kylo's tight hold so they could get to bed. Kylo just shook his head instead, picking her up and carrying her to bed as she protested the whole way, giggling and laughing.

Once in bed, all cuddled up with her adorable monster, Rey reassured her friends that she was safely at home, not having realized that she hadn't explained her disappearance and having been shocked when she looked at her phone and saw several missed calls and texts from Rose, Poe and Finn. She let them know that she was just sorting some things out and would be updating them later.

Rey felt a little hesitant to let her friends know that she and Kylo were back together. What if this wasn't for real? What if Leia didn't find her worthy for her son, a prince? What if she didn't break the bond? Could Rey really feel comfortable pursuing a real and honest relationship with someone who physically could not get away from her and have time for himself?

Rey drifted off to sleep with all of these questions swirling around in her head, feeling at least somewhat comforted by the warm and solid presence of Kylo behind her. They would figure it out. They'd have to.


Kylo could feel the tension in Rey's body through his physical hold around her and through the ring, a tightness in her muscles that didn't go away until her breathing evened out and sleep lulled her into a more relaxed state.

He felt guilty. Stressed. Unsure. One thing Kylo Ren did know is that he was lucky to be back in Rey's arms and he wasn't giving that up for anything. He had already had the thought of begging his mother to become mortal - just so he wouldn't have to be separated from Rey again.

Kylo had lived a long time. An eternity. Since the beginning of time. And yet he had never experienced a relationship, true joy, as he did whenever he was around Rey. How could he ever go back? Immortality and a kingdom meant nothing to him now. What would be the point of living forever if you were unhappy? If your life was just... mediocre? Just going through the steps, endless motions with no meaning and no reprieve in sight?

No, Kylo couldn't even fathom it. Even being separated until Rey's death would be too long. Too long when he finally knew what Hux and Lillith had, what movies only ever dreamed of, what some sorry souls went their whole lives without.

Kylo tightened his arms around Rey's sleeping frame, curling up around her as best he could. Tomorrow he would summon Hux. They would figure this out, he and Rey, together. No more lies and no more hiding.


Rey woke up sweaty and disoriented. She blinked awake, groggy and confused as to when she had bought a heated weighted blanket and whether they were really supposed to weigh this much. She craned her neck, trying to get a good look at this mysterious covering, finding Kylo instead, sprawled out on top of her, his arms around her waist and his cheek stuck to her belly, drool collecting amidst the snores.

Rey smiled at the sight of her lumbering giant, wrestling a hand free from under his weight and propping herself up on her elbows, extending a hand out to rake her fingers through his hair, putting the messy waves back into place. Kylo twitched but didn't wake, securing his hold on her instead, his tree trunk limbs snaking around her and reinforcing their grip. She tugged at his ear next and then at his raven locks, trying to wake him up gently and playfully, but the slumbering boulder didn't move.

"Kylo, please, I need to pee," Rey protested, trying to wiggle away without success as Kylo just grumbled in response. "You're pressing on my bladder and I drank a lot of water yesterday!"

Kylo barely moved. Mr. I-don't-need-sleep, my ass , Rey thought bitterly, he's out like a rock!, resorting to pinching the back of his arm in order to escape her warm and suffocating prison. Finally, Kylo's eyes fluttered open and he grunted, looking around at his surroundings in confusion.

She pushed at him again, determined to free herself, but Kylo just looked at her, lovestruck and dazed in his sleepy haze and pinned her down, crawling up her body and puckering his lips for a kiss, believing that, surely, this is what he had been woken up for. Cuddles.

Rey rolled her eyes, pushing his face away and earning a sleepy scowl. "No, Kylo. I. Need. To. Pee. You can have kisses later," she whined, finally breaking free when Kylo tried to reposition himself beside her. "Oh, thank goodness!"

Rey made her way out of the bed, running to the bathroom to relieve herself. Finally. That was something she hadn't missed in their little stint apart - being able to move freely in the middle of the night. Kylo always found a way to wrap his limbs around her, imprisoning her until he also woke up, which was usually later than she did.

Rey finished up and washed her hands, finding Kylo already rolled over and snoring again, cuddled around a pillow. Not at all the scary image that Rey would have associated with the devil. How could all of human history have gotten it so wrong?

She admired him for a little longer before going to the kitchen and getting breakfast started, bagel sandwiches and coffee for the both of them with extra meat on the side for Kylo. She worked quietly, humming to herself for some time before turning on some music and moving and dancing around the kitchen - somewhere she had always felt comfortable.

Rey was just about to put the sandwiches together when she felt as if someone was looking at her, whirling around to find Kylo staring at her from her bedroom, leaning against the doorframe and looking smug. "Took you long enough to notice, sweetheart."

"Creeper," she answered, rolling her eyes and hiding her smirk.

"Maybe, but I'm your creeper," Kylo smiled, stalking his way over to her and wrapping his arms around her from behind. "Smells delicious. Breakfast and coffee by the time I wake up? You're a dream come true."

"We need our energy. It's a big day," Rey replied, chewing on her lip as she assembled the sandwiches.

She took a big breath, putting the knife down and turning around to face Kylo. "I'm sure you already know this because if what you've explained is still happening then I'm sure you've felt it, but I'm really nervous. This isn't just an intimidating meet the parents situation. There's a lot more involved here than just meeting your mom," she started, looking down and fidgeting with her shirt.

Kylo brought his hand to her chin angling her face up so she was forced to meet his eyes. "I know, Little One, but we're going to figure this out. If you really don't want to meet her then I can go by myself. Honestly, you've already met Hux and I'd say they're about equals when it comes to being thorns in my side."

Rey shook her head, feeling that it was important to face this by Kylo's side. "No. No, we'll go together. I'm just overthinking it. Everything will be fine."

"Everything will be fine," Kylo affirmed, nodding. "I'll get Hux over here so we can plan after breakfast - hopefully he'll make his way here by then. The sooner we start planning and get this over with the better. It'll be less stressful than sitting around all day and waiting. Is there anything I can do in the meantime to help or make you feel better?"

"No, thank you, Kylo. Just need some food in my stomach and some coffee and everything will already be much better after that," Rey answered with a smile, always feeling better when there was some food in her system.

Kylo smiled back, pressing a kiss to her cheek before pulling away, telling her that he was going to try to summon Hux and that it would work better if he wasn't distracted. Rey gave him a little wave and turned back to her breakfast making, secretly pleased that she was a distraction to Kylo, even in her just-woken-up mess.


Kylo made his way back to Rey's room, settling himself among her nest of pillows and leaning back on the headboard. He needed his brother-in-law's help if this was going to work. Hux was the only one who ever came when needed, who ever visited him. Lilith was always too busy and Leia was always too stubborn.

He closed his eyes and evened out his breathing, tuning out the noise around him and tried to tune into the force. Leia had dampened his force connections from others but the technique helped him to concentrate, even if it came up mostly empty because others didn't want to, or rather because they were forced not to, communicate with him in his time of exile.

Kylo could feel the tugging of his family members as well as the faint slivers of the force that came from mortals, mixed with some distant force signatures of demons that were visiting the mortal realm for business. He located the faint light in his mind's eye that he recognized as Hux's and began mentally pulling at it, sending messages that he wanted to meet.

Kylo saw the light grow stronger for a second, signs that Hux was tuning into the connection and listening, then watched it fade. Alright, so at least the message was relayed and received. Now time to see if Hux would be interested enough to follow through on the visit anytime soon. After all, demons had a warped sense of time thanks to their immortality, and therefore were known to be more than just fashionably late on occasion. Nothing left to do but wait.


Hux didn't show up until it was almost dinner time. By now Rey was pacing around the apartment, already having experienced a cooking frenzy to get her mind off of things, hair wrapped in a post bath and shower towel that was supposed to calm her down.

Kylo had told her there was no need to cook for Hux, reminding her that food was a mortal necessity and only sometimes an immortal comfort, but Rey felt best when she was creating complicated meals and feeding her insatiable appetite, so he had just watched with slight concern. Everything would be fine.

Hux appeared in his usual dramatic fashion, appearing in a cloud of dark purple smoke and some sparks reminiscent of mini fireworks. Kylo was already rolling his eyes the second he felt Hux's connection coming closer, knowing he would put on a big show. Rey watched in wonder as the ginger walked through his smoke screen, bearing a wide grin and shooting her a wink. Ugh.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, Hux," Kylo drawled, leaning back on the couch and sinking into the soft cushions, grabbing a pillow and hugging it.

"Hello, dear brother mine. What wonderful occasion has marked your request for my presence?" Hux asked, curiosity coloring his tone.

"I see you're back in your lady's good graces somehow, too. I believe a thank you is in order. I'll save you the trouble, Your Highness, and just say that you're very welcome in advance. Goodness knows your pride won't allow you to give me the thanks I deserve," Hux continued, feigning offense with a dramatic pout."Now that you have her back, though, what could you want with little old me?"

"Cut the crap, Hux. You know why you're here. You're not an idiot, even though you sure play dumb well enough," Kylo bit back, glaring at his in-law, scowling as he hugged his pillow tighter. "We need to talk to Leia."

"Oh! Is that all?" Hux sarcastically responded, giving Kylo a scowl of his own. He looked over at Rey who was still rooted in the kitchen, watching the interaction safely from her spot behind the counter. "I see he's as impatient as ever... but are you ready to meet God?"

Rey flushed, busying herself by popping a mini quiche into her mouth and taking her time to chew, thinking carefully about her answer. "I'm not ready to meet her - I don't think I ever will be - but I am ready to date without the complication of some supernatural bond."

Hux nodded, seemingly pleased with her answer as he sauntered over to where she was perched on the counter, grabbing some snacks for himself and humming in satisfaction. "I can see why he's gotten a bit round around the edges," Hux teased in a whisper, looking back at Kylo on the couch whose scoff and grumbles were easily audible from across the room.

"Well, I can't promise you a meeting, but I can promise that I will at least plead your case," he continued, looking between the two.

"That's all we're asking for," Kylo called out from his spot on the couch, pulling at a thread on the pillow. "I think she'd have a hard time denying me audience if she knew she was also getting Rey."

"Very true," Hux agreed, nodding. "She's obsessed with getting grandkids you know," he added softly, making Rey turn crimson and fidget from the comment, coughing a little as she swallowed her food.

"I'm only partially kidding," Hux laughed, raising his eyebrows in amusement. "Okay," he nodded again, wiping off his hands. "I'll see what I can do. Shouldn't take long. I'll be tactful and efficient."

"Sure you will," Kylo sneered as Hux disappeared again, this time in a dark red cloud with pink swirls. Kylo got up, then, making his way to a flustered Rey that was still hiding behind the counter.

"He might be an ass, but he's really loyal - as both a lesser demon and as my brother-in-law... and I guess, also as my friend," Kylo shrugged, reaching out for Rey's hand when he got to the kitchen.

Rey took his hand, pulling Kylo into her arms. Her cheeks were pink and she had some crumbs on her mouth, hair haphazardly still in her towel and her skin soft where he could touch it under her comfortable daywear, shorts and a tank top. Kylo brushed some of the crumbs from her mouth with a fond smile, grabbing another mini quiche and feeding it to her, already feeling more soother by the situation in the comfort of her arms.


Rey accepted the quiche happily, knowing that Kylo probably picked up on her stress and was trying to provide some relief from it the best way he knew how - feeding her and giving her attention.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. He'll get us an audience with Leia, and if not, I'm sure she'll come sniffing around. Like I said, she loves gossip and I know she would be very excited to meet you, especially after all the tales her spies have probably told her," Kylo assured, brushing a stray piece of hair from her face.

"Her spies?"

"Yes, I'm sure she's had a few sniffing around us ever since she found out I was even slightly happier than I have been in decades," Kylo shrugged, leaning down to nudge his nose against Rey's and pulling her a little closer.

Rey scrunched her nose up and pursed her lips, thinking for a moment before answering. "Kind of crazy to think that she'd rather send spies than talk to you herself. Especially if she misses you. You're her son. Her only son."

"That's just the way she is, Little One. Stubborn to the core, and always willing to put a lesson above her other motherly duties."

Rey hummed in response, not wanting to say anything that could be misconstrued as offensive but feeling her heart go out to Kylo. She couldn't imagine having been obviously ignored by a family member for decades just for a lesson and knowing that the forced isolation she was experiencing was also because of that family member. Poor Kylo.

"I can feel your sympathy, Rey, and I promise I don't need it. I've been fine thus far and I'm used to it. Plus, I have you now and I would never have met you if it hadn't been for her ridiculous policies and ideas."

Rey nodded, feeling happy that she could now provide a family of sorts to the man (demon?) in front of her. When all of this was sorted out, Rey would resolve herself to showing Kylo everything he had been missing, beyond just fun holiday traditions. She would give him the family experience and care he had been missing for decades.


The two migrated to the couch, cuddling and eating the product of Rey's anxious cooking while they watched a movie. After relaxing and feeling better in each other's presence, Rey decided it was time to tell Rose as much of the whole truth of what was happening as possible.

She went to her bedroom to call Rose and inform her that she was back with Kylo, ignoring her friend's incredulous cries and questions of how this had happened when Rey had been so heartbroken only a day or so before. Rey pleaded with Rose to hear her out, explaining as much of the situation as she could without giving away Kylo's big secret, citing family drama as the reason that Kylo had needed his space and had been so secretive.

She finished her tale by telling Rose that because it was Kylo's personal information that she couldn't tell her every dirty detail, to which Rose pouted but promised that she understood and that trusted that Rey would know what was best for herself. They stayed on the phone and caught up on some more of the things that had happened in their short time apart.

Rey squealed loud enough to have Kylo burst into the door with concern when Rose mentioned that Vicrul had shown up to her house on New Year's and that they had spent the evening together, going out to brunch the next morning. Rey shooed Kylo away, mouthing that she would tell him later, turning and giggling into the phone as he retreated, getting all of the juicy details.

When Rey finished her phone call, she joined Kylo again on the couch, feeding him finger foods as she told him about everything that had happened in their absence. Kylo nodded and smiled, saying he was happy for Rose and that she deserved to have somebody that cared for her romantically in her life.

"I didn't know you were team Vicrul and Rose," Rey teased, tugging at Kylo's shirt.

Kylo chuckled and shrugged. "I am pro whatever makes you happy and a happy Rose means a happy Rey which means a happy Kylo."

Rey beamed at Kylo, crawling onto his lap and giving him a hug. "Thank you, babe, I appreciate it and Rose appreciates it. She really likes you, you know. Well - maybe not so much in the last few days... but generally she's a big fan of yours."

"That's nice to hear," Kylo laughed, lacing his fingers around Rey's waist. "I'll just have to convince her that I'm still worth it even after all this."

"Oh, she's already convinced. She's back on your side. I told her we're back together. I was worried she would put up more of a fight but she was understanding and trusts that I would make the right decision for myself. Rose also mentioned something about buying her drinks some night... but that's a discussion for another time," Rey smiled, leaning up to give Kylo a kiss. "For now all that matters is that we are all on team Reylo again."


"Yes, that's our ship name. What Poe and Finn decided would be our couple's name, at least."

"I don't hate it."

"Neither do I," Rey grinned, cupping Kylo's face and pressing her lips to his. "Neither do I."


It was almost time for bed when Hux appeared again, finding Kylo and Rey getting ready to sleep after having passed out in front of the couch with various treats all around them. He approached them, startling Rey who hadn't heard his arrival, a quiet apparition as opposed to his more commonplace dramatics.

"She said yes," Hux announced, his usual love for build up gone. "She said yes and she wants to see you... right now. Best not to keep her waiting, then" he continued, looking at each in turn before turning away and throwing his hands in the air. "Chop chop, love birds. Time to meet God herself!" 

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