Dance For Me ※ Jikook Fanfict...

Autorstwa MysticTalia

92.1K 5.1K 1.2K

"Let me touch you, Jimin. Please. Please let me." No. Hell no. Seven bloody hells, no, no and no. Absolutely... Więcej

Prologue: Light up my world
The dream of perfection
Little Bird
Table Nr.40
Bananamilk and Unicorns
How to have Fun
A Taste of Happiness
After the party is over.
All that I need
The Rainbow and the Raven
Making it Obvious
All of You
The Boy in the Purple Shirt
Don't Go
Coffee And Confessions
The Things You Didn't Do
Conquering Mountains
Thank you
The Boy Who Never Knew
No More Fear
The Cabin
Being Brave
The Swan
Hello Monster
Half-Truths and Lies
Road to Hell
I Promised
Beautiful Prison
Brother's Fates
Beat Him at His Own Game
Little Devil Inside
Black Swan
When the Dust Settles
Missed Chances
Dance With Me
The Trial
Love, Family and Friends

Repetition of the Past

1.2K 84 18
Autorstwa MysticTalia

Sooo.... like I promised. You're reaaaaly gonna hate this one... 


Seong-Min had not taken one step into the house before he turned to him, clasped his wrist in a painful grip and pulled Jimin after him so fast, he stumbled and nearly fell. Song-Min didn't care, only pulled him more forcefully, tears of pain shooting into his eyes as he was dragged up the stairs, then left and Seong-Min banged open a door, shoving him inside.
He stumbled in and the force was too strong, unable to regain his balance and he landed on all fours on a dark-blue carpet.

The door banged shut with a boom and Jimin jerked in fear, his lips trembling as he turned, then gasped in shock, Seong-Min directly in front of his face, his eyes cruel and dark as he grabbed Jimin by the neck and pulled him up, then walked him back until he crashed into the wall, a gasp of pain shooting out of him by the force of the impact, his head exploding in pain as it connected with the wall.

Seong-Min towered over him, his body pressing him harder against the wall and he hated the way his body remembered him. Once upon a time, under very different circumstances, he might have liked this. But now, there was nothing but fear as Seong-Min tilted his head closer, a snarl on his face as he hissed: "So, darling, how are you enjoying this holiday so far?"

"Seong-Min... please. You're.. you're hurting me," he croaked out, his body trembling with the fear and pain.
Seong-Min only chuckled darkly.
"Oh, come one, my little Jimmy. We both know you like it rough. You loved it when I used to do this."

He had. Not anymore. And Seong-Min saw that in his eyes, his expression darkening.
"I suppose you only like it when Jungkook does it now, am I right? Does he give it to you good? Does he make you scream his name while he fucks you, the way you once screamed mine?"

Anger and hate made his voice tremble and next to his fear, the confusion seethed into him.
"Why?" he mumbled out, tears streaming down his face. "Why do you care? You never wanted me, you said it yourself. You were only with me because Chung-Ho asked you to. You said I wasn't even that pretty and laughed in my face for thinking I could ever have someone like you. So why are you doing this?"

The anger blazing in Seong-Min's eyes only confused him more as the boy snarled, the grip around his throat tightening, cutting of his air for a moment before lessening slightly, making him snap for the lost oxygen like a fish on dry land.

"I was fucking drunk, Jimin! And I didn't know back then. I really thought it was just a game of mine. But then you were gone. I never thought you had the balls to leave like that. And when I realized you weren't coming back-" he let out an angry growl, his face coming even closer so Jimin could feel his breath on his cheeks, his black hair tickling his forehead.
"I went nuts. I looked for you. I wanted you back, because you were mine. You will always be mine. You gave me all your firsts. First love, first kiss, first fuck. First everything! I realized that the thought of someone else having your heart, your body- it drove me fucking insane. There can only be me."

Jimin's mouth parted in surprise and through the chokehold he managed to croak out: "You're insane! You fucking crazy! You broke my heart. You had me, all of me and you broke me for fun! For some twisted game you played with my brother! How could you think you would ever get my love again?"

Seong-Min's body trembled, his eyes heated and blazing as he brought his other hand up to his face. Jimin stood there rigid as Seong-Min let a thumb stroke over his lips, the touch making Jimin shudder in disgust.
His voice was lower, his anger replaced by- no... no it couldn't be what he thought it was.

"Who said I want your love Jimin? I said I want your heart- your heart, broken or not, and everything else of what is mine."

His mind hurt from thinking- hurt form the million questions in his head.
He wanted to ask what gave him the right to touch him like this. To think he could have his heart but not his love. To think he would ever give him anything ever again.
But all that left him was: "Then why only come now? You had two years! Two years to seek me out, and you never did!"

Seong-Min smiled.
Oh God... the fear deepened, changing to panic at that little, dark smile.

"You think I didn't come find you? I did. It took me no longer than two weeks to figure out where you'd gone. And I came to the school- came to see you on your enrollment day. I saw you and I knew." He let out a long breath, shifting his weight closer, his hair falling around them like a curtain, trapping him in the nightmare of his eyes.
"I knew I still owed your heart. I still had your everything. I was there, in every moment you breathed. It was my face you saw when other's approached you. It was me you thought of when someone talked to you or tried to be your friend. It was my memory that haunted your nightmares. The fear, the pain, the heartbreak- that's what made you such a good dancer because you put it all in your expression, in your body, all that I did to you. You focused on training and practicing so you could try and forget me. I did that! I made you who you are, Jimin. I am the reason you managed to get so far. Why you became the best dancer at the school. I didn't need you to see me. I was already in your heart, so I simply watched you. I watched you still having me in your heart and mind and everywhere else."

Seong-Min's breathing had turned ragged, every inhale making his buff chest braze against his. 
"But I wasn't the only one." 

Jimin's eyes widened and Seong-Min let a little, knowing smile show.
"Yes. Jungkook was watching you and I was watching him. I knew he was in love with you before anyone else did. I knew that look. It was how you once looked at me when we were younger, before we got together. That longing. That uncertainty. The fear of the other not reciprocating your feelings.
I let him, because it was fun to see his pining, knowing he could never have you because you were so completely mine."

His face transformed into a hateful snarl, the grip around his neck tightening again. 
"I came to see you about every two weeks, so imagine my surprise when I came back and saw you get out of HIS car!" Seong-Min's body trembled with rage. 
"Saw him make you smile, the way you allowed him to touch you, the way he introduced you to the rest of his harloting squat! Saw him take away the thing that was mine!"

Jimin couldn't breath, but it wasn't because of his hand around his neck. It was because of the words ruining his world. The hate and anger behind them. The growing knowledge that Seong-Min loathed Jungkook, maybe even more than he wanted him. 
He had to tell Jungkook. He had to find a place far away from Seong-Min and tell him everything. Explain why he'd been lying, try to reason with him and make him cool off so he wouldn't attack Seong-Min in blind rage. But he couldn't let this go on. Because this person in front of him wanted to hurt Jungkook. Wanted him to suffer for what he believed the younger had taken from him. Seong-Min was sick. Sick and twisted and Jimin no longer knew where he would draw the line. He thought him capable of just about anything. 

Seong-Min sighed, and Jimin's eyes focused on him again, the fear paralyzing him. 
"Oh, my sweet, darling. You love him, don't you? Do you love him as much as you once loved me?"
Jimin said nothing. 
He couldn't change the way he had felt back then- this all consuming love he believed he had shared with Seong-Min. The happiness that had made him feel like bursting with energy, barely containable. The way he had looked at him and believed him to be the most wonderful, special person in this entire world. 
But the way he felt about it now had changed. 
Jungkook had changed that. 
For two long years, no matter how much his hate and anger for them had slumbered in him, he had blamed himself most of all. He had felt stupid and blind and naïve. Your own damn fault, his inner self had whispered constantly. That's why he had closed himself off. It was fear-yes, but also self-loathing. A punishment he found fitting of his crime to love and trust so blindly. 

It wasn't until Jungkook showed him what real love was. 
Seong-Min had always just taken what Jimin had offered. 

But Jungkook....
Jungkook had earned his trust. 
Jungkook had made himself worthy of his love. 
Jungkook had shown him a world where it was Okay to be happy without fear. 

So no. He didn't love Jungkook the way he had once loved Seong-Min. 
Seong-Min could not even compare. 

"I see," he taller suddenly seethed, like he had read it all off of his face. The truth about who really had his heart and would hold it for the rest of his life. 

"Fine, little Jimmy, you really want me to play dirty then?"
Jimin felt a hysterical laugh bubble up in him. When had Seong-Min not played with trickery and deceit? Was he even capable of it?

"You think I was watching all this time to come up empty handed now? You really think I put all my faith in the hope that you won't tell Jungkook who I am? Maybe you'll do it when I'm not around, beg him not to beat me, explaining why you lied and who knows.. he loves you so much, maybe he'll even listen? Maybe he'll understand why you lied. I'm not taking such chances. You should know me better than that. After all, I learned from your brother. And Chung-Ho always makes sure he had his evidence covered. You remember that day in the park? The day you so profoundly confessed your love to the whole school?"

Jimin stared. 
He had no idea what Seong-Min what he was getting at with this, but he wondered if he had done it again: underestimated him. Thought him nothing but bat-shit crazy and evil to forget he might actually had this planned for a long time. It was hopeless and his grin grew as Jimin's face fell. 
"Yes... you remember. Such a fantastic show, I have to admit. The way you faced off with that girl- So-Yeong. Ah, yes. Such a blooming talent that girl. It barely took any convincing when I sought her out to help me. All I had to do was tell her who I was to you. What I wanted from you and she gave me everything- more than I could have hoped for actually."

Horror filled his every vein. This wasn't just a nightmare. This was hell. And hell was cold- cold and cruel and Seong-Min the devil himself.
"I originally only meant for her to tell me all his dirty secrets, but he really is a golden boy, isn't he? I thought someone like him, with such prone jealousy and protectiveness would have at least done some crooked things. But he's as clean as they come. That fucker doesn't even have a parking ticket. So the only thing I could do was create something. And what a better way than to use the one thing you love so much about him? What you loved about both of us."

And to underline his words so their meaning was clear, he squeezed the hand around his throat at the same time he grabbed a piece of his hair and pulled, forcing his head up to meet his. Close. He was too close, his lips nearly brushing his.

"You have a type, Jimin, but so do Jungkook and I. We like 'em sweet and shy but submissive and willing in bed. We like to be rough and we love it if they want that too. We like to feel powerful. And you know what So-Yeong likes?"
He smiled, wild and triumphant and he felt sick.
The grip on his hair disappeared and Seong-Min reached behind himself. To do what, he didn't know since the other boy still held him trapped against the wall.

Slowly, with that growing, cruel grin, he pulled away a little and shoved something in front of his face. His phone.
He didn't understand.

Everything in him stopped.
He couldn't breath.
He couldn't say or do anything as his eyes focused on the screen and the video playing there, Seong-Min's voice sounding far away and everywhere at once. Still destroying everything he had ever hoped of having.
"She likes to make videos and re-watch how she gets fucked. Likes to relive her conquests. She tells them to give it to her hard and get rough with her. She's one filthy, little bitch. And you could have been my idea. I should make her my protegee. She thinks the same as me already. It was almost funny when she told me about the video, you have no idea. It's actually quiet hilarious."
His mind didn't want to comprehend what he was seeing. What he was hearing.
Jungkook's growls, his moans, his beautiful sounds out of the squeaky speaker.
And the sight.
He wanted to puke.
Jungkook on the bed, a tiny brunette beneath him, her hands tied to the bed, her mouth shut by one of Jungkook's large hands as he pounded into her, just the way Jimin loved. He knew what it felt like. Knew -So-Yeong was enjoying- loving it- asked for it.

"I know a friend who's very capable of video editing. Looks authentic, doesn't it? He cut out the parts where she begged him for more. Where she moaned and squirmed, pleading him to go faster, harder, to make her cum. He cut out that part as well of course. Now, what do you think? If this goes before court- if there is a crying, sobbing young girl on the stand, recounting the way Jungkook raped her? How he was possessive and jealous? How she wanted to break up with him, so he tied her to the bed and asked her: "Is that what you wanted?"

He said it in perfect timing to when Jungkook said that very thing in the video, his voice rough and throaty, lost to the pleasure while Seong-Min's was cold and vicious. 

"You know how well her acting is, don't you? You fell for it before. And even if the court somehow finds him not guilty, what will poor Jungkook's future look like even if he only gets rape charges?  Combine that with battery and assault- because we both know, even if you beg him not to, I can make him loose it. I only need to mention the way I used to fuck you and he'll forget every reason why he shouldn't beat me bloody. That smart, young boy with his bright and shiny future? All ruined. Because he was loving you!"

Jimin didn't stop the sobs. Didn't stop the tears or the shaking as his heart broke again. 
Broken twice by the same person. 
It hurt. 
It hurt so damn much....

And then it didn't. 
Jimin shut it all down. 
He raised up the wall Jungkook had shattered and build it so tight around him, it was the only thing keeping him together. It was the only barrier between him and completely breaking apart. Not even dancing would save him this time. There would be no coming back from this. 

He felt hollow. 
There was nothing. No pain, no fear, not even helplessness as he gave himself over to it. Accepted it.
He lost. 
He had absolutely, utterly lost. 
It felt like a massive joke that he even thought he could fight for Jungkook. That he was strong enough- smart enough, worthy enough. 
Seong-Min was right. 
Now he truly was his. 
"What do you want me to do?"
Even his voice sounded automatic, void of anything and his rigid body went slack. The tears still streamed down his face, but he felt nothing- knew nothing but that he would do anything the monster asked of him. 

"That's my darling Jimin I remember," Seong-min chuckled, lowering the phone, but Jimin would never be able to un-see it. Never forget the power that video held over him. Over Jungkook's future. 

"But you already know what I want. I want you to break up with him. I want you to break his heart."

"How do you want me to do it?"
He had said it so fast and so emotionless, even Seong-Min looked a little shocked, but he caught himself quickly. 

"I have a lot of ideas. But I'll leave it up to you. As long as you make it believable, I don't give a shit."
"And after that?"

He smiled, and slowly eased the hand off from his neck, then lovingly caressed his cheeks, traced his jawline with his fingers before tilting his head down again to breath the next words into his mouth. 
"Then you'll come home, Jimin. To me!"


I swear, I'm such a nice person in real life, I have no idea how I can create such an evil Son of  Bitch! 🤣🙊

Let me redeem myself a little and tell you that I love ya all and thanks for reading so far, my lovelies!


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