Eyes On You: Book-1 [A Mycrof...

By atqarxia

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[COMPLETED]- 70K WORDS Book-2 Is Out!!! Here is the link- https://www.wattpad.com/story/278535595-eyes-on-yo... More

Eyes On You
Chapter 1- Tara Matthews
Chapter 2- The Iceman
Chapter 3- Brother Mine
Chapter 4- The Request
Chapter 5- Cheesecake and Tea
Chapter 6- Cheesecake and Tea Part-2
Chapter 7- Surprise?
Chapter 8- Surprise? Part-2
Let's Talk
Chapter 9- Happy Together
Chapter 10- Mistake
Chapter 11- Confrontation- Stop Lying
Chapter 12- The Intervention
Chapter 13- Dinner
Chapter 14- Not a Mistake
Chapter 15- Emoticons and Serbian
Chapter 16- Mac 'n' Cheese, Mummy, and The bottle of Haig
Chapter 17- Cold, distant, rude, and obnoxious lover
Chapter 18- Patience and The Extra mile
Chapter 19- The 2001 St Emilion and Paragliding
Chapter 20- The 1968 Cherry Blossom, Ulysses, and Vintage film noirs
Chapter 22- Sanity and Childhood Bedrooms
Chapter 23- Sanity and Childhood Bedrooms Part 2
Chapter 24- Sabotage and The Other One
Chapter 25- Mary Poppins' Pity Chocolate souffle
Chapter 26- The Gun and The Punching bag
Chapter 27- The Witch and the Diplomatic Fire
Chapter 28- The Booty Call and The Chrysanthemum
Chapter 29- Relationships with Heroin and Syrah
Chapter 30- Dirty Laundry, Afghans, and Pillow Talk
Chapter 31- Spice Girls' Night
Chapter 32- The Home Pregnancy Test
Chapter 33- These Boots are Made for Walking
Chapter 34- The Steel Horse and The Rose
Chapter 35- Sibling Rivalry and the Blogger
Chapter 36- The Complete Love of an Incomplete Life
Chapter 37- Dinosaurs, Ladybugs, and Dragon Slayers
Chapter 38- A Tiny Brown Woman
Chapter 39- Promises of the Past and Present
Chapter 40- The Signs of Three
Chapter 41- The Two and a half feet tall Troublemaker
Chapter 42- Here be Dragons
Chapter 43- Is everyone I've ever met a psychopath?
Chapter 44- The Happily Ever After
Chapter 45 - You're the love of my life
Chapter 46 - Ayesha Leela Sareen
Chapter 47- Sane love is no love at all
Chapter 48- A kidnapper to Catch
Chapter 49- Time to Meet
Chapter 50- Better luck next time
Thank You and Good Night!
Eyes On You Book-2 !!!

Chapter 21- Rum and Shopping

343 21 1
By atqarxia

A week before Christmas, Tara and Grace were setting up Christmas specials at the Bakery and decorating the Bakery.

'Hey, Tara! Want to go out for drinks on Christmas?' Grace asked as she painted the bakery windows in the Christmas theme.

Tara looked up from her laptop in confusion. 'Wouldn't you rather spend Christmas with your boyfriend?' she asked.

Grace tilted her head and raised her eyebrows. 'My boyfriend is an unemployed DJ, who mooches off me and spends his days playing video games on my couch. What do you think?' she asked in rhetoric.

'I think that says more about your taste in men than about him' Tara scoffed and returned her focus on the accounts she was doing.

'Hey! Do you want to go or not?' Grace snapped and put the brush down.

Tara raised her hand in surrender 'I would have loved to, but I can't.'

Grace came and sat across from Tara 'Oh, come on! We could do body shots off of a naked bartender. What better way to celebrate Christmas?!' Grace pleaded.

Tara wanted to gag at the idea. Instead, she stared at her assistant in shock, her mouth slightly open. She laughed awkwardly, taking a few seconds to recover, and then said 'As tempting as that sounds, I can't. I'm spending Christmas with Mycroft's family'

'What?!' Grace almost screamed.

Tara wondered why she was surrounded by so many dramatic people. 'Why is that so surprising to you?' she asked.

'Isn't it a little too soon? I mean at this rate in few months you two might get married' Grace laughed at her joke but stopped when she saw her boss's glare. 'I should shut my trap?' it was more of a statement than a question. Tara's silence only confirmed it. 'Right'

Tara didn't say anything. After a few minutes, the silence was killing Grace. She really couldn't keep her mouth shut. 'But still, aren't you even a little nervous?' Grace asked finally and got up to clean all the paint splatters on the floor.

Tara exhaled and rolled her eyes 'Why would I be nervous?' she asked, shutting her laptop. Apparently, her assistant couldn't let go of certain things. She turned her chair to focus on Grace.

Grace started walking around as she mopped the floor. 'Meeting his parents is a big step. I have seen Sherlock and Mycroft. I can only imagine what their parents must be like. If I were you, I'd be freaking out; I mean what if they don't like me? What if they think I am not good enough for him or something? ...' she rambled on until she saw Tara's face. Tara's face was pale. She blinked at Grace like a terrified child. 'SHIT. I spooked you. Don't be spooked. NO. No. No. No. No. No. No, don't be spooked. Do not be spooked. This is good because love is good. This is good. Everybody loves love. Who doesn't? And everybody loves you. They'll love you. I mean how could they not? Look at you. You are amazing. You're an awesome person. They'll love you.' she finished her ramble and looked at Tara eagerly, wanting to make sure she was okay.

Tara didn't say anything. After a few seconds, she walked away from Grace and went back to her office. Grace wouldn't dare to go after her boss. She had done enough damage already. She was scared she might scare Tara even more.


John woke up to his phone blaring into his ear. He looked up at the clock. 7:18 am, it read. He picked up his phone and checked the caller ID. Grace Johnson. Does this girl have no sense? He thought before answering. He didn't bother to get out of bed.

'Grace, it's 7 am. Normal people like me are still sleeping' He said ignoring the pleasantries. His voice laced with sleep.

'I know that, Doctor. It's Tara. She hasn't shown up to work yet. She is always on time.' She almost shouted into the phone in a state of panic.

John cringed and shut his ears at the piercing sound in his ear. 'Stop freaking out, will you? She probably just overslept.'

'Well, it's not just that' Grace said doubtfully.

John turned on his side 'Well, then what is it?' he asked. He should have seen this coming. He had spent enough time with Sherlock and Rosie to know that, and Grace was no less.

'I might've blabbed' Grace said nervously.

'You should've started with that' John rolled his eyes and, sat upon his bed. He exhaled and asked 'Okay, Grace, what did you say to her?'


John knocked on Tara's door and when there was no response, he tried the doorknob. Thankfully, it was open. The living room floor was covered in gift wrapping paper and shopping bags and Tara was nowhere to be found. He cautiously made his way to her bedroom.

Tara was sitting on her bed, surrounded by more gift-wrapping paper and shopping bags than John had seen on his wedding day. She was clutching a bottle of rum and staring at all her purchases, nervously.

'Hey, kiddo!' John said softly and moved some of the shopping bags, making space for himself.

'John! You're here' she smiled nervously at him, as he sat beside her.

'Yes. You want to tell me what's going on here?'

'Well, as you know I am spending Christmas with Mycroft's family and you' She told him. Her voice was shaky.

'Yeah, I know that. What I don't know is how that could possibly lead to all of this.' He said pointing to all the shopping bags.

'John, it's rude to show up at a person's house on Christmas without presents' She said, her breathing tensed.

'Okay, you need to calm down. I have spent Christmas with them before, and I never got them a present. It's fine.' John told her, trying to get her to breathe.

'No, it's not fine, John' Tara shot back

He rolled his eyes at her. 'Well, all of this is way too much anyway'

John tried to calm her down for an hour but she only seemed to panic more. Then Sherlock joined in. He seemed to be enjoying Tara's nervous breakdown. Grace came too. She couldn't handle all the customers alone and she was worried about Tara. John had given her strict instructions not to say another word in front of Tara, should she scare her boss even more.

'Why did you buy a scarf? It's very impersonal. Most of these are jewelry, ties, tiepins, cufflink. They are all so impersonal.' Sherlock said as he browsed through the shopping bags. John and Grace were standing at the end of the bed, cautiously eyeing Tara.

'It's a week before Christmas, Sherlock. Most people have already done their Christmas shopping, this is all they had left. And I don't know your parents at all, how was I supposed to buy personal gifts?' Even though she was drunk, she spoke really fast like she was on a caffeine high.

'Good going, Sherlock' John muttered to his best friend, wondering why he hadn't given Sherlock strict instructions to shut up too. Then he wondered why he had let him in in the first place.

'I know right. Look at her, she is holding that bottle of rum like it's a life vest' Sherlock chortled and then saw John shooting him a menacing look. 'Sarcasm?' he knitted his eyebrows and asked. Sarcasm was still lost on him.

'What do you think, genius?' John shot back.

Before Sherlock could reply they were interrupted by Tara.

'I need another bottle' she said and started getting up from the bed, only to fall back into it.

'No, no, no. I think that's quite enough for now.' John said, prying the empty bottle out of her hands and poked her head, pushing her back on the bed.

'Here you go' Sherlock handed her another bottle of rum.

'Thanks, Sherlock. You are a.... good neighbour' Tara slurred.

'Oh, I know... Enjoy your drink' Sherlock smiled.

'Why the hell would you do that?' John scolded, knowing that it would be impossible to get the bottle from Tara.

Sherlock clapped his hands and sat down on the bed next to Tara 'Because she is way more interesting when she is drunk'

'Okay, that's it. I am calling Mycroft' Grace finally broke her silence.

'Now, why would you do that?' John looked at her like she was crazy.

'Because he is sleeping with her and probably knows how to deal with whatever this is. This is all his fault anyways.' She told the doctor.

'His fault?! You're the one who blabbed and freaked her out' John reminded her.

'I'm calling him anyways' She said and started looking for Mycroft's contact information.

'Well, good luck with that!' Sherlock scoffed.

'What do you mean?' Grace asked him.

'Blondie, you freaked out his girlfriend and let her get as drunk as a single woman on Valentine's Day. He is going to be pissed' Sherlock smiled in amusement, thinking how interesting his life had gotten since his brother got a girlfriend.


'Ms. Johnson. This better be good' Mycroft said, annoyed at being interrupted during work.

'Oh, trust me this is.' Grace told him.

'I don't have all day, Ms. Johnson. So, would you please be kind enough to get to the point' he asked impatiently.

'Mr. Holmes, I think I broke your girlfriend' Grace said nervously.


'Someone went on a shopping spree' Mycroft said as he looked at all the shopping bags in Tara's bedroom.

'Look who came to rescue his goldfish' Sherlock exclaimed as his brother walked in.

'Sherlock, good to see you being helpful for once' He shot Sherlock a forced smile. 'Dr. Watson' he greeted John and he replied with a curt nod 'Ms. Johnson.' Mycroft sneered at the young girl, making her want the earth to tear open and swallow her.

'Oh, I am not here to help. I am just here to witness your goldfish's breakdown. She's way more fun when she's drunk' Sherlock said excitedly.

Mycroft gaped at his brother and then gave up. 'Everybody, clear the room' he ordered, resting his umbrella against the dresser.

Sherlock put up a fight, but Grace and John were able to convince him to leave the couple alone.

'Good Morning, my dear' Mycroft said softly. He unbuttoned his coat and sat down with Tara.

'Hey!' Tara breathed.

'How about you let that go and tell me what's bothering you?' Mycroft said, prying the bottle from her hands.

Tara disappointedly looked at the bottle, like a child looking at their favorite toy. 'I have never done this meeting the parents thing before. My husband didn't have any family so I was off the hook for that one. Mothers don't like me. I am not even sure mine liked me. What if your parents don't like me?' Tara rambled nervously.

'Tara, I am sure my parents will like you' Mycroft said and made her face him.

'No. No. No. Parents like bright and bubbly and happy. And I just talk too much.' Tara cried.

'My parents love Sherlock. I don't think they are going to start drawing the line at you' Mycroft said with a smile. Tara still looked scared. Mycroft sighed and cupped her face with both hands. 'You'll be fine, just keep the talking to a minimum. Short. Short little nuggets of Tara. That's all anyone really needs. Don't tell her too much about yourself or us. And if you start to get stuck, just smile. You have a beautiful smile.' That was too much information for a drunk Tara to process at once. But she got the last part, she smiled nervously. Mycroft looked at her smile, in shock. 'Oh, okay. That's just scary. A little less' she frowned and then smiled more naturally. 'Yeah, that's much better' he kissed her.

'I did go a little overboard with all the gifts, didn't I?' she said as she looked at the result of the previous night's drunken escapade, spread across her bedroom.

'Oh, yeah.' Mycroft sighed 'Don't worry. I'll have Anthea take care of it.' He assured her.

She would have refused the help but she was too drunk, exhausted, and in no condition to deal with it herself. 'Thanks' she sighed and kissed him.

'Just be yourself and my parents will love you' he told her, then licked his lips 'That's some good rum' he smirked.

Tara laughed and smacked his arm. She then looked at the bottle of rum sitting on her dresser. She smirked. She knew exactly what she was going to do.


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