A second sunshine

By Nobodyblinks

863 12 0

A squeal to Haikyuu about Natsu first year in Niiyama high. As she works hard to stay on top. A cannon compli... More

Welcome to Niiyama
Number Ten
A Pratice Match
Training camp
The Starting Jump

First Pratice

167 1 0
By Nobodyblinks

Natsu and Matsumomo sat next to each other against the wall waiting for the rest of the first year students to arrive. Looking at the circle of second and third years. They all knew each other and had been here before.

"You'll make the team." Natsu whispered.

"We'll see." Matsumomo laughed half heartedly.

"I believe in you." Natsu elbowed her. Shoyo was always in her corner. Never once saying she couldn't do it. She always had him to cheer her on. Seeing Matsumomo lack of confidence reminded her of why her brother was like that to her. "So believe in yourself!"

"Sure Natsu. I'll do that." The two continued their conversation, as the rest of the first years entered. There were six of them total, only one not coming from an athletic scholarship.

"Look, there's less competition for you. I bet you a box of pocky that you'll make it." Natsu smiles toothy, taking off her sweets to be in her gym shorts and shirt.

"Fine. If I don't make it, I'm not buying you the pocky."

"I hope you don't have to." Locking eyes with her, tongue falling between her teeth. "You look at the glass half full don't you?"

"How'd you know? Did you sneak into my mind?" Before Matsumomo had the chance to respond, their captain called the girls over.

"First years line up. Introduce yourself to the team." The Captain called out. The seven first years got into a line. Natsu standing next to Matsumomo at the end. A girl with black hair who was about the same height as Natsu went first.

"I'm Ogasawara Umi from Toyokuro Junior High." The girl said with a small bow before getting back in line.

"My name's Oka Tamiko and I'm from Chidoriyama Junior High." The girl was smaller with brown hair. Natsu pondered where she heard the name before. The next two girls in line were Nii Sango and Mori Fuyuko who both attended Chidoriyama with Oka.

The girl next to Matsumomo went. "Naito Youko from Kitagawa Daiichi Junior high." Natsu leaned forward a bit. This girl went to the same school as her older brother's closest friend.

Matsumomo went second to last. "Matsumomo Sai, I went to Minami Daisan." When she returned to the line Natsu was the last one to go.

"My name is Hinata Natsu, I attended Yukigaoka." Natsu stepped back to the line.

"Coach, and the managers are going to be a bit late. It's okay we'll start running practice anyway. After stretches we'll be doing some three on three's. There's three courts. We'll only be using two, some of us will be keeping score and referring. The games will only go to seven points. Does that sound like a plan." Captain Amanai explained. She looked at everyone staring up at her.

"Yes it does, Captain." The crowd said in unison.

"Two of you will be on court a, another group of two go to court b. The two first years remaining will be opposite of a group of two. Then the last first year will sit out and play in the second round of games." Amanai pointed at them. Natsu hoped she was with Matsumomo. She wanted to see her set, and to spike them down. Stretches began. A short girl with blonde hair tied in a bun, green eyes walked in. She was framed with a red niiyama t-shirt and shorts. A clipboard in her right hand. The first years looked over. The clipboard gave away who she was.

"Hayashi Tsuna. She is in her third year. She always gives the best advice. Just head note, she quit play in jr high, but she'll coach the hell out of us if coaches aren't here." A girl with light brown hair in a ponytail whispered.

"Ogawa, shut up or you're going to be running laps." Hayashi threatened.

"That's cruel." The older girl acted overly dramatic but laughed. "See?"

The captain took a moment from calling out for stretches. "It's only for you, not even Mina gets that treatment from her."

"Because of favoritism."

"Stretching back to it." The first years followed. The second and third didn't put as much work in. Natsu partnered with Matsumomo for the three on three. Across the court from them the other first year was tall with black and blue eyes cheerfully smiling at them.

"I wonder what upperclassmen we're going to get in our team." Natsu whispered looking over to where Amanai was situating the first years on the other court. Once she finished the captain yelled out to the two girls.

"What position are you two?"

"Wing Spiker." Natsu responded.

"I'm a setter." Matsumomo called out.

"Hano get your ass over with them." The girl who ran over had blonde hair with a blue ombre in it. Repeating the same process to the girl on the other side who happened to be a middle blocker. Their opponents were the first year middle blocker, captain and Ogawa.

"Since it's a three on three we don't have to play positions all that much, but I'm just going to let you know my spiking skills won't be like tangerines."

"I'm not a tangerine!" Natsu whined. Matsumomo was giggling. "So you're a libero?"

"Yep, that's right. I'm always there to make sure the queens never lose their crown! Don't worry, you can call me Mina. There's no need to call me Hano."

"You guys ready?" The three teenagers nodded. A couple other people walking in Natsu assumed it was their coaches and manager. Their team was reviving first. Natsu and Matsumomo were in front with Mina behind them. The first serve was an overhand that went to the far right of the court, diving down it and hitting Mina arms. Matsumomo ran getting under the ball setting it to her left for Natsu.

Natsu hit the ball. Their middle blocker hitting it out. "Nice kill." The two girls yelled at Natsu. She took the ball going for a jump serve. Their captain dug it up. The ball went to Ogawa who set it, with Amanai strikes down. Doing a pancake the balls back in the air thanks to Minas save.

"Nice receive." Natsu yells out. Running to the other side of the court jumping up when the ball started coming her way. Matsumomo sets were easy for her to hit. They followed Natsu, even if it was a little two far to one side Natsu would adjust. Amanai and the first year jumped up to block the ball. It went down to their side, but Mina was there digging it up again. Natsu did a one-step approach before jumping up and hitting the ball across the court. Thankfully it landed this time.

"Matsumomo, do you have a good spike?" Mina asked. Natsu looked over at the two of them.

Matsumomo pondered for a moment before responding."I can spike. It's not amazing or anything but I can do it."

"Good. Don't be scared to get the first receive, I'll cover for you and set it to either one of you." Mina turned to give Natsu a thumbs up. Natsu nodded, getting behind the line and throwing the ball up to serve it again. The ball hit the net. The first year middle blocker got it twice. Once with her hands, the second with the bottom of her chin. A teammate who was standing on the referee's stand called it.

"Don't worry Naito, you'll get the next one." Amanai reassured helping her up. Rolling the ball back over. Repeating her steps again the ball went over the net. Naito was there to receive it this time with no double hit. Amanai bumped it up for Ogawa to hit. The play connected, the ball landing twice on the Natsu side of the court. Peeking over at the other game their score was four to four.

"We'll get them next time." Mina whispered, holding both of them close. "Put a lot into these games. Coach Matsuo watching us. She's the stricter of the two, but if you impress her there's a chance of being a starter." Realizing the two taller girls from her hold, she went behind the line preparing to receive. Ogawa was serving, and by her stance she was going with a jump serve rather than an overhand. Taking a deep breath. Mina watched every step and movement of the ball. It was up front going towards Matsumomo. "Dive." Yelling out running towards the front. Jumping before the line Mina, set the ball behind her toward bright orange hair, landing down she prepared for the chance the ball coming back. It did, reviving it with the top overhand, Matsumomo jumped up at the net hitting it down like a waterfall against the blockers. "Nice kill." Mina called out. Lightly hitting her underclassmen on the back.

"Thanks for covering." Matsumomo smiled. The score was five to one. They were in the lead. Two more to go. "Natsu pass the ball over here." The ginger girl threw the ball over to the brunette. Matsumomo held it close to her chest, walking behind the line to serve. Doing an overhand serve,the ball was dug up and immediately sent back their way.

"Chance ball." Natsu yelled out. Bending down
to bump the ball. Matsumomo set the ball towards Mina. Who got blocked. Natsu dove for the ball but it bounced on the ground before she got there. "It's okay, just one point. We'll still win." Looking over she noticed Naito eyes following her. Sending a glare back, Natsu team prepared for the serve. Matsumomo received the ball overhand, Mina set and Natsu went to spike. Noticing a small gap between the two blockers she hit it towards the line. Unfortunately Ogawa was there to get the ball up. Running over to the middle Natsu and Matsumomo jumped up to block their Captains spike.

"One touch." Matsumomo yelled. Mina dropped to her knees getting the ball. Running back Matsumomo set it for Natsu, who was blocked again. Reaching out her leg, Natsu kicked the ball up. Mina set the ball high leaving it up to her teammates for who was going to get it. Both girls jumped up and Natsu took the swing, firing it over. Amanai ran to the back of the court getting the ball up, as she slid Ogawa got the ball. It looked like she was going to set, Matsumomo and Natsu prepared to block the spike that was going to Naito. The two first years were wrong; it was a dump.

"Cover." The libero yelled behind them. On the other side of the court a quiet cussing happened. Natsu bumped into the air for Matsumomo to spike. She did, their team now has the match point.

"How'd you know it was a dump?" Natsu questioned while they waited for the ball to be on their side again.

"When I was in junior high, my team played against Ogawa every year. I was starting to understand when she was going to do one by my second year. Now being on the same team as her, it just clicks for me when it's a set or a dump."

"Makes sense."

"As a wing spiker you'll make them more surprising during a match." The ball rolled towards Mina feet. "I'm not getting a service ace so work your ass off for this last point." Natsu looked over to the game on the other court. The score was tied five to five. Before Natsu got in position she saw one of the teams get a service ace in.

"Yes ma'am." The ball went over the net. Landing in the front half of the court. Ogawa got the first touch. Naito bumped it high enough for Amanai to get the spike in. Running forward Natsu dove towards the ball. Sending it up in the air. Behind her Mina jumped from the back line to set for Matsumomo. Hearing the other side of the court yell one touch Natsu knew it wasn't over. Getting back onto her feet. Watching as Ogawa sent the ball to Amanai, Natsu jumped up, getting a hold of the ball. They were in a joust. Natsu pushed the ball over. Ogawa slid onto the ground setting from there for Naito. It went to the far back of the court. Mina hit it, then Matsumomo got the cover forgetting to set it, Natsu hit a third time, the ball was still on their side of the court, and Mina sent it flying over. Whichever one of their upperclassmen was standing on the referee stand called it. "Sorry, I should've sent it over."

"Don't beat yourself over it. We still have the lead. It was one point. We'll win it back." Matsumomo whispered while nudging Natsu. "Plus I forgot to set, so it's not your fault." Mina rolled the ball under the net. Yelling for the other team to bring it on. Naito serve was underhand and it was easy to receive. Mina couldn't touch the ball again till touch number three. The ball was set into the air and Mina touched again striking it down close to the net. Amanai dug up the ball. Naito did a shaky set for Ogawa. Ogawa spike bumped Mina's arm. Matsumomo set it and Natsu was there. Spiking it down, Ogawa had the first touch. It went behind her. Amanai set it forward and Naito above the net. Taking a breath Natsu jumped up and went for a cross court shot. The ball hit the ground. Mina and Matsumomo were there at Natsu's side as soon as she landed.

"Nice kill." The two said. They shook hands with the team mates on the other side. Looking over the team that was on the other court on the same side as Amanai, Ogawa and Naito won. The threes on three's switched with those who just played and weren't. Taking a sip of water, Natsu sat between Matsumomo and Naito.

"You have really nice blocks." Natsu complemented panting before taking another sip. The third years were the ones watching the game between the second years.

"Thanks. You're a really good spiker." Naito responded.

"I've been practicing to be like that." Natsu laughed. Matsumomo's mouth hadn't left her water bottle. "I'm Hinata Natsu, but call me Natsu."

She replied, "Naito Youko. I think you should steal the water bottle from her before she chokes on it," pointing over at Matsumoto. Natsu did so. Once all the games were over, the coach made them run two laps around the gym. At the end they finally changed to go home.

Amanai called out as they walked toward the club room. "First years, we'll buy you a snack if you have time. It's the captain's tradition." All the first years agreed on coming. Natsu came over and talked to the others asking about their game. The two who were on the same team was a middle blocker Nii Sango who had silver looking hair and grey eyes, and someone who's position changed frequently a black haired Ogasawara. Their first year opponent had been a shorter girl with brown hair, Oka Tamiko; the libero of the first years. When they were on the walk Ogawa came up to them.

In a hushed voice she asked, "Did one of you come in from the entrance exam?" Matsumomo nodded, "Captain said that there were tryouts for you. There isn't, it's just a bluff to make you work your ass off the first day, so your potential is shown."

"First years. Make sure you're signed up for this club."

"Yes captain." The chorus of first years chimed.

After getting food from the captain. Matsumomo and Nastu walked to the bus stop together. "You made the team." Natsu laughed.

"Yeah I did." Matsumomo said before getting off. "See you tomorrow."

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