whatever i feel like

By OxShinsou_HitoshixO

49 1 3

random one shots and ideas that i have i guess. this is gonna be a mess. They are short stories or random thi... More

Denki x Electric quirk oc (Leila) one shot


22 0 3
By OxShinsou_HitoshixO

⚠warning horror, contains sickening imagery. You've been warned uwu⚠

Getting out of bed I headed to my kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee. I drank the coffee slowly, and read the news papers. The newspaper read something about sending more men to the moon. Honestly I think that's a waist of time, I thought and walked down to my computer room.

The room was filled with book cases filled to the brim with books, and action figures of a movie that I had a slight obsession for. In the middle of the room was a very old computer I had just purchased, there were wires left and right. Wires and cords hung from the sealing, and covered the ground.

I weaved through all the wires and got a chair. Moving wires and clutter out of the way I placed the chair down in the small space and sat in the chair. I turned on the computer for the first time and a big logo flashed on screen.

Code showered the screen as it turned on. Once it was fully on I got to a home screen, it was almost completely empty. Looking at it I saw a single file on the home screen, I tried to click it but it wouldn't open. After the fifth time trying the computer shut down completely.

Great it crashed. I thought getting up and walking out. I went to my living room and phoned an engineer, there weren't many people that specialized in computers since they were such a new thing. After an hour on the telephone I got someone to come over tomorrow.

I entertained myself as best I could walking around my house, listing to the radio, watching the television. I didn't have any friends and I didn't want to go out today.

When I went to turn off the television I saw a shadow in the screen. It looked like a man was standing behind me. Still keeping my composure I grabbed my second cup of coffee and splashed it all over where I thought the figure was. Surprisingly there was no one there, I mentally cursed myself and ran into the kitchen grabbed a wet towel.

I ran back into my living room, and tried to cleaned my now stained carpet. What the hell was that, I thought scrubbing the carpet to the best of my ability.

By now it was night but I was still thinking about that strange instance. I walked into my computer room before I went to bed, to check if anything happened to it. It sat there like normal. Everything looked like it was in place, except the screen. Reflecting off the screen was me, and the shadowy figure.

I turned around and punched the area as hard as I could. but there was nothing there. I stumbled and looked around the whole room, I was the only one in the room. I ran to my bedroom and tried my best to fall asleep.

When I woke the sun hadn't come up yet. I sat up and a painful headache spread through my whole head, I suddenly felt nauseous and ran to my bathroom. I hunched over the toilet dry heaving and gagging. Every time I thought I was going to throw up my headache got worse, I felt my heart pounding in my head.

I finally threw up, it came out in large, slimy chunks. When I opened my eyes the substance I threw up looked like an opaque white mucus, it had the consistency of thick soup, and chunks of it were sinking into the toilet. I quickly flushed the toilet, washed my hands and mouth, and got back in my bed.

Seconds after I got in bed I fell asleep.

I woke up in a cold sweat to the sound of knocking on my door. I put on a robe and quickly ran to the door. When I opened it there was a man standing there with a big smile. He held a suitcase full of tools.
"Nice to meet you Sir. I'm here to help with your computer problems." He said in a chipper voice
"H-hello come in" I stutter, nervous of all the mans energy.

I ushered him in and took him to my computer room.
"So what's the problem?"He asked smiling bigger.
I turned on the computer and showed him the file.
"this file is crashing my computer, do you think you could get it off?" I asked slightly angered.
"Not a problem! I'm going to have to ask you to leave." he said, and I left him to his devices.

After a while of listening to the radio I remember what happened last night. I shuttered disgusted at the image of throw up that came to mind. Come to think of it, I feel fine now, I thought putting a hand on my forehead.

I pushed the thought aside when I heard that man calling for me. I walked down to the computer room and looked at what he was doing. The set up had been pulled apart, and he was sitting there in a little bunch of wires.
"soooo.." He dragged out, "I tried to get the file off, but in the computer itself there isn't a trace of the file. The computer can't recognize it as a file at all" he said with a confused look.
"oh, well thank you for your time anyways." I told him

I gave him money for his work, and he left. Now to take matters in my own hands I thought turning the computer back on. I tried opening the file again but it crashed. After rebooting the system I looked at my own files and saw that most of them had been rearranged.

Did that man get into my computer files? I thought and click one one. It looked like all my normal papers but as I scrolled through the files they became images. There were multiple images of random people smiling, I couldn't recognize any of them.

They all looked very happy, as I scrolled five people became three and then just single person stood in the center of the photo. They were all just staring into the camera smiling, scrolling more I found people forcing a smile. The people started to look scarred and a fue of them had their mouths clipped into a smile with bobby pins and hooks.

As I scrolled down farther it became worse and worse, peoples limbs broken off in the foreground, and Some people even dead, but still all of them were smiling somehow. I reached the final image. The final image was completely black there was nothing there, as I looked around the image I started to smell something awful.

It smelled acrid, and damp. The smell grew worse as it filled my lungs, I looked around to see the pus substance I threw up last night leaking out of the computers cords and wires. I choked on the horrid smell that was clogging my nose.

I ran out of the room and into my bedroom. The smell went away instantly, I waited a hours before I walked slowly down to the computer room. I peeked in to see everything gone the only thing in the room was the computer. It had latched onto the sealing, the wires were deep into the walls supporting the computer.

In the middle of the computer screen there was an eye. It looked right at me for a second, it was bloodshot and had a pus yellow substance spilling out of it. After a second passed the eye opened into a mouth and screamed. The shrill it let out was like nothing I've herd, it was ferocious, loud, and high-pitched. Almost like a kettle boiling over but ten times worse. I ran into my bathroom screaming as well, I shut and locked the door to the bathroom and hid there for hours.

(This isn't very good but you get the concept)

My mind was spinning, and my ears were ringing as I sat in the corner of my bathroom, I hadn't noticed but I was scratching my arm vigorously, once my arm started to hurt I looked down and saw a deep gash in my arm. Pain almost instantly shot through my arm as I panicked, launching myself at the cupboard and got out my first aid kit.

I wrapped my arm up in gauze and bandage. The big gash in my arm had bled all over me, there were chunks of skin and blood wedged between my nails. I cleaned up my hand, watching the chunks of skin build up in my sink drain.

Sitting back down I breathed heavy. I felt like I had gone insane. As I was trying to calm myself down I slowly slipped into a deep sleep.

I jolted awake. Looking around to see my bathroom, I had fallen asleep in the corner of my bathroom curled into a ball. I stood up stretching my limbs out and felt the gash in my arm open back up. It was splitting pain, like someone had ripped my arm open from the inside. Pain creeped up and down my arm.

I held my arm close and whimpered. After the pain had died down I cautiously walked out of my bathroom. I went to the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife I could find, and headed to the computer room. I got to the entrance, it looked fine on the outside.

I cracked open the door, when I looked into the room there was the computer like last time. The eye in the middle of the screen was closed. It was breathing heavily, shaking the room with each deep breath. I slowly walked into the room, and weaved through all the wires. They were everywhere, I dodged some hanging from the sealing and made it to the computer. It had grew three times its size then previously, the eye in the center was bigger than my head.

I took the knife and positioned it right at the eye, with both my hands I jabbed the knife into the eyeball. It opened its eye and I kept stabbing it. It screamed in pain and the room shook but I just pierced the knife into it deeper, and deeper. Finally the screaming stopped, I had cut up the eyeball so much it was unrecognizable. I retrieved knife from the carved out eye cavity and set it on the ground.

I looked around and saw all the wires had shriveled up, The room smelled like burning hair. I looked back at the television sized computer, and it was melting. It melted into a big puddle of plastic and glass. Bubbling and steaming until there was nothing left. The wires had lit on fire and disappeared as well.
The room was completely empty and silent. There were no windows, no shelves, no figurines, no computer...

And no door.

I hope you liked this short story. This was based of a horror story my friend told me so credit to him! Thank u for reading my crap 😊
(1860 words)

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