The Alpha Saved Me (Editing A...

By ChocoholicLover

848K 16.4K 912

Sometimes life doesn't go as planned. At times, you get dragged down to the deepest pits of your mind, the un... More

Chapter 1 (Pic Of Blake)
Chapter 2 (Pic Of Alexis)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (Pic Of Isabella)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34


12.6K 311 30
By ChocoholicLover


Alpha Than was getting closer, and closer. Soon he was a few metres away from me. My blood ran cold, and my mouth was open as I got ready to scream. Just as I was about to, I saw the familiar black fur of the man I love so much appear before me.

Than was a metre away and Blake stood in between.

A scream escaped the air. So high-pitched, and frightening, a sound only a woman who's entire life, entire reason for existence, was about to be destroyed, could make.

And I was surprised to find out, that it was me.


Sobs and cries filled the air with anguished howls of the wolves. The air was so tense it would've been able to cut with a knife. It seemed like the world was caught in a black and white silence as the sky rumbled above the sea of black people. Everyone huddles against each other, seeking comfort with the few exceptions that wanted to be left alone. It was a time of sadness and the pack needed each other more than ever. Many had lost their loved ones during the war and were overcome with grief.

A few tears slipped down my cheek as I watched these people mourn and grieve. A soft squeeze on my shoulder caught my attention and I looked up into warm grey loving eyes. "It's okay." He murmured though his eyes were filled with pain. It was Blake... A breath rushed out in relief as I had unknowingly been holding. I still panicked even now when Blake wasn't by my side. The irrational fear of him dying constantly haunted me.

Flashes of Blake's fight with Than constantly warred in my head like a broken radio. It was a miracle that he had managed to survive but he didn't come out unscarred. A scar ran down from the top of his right arm, at the tip of his shoulder, to a few inches away from his wrist.

He had many other injuries but all had almost healed except his left arm which was still in its cast. The war left around a quarter of our pack dead and little less than half severely injured. The coffins, all lines up in a row, were being lowered into the ground and I turned away, unable to look at the sight.

Looking at people around me, I realized that I had to be strong. For them and for me. Alec was comforting Alexis and she burried herself in his arms, sobbing. With this in my head, I straightened my back and lifted my head higher. Despite what Than did to us, we had managed to survive with the other pack running away with their tails between their legs.

Even if I didn't know all of the pack members, I was their Alpha Female. And my job was to keep them safe. That was something I had failed at.

But now... Now it was different.


Autumn had just arrived. Leaves were starting to turn red and brown before falling gracefully down onto the ground. The air was cool, a warning for the cold of Winter. Things had just started to settle down when an announcement caused everything to change. The house was no filled with ruckus and noise...but an air of happiness too.

"Bella!" I heard Alexis call behind me, frantic. Turning around with a grin on my face, I giggled.

"Yes?" I sighed dreamily as the dress swished around my legs.

"We have a huge problem!" She gasped, worry filled her eyes.

"Hmm..." I murmured, still lost in my daydream. Nothing could have spoiled my mood today.

"The flowers aren't right!" She fretted. "The company got the order wrong!"

I stared at her... "What?"

She nodded her head as if she couldn't believe it. "I know right!"

A few seconds of silence passed before I bursted out laughing. "Alexis!" I giggled. "It's fine!" I swear... It almost seems as if Alexis and Mom were more excited about the wedding than I was! Although I doubt that was possible...

"This is a dream come true..." I murmured.

"Hmph!" Alexis snorted. "A dream come true if they got the flowers right!"

I shook my head hopelessly at her. It didn't matter if the flowers were wrong or if there was suddenly not enough food for everyone... All that mattered was being here, in my wedding, with Blake by my side. That...was what this was about. Although if everything turned out like I wanted, well then...that would be even better.

Blake had proposed to me a few months ago. It was on date and of course I said yes immediately. Although it was after a few seconds of stunned silence. I hadn't expected it but I was definitely filled with pleasure when I thought of it. Looking down at the ring on my finger, it sparkled up at me. A perfect light blue sapphire cut into the shape of a teardrop sat proudly in the middle, surrounded by small diamonds on a silver band.

I looked at myself in the mirror, pleased with what I saw. The make-up was perfect, as it highlighted my best features. The dress hugged what curves I had and was strapless. It was in white with beads decorating the upper area. The bottom skirt part was slightly tied up the hip but still flowed down delicately.

The bells chimed, signaling that I had to go. "I'm ready." I confirmed to Alexis. I could feel the happiness bubbling inside me like a fizzy drink about to burst. I couldn't hold it in. A slight skip in my steps, the giddy smile on my face. I had never thought this day would happen, but's actually happening. It was more than I could've imagined.

Blake and I had wanted a small wedding, with just family and close friends from Blake's side but Mom and Alexis had other ideas. But they were right. I knew that if my wedding wasn't big and extravagant, I would've regretted not doing so. After all, it only happens once doesn't it? So why not go all out.

Bridesmaid dressed in light pink lined up ahead of me, excitement in the air. Alexis walked next to me chatting but I wasn't really listening. All I could do was stare in awe at the beauty of the place. It was an old mansion with a huge garden in which the wedding was held. The decorations were amazing. Everyone was dressed in dresses and tuxes, looking all proper.

Soft music started playing as the flower children and bridesmaids stared walking down the aisle. Alexis gave me a quick smile and squeezed my arm before bounding off to her place in the line. Blake's father, John, then stood by my side. He had a huge grin plastered on his face as he took my arm. Just as we were about to walk out, he said a few words that filled me with pride and bliss:

"I'm glad you're his mate." He whispered.

I blushed, unable to help the gigantic smile from appearing. "Me too." I murmured.

I breathed in and out before taking the step inside. I could feel the stares and yet I didn't feel uncomfortable. All I could think about at the moment was Blake. He stood there, a few metres away. His grey eyes sparkled, and hair styled. He looked so handsome in his tux. I felt proud to be able to call him mine.

I felt my cheeks redden as I saw his gaze look me up and down, love and lust showing through his eyes. "I love you." He mouthed.

"I love you too." I whispered as I got to his side and John let go of me. Nervousness started bubbling in me, and my palms got sweaty. I couldn't help but wonder if something would go wrong. I could vaguely hear the Priest start talking and was snapped out of my bubble as he spoke to Blake.

"Will you, Blake Alexander Rider, take Isabella Rose Garcia as your wife in sickness and in health." He asked.

"I do," Blake answered confidently, smiling.

The Priest then turned towards me. "Will you, Isabella Rose Garcia,take Blake Alexander Rider as your husband in sickness and in health."

"I do." I shook of my nervousness and answered.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." However before he even managed to finish the sentence, Blake had swooped me off my feet and planted a kiss on me. Cheers was heard all around as people celebrated but all I cared about and could focus on was Blake. My husband. It felt good to say that. It felt right. His kiss was so full of passion and love, it sent me into a whirlwind of emotions.

"I love you so much." I whispered before leaning in and stealing another kiss.


Staring at the screen of the TV, I burst into tears. Hiccuping, my body shook and snot dribbled out my nose. I could feel Blake's alarm at my emotions. Feeling the pull of him coming closer, I sighed in content through my tears. "Bella?" I heard Blake's worried voice as his appeared through the doorway.

I shakily smiled at him and opened my arms. He immediately went and sat next to me on the coach and took me into his arms but with some difficulty. "Hey, it's okay." He murmured, running his fingers through my hair despite not knowing what was going on. I pointed a trembling finger to the television and he put the dots together.

"Pickle and peanut butter." He sighed, shaking his head at me with a resigned smile.

"Don't forget the chocolate." I grinned at him, my mood much better.

"Of course not." He mocked at me before patting my belly and leaving the room towards the kitchen.

"Your daddy's mean." I rubbed my big belly and whispered to it. As a response I got a kick where my hand lay on it. Despite the many times he's kicked, it still left me glowing with joy each time. It had been a bit more than 9 months ago when I found out I was pregnant with my baby boy. "Agreeing with me?" I questioned him. "Yup." I answered my own question. Muffled laughter caught my attention and I looked up to see Blake doubled over, laughing.

"What?" I asked embarrassed and slightly insulted.

Blake realized his mistake and stood up straight, but I could see laughter still in his eyes. I pouted at him, crossing my arms but then left them by my side when I realized that the position was uncomfortable. "What?" I repeated, wanting an answer.

"It's nothing." He tried to calm me down.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "What do you mean nothing?" I took the food and placed them beside me before unscrewing the lids of the pickled and peanut butter. Dipping the pickle in the peanut butter, I bit into it. As the delicious taste exploded in my mouth, I moaned in pleasure and forgot what we were talking about.

I looked up to see Blake staring in disgust. "It's good," I protested. "You haven't even tried it!"

"And I don't want to," Blake wrinkled his nose. Shrugging slightly, I unwrapped the chocolate and bit into it moaning.

I was about to take another bite when I suddenly felt myself...pee...? My panties were soaked and I looked up in shock at Blake. "Blake..." I hesitantly said. "I-I water just broke." Blake seem to stare at me in stunned silence.



The sun shined it's warm glow on us. I felt a bead of sweat run down my neck and I tilted my head back, letting out a sigh of contentment. "No! Mom! Tell him to stop!" I heard a voice squeal.

Sighing, I cracked an eye open to stare at the two children in front of me. "Axel stop it," I complained. The seven year old boy in front of me stared back rebelliously with his grey eyes so alike with his father. I stared back, challenging him. He looked away pouting before running off to play with Seth.

I opened both eyes and found Willow staring at me. "Yes, darling?"

"I'm bored Mommy..." She explained.

I looked around to find Hayden and Travis arriving as they stepped out their car. "Oh look, Olivia must be here." I commented and I saw the delight spark up in Willow's eyes. She turned around to see Olivia stepping out the car and smiled, before running off to greet her. Olivia and Willow were coincidentally the same ages, while Seth and Hayden too were both seven. Hayden and Travis had adopted Olivia three years after Hayden was born.

Hayden grinned as he saw me and ran up. "Where's Alexis?" He questioned after looking around.

"Hmph!" I snorted. "She left me to take care of Seth while she, Blake, Alec and Travis went somewhere."

"Poor you," Hayden looked at me sympathetically, knowing how much trouble Hayden and Seth caused when together. Travis joined us and a few moments passed before we heard the rumble of the car entering the yard. "Daddy!" I heard Willow squeal. I shook my head at her, she was such a Daddy's girl.

I could feel the pull and I itched to have him near. The car parked and I stood up, impatiently walking towards them. As soon as Blake was near me, I threw my arms around his neck and gave him peck on the lips. "Hey," I whispered.

"Eeeww," Chorused the four children watching us. I laughed and let Blake go. From the corner of my eye, I saw Alexis hug Seth as he tried to squirm away, embarrassed. Alec just stood there, with his arms around Alexis, laughing. The children bored now, decided to play while we went and sat on the porch.

I watched them content and winced as I saw Olivia fall, but smiled when seeing her pick herself up bravely. Things were great now. Peaceful. Despite the years that have passed, I still loved Blake like the very first day I saw him. "When is Dad and Mom coming?" I asked Blake.

He hugged me to his side and placed a kiss on my head, causing a warm feeling to spread through me. "In a few minutes, I'm guessing." He answered.

"Ok," I murmured, leaning against him.

I could see us in the future, in this exact place, exact position. With the happy smiles still on our face. In fact, I could see my entire future with him. I had known when I first laid my eyes on him that this was the man I'd spend my life with, and denying hadn't worked had it?

Blake had done everything for me. And I owed my life to him. Without him, I wouldn't be where I was today. With my kids and family, happiness surrounding us. It was a happy ever after to my story. Something I never could've foretold. I gripped his hand in mine, closing my eyes.

This was where my story was at it's peak. And there's nothing else to say. One day, when I tell my children how it started, the reason I was here, it would be because:

The Alpha saved me.

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