bnha oc insert | Swerve (DISC...

By Dayan_Writes

424 49 49

Yukine aspires to be a hero like her mother, despite not knowing her for a long time. She hears a lot from he... More

Entrance Exam
Quirk Apprehension Test
Class representative
Akane Manor
Training with the Bakusquad
Are you okay?
Gifts for the class
Akko and Tanaka
Sports Festival
Obstacle race
Cavalry Battle
One-on-one fighting
Self worth
Hero names
Training with Shoto
Hero Killer
Climax of the battle
Hosu Hospital
Icyhot and Pomeranian
Written Exam
Practical Exam
Continuing our battle
Normal day...
Meeting Shoto's mom again
A day in the sun
Big human cats?
Time to boost morale
My nightmare come true
Important A/N
The sad reality
Back to me
Three months later [Skipping SCHOOL AHHHH]
The last supper


5 1 0
By Dayan_Writes

I wake from my slumber, opening my eyes then looking around, "It's still early." I whisper, the dark sky is being illuminated by nothing other than the full moon. Shining brightly, peeking in the room from the window.

"Okasan-" Shoto mumbles, I snap my attention to him. His face is dripping with sweat, his usual expressionless face is replaced by a bothered one. 

Cold air splashes my face, either because of the window or because of him having an ice quirk. His nose is scrunched while he squirms on the bed, eyebrows furrowed, turning and tossing in his sleep. Sleep talking while he's at it.

"Yamero!" he yells, shooting up from the bed, his eyes wide open. His pants fill the room making me feel breathless. I stand up, walking towards him.

"Steady and slow breaths, do it with me. Okay?" I tell him, steadily breathing. I hum him a lullaby Okasan used to sing to me. 'Edo lullaby' something that used to calm me down when I have nightmares. He calms down, looking out the window almost longingly.

He asks for water, I guide him into the balcony, then close my eyes, concentrating on the things downstairs. I open the fridge with my quirk to get cold water, redirecting a glass from the cupholder. I redirect it to my room then give it to Shoto.

"Arigato, Yukine-kun." Shoto thanks, gratefully drinking the glass of water.

"It's nothing, friends do that for each other. I have your back, you have mine." I tell him, looking at Katsuki's bedroom window to see him sleeping peacefully. "I used to have nightmares too, mostly when my parents just died. Obasan was mostly there but when she worked night shifts she told Mitsuki-san to have me sleep in their house or have Katsuki over." I tell him, smiling at the memory.

"Is that where you learned to calm someone down?" he asks, turning to look at me.

"Well, from my mother actually. It's what makes it worse, she isn't there to comfort me. Katsuki always was there for me. It's calming, his snarky remarks, even when he's screaming, I just kind of got used to it. His atmosphere, it feels safe. Maybe it's because we were childhood bestfriends." I ramble, having a few hand movements here and there.

"I see, did I wake you?" Shoto worriedly asks, now giving me his full attention. I shake my head, before moving my hand to bring me my blanket.

"Do you want to go back to sleep or do something risky... well we have quirks so whatever." I suggest, looking at him for an answer.

"Risky." he responds quickly, making me giggle. I look at the roof before turning to him and gesturing at the top of our house.

"Let's go then." I reply, redirecting the both of us to be on the roof. 

When we get there it is absolutely stunning, the cold breeze hitting my face sending a tingle through out my body, the stars come into view as I lay on the cold metal beneath us. The moonlight makes Shoto's hair shine, the sparkle in his eyes as if he hasn't done this before.

"Wait, you haven't been stargazing ever?" I asked, breaking out of my daze.

"No, but it's beautiful though." he answers, laying down with me. Taking a deep breath of the free air.

Until he drifts off to sleep, leaving me stargazing on my own, I heave a sigh. Redirecting him off the roof and back to my bed, tucking him in. The warmth of my room sends a comforting aura, I relax at the feeling. The feeling of home, the feeling of safety. 

I fall back into my slumber, not having a care in the world, unaware of what stress is to come of the next day.


The warm sunlight hits my face, a metallic taste in my mouth brings me back to reality. 'Was I grinding my teeth again?' I sigh at my question, standing up and walking towards the bathroom door. I open it not even bothering to look around, too sleepy to notice the water isn't coming from the neighbors house. 

I brush my teeth, quietly until I hear Katsuki doing the same "Kill the germs!" in his morning routine. I finish then brush my hair, washing my face as well. I get my clothes ready for taking a shower. The door to the bathroom opens just after I leave and out comes Shoto in a towel.

"Oh, gomen ne Shoto. I didn't notice." I reply, in a sleepy voice, not even giving him a second glance. Still not fully awake.

Taking the prepared clothes then my own towel, I walk into the bathroom yet again, turning the water on. The cold water splashes on my skin instantly waking me up, I scrub and scrub, getting the germs away to have a fresh feeling.

After finishing I dry myself off and dress into my uniform, I open the door to see the room empty with the balcony door open. "Didn't I close you yesternight?" I mumble, walking towards the door.

"Ohayo, Yukine-kun." Shoto greets, coming from the balcony. I smile, greeting back. He closes the door and we head to school  after taking apples from Obasan.

We walk to school in silence, the leaves slowly falling, the breeze shaking a few branches, the streets starting to get packed, people greeting regulars. The birds sing a sweet tune, chirping to one another, starting the morning of the day.

"Oi! Iceball, Icyhot!" Katsuki calls us from behind, we turn around to meet him. His red eyes seem to have that same rage it always has.

"Yeah, Tsuki?" I ask, giving him a slice of my apple, he probably didn't eat anything again. He takes it before walking with us, I hear a frog sound and turn to the side.

"Yukine-kun, Todoroki-kun, and Bakugo-kun." Tsuyu greets us, crossing the road to get to us. I nod my head politely before engaging in a conversation with her.

All of us arrive to school without any more distractions, the classroom is as noisy as the bustling in rush hour. I walk inside through the back door while the others from the front. 

"Yukine-kun, didn't you pick Endeavour's agency? Did you encounter the Hero Killer?" Momo asks, holding her hand near her chest.

"Yeah, but." I reply, looking at Shoto for some help. "Endeavour sure is a....... greaaat hero." I retort sarcastically, sighing.

Upon hearing that people become louder, it's almost deafening, some say "Wow lucky", "He is the number 2 hero" or "Endeavour is cool" which in my opinion is all so wrong.

"Changing the subject, Aizawa sensei is here already." I inform them, the door is slid open, there it is. The so familiar yellow caterpillar.


"Okay, class is over. There's only a week left until the final exams, but you guys better be studying. I'm sure you're aware, there are written and practical exams. Simultaneously train your mind and body. That's it." Aizawa sensei tells us, he leaves the room and closes the door.

"I haven't been studying at all!" Mina and Denki yell, Denki sweating all over while Mina is a happy go lucky alien.

"What! But what about when I tutored you?" I question, standing up from my chair.

"Didn't they fall asleep or end up playing in the pool, Yukine." Shoto answers making me sigh in defeat.

"I don't have to worry, I'm in..." I trail off, looking at my test. "Momo would you like to help me study?" I ask like I'm the one offering.

"Mineta, why are you all sparkly?" Izuku asks him, "You're the twenty-first." Izuku adds on, grape vomit apparently thought he was ninth place.

"Hey, stop pestering Denki, all of you. I'm on... wait a minute. I read that wrong. I'm number 8th because I've been fainting all year long!" I proudly boast. 

"Hey, you two, maybe I can help you with the class lectures." Momo suggests.

"Yaomomo!" Mina and Denki happily yell.

"Although I'll be helpless in the practical exams." Momo says, darkening the sparkly aura she had earlier.

"Hey don't be like that. I'm sure you'll do great! I bet you, you will pass." I encourage, making a fist.

"Ano, I'm not like the other two, but can you help me too? I have trouble with the quadratic functions." Jiro asks, twirling her earphone jack.

"Yeah, I'm a good study group host as well, I just fell behind this year. I can help Momo tutor." I say, slinging an arm over Jiro's shoulder.

"Sorry, me too. Do you know classical literature?" Sero tells us, moving his hands like he's praying.

"Can you help me too? There are some parts I don't get as well." Ojiro asks, he's under me so I get it.

"Mina-san, I'd be happy to help!" Momo exclaims, bringing her hands up in the air, standing up from her chair. "Let's hold a study session in my house this weekend." she tells us, clasping her hands together.

"Really? I'd be happy to go to your house." Mina responds, butting in the conversation.

I happily nod, while Momo excitedly rambles about the preparations she has to make. She has an... auditorium. Just how rich is she.

"Mina-san, what is your preference for tea?" Momo asks, her eyes sparkle looking at us for an answer.

"Tea?" Ojiro asks with Sero, everyone just looks so shocked with her rambles while I just happily nod, excited for the study session.

"Our family drinks Harrods, or Wedgewood. So we'll prepare anything you like." she continues, both her hands balled up into fists, smiling brightly.

"Ano, I guess... Harrods then?" I reply for the group, all of them are now smiling.

"We were reminded of our standing in society." Sero says.

"But she's so excited and cute it doesn't matter anymore." Jiro replies, grinning from ear to ear.

"Yukine-kun is going to be like Momo-kun when she gets the Manor she's been talking about." Mina adds on, lining up with Denki, Ojiro, Jiro, Sero, and me. I chuckle nervously at her comment.

"Yeah, remember when she brought the whole class gifts." Ojiro reminds us, making me giggle.

"Well come on, let's go to lunch." I change the subject, dragging Momo away from the group.


"Ah, gomen. Your head is so big, I bumped into it." Monoma sarcastically remarks, holding his tray of food.

"Monoma!" Itsuka yells from a far, Monoma doesn't seem to hear her because he keeps going. I stand up from my table and walk further to Monoma.

"You guys chanced on the Hero Killer right? In addition to the sports festival, Class 1-A keeps getting attention, huh? But that attention isn't about people's expectations for you, more like troublemaking. Oh how scary. Someday, we might be dragged  into the trouble you cause and it could bring harm. As if we've been cursed by the plague. Ah, how scary-" Monoma gets hit by Itsuka-kun on the head. 

"That's not nice. Haven't you heard about Iida?" Itsuka reminds him, holding his tray from falling.

"Kendo!" Izuku yells, making her look at him.

"Gomen nasai, Class 1-A. His heart is a little, you know. You guys were saying how you don't know what the practical exam will be, right? Apparently, it's going to be robots, like the entrance exam." Itsuka informs them.

"Well that's that." I mutter, walking away back to Momo's table. "Jiro, do you want your extra rice?" I ask her, holding up my chopsticks.

"Oh, no. You can have it." Jiro replies, moving her tray forward to me. I thank her before eating the food.

The bell rings for us to get back to class, I sigh. "Couldn't they have made it longer?" I whine, gobbling my food to finish it. Momo giggles at my actions making me embarrassed.

"Yeah, I heard from Itsuka-chan, she actually texted me. She said it was robots." I tell Jiro, holding my phone up for her to see.

"Ah, arigato. Yukine." she replies, thanking me. I nod my head and turn to my seat.

I put my head on the desk, resting my eyes. "We're finally going to get to the forest training camp!" Denki and Mina yell.

"Forest?!" I ask yell, standing up from my seat. "Is it really a forest?" I ask again, calmer now.

"Yeah. Why?" Denki replies, I shake my head.

"Nothing..." I answer, trailing off. 'It can't be right? It was just a silly little nightmare, right...'

Katsuki makes a fuss but I can't shift my attention from my thoughts, the nightmare I had about that forest thing, is it really a warning. What was that about, the teachers will be there. Of course, they'll protect us. They have to.

"It's been a while since Bakugo's been serious like that." Kirishima complains, rubbing the back of his head.

"I have to go." I state out of nowhere, running outside to catch up with Katsuki. "Oi! Katsuki!" I call out, he stops walking. I run faster to get to him quickly, no one wants to keep him waiting.

"What?!" he yells in my ear, startling me to stumble on the ground. I graze my hand on the uneven concrete, wounding it.

"Ugh, nothing. I just wanted to walk with you."  I reply, quickly standing up and hiding my hand.

"Give it to me." he orders, holding his hand in front of me which I comply. "It's bleeding." he observes, getting something from his bag.

"Yeah, great observation. Sherlock." I playfully remark making him roll his eyes, he gets alcohol and bandages, pouring it in my hand, the wound stings. I wince at the contact.

"Weakling." he retorts, bandaging my hand, then he starts walking away making me scoff at him.

"Wait up Tsuki!" I call out, running towards him, slightly panting. "It's going to be a long week." I mumble to myself.

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