Taming Scar (Lesbian Story)

By loveanoutcast

431K 12.8K 3.7K

Scar skär/ noun a mark left on the skin or within body tissue where a wound, burn, or sore has not healed com... More

Ages and Rules.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Author's note.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Author's Note.
Chapter 28.
Taming Scar & Fixing Izzy
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Bonus Chapter: Nova & Ace's Wedding.

Chapter 27.

10K 327 95
By loveanoutcast

"Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught."

-5 Seconds of Summer


"I'm not telling you again," Ariana warned "Hold still."

Jerome let out a huff, trying to find a comfortable position that doesn't send a sudden sting of pain through his body had proved to be quite impossible. He watched Ariana as her slim fingers continued to smear the antibiotics on his arms, flashes of him being thrown to the ground by his own best friend crawled it's way into his mind. He quickly pushed them to the farthest corner of his brain.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Ariana's soft voice brought him back to reality.

I'd always come back to her, Jerome's eyes widen. Had he really just thought that?

He cleared his throat, trying his best not to let his sudden wave of nerves show.

"The fight." His tone came out deeper than usual "We have never fought like that before."

"I know," She shook her head "You guys are best friends, I just hope you know how bad you crossed the line when you mentioned you know who."

"What?" Jerome's voice came out full of sarcasm "Now she's Lord Voldemort?"

"This isn't funny Jer."

"No shit Ariana." He snapped.

Her eyebrows furrowed together, she seemed taken back and a bit hurt by Jerome's sudden mood change. Raising to her feet she turned away from him, heading to restroom, she turned on the tap washing the medicine off her hands.

Jerome released a deep sigh, getting up from the couch where he had been laying. When he first walked into Ariana's room he expected it to be much more...girly. Instead he was met with soft colored walls, an average sized bed accompanied with a couch and posters, a lot of posters; he was impressed, Supernatural, Scar-face, and Will Smith were all brilliant choices.

She was so distracted with her thoughts, she didn't realize he had moved to stand behind her. Ariana jumped in surprise, the new face in the mirror making her heart pound and fingers move to grip the edge of the sink.

"Dammit Jer." She grumbled "Don't do that."

He wrapped himself around her, his huge figure covering her petite one. She had changed to a loose shirt and cotton shorts while Jer sported nothing but his jeans since his wounds covered twenty percent of his upper body. Bringing her against him, the sudden gasp and wince she let out hadn't gone unnoticed. Jerome suddenly remembered the fence incident.

"We haven't checked your back yet."

She gently pushed herself away from the marble, Jerome stepping back to give her room to turn around and face him. She stared at Jer for what felt for a long time.

"You can trust me A." It was barely a whisper, but the intensity in those brown eyes caused him to receive a tentative nod from her.

He expected her to move to her room, lie on her stomach so he could raise the fabric enough to see the damage. However, he was completely thrown off guard when Ariana reached for the hem of the tee and yanked the fabric over her head.

Jerome tried his hardest not to look down. Clamping his mouth shut before she could see his stunned expression, she looked away, cheeks burned a deep red and he couldn't help but smile.

Hooking his fingers under her chin, he forced her to look at him.

"I really hope you know that it's taking everything in me not to look down. My guy instincts are kicking my ass."

Her breathy laugh filled the space between them. She knew one of them was going to break the silence, however, that definitely was not what she expected. Jerome could be such a strange person at times.

"I'll make a deal with you," She said "I'll let you sneak a peek if you promise to talk to Blaze."

Jerome smirked "Well what if I say no and still sneak a peek?"

"Then I'll kick your ass and never go on a date with you again." She deadpanned.

He held his hands up in surrender "Feisty. I like it."

Rolling her eyes she shoved him, "Do we have a deal or not?"

He scratched his chin, on one hand he would love nothing more than to have a civilized talk with his best friend about what the hell had happened tonight. However, Blaze and him just got in their first serious fist fight. There was blood, curse words, and even though he won't admit it out loud, he swore he saw Blaze shed a few tears.

Jerome just wasn't sure if he could ever face Blaze after tonight. He mentioned Violet for fuck's sake. After he promised he would never EVER even think about her again. She took the biggest toll on Blaze, ruined him to nothing, and Jerome was there the whole time, watching his best friend be tore down to something so damaged. He was there to help pick up the pieces and help him put his life back together.

He didn't have anything against Violet. He couldn't, because how can you have something against someone who's no longer around to hate.

"I really fucked up A." Jerome closed his eyes, fighting back the tears that fought to escape.

"It's been almost a year, he needs to move on." She tried to reason.

"Ariana," Jerome gritted out "He was there. He-"

He took in a shaky breath, repeating himself, "He was there."

"Jerome," She grabbed him by the cheeks, pleading with him to open his eyes, once he did, what she saw shocked her; his eyes were bloodshot.

"What happened that night?"

He looked away, staring at the far wall for a long time before after what felt like hours, he spoke.

"He took her to a party. It was some stupid frat party, some dude had insisted he come. I even tagged along, I was in a fight with my pops that night and wanted to get drunk. We three were having a blast, it was all cool and chill. But some dude started hitting on Violet, Blaze got pissed- he was pretty tipsy at that point- he assumed she was flirting back and they got in a pretty bad argument."

He made his way to the bed, sitting on the edge and wiped his palms on his jeans. He's agitated, Ariana realized.

"So she left, she was still in the house she just left the room. I decided to hold back on the beer, someone had to drive us lot home. By midnight Blaze was shit-faced. I was in a room getting head by some cute red-head- "

He stopped, seeing Ariana flinch.

"I'm sorry."

She shook her head giving a reassuring smile, "I kept forgetting how experienced you are. But ignore me, continue please."

Jerome continued to look at her, trying to see on what level of upset she was on. Ariana managed a small smile, and he continued-

"Blaze interrupted my uh-time. Screaming to the heavens how he couldn't find Violet and how he was so worried about her. At this point the girl got pissed and walked out, I then got pissed at him for uh-barging in. But I saw how freaked out he was, he was drunk but he pulled himself together enough,"

"We searched everywhere, we asked around, but everybody was either too drunk or high to give us a straight answer. We didn't give up, we searched every room, every bathroom, we got yelled at by many people going at it like rabbits but there just wasn't any sign of Violet."

He let out a shaky breath, "A girl came up to us and said she had seen a girl with purple hair leaving with a couple of guys. They went on foot so they couldn't have been far. Blaze and I, we uh-decided to split up and cover more ground. I was walking not even forty minutes when I heard him. I heard him scream, a gut wrenching agonizing scream that scared me something awful,"

Ariana could feel her heart start to thump against her rib cage.

"I ran, I ran until my lungs couldn't handle it. I followed his screams...I found him in an alley, I found him and he was holding Violet. H-he was covered in blood...it was hers. She...she was missing her pants."

Gasping, Ariana held a hand to her mouth. Her head shaking from side to side. No, she thought, not to Violet. Anyone but Violet.

"They raped her Ariana, they raped her and beat her and left her to die. She was barely breathing and she kept saying how cold she was. Blaze was too late. He kept asking me what he should do, and I stood there like a fucking idiot. He wouldn't stop crying. I dropped to the floor, took off my jacket to help cover her up. Blaze kept telling her to hold on, kept saying sorry and how much he loved her."

At this point Ariana was crying, her knees giving out on her as she rocked herself from her position on her floor. This can't be real, her head echoed, I knew Violet, she was...she was too sweet, she was strong and beautiful and god Blaze was so pathetically in love with her. This just doesn'thappen.

"I knew she was dying, I felt so fucking helpless. Blaze kept saying how she was gonna be okay, how they were gonna go back to his and watch those god awful Nicholas Sparks movies she loves so much, with her chocolate covered popcorn, he even told her how she can wear his Batman shirt, if she just held on." Jerome knew he was going to cry. But he had been holding it in for so long and he just had to tell someone, anyone.

"She smiled. She was weak, she was fucking dying. But she smiled, she smiled for Blaze and touched his cheek...told him she loved him once more and he replied by telling her not to talk like it would be the last time because he desperately wanted to believe she would be okay...do you wanna know what her last words were?"

She nodded slightly.

"Don't forget my gummy worms flame."

Ariana let out a laugh, but it came out as a gross sob. Flame; the nickname Violet had given Blaze when they were all in middle school because she thought it sounded cuter.

"And then she was gone." Jerome breathed "Blaze was a right mess. He-fuck he lost her. He lost the one person he ever loved. Did you know they were each other's first? He comes off as cocky and a playboy, but she still remains the only girl he's ever been with. He made a promise that he wouldn't give himself away so easily, wouldn't give his love away for someone who isn't as worthy as Violet was. She died in his arms Ariana."

"Why didn't he say this to the police?" Ari managed to choke out.

"Because he wanted to take care of those bastards himself."

"He beat them up?"

Jerome let out a laugh, but it was so clipped and cold. He looked Ariana straight in the eye, the warm feeling in them gone and expressing a rage she had never seen before.

"Ariana," He clicked his tongue before giving a smile so wicked she felt her blood run cold,

"Blaze killed them."


Cameron stole another glance at the screen, the time showing that three minutes had passed since the last time he checked. Ever since him and the whole lot came home he had been pacing his bedroom, debating if he should call her.

He hadn't realized Scar had been leaning against the doorway of his room until she spoke:

"Dude stop with the walking. You're creating a draft."

He was too exhausted to turn and glare at her, but stopped either way. He took a seat on his couch, his knee bouncing up and down with nerves. Letting out a ragged breath, he ran another hand through his hair probably causing it to stick out in different places.

"Wanna talk about it?" He felt the couch slightly scoop as Scar sat down beside him, the sudden feel of her hand on his shoulder slightly comforting him.

"What if she hates me?"

"You didn't do shit Cam," Scar reassured him throwing a n arm in a lazy manner towards the door "It was your nitwit for a brother who caused this mess."

"Yeah but I am the one who left her," He shook his head, the stiffness between his shoulder blades getting worse and worse as seconds ticked by "I was planning on taking her to the cliff hangout."

Scar snapped her fingers, Cameron looking over just to see a knowing smile on her lips "Oh yeah! I've heard about that place! Is it the one where you go to get some-ahem-action done?"

Her eyebrows had wiggled suggestively causing Cameron to roll his eyes. He swore on his life that Scar was hornier than a frustrated virgin. How Winter could cope with her was a wonder.

"Not that one Scar," He pinched the bridge of his nose "There's a much more private and secluded one. I found it when I was kid and always hang out there."

"Like your own private hiding place?" She questioned.

"Yeah," He gave a lazy smile "I guess you could say that."

"That's cool," Scar nodded "Winter and I had one back in Chicago too."

"Do you ever miss Chicago?" Cameron couldn't help but ask.

Scar gave a sad smile "Nah, I mean don't get me wrong, I miss the old dudes and the gang, having Winter here helps too...but I never stuck around in a place long enough to really grow attached. So I guess you can say it's a bit hard for me to tie down to one place."

"You can always call this place home." Cam suggested, watching as Scar flinched a little "Or not."

Shaking her head, Scar closed her eyes for a few seconds, "I didn't come here to discuss my foster care problems. I just came to see if you're okay after the whole Blaze, Jerome thing seeing as they are your brothers and shit."

He shrugged, in all honesty he wasn't certain how to feel. On one hand, he knew it was only time before Violet would be mentioned again. These past few months Blaze had been better, he was still near the edge but he was far enough from it that the boys were less anxious and worried to assume he would do something to hurt himself.

"I hope they figure it out." Scar continued "I'm not sure about this Violet bird, but I do know a bit on getting over exes."

"She wasn't an ex." Cam defended, "She was Blaze's true love."

"And she up and left him?" Scar gaped "That's cold as hell."

"She didn't leave," The Margo boy pinched the bridge of his nose "She...she passed away."

"Fuck," Was the first response from Scar and Cam was not even surprised, in fact, he expected it. "How?"

"Blaze and Jerome say she was mugged."

"Seems to me like you don't believe them."

"I know Jerome and Blaze, I can tell when they're lying." Margo sighed.

"So why don't you call them out on their bullshit?" Scar suggested.

"Because I also know when they're in pain. And whatever really happened is still causing that pain. I rather them drown themselves in a lie, than kill themselves with the truth."

He could feel Scar shift beside him, "Point taken. Anyway, back on your girl. Will you just stop being a little wuss and call her?"

Rubbing his face, Cameron reluctantly nodded. "Okay, I'll do it right now."

"That's my sugar bear."

He turned to see her grinning ear to ear, before feeling a smile on his own face "Thanks honey bunch."

Scar acted before she could think, leaving a chaste kiss on his lips, she seemed as surprised as Cameron did when she moved away.

Standing quickly, she cleared her throat. "What are you sitting for then? Get your ass up and dial her. And quit the fucking pacing."

Realizing that it was best not to question, Cameron rose to his feet as well, "Yeah, okay."

Walking to the door, Scar turned once more to the boy.

"Oh and by the way. The next time you lose your balls. Go ask Dante for help, he out of all people knows how that feels."

Cameron release a breathy laugh, shoulders shaking in the process, he did sincerely enjoy the slight twang in her voice, her accent from her time in South Texas rarely appeared but it was by far his favorite. "I will. Thank you Scar."

"And hey," She softly smiled "Maybe one day you can show me this "secret" place of yours."

A full blown grin made it's way to his face "Yeah, maybe."


Leaves crunched under the soles of his boots. A light fog had settled and it made it a bit hard to see the writing on every marble.

But Blaze knew where he was going, he had taken this path so many times it was etched into the deepest part of his very soul.

Gravestones surrounded him, all ranging from size, color, to shape.

He slowed to a stop, finally reaching his destination;

Violet's tomb.

"Hey Vi," his voice slightly cracked, and the smile on his face lacked it's usual joy "I- um- know it's late and if you were here right now you would probably be kicking my ass."

He let out a chuckle, it echoed in the silent night and sounded hollow to him.

"I'm sorry I didn't visit on Monday, I got caught with some stupid stuff." He shook his head, kicking a pebble that was at his feet "Jerome and I got in a fight."

He let it sink in, half of him feeling the dull pain on his bruised knuckles, and the other half hoping to hear the angelic voice of his past lover.

"He mentioned you when I strictly told him not to," Blaze's fists clenched and unclenched "Out of everyone that bloody idiot knows how I feel about you...or felt...or no I still...goddammit!"

Tugging at his hair, Blaze felt his knees buckled under him, chest heaving as flashes of memories went through his mind.

The first time pale baby blue eyes met his ice cold ones, in that god awful Disney on Ice show Ellison dragged him to when she was twelve and he was fourteen.

He remembered it perfectly.


"Blaze! Blaze! They have rainbow snow cones!"

"I can see that Ellison." His voice was a bit higher at the time, puberty had yet to hit him in certain areas.

"Will you buy me one please?!"

"Stop saying that like I have a choice." He slightly snapped motioning for her to go get in line.

Despite his attempt to come off bitter he felt his heart melt when Ellison gave a quick hug around his waist, he didn't have time to react before she ran off to the stand that was placed in front of a crappy looking gift shop.

"Their even in The Little Mermaid theme cups!" She squealed.

"Fucking hell."

"Don't worry," A soft voice was heard beside him "You get used to the sound after a while. although I recommend using headphones and blasting Guns n' Roses as loud as you can go."

Blaze snorted out a laugh, shaking his head as he watched his baby sister try to ask for more flavors on the shaved ice, "I'm more of a Misfits guy, but I'll definitely keep that in mind."

"Understandable their Famous Monsters album was pretty rad."

"You think so too?" He turned his head.

Pale skin, red tinted cheeks, a button nose, and plump lips turned up in a small smile made his breath hitch in his throat and hands feel numbs with nerves.

But it was her eyes most of all.

Blue eyes the color of the afternoon sky that stared right through him.

He had known then what he knows now. It was from that moment in that tacky gift shop with all those annoying children running a muck and his sister screaming at him to buy her more toys, that moment when he met her eyes-

His life would never be the same.

[End of flashback]

Call it what you may, love at first sight, lust, teenage puppy love, summer fling, he didn't know and he didn't care. The bottom line was Blaze was completely madly in love with this girl and she was just as hooked as him.

Every time he made love to her it was like the first time all over again. Every time he kissed her he felt his heart race and hands shake with excitement. And every time he woke up to her beautiful face beside him and her soft snores filling the air, he would hold her tighter against him, so afraid she would slip through his fingers.

Because by the day and night Blaze Detroit Margo had been in love.

Now he was left with memories that brought a smile to his face and a deep ache to his heart.

His heart. For so long he grew up judged and pushed around by his father, fed lies and false promises that filled him with so much anger and hate that by the time he was twelve he had already ran away and got thrown into a juvenile detention center.

However, it all stopped for a while when he met Violet. Sure he still got in fights and occasionally shop-lifted. He drank and so did she, he quit smoking for her and even got a legal license to get her parents permission to drive her about.

By the time he realized how much she had changed him for the better, he was already in so deep. Feeling her thaw his once cold heart out. He wasn't even mad about it.

Pale hands skimmed the cold stone. Bringing himself closer to it and trying to pretend that maybe he was pulling himself closer to her.

"I wish you were here," Blaze sniffed "By the gods I wish you were here. I need you, I fucking need you baby. I'm-I'm lost and I don't know my way anymore. I keep thinking of what you would do but I'm not as strong and patient as you were."

A sob racked through his body, his mind remembering another memory; the first time they gave themselves to each other completely.


Blaze and Violet's laughs filled the air. Their teeth accidentally hitting against each other in the kiss as they couldn't help but smile.

"We have to be quiet," Blaze tried to reason "Your parents could be here at any moment."

"You worry too much Flame," He could see the smile on her lips despite the room being dimmed "We'll be fine."

Blaze hesitated, this wasn't the first time he had sneaked into Violet's room in the middle of the night. But this was the first time they got into a pretty steamy make-out while laying in her bed.

Most of the time there would be cuddling and whispered secrets, an occasional kiss or two but now it's different. Their teenage bodies were going through changes, Blaze was aware that his hormones were going crazy and the urge to mate was strong. However, he would never force himself on Violet, nor pressure her into doing something she didn't wanna do. He respected her too much.

"Hey," Fingers skimmed his face, coming back to reality he turned back to Violet. At the moment he was on top of her, his arms supporting his weight and he was aware of how close their bodies were, "Why so serious?"

Shaking his head, he moved a hand to her face, caressing her face, he smiled when Violet leaned into his palm.

Being bold, Blaze trailed kisses from her cheek to her neck. Violet's gasps filled the air, he kissed her collarbone aware that it drove her crazy. Her legs wrapped around his waist, the heels of her feet digging into the bottom of his spine and making his hips meet hers. He realized that Violet was sporting nothing but a camisole and girl boxers, he tried not to let his mind wander to endless possibilities.

Her next words made all movements stop.

"Make love to me."

He made no motions, his lips still pressed to her soft flesh. Violet pulled him up to her, his face trying to find any sign that she regretted saying that.

"Flame," She smiled "I want you. All of you."

Blaze gulped, "Are you...Are you sure?"

"I love you," She kissed his nose "You love me, I'm positive."

"Okay," Blaze gave a smile of his own "Okay."

They moved slowly and cautiously as if they were afraid that one wrong move would ruin everything.

Soon they were under the covers, Blaze's hands tracing every curve of Violet's body, she did the same, digits feeling every muscle and scar he had.

Before going all the way, Blaze looked at his girlfriend once more.

"We can stop at any time," He said "I mean it Vi-vi, say the word and I will stop."

She kissed his chest, laying herself back on the soft covers before relaxing her body.

"I trust you," She replied.

One more kiss was shared before Blaze finally pressed into her. Gasps were released, even when Violet flinched and let out a small cry, she told him to keep going. Pulling him closer than before, their movements were small, both took their time.

Minutes passed and pain had turned to pleasure. They went faster, harder, yet each time was filled with passion.

Confessions of their love were whispered, and when they both reached their final release neither made any motion to move.

Violet played with Blaze's hair, it was drenched in sweat and their bodies felt sticky, but she didn't mind. She had just made love with the love of her life, and nothing could ruin that moment.

"Babe," She slightly pulled Blaze's hair to make him look at her, "You're shaking."

He gave a weak smile, "I'm okay love."

Leaning to his ear she murmured, "I wanna do it again."

Blaze let out a groan, "Give a man time to recover."

They both laughed, she nodded.

He stayed the night, throughout the night they stayed tangled under the sheets, their love filling the air and Blaze knew if it were possible, he had just fallen even harder for Violet.

[End of flashback]

Taking another drink from the flask, Blaze had laid down beside Violet's grave. His sight hazy as he stared at the night sky.

"When I was a kid," He spoke "My mom said that every time someone dies, they become another star in the night sky. I'm not sure if that's true. But if it is, which one are you baby?"

Tears clouded his vision, another sob left his mouth. An hour passed and he was still crying, exhaustion was close to taking over and he knew that he would be spending the night sleeping next to Violet's grave, again.

With his last ounce of energy, he looked at the stone once more.

"Goodnight Vi," He placed a tender kiss near her name "I love you."

Rolling over, he was already half asleep when one final word was said, "Always."

Then he was gone. The image of blue eyes and purple hair nothing but a dream.


Days passed and things had yet to go back to the way they were. Everyone was tense and awkward around one another.

Blaze ignored everyone's calls and text messages. He had practically been AWOL from the Margo house. But Cameron had an idea where he might be.

Cameron never bothered to crack a joke. He wasn't sure how to make light of the situation and instead spent more time at his secret hideout.

Ellison found any excuse to leave the room. Although she partially just wanted to be as far away from Scar.

Jerome had been keeping his distance since that night. The only person who knew how he was being Ariana.

Frankie never bothered leaving his room, sometimes going through his window and sneaking his way to his Jeep to ignore such uncomfortable conversations. He thought his brothers were all idiots and the whole Scar/Ellison/Winter and now Drew thing was annoying as hell.

Gabriel was ignorant beyond belief, focusing on wrestling and how to get some girl's attention. Ruth worried but Heath had managed to calm her down, stating it was just "Puppy love" and how he would grow out of it by the upcoming month.

Heath- despite being young- could sense when a bad situation was occuring in his home. He had witnessed numerous of times, his brothers ignoring each other, but this time seemed to prove different. He wasn't sure what to make of it, whenever he questioned he was replied with "It's nothing.", "Don't worry about it.", "Go away Heath.", "It's not any of your business.", or "You're too young to understand.".

The last one had left him quite irritated, because despite his young age- Heath had proven from time to time that he was wise beyond his years. Nevertheless, he chose to watch the mess he knew would soon unravel from a distance. Worrying about one person and one person only; his little brother Izzy.

Being the youngest Izzy was without a doubt left out of the loop. Sure he saw that everyone was in a grumpier mood and people didn't seem to want to play with him as much. But it didn't stop him from being happy. Heath had a lot to do with that too. The second to last born had put him under his wing, James and Ruth telling him to take care of Izzy no longer felt like a chore to Heath, instead like any other responsibility, like brushing his teeth or tying his shoes.

Those two had become like two peas in one pod.

Everything seemed to be falling apart and no one knew what to do anymore.

Scar and Winter spent more and more time out of the house and on dates. Both had started having problems with one another, Winter urging Scar to stay in school and go to college whereas Scar wanted to drift and go on a road trip after graduating.

This led to arguing, arguing led to each bringing up past problems of cheating scandals, ex-girlfriends/boyfriends, questions on whether or not they looked at another girl's ass or not.

Fights between them always ended with Winter in the kitchen binge eating her emotions away or Scar outside, smoking away all her problems.

Hours later they both ended up in the same bed, a space between them and a tension in the air until someone (usually Scar) grabbed the other in an embrace.

The problems were still there, however they decided to push it to the farthest corner in their minds.

Was it unhealthy? Absolutely.

Were they going to do anything to change it? Absolutely Not.




So there you have it! Now you can see why Blaze is the way he is. I'm sorry if I triggered anything for anyone who's lost their past love. I just want this story to relate to some of you. Also I'm aware there wasn't much Scar/Winter/Ellison going on. I don't want this story to only surround those three, This is a story on every Margo, how they will all fit into Scar's life, and the only way I can do that is to let you have a glimpse on their past lives. I don't want the Margo's to be portrayed as this perfect rich family, they each have problems, they don't get along and many have a dark past which they try to avoid.

In other news! FIXING IZZY is coming along okay. Slowly but surely! If anyone has questions Do not be shy to ask!! Anyway, enjoy! See you soon!

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